Falcon Punch Solves Everything

Falcon Punch Solves Everything


(Actually Falcon Punches have nothing to do with my team. I just hoped it would catch people’s attention)

What’s up Smogon?? So theres a local tournament being held where I live near the end of this month. The rules are the same rules Smogon has for OU play. This is actually my second 5th gen team ever (I’m a busy guy so I don’t get to battle that much) and after a lot of research and reading articles I have been able to come up with this team. I am posting this RMT to get outside advice so I can be more prepared for the tournament. So any help would be very much appreciated! Here we go…


At first I wanted to make a stall team but then I realized it was difficult to make stall teams in this gen. So many offensive threats to cover… So being the lazy person I am I decided to take a more offensive approach. A Deoxys-S lead interested me (reminded me a lot about my favorite 4th gen lead, Aerodactyl) and I was worried it might be Uber someday so I wanted to use it at one of these local tournaments when I get the chance. I decided to use a Duel Screens Deoxys-S.

I always liked Dragonite. There seems to be a lot of good things about him so I thought it wouldn’t hurt to put him in my team. Not to mention that he could use the sceens from Deoxys-S and get some extra Dragon Dances in.

I need a rapid spinner… So I decided to use probably the best rapid spinner in the metagame, Starmie! Also one of my personal favorite pokemon.

It took me a while to decide who else should be on my team. I thought about finding some weather to use but I finally decided to go for a mix between a HO team and a U-turn/Volt Switch team. So I decided to add the popular Rotom-W and Scizor combo in my group.

I wanted extra power in my group. Terrakion immediately came to my mind. I first had him Choice banded but I already had Rotom-W and Scizor banded and having 3 banded people in my group made it easy for my opponent to switch into a resisted move that I was locked in and set up on me. So then I changed Terrakion to Double Dance.

Then sad to say the next morning I posted this RMT Deoxys-S was banned to ubers. I wanted to keep Stealth Rock in the move pool so I chose Azelf over Espeon.

So here is the team at a glance. Terrakion, Rotom-W, Starmie, and Scizor help me the most against Sandstorm teams. Rotom-W and Starmie help me against Rain teams. Terrakion and Dragonite help me against Sun teams. And I never versed a Hail team yet but I guess Scizor and Terrakion would help the most against them.

Changes in Bold


Azelf @ Light Clay
Trait: Levatate
EVs: 252 HP/ 4 SpD/ 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
-Light Screen
-Stealth Rock
My replacement for Deoxys-S. Not as good as Deoxys-S but still good. It gets my screens up which helps Terrakion and Dragonite set up for a sweep. I think every team needs a Stealth Rock user in it so Azelf is the Stealth Rock user in this team. Taunt is so Pokemon don't set up on me.


Dragonite (M) @ Lum Berry
Trait: Multiscale
EVs: 252 Atk/ 4 SpD/ 252 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
-Dragon Dance
-Fire Punch
- ExtremeSpeed
Just gotta say, Dragonite is a beast. And screens just makes it easier to get more Dragon Dances in (especially against Sandstorm teams since his Multilscale is negated). I decided to pick Outrage over Dragon Claw because I do not like it when Dragon Claw doesn’t have enough power to take a Pokemon out. Fire Punch helps for coverage. Then for the final slot I decided to pick ExtremeSpeed for two reasons: 1. I love priority 2. I don’t really think I need Earthquake because I already have Rotom-W, Starmie, and Terrakion (and Scizor too if I predict a switch) to handle Heatran. Dragonite also matches up well against Sun teams.

Starmie @ Life Orb
Traits: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 HP/ 252 SpA/ 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
-Rapid Spin
-HP Grass/ Psychic
My Rapid Spinner for Dragonite. Starmie has always been one of my favorite Pokemon and this time I decided to choose a slightly different moveset. Life Orb makes Starmie more of a threat to my opponent and keeps more pressure. I'm not too concerned about Starmie's longevity because this is a more offensive team and somethings I prevent my opponent setting up Stealth Rock with Azelf's taunt at the beginning. When I added Rotom-W to the team I realized it had the same coverage Starmie had. So I decided to change it up. Ice beam is for dragons, Gliscor, grass types, etc. I gave up Thunderbolt for HP grass to hit Water/Ground guys and other Rotom-W’s. Grass Knot does like nothing to Rotom-W so thats why I have HP grass. I’m not too concerned about Jellicent against this set. Rotom-W can use Volt Switch and Scizor can Pursuit trap it. However, I am considering using Pyschic over HP Grass since my team as a weakness against Toxicroak. Hydro Pump is just a powerful for Starmie to abuse. Starmie also helps me against Rain teams.


