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  • Yessssss!! it will be awesome!!

    Hmm, so you play VGC? Maybe you should teach me sometime haha
    Hi, we have to play for farmleague. We're both pretty active on Skarmbliss so it shouldn't be a problem to play our matches, looking forward to that!
    I'll be here now for an hour or two from this post. Same should apply for the same times tomorrow.
    Hey we are paired for the Intro to BW2 tourney and I just finished making my team. I'm gmt -5 and available all day and tomorrow and during the week days im available 5pm-10pm my time
    Hey, I'm Brap from England (GMT). We have to battle in r3 of liars. When can you battle?
    Hi ! We are paired for the B2W2 Walkthrough Tournament. I'm GMT +1.

    When do you want to play ? I'm available most of the weekend, and almost every weekday evening.
    Okay, I will wait you with 9:00 to 13:00 on GMT-5. If you see it, go to Pokemon Showdown, Smogon`s server.
    From Level 51: Sorry man, but I think you *may* have to redo your match, if it's not too much trouble. After reviewing Kyurem-B, I've decided to hold it off until possibly next round.

    Sorry for the inconvenience :/

    So how about today november 8th at 5:30 PM?
    We are opponents for the Offstat tour.
    My timezone is GMT -5, and I can battle anytime on the weekends and after 7PM on weekdays.
    Also, PO or PS?
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