

<p>Without further ado, I present to you the only Bug / Water-Pokemon Surskit. With amazing Speed that gets even more amazing in the rain, this water strider can outpace almost anything in the LC metagame. Surskit's decent Special Attack can make it a great special sweeper, while it can also make a great baton passer with Agility. However, Surskit can only be at its best when in rain, as its Speed rises to huge levels. Surskit's only real drawback is its terrible Defense, which makes it weak to almost everything. So when you encounter this tiny water strider, make sure you squash it before it squashes you.</p>

name: Special Sweeper
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Signal Beam
move 3: Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Fighting
move 4: Giga Drain
item: Life Orb
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 20 Def / 200 SpA / 20 SpD / 236 Spe
ivs: 19 HP / 30 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe


<p>With astounding Speed and good Special Attack, Surskit has all the tools required to be a deadly special sweeper. This set's effectiveness rises greatly when used in rain. Hydro Pump is a great STAB move that can hurt almost anything, while Signal Beam is another STAB move that has a chance to confuse the enemy. Hidden Power Fire and Hidden Power Fighting both counter Steel-types that might try to wall Surskit. If you plan on using Surskit in rain, Hidden Power Fighting must be used. Last but not least, Giga Drain hits almost any Water-type hard.</p>


<p>The EV spread maximizes Surskit's Special Attack and Speed, while slightly buffing Surskit's Defense and Special Defense. The IV spread makes Hidden Power Fire legal, and decreases the amount of Life Orb recoil taken, allowing Surskit to stay in battle longer. A second IV spread, 19 HP / 30 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe, can be used for Hidden Power Fighting, decreasing Life Orb recoil taken as well. Speaking of Life Orb, Surskit's moves increase in power significantly, sometimes ensuring a kill. Faster Flying-type Pokemon can easily OHKO Surskit due to its bad defenses, making Nosepass a great partner. Pokemon that are also able to summon rain make good teammates, as they allow Surskit to become much faster due to its ability, Swift Swim.</p>

name: Baton Pass
move 1: Baton Pass
move 2: Agility
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Hydro Pump
item: Eviolite / Oran Berry
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Calm
evs: 116 HP / 20 Def / 18 SpD / 156 Spe


<p>Surskit can Baton Pass effectively due to its high Speed. The main goal of this set is to Baton Pass an Agility or two to a slower sweeper. Substitute is another move that Surskit can Baton Pass to another Pokemon, and can be used to block status. Since the first three moves can be prevented by Taunt, the move in the last moveslot is STAB Hydro Pump, which gives Surskit an attacking option. Hydro Pump hits opposing Ground-, Fire-, and Rock-type Pokemon hard, even without any Special Attack investment.</p>


<p>In order to survive longer, the EV spread used buffs up Surskit's defenses. A Calm nature further increases Surskit's Special Defense to ensure better survivability against special attackers. Eviolite allows Surskit to survive one or two hits, while Oran Berry allows Surskit to recover and set up more Substitutes. This set works better in rain because Surskit will become faster, forcing the opponent to make a switch. Once Surskit sets up Agility and Substitute, they can be Baton Passed to slower teammates such as Cubone, Litwick, and Solosis. As for teammates, Flying-type resists such as Aron can greatly help Surskit.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Surskit is able to utilize a few other moves. On the Baton Pass set, Aqua Jet can be used for priority. This becomes rather redundant though, as once Surskit sets up an Agility it will be able to outspeed most threats anyway. Ice Beam can be used over Giga Drain in order to deal with Dragon-type Pokemon. Haze can be used to stop a Pokemon from sweeping, but it should never be used on the Baton Pass set. Surskit does have access to Rain Dance, which is a viable option. In most cases, Surskit will get easily OHKOed or 2HKOed because of its fraility, making teammates that can set up rain a much better option. Unfortunately, Surskit's movepool lacks Surf. This means that Surskit's only other usable special Water-type move is Scald. Hidden Power Electric can be used to hit Flying-type Pokemon such as Rufflet. </p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Flying-types with a Choice Scarf can easily outspeed Surskit outside of rain and can OHKO with a STAB move such as Brave Bird. Stealth Rock is also a problem for Surskit, as it takes 25% damage each time it switches in. Physical attackers that outspeed Surskit can be problamatic as most of them will OHKO Surskit with a STAB move. Since Surskit is one of the more frail Pokemon, it can be easily revenge killed or OHKOed by priority. Mantyke can wall Surskit with ease and OHKO it with a Hidden Power Flying. Choice Scarf Snover is also a problem, as it can come in, induce hail, and possibly OHKO back with a STAB Grass-type move.</p>
I know this isn't your writeup, but just when you do write this up can you make Surskit sound less.... good? Either add more sarcasm or probably the better alternative is just to not praise it as much as it currently is, because its Surskit lol.

