NU Stats - November 2011

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Why use that when you have Misdreavus that can run the exact same set (but with more speed to taunt)?

ps: 'because duskull is not as often used' doesn't count
Why use that when you have Misdreavus that can run the exact same set (but with more speed to taunt)?

Yea, pretty much this. That and in the video, it was barely a real NU match (Magmar? Unfezant? Both using Stantler? Lunatone? DUSTOX??), I'd much rather see a match with, you know, pokes that are actually common.
Yea, pretty much this. That and in the video, it was barely a real NU match (Magmar? Unfezant? Both using Stantler? Lunatone? DUSTOX??), I'd much rather see a match with, you know, pokes that are actually common.
Okay, you're right. Duskull is outclassed and the video I showed isn't good.
Charizard in NU? Are you Kidding?

With Solar power that thing is monstrous it would be a beast in OU under the sun believe me. i mean look

Modest: 252satk, 252spe
Fire blast
Hp Dragon
Air Slash

Screw if its 4x weak to stealth rocks, so is volcarona. And don't say volcarona outclasses charizard completely it doesn't both have their advantages and disadvantages. And no Im not a charizard fanboy infact I prefer blastoise over charizard its just I hate when people overlook pokes so easily.
It's not in NU yet. It's still RU. Admittedly, Charizard will be rather good in NU, even considering there are only 2 legitimate spinners around. (And don't go off on us for overlooking mons! It's not our fault that charizard is NU. Go do that in higher tiers.)
Personally, I dont care if Zard is in NU or not.

1). If it is, the I get a better way to take out Ton, Sawk, etc....

2). If it isnt, then I shall play like I always do....
It's not in NU yet. It's still RU. Admittedly, Charizard will be rather good in NU, even considering there are only 2 legitimate spinners around. (And don't go off on us for overlooking mons! It's not our fault that charizard is NU. Go do that in higher tiers.)

While Solar Power may be the selling point, I look at it more as a weaker Moltres who can run a great mixed or physical set to surprise opponents that were expecting a more standard set.
Charizard, along with Magmortar, will do very well in NU, I think. You've got to keep in mind that all of the bulky waters are likely heading up (they're among the most likely, at least) and that Charizard will also be among the fastest in NU. Base 100 Speed is nothing to scoff at and it's definitely going to threaten teams.
Lets put Charizard into perspective, A Specs set, iirc, can 2HKO Slowking and Kabutops with Fire Blast in the sun
While even a Scarf set can comfortably OHKO Qwilfish with Fire Blast
Although Charizard needs alot of support, with sun support, it can easily sweep through teams or become a mindless wall breaking monster
pikachu is pretty bad. it's too slow.

EDIT: on second thought, it's not that it's too slow but that it can't take a hit. raichu can at least take a priority move or two; pikachu dies to happiny doubleslaps. both die to scarfers though.

sorry, but rotom-F and probably also ampharos are better :/
Pikachu will soon be the king of the NU tier.
Your potential leavers list is incredibly extensive- realistically, only a few of them will probably leave unless they get insane usage in RU/UU.
Dugtrio traps, big whoop. His attack is lacklustre and his defenses are nonexistent. There's a reason he ended up in NU and I see no reason for him to leave.
Gorebyss: I doubt it'll move all the way up to OU, but anywhere you go Shell Smash is a potent threat, so I don't really see any reason to move it up unless usage goes up- it is a threat here in NU but not an unchecked one.
Slowking: I think he might, since Slowbro is all the way up in UU, and he is a very good wall with regenerator. But not without his counters in this tier, so I don't think it'll be VOTED up there.
Lanturn has mediocre def and sp def and only managed to find a niche in NU. It can't do anything of note in RU or UU, and it's needed here to absorb Magneton's moves. I don't see it coming anywhere close to getting the RU usage needed to bump it up, or it as so strong a threat it will be voted up.
Rhydon: Yeah, and good riddance too!
Scoliopede gets decent usage in RU, and it will get more because people used it in NU and liked it and will start putting it on RU teams- it's one of the best Toxic Spikers out there. I'm really not sure about him.
Snover: Gtfo my tier.
Braviary: I hope not, because I love him. But I can easily see enough RU usage to bump him up.
Swellow: King of NU, can't hold his own in RU. I doubt he'll move up- you'll just have to deal with him.
Klinklang: I think he'll get enough RU usage to move up, and while I'm not a fan and personally think he's a b**** to counter, I don't think he'll be voted up due to the prevalence of counters like Camerupt.
Magneton: No. He belongs in NU, and will probably stay because he's not really as viable in RU.
Rotom-F: Are you kidding me? He gets a lot of usage down here because he's useful DOWN HERE. Nobody ever uses him in RU because of his meh speed, typing, and useless ability. He's SR weak, which cripples him severely anywhere, but he can actually do something worthwhile down here. I can't see him moving up w/usage or with a vote.
Absol is incredibly predictable and, while always dangerous, isn't taken as seriously in higher tiers as here. He'll stay.
Cryogonal: An incredible Sp Def wall and one of the few valid spinners in this tier. I can't see him leaving, though maybe he'll become popular enough in RU to move him up, but I doubt it. He does well here, but is of course insanely counterable. No reason to move him for balance.
Quagsire: Dear God I hope he moves up to RU. With so many set up sweepers/bulky attackers in this tier, he just shuts down so much of the tier. His stats are also too good for here, and is incredibly viable even in OU. He'll leave, hopefully.