Rotom-W @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP/ 252 SpA/ 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
-Volt Switch
-Hydro Pump
-HP Ice
This guys main purpose is weaken my opponent. As you know it has really good coverage with Scizor. Volt Switch is the main move here. Hydro Pump is a powerful Stab Water move it can use. HP Ice is for coverage against dragons, etc. Trick is mainly to ruin Blisseys and other annoying walls. Rotom-W matches up well against many Rain teams.


Scizor (M) @ Choice Band
Trait: Technician
EVs: 248 HP/ 252 Atk/ 8 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
-Bullet Punch
Scizor is death. I love 130 base Atk, Technician, Choice Banded, STAB, priority, Bullet Punch. Scizor’s job is to weaken my opponent, pick off weakened Pokes, trap ghosts/psychics, etc. U-turn is used to weaken off my opponent and then switch to a better match up. Bullet Punch is to pick off weakened Pokes. Superpower is for coverage and Pursuit is there to trap Pokes. Scizor does well against opposing Sandstorm teams and Hail.


Terrakion @ Rock Gem
Trait: Justified
EVs: 4 HP/ 252 Atk/ 252 Spe
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
-Stone Edge
-Rock Polish
-Swords Dance
Did I tell you Terrakion’s middle name is Sweeper? Terrakion has the capability of ripping through teams if I can set him up. He really likes the Screen support from Deoxys-S. I gave him Adamant Nature over Jolly because I wanted more power. I decided to try something a little different and give him a Rock Gem over Life Orb and Air Balloon. I wanted more power right away and Rock Gem gives me a nice Stone Edge that hits really hard. Unlike Life Orb, Rock Gem also doesn’t give me recoil damage. I am still considering to Life Orb instead because it is more standard but Rock Gem is still powerful and a little unexpected to some opponents.

So… my team isn’t perfect and I know I need to change things, I just don’t know what. Here are my major threats that I have found…


This guy is annoying for this team to fight. He can absorb Rotom-W’s and Starmie’s water moves and can set up a sub. If he knows Ice Punch it is even more a problem. If I see him in the team preview I usually save my Deoxys-S till he comes out. Azelf resists fighting moves and it can taunt him and set Screens in his face. Sucker Punch isn’t an issue because I have no attacking moves on Azelf (it’s really funny when people use Sucker Punch). If Toxicroak has Dark Pulse however, that’s another story…


Other Rotom-Ws are ironically annoying to fight. This is one of the reasons I want HP Grass on Starmie. Otherwise I can try using my own Rotom-W and Scizor’s U-turn to weaken it. If Rotom-W lacks HP Ice my Dragonite can take it. But either way I think I need to find a better way to handle this guy.

So this is my team so far… I still think there are some problems I need to fix so any suggestions would be very much appreciated! Thank you!
What dragone said but other than that this team looks really awesome but you should have a ghost type to resist rapid spin
Unfortunately, you're just too late on Deoxys-S, as it just got banned this morning. You'll need to find another dual screener for your team. Azelf is a decent one I've heard, but honestly I've never done HO so I really don't know what will work for you.
Yea what jimera it sucks that that Deoxy-S is gone and sucks even more that there arn't any other very good duel screeners. these 3 are probably the best if you want duel screens, taunt and stealth rocks.
If you want speed
Azelf @ Light Clay
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Hp / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Stealth Rocks
- Taunt
If you want balance
Mew @ Light Clay
Ability: Synchonize
EVs: 252 Hp / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Stealth Rocks
- Taunt
If you want defense
Deocys-D @ Light Clay
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Hp / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Stealth Rocks
- Taunt
Don't forget Espeon too.

