Cryogonal (Physically Defensive) [QC 4/3] [GP 2/2]


name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Rapid Spin
move 3: Haze / Reflect
move 4: Recover
item: Leftovers
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>Normally, Cryogonal has to be kept away from physical attacks because even Rapid Spin can leave a decent mark on it. When used as a special wall its lopsided defenses can hurt its ability to tank hits because of its fear of Pursuit. Choice Band Spiritomb is an especially big annoyance to spin against. This set builds up Cryogonal's Defense as much as possible in order to patch up this weakness and gain the greatest possible overall tanking ability. Despite the lack of investment in Special Defense, Cyrogonal still remains one of the best Haze users in RU and still generally beats special attackers that lack a super effective attack or Toxic. Reflect allows Cryogonal to further boost its Defense but generally isn't as useful as Haze.</p>


<p>Here is a demonstration of Cryogonal's increased overall defensive ability:</p>

<ul class="damage_calculation">
<li>Choice Band Spiritomb Pursuit vs Max HP Cryogonal- 61% - 71.8%</li>
<li>Choice Band Spiritomb vs this Cryogonal- 33.4% - 39.5%</li>
<li>Neutral Nature Life Orb Rotom Thunderbolt vs standard Cryogonal- 27.3% - 32.6%</li>
<li>Neutral Nature Life Orb Rotom Thunderbolt vs this Cryogonal- 36.9% - 43.6%</li>

<p>40 Speed EVs can be useful to outrun Adamant Feraligatr and set up Reflect before it attacks, although Cryogonal can't do much back. It is more efficient defensively to take these EVs out of HP rather than Cryogonal's tiny Defense. Toxic is another option to wear down bulky Pokemon, but the team support Haze provides is hard to pass up.</p>

<p>Fast, hard hitting physical attackers are still the biggest problem for this set; even with Reflect there is no holding off powerhouses such as Durant and Entei. Some hazard setters like Ferroseed are still problematic behind Reflect, stabbing Cryogonal with Iron Barbs on an attempted spin, Leech Seeding to remain healthy, and using Gyro Ball for lots of damage. Cryogonal still needs a lot of support from its teammates to deal with most physical attackers. The given EVs only increase its overall durability; they do not make it a premium physical wall. Bulky Pokemon such as Omastar and Uxie can cover Cryogonal's weaknesses while bulky Ghost-types such as Cofagrigus and Spiritomb can do this and also spread burns with Will-o-Wisp.</p>
As the original Cryo writer I approve of this message. Cryo is diverse enough to run multiple spreads and be different enough to deserve different sets, each one of the spreads with the same set (spdef, def, offensive) plays entirely different.

good, but what about acid armor? it raises your defense by 2 each turn and slower physical attackers could really be walled by that more than reflect (which by the way gets destroyed by a brick break, a move that might be commonly used against cyrogonal aka an ICE type).
good, but what about acid armor? it raises your defense by 2 each turn and slower physical attackers could really be walled by that more than reflect (which by the way gets destroyed by a brick break, a move that might be commonly used against cyrogonal aka an ICE type).
Nothing in RU really carries Brick Break; they all carry either Drain Punch or Close Combat because they are better moves. Reflect also supports the rest of the team as well, so it is better.
I really wonder why this didn't get approved sooner. I've only had the opportunity to try it in a teambat, but in the moment Cryogonal took something like 30% from a Samurott's Waterfall, I knew I didn't need to test it any longer to know it's an amazing set. You should probably put Reflect before Haze though, but it's pretty cool otherwise.

Can you mention some physically defensive partners that synergize well with Cryogonal. For example, in AC you should add Omastar as it resists Fire- and Rock-type moves. Cofagrigus and Spiritomb can burn physical attackers. Mention Uxie as well, it can set up Stealth Rock and switch into Fighting-type moves.


name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Rapid Spin
move 3: Haze / Reflect
move 4: Recover
item: Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 dDef / 4 sSpD


<p>Normally, Cryogonal has to be kept away from physical attacks because even Rapid Spins can leave a decent mark on it. When used as a special wall its lopsided defenses can hurt its ability to tank hits because of its fear of Pursuit. Choice Band Spiritomb is an especially big annoyance to try touse Rapid Spin against. This set builds up Cryogonal's defense as much as possible in order to patch up this weakness and gain the greatest possible overall tanking ability. Despite the lack of investment in special defense, Cyrogonal still remains one of the best users of Haze in RU and still generally beats special attackers lacking a super- effective attack or Toxic. Reflect can allows Cryogonal to boost its defense further but generally isn't as useful as Haze.</p>


