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  • I went 5-2, there were only 7 rounds in Seniors at Philly. I failed to miss top cut because I got haxed by Sand Veil Bright Powder garchomp, and my second loss was to iss in a good battle. I took 20th.
    Please excuse me, but I've just realized that you took top 2 at Virginia, kind of late for me to notice, but I did, so I'm adding you to the hall of fame, if your gonna be at PHilly, would you like a VGC Eagles T-shirt?
    I went to b202 since Skarmbliss server seems to be down. You weren't there. I assume we have a backup server?
    You are another member of VGC Eagles! I wondered if you would like to battle me VGC style. :)
    I won't be here tomorrow, but Saturday should work for me at this time should work
    When do you want to play for UU Can Party Too? I'm GMT +1, and I'll be available much more after Monday.
    There is a complete overhaul of Selects Elite, I am challenging all our members who currently have not made a trip to nats, if you loose you out of the group, sorry if it sounds harsh, but with the upcoming season, it is nesisarry with the upcoming season for us to be the best that we can be!

    - Golden Piloswine
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