Also, Rain Dish is legal, as DW abilities can be bred. Still not really worth using, but at least that section can be taken out.
I know this isn't your writeup, but just when you do write this up can you make Surskit sound less.... good? Either add more sarcasm or probably the better alternative is just to not praise it as much as it currently is, because its Surskit lol.

Also, Rain Dish is legal, as DW abilities can be bred. Still not really worth using, but at least that section can be taken out.

I know, I'm going to write it up from scratch. There were even mentions of Gligar and Misdrevious.
Placeholder for amateur check. Checking now.


Comments (Amateur check)

<p>Without further ado, I present to you the only Bug- and Water- type pokemon Bug / Water-Pokemon, Surskit. With amazing speed Speed, that gets faster even more amazing when in the rain, this itsy-bitsy spider water strider (surskit is not a spider, it's a water strider) can outspeed almost anything in the LC metagame. Surskit's decent Special Attack can make it a great special sweeper.[add period] and Surskit also make a great baton passer. However, Surskit can only be its best when its it's raining,[add comma] making it weak and vulnerable without rain but it can still accomplish its role with or without rain. Surskit's only real drawback is its terrible defense making it weak to almost everything. So when you encounter this tiny spider water strider, think twice about squashing it before it squashes you.</p>

[Set](capital letters)
name: Special Sweeper
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Signal Beam
move 3: Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Fighting
move 4: Giga Drain
item: Life Orb
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 20 Def / 200 SpA / 20 SpD / 236 Spe
ivs: 19 HP / 30 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe


<p>With astounding Speed and good Special Attack, Surskit has all the tools required to be a deadly special sweeper. This sets set's effectiveness is doubled when used in rain. Hydro Pump is a great STAB move that can hurt almost anything.[remove period],[add comma] while Signal Beam is another STAB move that gives off a vibrant glow having a chance to confuse the enemy. Hidden Power Fire and Hidden Power Fighting both counter Steel-types that might try to wall Surskit. If you plan on using Surskit in rain, Hidden Power Fighting must be used. Last but not least, Giga Drain hits hard on almost any Water-types hard.</p>


<p>The EV spread maximizes Surskit's Special Attack and Speed,[add comma] while also adding some buff to its Surskit's Defense and Special Defense. The IV spread gives makes Surskit yield Hidden Power Fire,[add comma] and decreases the amount of Life Orb recoil taken, allowing it to stay in battle longer. A second IV spread, 19 HP / 30 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe, can be used for Hidden Power Fighting,[add comma] as well as for taking minimum decreasing Life Orb recoil taken as well. Speaking of Life Orb, Surskit's moves increases in power significantly,[add comma] sometimes ensuring a kill. Faster Flying-type Pokemon can easily OHKO Surskit due to its bad defenses,[add comma] making Nosepass a great partner. Pokemon that are also able to summon rain are make good teammates,[add comma] as they allow Surskit to become faster due to its ability, Swift Swim.</p>

[Set](capital letters)
name: Baton Pass
move 1: Baton Pass
move 2: Agility
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Hydro Pump
item: Eviolite / Oran Berry
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Calm
evs: 116 HP / 20 Def / 18 SpD / 156 Spe


<p>Surskit can Baton Pass effectively due to its high speed Speed. Agility increases Surskit speed, but the The main goal of this set is to Baton Pass an Agility or two to a slower sweeper. Substitute is another move that Surskit can Baton Pass to another Pokemon,[add comma] and can be used by Surskit to block status. Since three of the the first three moves are can be prevented by Taunt, the third move in the last moveslot is a STAB Hydro Pump, which gives Surskit an attacking option. Hydro Pump hits opposing Ground-, Fire-, and Rock-type Pokemon hard, even without any investment.</p>