Espeon @ Light Clay
Trait: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP/ 4 Def/ 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
-Hidden Power Fighting/Fire/Ground
-Light Screen
Cresselia can be a good dual screener and wall with-
Cresselia@light clay
252hp, 252 def, 4 spdef
light screen
moonlight/ rest
toxic/ ice beam/ psychic
Also, my team is very similar to yours but i have a politoed, and i have found all these pokemon really love rain. any standard politoed set should work
Don't forget Espeon too.

Espeon @ Light Clay
Trait: Magic Bounce
EVs: 252 HP/ 4 Def/ 252 Spe
Timid Nature (+Spe, -Atk)
-Hidden Power Fighting/Fire/Ground
-Light Screen

Cresselia can be a good dual screener and wall with-
Cresselia@light clay
252hp, 252 def, 4 spdef
light screen
moonlight/ rest
toxic/ ice beam/ psychic
Also, my team is very similar to yours but i have a politoed, and i have found all these pokemon really love rain. any standard politoed set should work

They won't work because HO teams need stealth rock. Also how does Terrakion like the rain?
Deoxys-S is now banned, go with espeon. Terrakion is mainly used as a revenge killer so its in-and-out so the rain does not affect it much
I think you forgot to type in the move set for Terrakion.

Woops! Fixed it!

What dragone said but other than that this team looks really awesome but you should have a ghost type to resist rapid spin

I'm not too worried if they get rid of my Stealth Rock. Them using Rapid Spin can give me a free Dragon Dance/Swords Dance. But I guess I should consider it... I'd probably use Gengar... I don't know who I would replace tho

Unfortunately, you're just too late on Deoxys-S, as it just got banned this morning. You'll need to find another dual screener for your team. Azelf is a decent one I've heard, but honestly I've never done HO so I really don't know what will work for you.

Yea what jimera it sucks that that Deoxy-S is gone and sucks even more that there arn't any other very good duel screeners. these 3 are probably the best if you want duel screens, taunt and stealth rocks.
If you want speed
Azelf @ Light Clay
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Hp / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Stealth Rocks
- Taunt
If you want balance
Mew @ Light Clay
Ability: Synchonize
EVs: 252 Hp / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Stealth Rocks
- Taunt
If you want defense
Deocys-D @ Light Clay
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Hp / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
- Light Screen
- Reflect
- Stealth Rocks
- Taunt

Awww really?? Well I think I'll probally use Azelf then. Thankyou for the suggestions.

They won't work because HO teams need stealth rock. Also how does Terrakion like the rain?

I looked back at my RMT and I don't think I said Terrakion likes the rain... All I think said was that Terrakion does helps me most against Sandstorm, Sun, and Hail.

Thankyou guys for the suggestions! I'll try to change Deoxys-S to Azelf as soon as possible! Keep the suggestions coming.
You didn't say it but ninja did.

My bad.

Cresselia can be a good dual screener and wall with-
Cresselia@light clay
252hp, 252 def, 4 spdef
light screen
moonlight/ rest
toxic/ ice beam/ psychic
Also, my team is very similar to yours but i have a politoed, and i have found all these pokemon really love rain. any standard politoed set should work

I thought about putting Politoed in this team, but I wasn't sure who I should replace. Starmie is my spinner and Rotom pairs nicely with Scizor.