As far as comers go:
Victreebel :D I hope he comes down, because I love him, even without sun.
The other two: Meh. Crawdaunt is pretty beastly banded, but slow, and Charizard's x4 SR weakness turns me off of him every time.

Sorry if I was harsh, but there's no way all of those are moving up.
Your potential leavers list is incredibly extensive- realistically, only a few of them will probably leave unless they get insane usage in RU/UU.

useless tl;dr
Except for the possibility that they all do move up... and honestly, you've gotta be kidding me. They're all potentially leaving because they have solid usage in other tiers. If tier shifts were to happen this past month, all of those mons would be in different tiers. You can't just say "pssh these are bad they shouldn't move", they will move if they have enough usage.

Dugtrio is superb in OU on a weather team, as it can trap and KO weather starters. Gorebyss is excellent in all tiers, but it's borderline in OU usage so it very well could jump up. Slowking is #10 in RU usage - its almost guaranteed to move up. Lanturn and Rhydon are both moderately high in RU usage and are also likely to go. "Can't do anything of note" is a bullshit argument when you don't play those tiers, and I know you don't because you say that. Lanturn is one of the few Moltres checks in RU and has plenty of utility with Heal Bell, Scald, Volt Switch, etc. Scolipede is one of the best Spikes users in both RU and NU. Snover is banned so that doesn't even matter. Swellow is still very good in RU, despite the fact that more people carry Rock- and Steel-types because of Honchkrow. I could go on with the rest of your arguments in a similar manner.

I feel like your reasoning is "lol this is a bitch it should go" or "pfft sucks won't go". Opinions don't even influence tier shifts; usage does. :/
Dugtrio: OU Sun needs him. That's really it.
Gorebyss: It just squeaked under the line of OU (3.04% usage), so you're right. With Deo-S gone and HO neutered, it's probably staying.
Slowking: In November, he was top 10 in RU. There's a 0% chance he isn't leaving
Lanturn: It has a secure 6.4% usage in RU. Don't hate the poke, hate the math
Snover: lol, it already did
Braviary: Again, victim to math
Swellow: How the hell this gets less usage than Braviary I don't know...
Klinklang: Blame MoltenKyurem
Rotom-F: Hail. Don't worry, we'll get it back soon
Absol: Ok, picture how Honchkrow is an ass in RU. Now add the fact that Absol has a stronger Sucker Punch. gg.
Cryogonal: Actually, if it falls like .2~.3%, we'll keep him.

EDIT: I hate you Zebraiken
I LOL'ed at this. But srsly out of so many matches I've played yesterday, I have only seen 1 fucking Mesprit. And out of so many matches I've played for NU, I've seen less than 10.

Been mentioned already as this post is a week old, but Trick Scarf Mespirit is the most popular lead in NU at the moment.

Dugtrio: OU Sun needs him. That's really it.
Gorebyss: It just squeaked under the line of OU (3.04% usage), so you're right. With Deo-S gone and HO neutered, it's probably staying.

Slowking: In November, he was top 10 in RU. There's a 0% chance he isn't leaving

Absol: Ok, picture how Honchkrow is an ass in RU. Now add the fact that Absol has a stronger Sucker Punch. gg.

