Shame That
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  • if a bear shits in the woods does anyone hear it
    I do because i live i the woods
    which woods?
    i really didn't expect anyone to challenge me on this
    Look, if you had one shot or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted in one moment, would you capture it, or just let it slip?
    lol imagine not having a four digit reaction score in 2019.......
    Shame That
    Shame That
    everything's different :v(
    they changed it bc likes are not the only thing now. but that means if everyone reacts to your post with hate you have the same score as if everyone likes you, so that's nice.
    dude our avatars kinda match now
    ok I see you had to change it because I said that but that shark thing is kinda cool
    srry if this is the wrong place to post this but can some1 help me,my 3ds doesnt turn on proply, it has a redlight and i dont have acharger, what do i do now
    yo i can give you mine, but you'll have to pick it up from my house
    do u read bnha and is it still worth reading i stopped reading during the part when they are fighting the sword and the shield guys
    Shame That
    Shame That
    nah i don't read much shonen, i'm pretty sure the dudes you're talking about are like 10 chapters off the up-to-date chapters though? i might be wrong.

    but from what i've seen on my manga reading sites ppl are gushing a lot about the recent chapters. probs worth it if you've gotten this far i'd say
    If you still wanna read the Baccano novels I recommend just starting with 4. First 3 were really tedious to get through since they were done (better) by the anime. But man things really pick up in book 4 when you don't already know all the twists and turns. It is good.
    I don't mind having OP characters, because they can be done right. In fact I'm planning to have one of those in my story.

    I think Dr. Manhattan in Watchmen is like the gold standard for OP characters. He literally has no weaknesses and is pretty much omnipotent. Yet the story so cleverly has the "villain" get around him with certain things. In fact, having an OP character can even make your story BETTER because not everything is resolved by fighting and you can incorporate some cleverness into the story

    but I guess on the other hand all the characters are immortal anyway so doesn't that ruin the tension anyway
    Shame That
    Shame That
    i don't mind having OP characters done right AND minus cocky attitudes. i disliked Claire because it feels like characters that are OP and not bound with very clear personality restrictions are blank checks for story progress. liking Chane was cool and all but it didn't fundamentally change his connection to the story, it was just mild justification for him to fight Ladd when he was already killing ppl anyway.

    OP characters like Saitama in OPM, Mob in Mob Psycho 100 and sans in Undertale are ones i can deal with because they have strict codes that mean that while they are insanely OP you still feel some element of tension and unpredictability of victories since they are so bound by their personal codes
    Yeah exactly which is why I feel Shizuo works in a way that Claire does not. Shizuo is afraid of his own power and people are afraid of him too. It has some cost.

    Claire would've been much better if he was with Rachel instead!! Much better pairing!! And it's funny because he even says she's his backup plan in the books (not in the anime though) both to the Gandors and to her face lol. If only Chane turned him down we would have the much superior pairing!
    man wouldn't it suck if you were to lose your badges right now and be stuck with that CT forever
    I remember because it was a .gif and man you looked like you didn't have a care in the world

    so when you said "hi" after I said hi it looked like you didn't care!!
    Shame That
    Shame That
    i thought my avi added all the happiness needed, being too expressive in my posts would cause a happiness overload and may have killed you
    i can't die
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