<p>In order to survive longer, the EV spread used buffs up Surskit's defenses and adds some EVs to HP. Calm nature furthur further increases Surskit's Special Defense to ensure better survivability against Special Attackers special attackers. Eviolite allows Surskit to survive one or two hits, while Oran Berry allows Surskit to recover health, making it usable more than once. Oran Berry also allows Surskit to set up more Substitutes. This set works better in rain because Surskit will become faster, forcing the opponent to make a switch. Once Surskit sets up an Agility and Substitue,[add comma] they it can be Baton Passed to slower teammates such as Cubone, Litwick, and Solosis. As for teammates Flying-[remove space]type resists such as Aron make for good teammates.</p>

[Other Options]

</p>Surskit is able to utilize a few other options moves. On the Baton Pass set, Aqua Jet can be used for priority. Although, once Surskit sets up an Agility it will be able to outspeed most threats. Ice Beam can be used over Giga Drain in order to deal with Dragon-type Pokemon. Haze can be used to stop a Pokemon from sweeping, but it should never be used on the Baton Pass set. Surskit does have access to Rain Dance, therefore it is a viable option. In most cases, Surskit will get easily OHKO'd or 2HKO'd OHKOed or 2HKOed because of its fraility, making teammates that can set up rain a much better option. Unfortunately, Surskit's movepool lacks Surf. This means that the Surskit's only other usable special Water-type move is Scald. Hidden Power Electric can be used to hit Flying-type Pokemon such as Rufflet. Since Surskit possess a unique typing and decent Special Defense, it can run a bulky Eviolite set.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Flying-types with a Choice Scarf can easily outspeed Surskit outside of rain and can OHKO with a STAB move such as Brave Bird. Stealth Rock is also a problem for Surskit,[add comma] as because it takes 25% damage during each switch-in time it switches in. Physical Attackers physical attackers that outspeed Surskit can be problamatic as they OHKO Surskit with a STAB move most of the time. Since Surskit is one of the most frailest Pokemon, it can be easily reveng revenge killed or OHKO'd OHKOed by priority. Mantyke can wall Surskit with ease and OHKO it with a Hidden Power Flying. Scarfed Choice Scarf Snovers are is also a problem,[add comma] as they it can come in, change the weather to Hail induce hail, and possibly OHKO back with a STAB Grass-type move.</p>
stamping that

GP Approved (1/2)

Amateur GP check!
Remove Add Comments

<p>Without further ado, I present to you the only Bug / Water-Pokemon, Surskit. With amazing Speed,[Remove Comma] that gets even more amazing in the rain, this water strider can outspeed outpace almost anything in the LC metagame. Surskit's decent Special Attack can make it a great special sweeper.,[Remove Period / Add Comma] while it can Surskit also make a great baton passer with agility. However, Surskit can only be at its best when it's in raining, making it weak and vulnerable as without rain its speed rises to huge levels. but can still accomplish its role with or without rain. Surskit's only real drawback is its terrible defense making it weak to almost everything. So when you encounter this tiny water strider, make sure you squash it before it squashes you.</p>

name: Special Sweeper
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Signal Beam
move 3: Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Fighting
move 4: Giga Drain
item: Life Orb
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 20 Def / 200 SpA / 20 SpD / 236 Spe
ivs: 19 HP / 30 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe


<p>With astounding Speed and good Special Attack, Surskit has all the tools required to be a deadly special sweeper. This set's effectiveness is doubled rises greatly when used in rain [This set isn't built 100% around speed, and therefore its effectiveness wouldnt be doubled]. Hydro Pump is a great STAB move that can hurt almost anything, while Signal Beam is another STAB move that gives off a vibrant glow having has a chance to confuse the enemy [I enjoy creative writing, but that just sounded forced]. Hidden Power Fire and Hidden Power Fighting both counter Steel-types that might try to wall Surskit. If you plan on using Surskit in rain, Hidden Power Fighting must be used. Last but not least, Giga Drain hits almost any Water-type hard.</p>