<p>Here is a demonstration of Cryogonal's increased overall defensive ability.</p>

<ul class="damage_calculation">
<li>Choice Band Spiritomb Pursuit vs Max HP Cryogonal- 61% - 71.8%</li>
<li>Choice Band Spiritomb vs this Cryogonal- 33.4% - 39.5%</li>
<li>Neutral Nature Life Orb Rotom Thunderbolt vs standard Cryogonal- 27.3% - 32.6%</li>
<li>Neutral Nature Life Orb Rotom Thunderbolt vs this Cryogonal- 36.9% - 43.6%</li>

<p>40 Speed EVs can be useful to outrun Adamant Feraligator and set up Reflect before it attacks, although Cryogonal can't hurt it by itselfdo much back. It is more efficient defensively to take these EVs out of HP rather than Cryogonal's tiny defense. Toxic is another option to softewear down bulky pokemon but the team support provided by Haze is hard to pass up.</p>

<p>Fast, hard -hitting physical- attackers are still the biggest problem for this set,; even with Reflect there is no holding off pokemonwerhouses such as Durant and Entei. Some hazard setters like Ferroseed are still problematic behind Reflect, stabbing Cryogonal with Iron Barbs on an attempted spin, Leech Seeding to remain healthy, and using Gyro Ball for goodlots of damage. Cryogonal still needs a lot of support from its teammates within order to deal with most physical attackers, the EVs. The given EVs only increase its overall hit-taking durability,; they do not make it a premium physical wall. Bulky pPokemon likesuch as Omastar and Uxie can cover Cryogonal's weaknesses while bulky gGhost-types such as Cofagrigus and Spiritomb can do this in addition to spreading burns with Will-O-Wisp.</p>


GP 1/2
add/replace with

name: Physically Defensive
move 1: Ice Beam
move 2: Rapid Spin
move 3: Haze / Reflect
move 4: Recover
item: Leftovers
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD


<p>Normally, Cryogonal has to be kept away from physical attacks because even Rapid Spin can leave a decent mark on it. When used as a special wall its lopsided defenses can hurt its ability to tank hits because of its fear of Pursuit. Choice Band Spiritomb is an especially big annoyance to spin against. This set builds up Cryogonal's Defense as much as possible in order to patch up this weakness and gain the greatest possible overall tanking ability. Despite the lack of investment in Special Defense, Cyrogonal still remains one of the best users of Haze users in RU and still generally beats special attackers that lack a super effective attack or Toxic. Reflect allows Cryogonal to further boost its Defense further but generally isn't as useful as Haze.</p>


<p>Here is a demonstration of Cryogonal's increased overall defensive ability:</p>

<ul class="damage_calculation">
<li>Choice Band Spiritomb Pursuit vs Max HP Cryogonal- 61% - 71.8%</li>
<li>Choice Band Spiritomb vs this Cryogonal- 33.4% - 39.5%</li>
<li>Neutral Nature Life Orb Rotom Thunderbolt vs standard Cryogonal- 27.3% - 32.6%</li>
<li>Neutral Nature Life Orb Rotom Thunderbolt vs this Cryogonal- 36.9% - 43.6%</li>

<p>40 Speed EVs can be useful to outrun Adamant Feraligator and set up Reflect before it attacks, although Cryogonal can't do much back. It is more efficient defensively to take these EVs out of HP rather than Cryogonal's tiny Defense. Toxic is another option to wear down bulky pokemon but the team support Haze provides is hard to pass up.</p>

<p>Fast, hard hitting physical attackers are still the biggest problem for this set; even with Reflect there is no holding off powerhouses such as Durant and Entei. Some hazard setters like Ferroseed are still problematic behind Reflect, stabbing Cryogonal with Iron Barbs on an attempted spin, Leech Seeding to remain healthy, and using Gyro Ball for lots of damage. Cryogonal still needs a lot of support from its teammates in order to deal with most physical attackers. The given EVs only increase its overall durability; they do not make it a premium physical wall. Bulky Pokemon such as Omastar and Uxie can cover Cryogonal's weaknesses while bulky Ghost-types such as Cofagrigus and Spiritomb can do this and also spread burns with Will-o-Wisp.</p>


GP Approved (2/2)