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  • Wish you well! Cybertron will most likely be there, you have the skill to beat him though, maybe drink hot sauce before, to heighten you senses.
    Soo... After an awkward past month, are you going to Foxborough? I won't be there, this is my last year in seniors, and would like it to be a successful one, before Cybertron & the others start to put the hurt on me in the East.
    We now have support from La-li-lu-le-lo in FOX-HOUND! I have no idea if he intends for this group to be a revival of the Mighty Ducks, or a standalone VGC group. Anyway thanks for joining, your one of three Team Shedinja members to have actually been picked for the group.
    That's okay, masters was hard this year. Actually the hardest out of any regional with wolf, and Cybertron, as you know I was 5-2, and that was good enough for 20th. Well it was nice meeting you for the second time, and first official time, as it turns out, the Musharna that everyone told me to replace with Cress ended up contributing greatly to my 5 wins, and my one of my losses was to hax, and the other was a good match against iss. Will you be attending any other regionals? I'm pretty sure Virginia, and Foxborough will be almost as hard as Philly.
    I need some practice before Regionals, so do you want to have a VGC battle tomorrow, I'll be home from school at 3:00.
    Hmmm.... Terrakion is the star of the shop, I keep trying to clone it, but it only worked once, and unfortunatley someone snagged it, so have any tips. I'll be cloning it from pokecheck, from .pkm from pokegts.
    Um... I don't think that would be possible, parents won't let me download anything on the computer.
    Okay, thanks for reporting M. Rock placed in the top 20 in the Autumn Friendly so I'm sure he was'nt easy to beat, congratz, your prize is a foongus, and a shiny Gible!
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