To save complex bans, I'd just like to see Gorebyss go UU (or BL2) where it sees plenty of use as a Smash Passer. I doubt it will go OU as it has nothing on Cloyster.

I'm currently 7th on the RU ladder with a Slowking, I had one in my team pre-reset, around 80th I think at the end. Plenty of people are using him, he's incredibly popular so it doesn't surprise me at the least.

Honchkrow is largely keeping Absol in NU. Moxie Krow is very dangerous late game as it can get free boosts while cleaning up house, it doesn't need to set up like Absol, it also has a second immunity and second stab. Don't get me wrong, Absol is good, Honchkrow is just much better this Gen. Absol has no recovery and no potential for a mixed set which can catch walls off guard.
ohohohohohohohohohoh, single-handedly putting Porygon on the map :3 But yeah, I'm not particularly surprised really, save minor stuff (Lanturn is waaayyyy too low, it's almost offensive). But yayz, Absol and Miltank r leaving (hopefully...) <3 But Torterra sure as hell shouldn't leave, cuz he is (imo) just such a balanced cornerstone of NU right, that it would just make me upset. Also Magneton, cuz I thoroughly abuse the sheeeeeeeet outta him :3
Honchkrow is largely keeping Absol in NU. Moxie Krow is very dangerous late game as it can get free boosts while cleaning up house, it doesn't need to set up like Absol, it also has a second immunity and second stab. Don't get me wrong, Absol is good, Honchkrow is just much better this Gen. Absol has no recovery and no potential for a mixed set which can catch walls off guard.

the fact that absol is initially more powerful, along with the fact that absol can clean up steels with superpower as well as access to swords dance while being slightly faster is enough of a reason to use absol........

in fact, absol can be more more effective than honch cause of all the switches it causes, in fact i ran a 4 attacks set with pursuit in both tiers and it did just fine. dont down absol, its good and different in its own right :P
the fact that absol is initially more powerful, along with the fact that absol can clean up steels with superpower as well as access to swords dance while being slightly faster is enough of a reason to use absol........

in fact, absol can be more more effective than honch cause of all the switches it causes, in fact i ran a 4 attacks set with pursuit in both tiers and it did just fine. dont down absol, its good and different in its own right :P

honchrow is far more powerful initially since it has a 120 BP STAB move while absol has an 80 BP STAB in hte unreliable sucker Punch. Honchkrow can also clean up steels with super power/hpgrass/heat wave whatever which might be even more effective since it has surprise factor. a four attack insomnia krow probably could have fared you better than absol would haveon your ru team. SD, lack of an sr weak and speed (i dont know what notable threats are in between 71 and 75 though) are the only reasons i can see to use absol over honch, and really those dont outweigh absols disadvantages.
honchrow is far more powerful initially since it has a 120 BP STAB move while absol has an 80 BP STAB in hte unreliable sucker Punch. Honchkrow can also clean up steels with super power/hpgrass/heat wave whatever which might be even more effective since it has surprise factor. a four attack insomnia krow probably could have fared you better than absol would haveon your ru team. SD, lack of an sr weak and speed (i dont know what notable threats are in between 71 and 75 though) are the only reasons i can see to use absol over honch, and really those dont outweigh absols disadvantages.

well lack of a stealth rock weakness is another reason, more ideas are typing, also, absol DOES have a stronger sucker punch, and imo is perfectly good in its own right, also the fact that brave bird does recoil an be offputting.

i will admit absol gets a lot of competition from honch, but absol is pretty good in RU. absol also gets JUSTIFIED which really helps out :D
the fact that absol is initially more powerful, along with the fact that absol can clean up steels with superpower as well as access to swords dance while being slightly faster is enough of a reason to use absol........

in fact, absol can be more more effective than honch cause of all the switches it causes, in fact i ran a 4 attacks set with pursuit in both tiers and it did just fine. dont down absol, its good and different in its own right :P

If you're running super luck, like Absol, on Honchkrow you have access to Superpower with Honchkrow. Absol is really good, but so is Pinsir, Herracross is just better, I see Absol/Honchkrow as the same comparison.
I'm not tennis, but this is NU, so discussion of Honch and Heracross should be canned... Also, hi, December stats are up, why are we still here?
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