Offensive Threats

  • Choice Band - Scizor and Terrakion
  • Choice Scarf - Scizor and Terrakion (Terrakion has to watch out for SuperPower tho)
  • Dragon Dance - Scizor and Terrakion
  • Choice Scarf / Specs - Weaken it with Rotom-W finish with Starmie. If it is locked on Hydro Pump I'll Switch to Dragonite and start setting up.
  • Choice Band - Rotom-W
  • Swords Dance - Rotom-W
  • Choice Band - Terrakion, Starmie, and Rotom-W can revenge kill it (Scizor and Dragonite too if he has low health)
  • Dragon Dance - Rotom-W, Terrakion, Starmie (and sometimes Scizor and Dragonite)
  • Mixed - Rotom-W, Stamie, Terrakion
  • Parashuffler - Terrakion, Rotom-W, Starmie
  • Choice Specs / Scarf - Rotom-W, Starmie
  • Standard - Terrakion, Starmie, Rotom-W
  • Substitute + Calm Mind / Wish + Calm Mind - Bigger threat. Dragonite might try to set up on it. Otherwise I will weaken it with U-turn/Volt Switch and finish it off with Terrakion or something.
  • Life Orb - Rotom-W, Starmie, Scizor
  • Choice Scarf / Specs - Can be a pain. Scizor helps alot with Choice Scarf and Rotom-W and Starmie can take specs.
  • Calm Mind - Scizor, Dragonite (only if Marvel Scale is active or I'll have to rely on Extreme Speed), Starmie, and Rotom-W (hehe Trick when he uses Calm Mind!)
  • Calm Mind - Scizor
  • Offensive Trick Room - Can be a threat. Scizor
  • Choice Scarf / Choice Band - Scizor, Dragonite for Scarf. Starmie, Rotom-W, and Terrakion for Band
  • Dragon Dance - Can really set up on any of my Pokes so not a threat. It can beat my Dragonite because of Mold Breaker but it can't set up.
  • Double Dance - Same as Dragon Dance
  • Nasty Plot - Dragonite and Terrakion say hi
  • Choice Specs - Same as above
  • Special Attacker - Same as above
  • Bulk Up - Starmie and Rotom-W can take it for the most part. Azelf can set up on it.
  • Nasty Plot Sweeper - Can be a threat. Dragonite can take it and Azelf can set up on it.
  • Tinkerbell - Dragonite and Scizor (if they don't have HP Fire). Azelf can set up on it.
  • Choice Specs / Choice Scarf - Dragonite
  • Double Dance - Scizor, Starmie, Rotom-W
  • Choice Scarf / Choice Band - Scizor takes Scarf, Rotom-W, Scizor, and Starmie takes Band.
  • Offensive / Bulky Dragon Dance - Rotom-W
  • Substitute + Disable / Pain Split - Scizor
  • Life Orb - Scizor, Rotom-W
  • Rapid Spin - Scizor, Rotom-W
  • Choice Specs - Rotom-W
  • Rock Polish / Swords Dance - Starmie, Rotom-W
  • Choice Scarf - Rotom-W
  • Substitute + 3 Attacks - Starmie, Rotom-W
  • Mixed Attacker - Rotom-W and Starmie
  • Nasty Plot / Swords Dance Booster - Same as above
  • Choice Band - Same as above
  • Offensive Quiver Dance - Terrakion and Dragonite
  • Bulky Quiver Dance - Same
  • Chesto Rest - Same
  • Substitute - Same
  • Substitute - Can be a threat (it can trap my Scizor). Terrakion and Dragonite
  • Choice Scarf - Terrakion and Dragonite
  • Calm Mind - Scizor
  • Dragon Dance - Starmie, Rotom-W
  • Mixed - Same
  • Defensive - Same
  • Offensive - Starmie and Rotom-W
  • Choice Specs / Choice Scarf - Can be a threat. Starmie and Rotom-W
  • Sub Seed - Dragonite. If no Seed bomb then Rotom-W and Starmie
  • Sub Punch - Can be a threat. Dragonite
  • Calm Mind - Scizor
  • Swords Dance - Big threat. Azelf can set up on it then I have to to go to Dragonite or someone else under the screens to take it out. Otherwise Rotom-W will Volt Switch on it.
  • Bulk Up - Same as above.
  • Swords Dance - Terrakion, Dragonite, (if lacks Ice Punch) and Scizor uses SuperPower. If it lacks Crunch Azelf can set up on it.
  • Nasty Plot - Terrakion (if lacks Vaccum Wave), Dragonite (if lacks HP Ice), Rotom-W weakens it.
  • Calm Mind - Threat. Have to weaken it with Scizor and Rotom-W mostly. Then I have to finish it off with priority or Starmie. Azelf can semi set up on it.
  • Swords Dance - Same as above.
  • Dragon Dance - Can be a threat. Rotom-W weakens it (or Tricks when using Dragon Dance) It cant set up on too many of my guys tho.
  • Bulk Up - Same as above except less of a threat.
  • Special Growth - Dragonite.
  • Mixed Growth - Dragonite.
  • SubSeed - Dragonite again
  • Stealth Rock - Never see this guy. Azelf taunts it.
  • Choice Scarf / Choice Band - Rotom-W and Starmie
  • Agility - Rotom-W and Starmie.
  • All-Out Attacker - Priority. Rotom-W and Terrakion outspeed and take it.
  • Choice Scarf / Choice Band - Same as above (xept for outspeeding scarf) (Dragonite resists stab move)
  • Shell Smash - Can't set up on any of my guys if I play it right. If it has a Focus Sash I take it out with a Priority move next turn.
  • Physical Attacker - Rotom-W, Starmie, Scizor, and Terrakion (out speeds it and CloseCombats it.)
  • Choice Scarf - Dragonite resists most of its moves and can use Extremespeed to to take it out if it is weakened. Rotom-W and Terrakion (mostly Rotom-W) do a good job resisting FireBlitz too.
  • Rain Abuser - Can be a threat. I outspeed it with Starmie and Rotom-W. Otherwise I use priority to take it out.
(I do the Defensive Threats later)
Since no body has mentioned it, I feel it's worth saying since you asked. HP Grass would do more damage to Rotom-W than Grass Knot. Remember that Grass Knot does more damage based off the Pokemon's weight, and Rotom-W weights nothing. Even non bulky Rotoms can take Grass Knots all day no problem.
Since no body has mentioned it, I feel it's worth saying since you asked. HP Grass would do more damage to Rotom-W than Grass Knot. Remember that Grass Knot does more damage based off the Pokemon's weight, and Rotom-W weights nothing. Even non bulky Rotoms can take Grass Knots all day no problem.