<p>The EV spread maximizes Surskit's Special Attack and Speed, while also adding some slightly buffing to Surskit's Defense and Special Defense. The IV spread makes Surskit yield Hidden Power Fire legal, and decreases the amount of Life Orb recoil taken, allowing it Surskit to stay in battle longer. A second IV spread, 19 HP / 30 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe, can be used for Hidden Power Fighting, decreasing Life Orb recoil taken as well. Speaking of Life Orb, Surskit's moves increase in power significantly, sometimes ensuring a kill. Faster Flying-type Pokemon can easily OHKO Surskit due to its bad defenses, making Nosepass a great partner. Pokemon that are also able to summon rain make good teammates, as they allow Surskit to become much faster due to its ability, Swift Swim.</p>

name: Baton Pass
move 1: Baton Pass
move 2: Agility
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Hydro Pump
item: Eviolite / Oran Berry
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Calm
evs: 116 HP / 20 Def / 18 SpD / 156 Spe


<p>Surskit can Baton Pass effectively due to its high Speed. The main goal of this set is to Baton Pass an Agility or two to a slower sweeper. Substitute is another move that Surskit can Baton Pass to another Pokemon, and can be used to block status. Since the first three moves can be prevented by Taunt, the move in the last moveslot is STAB Hydro Pump, which gives Surskit an attacking option. Hydro Pump hits opposing Ground-, Fire-, and Rock-type Pokemon hard, even without any Special Attack investment.</p>


<p>In order to survive longer, the EV spread used buffs up Surskit's defenses. Calm nature further increases Surskit's Special Defense to ensure better survivability against special attackers. Eviolite allows Surskit to survive one or two hits, while Oran Berry allows Surskit to recover health, making it usable more than once. Oran Berry also allows Surskit to set up more Substitutes. This set works better in rain because Surskit will become faster, forcing the opponent to make a switch. Once Surskit sets up Agility and Substitue, they can be Baton Passed to slower teammates such as Cubone, Litwick, and Solosis. As for teammates Flying-type resists such as Aron make for good teammates can greatly help Surskit.</p>

[Other Options]

</p>Surskit is able to utilize a few other moves. On the Baton Pass set, Aqua Jet can be used for priority. This becomes rather redundant Although, as once Surskit sets up an Agility it will be able to outspeed most threats anyway. Ice Beam can be used over Giga Drain in order to deal with Dragon-type Pokemon. Haze can be used to stop a Pokemon from sweeping, but it should never be used on the Baton Pass set. Surskit does have access to Rain Dance, therefore it which is a viable option [So if Surskit has access to it, its therefore a viable option? xD Thats just for clarity]. In most cases, Surskit will get easily OHKOed or 2HKOed because of its fraility, making teammates that can set up rain a much better option. Unfortunately, Surskit's movepool lacks Surf. This means that Surskit's only other usable special Water-type move is Scald. Hidden Power Electric can be used to hit Flying-type Pokemon such as Rufflet. Since Surskit possess a unique typing and decent Special Defense, it can run a bulky Eviolite set.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Flying-types with a Choice Scarf can easily outspeed Surskit outside of rain and can OHKO with a STAB move such as Brave Bird. Stealth Rock is also a problem for Surskit, as it takes 25% damage each time it switches in. Physical attackers that outspeed Surskit can be problamatic as they most of them will OHKO Surskit with a STAB move most of the time. Since Surskit is one of the most more frail Pokemon, it can be easily revenge killed or OHKOed by priority. Mantyke can wall Surskit with ease and OHKO it with a Hidden Power Flying. Choice Scarf Snover is also a problem, as it can come in, induce hail, and possibly OHKO back with a STAB Grass-type move.</p>

Im not exceptional at 2/2's, so somebody tell me if they can spot any other mistakes. Other than that..

Good job! :)


<p>Without further ado, I present to you the only Bug / Water-Pokemon Surskit. With amazing Speed, (remove comma) that gets even more amazing in the rain, this water strider can outpace almost anything in the LC metagame. Surskit's decent Special Attack can make it a great special sweeper, while it can also make a great baton passer with Agility. However, Surskit can only be at its best when in rain, as its Speed rises to huge levels. Surskit's only real drawback is its terrible Defense, which makes defense making it weak to almost everything. So when you encounter this tiny water strider, make sure you squash it before it squashes you.</p>

name: Special Sweeper
move 1: Hydro Pump
move 2: Signal Beam
move 3: Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Fighting
move 4: Giga Drain
item: Life Orb
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Modest / Timid
evs: 20 Def / 200 SpA / 20 SpD / 236 Spe
ivs: 19 HP / 30 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe


