Luxray (Analysis)


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<p>"Why would I use Luxray when Electivire is available?" is often the first thing people think when they see Luxray; and it's no wonder why either. Luxray has a much lower Speed stat, which makes it harder for it to pose an immediate offensive threat, not to mention Electivire's greater coverage is also something that overshadows Luxray. However, Luxray has qualities Electivire could only wish for. With access to two great abilities and about the same offensive prowess as Electivire, Luxray makes an excellent wallbreaker and can easily top Electivire in that role. Intimidate and greater HP and Defense stats, with only slightly lower Special Defense, give Luxray better overall bulk, making it easier for it to take on walls, such as Steelix. Luxray was also blessed with Guts, making it semi-immune to status, as inflicting it with one would only increase Luxray's offensive power. Guts also enables Luxray to take on Dusknoir; something Electivire can't do. With these assets and a new STAB move in Wild Charge, Luxray is huge threat to any defensive Pokemon.</p>

name: Wallbreaker
move 1: WildCcharge
move 2: Hidden Power Fire / Hidden Power Water
move 3: Crunch / Thunderbolt
move 4: Ice Fang / Superpower
item: Life Orb
ability: Intimidate / Guts
nature: Naughty
evs: 204 Atk / 100 SpA / 204 Spe


<p>Luxray makes a great wallbreaker with its amazing Attack stat and good Special Attack stat, and its abilities only increase Luxray's wallbreaking capabilities. Wild Charge is Luxray's best STAB move, and it will demolish everything that doesn't resist it or has a high Defense stat. Hidden Power Fire lets Luxray hit Steelix, Magneton, and Ferroseed for super effective damage, as well as other Grass-types, such as Tangrowth and Roselia, which are Pokemon that resists Luxray's STAB moves. Crunch hits Psychic- and Ghost-types, most notably Claydol, for super effective damage. Crunch also lets Luxray hit Dusknoir hard, something Electivire can't defeat. While not that powerful, Ice Fang gives Luxray necessary coverage against Ground-types, and also hits Grass-types for super effective damage, which is especially useful against Roselia, who's Special Defense stat is higher than its Defense stat. Be aware that it won't do a ton of damage against Tangrowth though. Hidden Power Water still hits Steelix and other Ground-types, such as Gligar, for super effective damage, and also hits Aggron for super effective damage if that's needed for your team. Superpower also hits Aggron, but lets Luxray hit Ferroseed and Magneton as well, something it can't do with Hidden Power Water. And last, Thunderbolt gives Luxray a specially-based STAB move, useful for hitting physically defensive Pokemon harder. The moves you opt to use is dependant on what your team needs, so choose wisely.</p>


<p>Signal Beam is a usable option, hitting Tangrowth hard if Luxray lacks Hidden Power Fire. Signal Beam won't hit Roselia for super effective damage, however, but it will hit Claydol and other Psychic-types for super effective damage. The choice of ability is mostly dependant on your own preference, but also depends on what your team needs. Intimidate will ease up Luxray's encounters with Pokemon such as Steelix, Aggron, and Gligar. However, Guts will prevent the opponent from using status moves, as it will only power Luxray up; this is especially useful against Pokemon such as Dusknoir, Claydol, and Slowking, who usually carry moves that inflict status. The given EV spread enables Luxray to 2HKO standard Steelix 100% of the time with Hidden Power, while letting it outspeed minimum base 95 Speed Pokemon, such as Uxie and Drapion. The rest of the EVs go into Attack for maximum power output.</p>

<p>Paralysis support can help Luxray take down faster threats, such as Swellow and Sharpedo, easily KOing them with its STAB moves. Uxie is great user of Thunder Wave, whereas Amoongus can paralyze opponents immune to Electric-type moves with Stun Spore. Entry hazards can help in taking down certain walls. Roselia can provide both Spikes and Toxic Spikes, while also helping Luxray take care of Ground-types. Uxie can also provide Stealth Rock alongside paralysis support. Cleric support can also help, as Luxray might take some serious damage and be inflicted with status. Clefable and Audino can both provide this with huge Wishes and Heal Bell support.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Luxray has a multitude of options, but they are either outclassed or not that viable at all. A Guts abuse set can be used with Flame Orb and Toxic Orb, with moves such as Wild Charge, Crunch, Facade, Ice Fang, and Fire Fang, but Luxray's limited physical movepool hinders it, and the lack of Superpower hurts. In the same vein, a Choice Band set is useable, as it provides access to Superpower and Intimidate, but Luxray should stick to wallbreaking. Defensive sets can be used with Luxray's decent defenses and access to Intimidate and moves such as Roar, Toxic, and Light Screen. A RestTalk set can also be used, but these kinds of defensive sets are not viable in this offensive metagame. It should also be noted that Sleep Talk is illegal with Guts. Howl is unfortunately Luxray's only boosting move, but a +1 boost is usually not enough. Luxray has access to a mulitude of viable Electric-type moves, but they are mostly gimmicks. Discharge can be used over Thunderbolt for the paralysis chance, whereas Thunder can work in rain. Charge Beam can be used with Substitute to boost Luxray's good Special Attack stat, whereas Magnet Rise provides an immunity to Ground-type moves for five turns, but both are gimmicks at best. Lastly, there's Volt Switch, which can work on a Choice Scarf or Choice Specs set. The last two moves that can see some use are Snarl and Quick Attack. Snarl is a gimmicky way to lower the opponent's Special Attack, whereas Quick Attack can finish off weakened opponents, but it's really weak.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Since Luxray always lacks coverage no matter what moves it carries, certain Pokemon checks or counters it during certain situations. If Luxray lacks Hidden Power Fire or Superpower, Ferroseed has no trouble walling Luxray. Ferroseed can then proceed to paralyze Luxray and drain its health with Leech Seed. Without Ice Fang or Hidden Power Water, Luxray has a hard time beating Gligar, as any physical move will do miniscule damage to it, and Gligar can Roost off damage taken from Hidden Power Fire and KO Luxray with a STAB Earthquake. Claydol has about the same clauses, as with max Defense, Claydol is only 2HKOed by Crunch, and can hit Luxray hard with Earth Power and Earthquake; Claydol has an even easier time against Luxray if it lacks Crunch. Aggron can survive any physical attack from Luxray and OHKO it in return with Head Smash or Earthquake, but needs to be careful of special moves, especially Hidden Power Water and Thunderbolt. Tangrowth has a fairly easy time against all variants of Luxray not carrying either Hidden Power Fire or Signal Beam.</p>
I think Choice Band is still an option tbh. If it gets a Guts bost, that stacked with CB is some serious attacking power. The mixed attacker looks pretty good, but why would I use it over Electrivire, who has higher Speed, and Flamethrower? You could argue that Intimidate makes it bulkier, but then you unfortunately forgo Guts.
Choice Band is mentioned.