Defensive Threats
  • Specially Defensive - Terrakion uses Falcon Punch... err I mean CloseCombat
  • Standard - Most of these don't know HP Ice so Dragonite can set up a couple of Dragon Dances against it.
  • Standard - If it's not in the rain Dragonite's Fire Punch does a good job. If its in the rain I weaken it with Scizor's SuperPower and then possibly finish it off with somebody else.
  • Defensive - Rotom-W
  • Swords Dance - Rotom-W, Starmie
  • Substitute + Protect - Same
  • AcroBat -Same
  • Defensive - Same
  • Specially Defensive - Rotom-W, Starmie, Terrakion
  • Specially Defensive - Can be annoying. Expecally in Rain. Scizor and Terrakion punch holes in it.
  • Physically Defensive Spiker - Rotom-W, Starmie
  • Specially Defensive Spiker - Mostly Rotom-W
  • Specially Defensive - Terrakion, Dragonite
  • Physically Defensive - Dragonite, Scizor
  • Physically Defensive Spiker - Dragonite, Rotom-W, Starmie
  • Specially Defensive Spiker - Dragonite, Rotom-W
  • RestTalk - Rotom-W
  • Utility Counter - Rotom-W, Scizor traps it
  • Toxic Spikes - Rotom-W
  • Tank - Starmie
  • Dual Screens - SCIZOR
  • Baton Pass - SCIZOR
  • Support - Dragonite sets up, Terrakion, Scizor, Rotom-W uses Trick, Azelf sets up
  • Wish Support - Rotom-W
  • Support - Scizor, Rotom-W, Starmie
  • Tank - Rotom-W and Scizor wear it down
  • Dual Screens - Same
  • Defensive - Starmie
  • Stallbreaker - Scizor. If it has Flamethrower then I have to weaken it with Rotom-W. Hopefully I have Light Screen up and I have Dragonite to set up on it.
  • Tank - Rotom-W, Scizor (if lacks fire move)
  • Curse - Starmie
  • Specially Defensive - Same
  • Physically Defensive - Same
If someone could give me a full out rate that would be really nice! Be as harsh as you like just be sure to give me a suggestion of some kind. I just want this team to be as good as I can get it for the local tournament)
Well sense this is meant to be a HO team I think you should change starmie to this set.

Starmie @ Life Orb
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 Hp / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid / Modest
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Grass] / Thunder Bolt / Psychic
- Rapid Spin

Basicly Standard But HP Grass for Rotom or Psychic for Toxicroak up to you really.
As well as giving Terrakion a Life Orb or atleast change it to Fighting Gem because he uses Close Combat alot more.
Well sense this is meant to be a HO team I think you should change starmie to this set.