<p>With astounding Speed and good Special Attack, Surskit has all the tools required to be a deadly special sweeper. This set's effectiveness rises greatly when used in rain. Hydro Pump is a great STAB move that can hurt almost anything, while Signal Beam is another STAB move that has a chance to confuse the enemy. Hidden Power Fire and Hidden Power Fighting both counter Steel-types that might try to wall Surskit. If you plan on using Surskit in rain, Hidden Power Fighting must be used. Last but not least, Giga Drain hits almost any Water-type hard.</p>


<p>The EV spread maximizes Surskit's Special Attack and Speed, while slightly buffing Surskit's Defense and Special Defense. The IV spread makes Hidden Power Fire legal, and decreases the amount of Life Orb recoil taken, allowing Surskit to stay in battle longer. A second IV spread, 19 HP / 30 Atk / 30 SpA / 30 Spe, can be used for Hidden Power Fighting, decreasing Life Orb recoil taken as well. Speaking of Life Orb, Surskit's moves increase in power significantly, sometimes ensuring a kill. Faster Flying-type Pokemon can easily OHKO Surskit due to its bad defenses, making Nosepass a great partner. Pokemon that are also able to summon rain make good teammates, as they allow Surskit to become much faster due to its ability, Swift Swim.</p>

name: Baton Pass
move 1: Baton Pass
move 2: Agility
move 3: Substitute
move 4: Hydro Pump
item: Eviolite / Oran Berry
ability: Swift Swim
nature: Calm
evs: 116 HP / 20 Def / 18 SpD / 156 Spe


<p>Surskit can Baton Pass effectively due to its high Speed. The main goal of this set is to Baton Pass an Agility or two to a slower sweeper. Substitute is another move that Surskit can Baton Pass to another Pokemon, and can be used to block status. Since the first three moves can be prevented by Taunt, the move in the last moveslot is STAB Hydro Pump, which gives Surskit an attacking option. Hydro Pump hits opposing Ground-, Fire-, and Rock-type Pokemon hard, even without any Special Attack investment.</p>


<p>In order to survive longer, the EV spread used buffs up Surskit's defenses. A Calm nature further increases Surskit's Special Defense to ensure better survivability against special attackers. Eviolite allows Surskit to survive one or two hits, while Oran Berry allows Surskit to recover and health. Oran Berry also allows Surskit to set up more Substitutes. This set works better in rain because Surskit will become faster, often forcing the opponent to make a switch. Once Surskit sets up Agility and Substitute, they can be Baton Passed to slower teammates such as Cubone, Litwick, and Solosis. As for teammates, (comma) Flying-type resists such as Aron can greatly help Surskit.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Surskit is able to utilize a few other moves. On the Baton Pass set, Aqua Jet can be used for priority. This becomes rather redundant though, as once Surskit sets up an Agility it will be able to outspeed most threats anyway. Ice Beam can be used over Giga Drain in order to deal with Dragon-type Pokemon. Haze can be used to stop a Pokemon from sweeping, but it should never be used on the Baton Pass set. Surskit does have access to Rain Dance, which is a viable option. In most cases, Surskit will get easily OHKOed or 2HKOed because of its fraility, making teammates that can set up rain a much better option. Unfortunately, Surskit's movepool lacks Surf. This means that Surskit's only other usable special Water-type move is Scald. Hidden Power Electric can be used to hit Flying-type Pokemon such as Rufflet. Since Surskit possess a unique typing and decent Special Defense, it can run a bulky Eviolite set. (You say that it's really frail and then suggest an Evio set? Seroiusly? Delete that sentence.)</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Flying-types with a Choice Scarf can easily outspeed Surskit outside of rain and can OHKO with a STAB move such as Brave Bird. Stealth Rock is also a problem for Surskit, as it takes 25% damage each time it switches in. Physical attackers that outspeed Surskit can be problamatic as most of them will OHKO Surskit with a STAB move. Since Surskit is one of the more frail Pokemon, it can be easily revenge killed or OHKOed by priority. Mantyke can wall Surskit with ease and OHKO it with a Hidden Power Flying. Choice Scarf Snover is also a problem, as it can come in, induce hail, and possibly OHKO back with a STAB Grass-type move.</p>

