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  • Hello GARCHOMPZILLA, Team Rocket Corporation is conducting an Activity Sweep which it will get rid of inactive members.TRC has a large community and many threads and projects you can be involved in. If you wish to continue being a member of Team Rocket Corporation please post here.
    Make something square and scale it in word? I don't really know computers and even I can do that!
    Unfortunately no, I didn't get my team up in time :(
    Stupid end-of-year tests and huge assignments.
    A bit short of 1600, I believe. I am not going to try to place well cuz everyone has a huge head start. Just gonna use for a bit of practice when I have time
    Well, the problem is I have a trip from Sunday to next Saturday, so we have to play today, tomorrow or after day 13

    tell me when you can play, please
    hi, we have to battle for the GS Cup Tourney

    Tell me when you can play or add me to

    I am GMT +1
    Yeah that sounds good. Try to stick around for about 30 minutes afterword though in case I end up running late(I should be there on time though).
    Can you battle at a later time tomorrow instead? I have some stuff that I have to do in the afternoon tomorrow(around 6 would be good).
    Hey when do you want to play for the BW VGC 2010 tourney? I'm available in the afternoons and evenings this week and would like to get it done as soon as possible.
    Just wanted to make sure you saw the my post in the tourney thread, you don't have to submit your team
    yea the same came to mind. But it's not like he actually won, and this is a new season.... Not like he's a bad player, juts not King of the World
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