Starmie @ Life Orb
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 Hp / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid / Modest
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Grass] / Thunder Bolt / Psychic
- Rapid Spin

Basicly Standard But HP Grass for Rotom or Psychic for Toxicroak up to you really.
As well as giving Terrakion a Life Orb or atleast change it to Fighting Gem because he uses Close Combat alot more.

Rock Gem lets you OHKO Gliscor
The team looks pretty solid & I live the Rotom-W/scizor Picture lol. Its greatly balanced with the weakness. I dont have any comments to this team :) Good Job gl With it.
Rock Gem lets you OHKO Gliscor

Wow, I am learning things everyday. Life Orb was good (Died a little faster tho) and Fighting Gem was pretty awesome too but OHKO Gliscor with Rock Gem Stone Edge is pretty nice... Besides since I use CloseCombat more than Stone Edge maybe I'll have more oppurtunies to save the Rock Gem for a big wall since I won't have to use that move right away. Thankyou

The team looks pretty solid & I live the Rotom-W/scizor Picture lol. Its greatly balanced with the weakness. I dont have any comments to this team :) Good Job gl With it.

Thanks! Those pictures make me happy too :D
Well, this was good enough to lure me Lolz
anyways this team seems pretty solid though i have some suggestions.
As for Azelf , you could switch it to Espeon to bounce Stealth Rocks , SPikes and TSpikes and other things .
And as for terrakion i would suggest trying this set.
(Terrakion) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Justified
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- X-Scissor
- Earthquake
Rock Gem lets you OHKO Gliscor

Er, are you assuming that Terrakion is at +2 when you say that? Because Rock Gem Terrakion using Stone Edge with no boosts does only 44.63% - 52.54% to Swords Dance Gliscor. Even if Terrakion is at +2 it does 88.7% - 105.08%, which doesn't really guarantee an OHKO. I would personally go with the Choice Scarf set that ra02 suggested, as it makes Terrakion into a really fearsome revenge killer.
If you really want to check against Gliscor with Terrakion, then the best way would be to add EVs to Special Attack, or use Work Up to get a +1 Hidden Power Ice to counter Gliscor. Or just use a Double Dancer Terrakion.
Well sense this is meant to be a HO team I think you should change starmie to this set.

Starmie @ Life Orb
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 4 Hp / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid / Modest
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Grass] / Thunder Bolt / Psychic
- Rapid Spin

Basicly Standard But HP Grass for Rotom or Psychic for Toxicroak up to you really.
I really liked this set on this team. Thanks for the suggestion. Not sure if I want to use HP Grass or Psychic tho...

As well as giving Terrakion a Life Orb or atleast change it to Fighting Gem because he uses Close Combat alot more.

Well, this was good enough to lure me Lolz
anyways this team seems pretty solid though i have some suggestions.
As for Azelf , you could switch it to Espeon to bounce Stealth Rocks , SPikes and TSpikes and other things .
And as for terrakion i would suggest trying this set.
(Terrakion) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Justified
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- X-Scissor
- Earthquake

Er, are you assuming that Terrakion is at +2 when you say that? Because Rock Gem Terrakion using Stone Edge with no boosts does only 44.63% - 52.54% to Swords Dance Gliscor. Even if Terrakion is at +2 it does 88.7% - 105.08%, which doesn't really guarantee an OHKO. I would personally go with the Choice Scarf set that ra02 suggested, as it makes Terrakion into a really fearsome revenge killer.

If you really want to check against Gliscor with Terrakion, then the best way would be to add EVs to Special Attack, or use Work Up to get a +1 Hidden Power Ice to counter Gliscor. Or just use a Double Dancer Terrakion.

I guess it's not a huge deal if Terrakion can't check Gliscor. I have Starmie and Rotom-W to take him out. About the Choice Scarf set, I used a Choice Band set before with him and I had the issue of Pokemon setting up on me while I'm locked into a move that they resist (Scizor and Rotom-W have choice items too remember). However, I think the Choice Scarf set is worth trying out since I revenge kill a lot easier and I if I predict right EQ can kill Toxicroak. Thank you again for the rates!