And as to why do you ask? More bulk is good. Guts isn't a must on the wallbreaker set. Luxray is not outclassed by Electivire. Luxray has more power.
Is there any particular reason for the EVs on the mixed set? It seems like you'd want to invest a bit more in attack, since you're already netting 2HKOs on most important physical walls (Tangrowth and Dusknoir, for example) with HP Fire and Thunderbolt, and you can afford to use a bit less SpA. If you can think of any particular reason for using those offensive EVs though, feel free not to change it.

Also, this:

16:49< Nails> windsong
16:49< Nails> can i at least make guts go to oo
16:49 <Nails> or is it good
16:50 <windsong> yeah, guts can probably OO
16:50 <Nails> seems like without intimidate it's just a worse vire
16:50 <windsong> since evire's better

So Guts to OO, get rid of the Guts abuse set.

Ok, I'll change this. And I'll look at an alternative EV spread later today.

why Hp water? ice fang hits ground types, superpower hits steelix and aggron, and hp fire hits steelix
Yeah, but if you opt to use Superpower over Ice Fang, what are going to do about Gligar? Then if Crunch is gone, and you still use Superpower, what you gonna do about Claydol?
Sorry for doubleposting.

Ok, I've been looking and this EV spread is necessary for 2HKOing standard Steelix with Hidden Power 100% of the time: 200 Atk / 100 SpA / 204 Spe.

I'll add it.
An event Zoroark has it, which is female. This means Luxray can get Snarl through breeding.

I have seen a bulky set that abuses intimidate with volt switch prove very successful but I wouldn't be able to say what the actual set is
I don't even see what purpose snarl fulfills, though. Not even OO material, imo. I mean, you might as well throw Growl and Tail Whip on in there too, while you're at it.

I have seen a bulky set that abuses intimidate with volt switch prove very successful but I wouldn't be able to say what the actual set is
Thanks, still waiting on zdrup's response about Guts though. zdrup, if you see this, post anyways. I want to know because I agree with you about it.
I don't even see what purpose snarl fulfills, though. Not even OO material, imo. I mean, you might as well throw Growl and Tail Whip on in there too, while you're at it.
Hmm, then I should go remove Struggle Bug from Vespiquen as well then, right? I think Oglemi has made the issue about the content in the OO very clear. Ask him.
Is there room for a bulky set? With intimidate and Luxray's not too shabby 80/79/79 Defenses, along with support options like Light Screen, Roar, Toxic and Thunder Wave, Luxray can prove quite frustrating to deal with with the right EV spread.

Perhaps mention Substitute as well, to ease prediction and let loose a super effective attack against ground types as they break your sub.
Zdrup/Oglemi, it would be nice to get an answer/decision on the Guts matter now. I really want to fnish this up before I forget everything about it. Thanks.
Just a minor thing, SJ. In OO, you mention Flame Orb as the best item for Guts Luxray. I think Toxic Orb is better, since it does less damage over three turns than Flame Orb. Also, as a general rule, all Guts Pokemon use Toxic Orb. Great skeleton
Yeah so I tried out the Guts set and it isn't worth a set imo. While Luxray has the power with a Guts boost, it just doesn't have the Speed or coverage. So much of the metagame outspeeds Luxray, and the stuff that doesn't is either immune to or resists Wild Charge. When I played with it I ran Facade over the elemental fangs cuz seriously fuck those moves and it worked nicely so I would make a mention of that.

Basically the RU metagame really really hates the Guts set. If only it had Superpower or both Guts AND Intimidate..........
Yeah so I tried out the Guts set and it isn't worth a set imo. While Luxray has the power with a Guts boost, it just doesn't have the Speed or coverage. So much of the metagame outspeeds Luxray, and the stuff that doesn't is either immune to or resists Wild Charge. When I played with it I ran Facade over the elemental fangs cuz seriously fuck those moves and it worked nicely so I would make a mention of that.

Basically the RU metagame really really hates the Guts set. If only it had Superpower or both Guts AND Intimidate..........
Actually, that wasn't what I was looking for. What me and zdrup talked about was a Guts slash on the Wallbreaker. I'm not really happy about the Guts set either.

Slash or no slash?