

[QC 3/3] [Zebraiken] [NatGeo] [Omicron]
[GP 1/2] [Komodo] [Steven Snype]


<p>Despite its chubby (and cute!) appearance, Purugly is one of NU's fastest Pokemon, boasting an impressive base 112 Speed. Sadly, this is its only worthwhile stat, with a mediocre Attack stat and paper-thin defenses. It also suffers from a shallow movepool, and its defensive capabilities are that of any standard Normal-type; although, this is somewhat alleviated by the resistances it gets from its ability, Thick Fat. It also faces strong competition from two other Normal-types: Persian and Cincinno. Persian runs a similar scout set, but has Technician to boost Fake Out, whereas Cincinno has better Speed, Attack, and coverage with its own Choice Band set.</p>

<p>However, it is not all doom and gloom for this gorgeous feline. Purugly's extra resistances granted by Thick Fat and ability to damage bulky Pokemon with Super Fang set it apart from its Normal-type brethren, and its blistering Speed and passable Attack let it scout and revenge kill effectively. While held back by its various flaws, Purugly has just enough in terms of base stats and movepool to pull off its sets.</p>

name: Scout
move 1: Fake Out
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Return / Super Fang
move 4: Taunt / Shadow Claw
item: Life Orb
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Jolly
evs: 56 HP / 252 Atk / 200 Spe


<p>Thanks to its high base Speed, Purugly can use a combination of Fake Out and U-turn to deal quick damage and swiftly leave the battlefield without taking any damage. Although it has a measly 40 Base Power, Fake Out's priority and 100% flinch rate effectively give Purugly free damage on the opposing Pokemon. However, Ghost-type Pokemon are immune to it, so take caution if you see a Ghost-type in Team Preview. As Fake Out can only be used when you switch in, U-turn is the perfect follow up move, letting Purugly deal a parting blow while only taking Life Orb damage against slower opponents. U-turn is the ultimate scouting move, keeping the momentum on your side and taking advantage of the opponent's Purugly switch-ins. Return is a reliable STAB move that can revenge kill a weakened foe, whereas Super Fang lets you deal damage to the Rock- and Steel-types that otherwise wall Purugly. Taunt is a useful move for neutering set-up sweepers and hazard setters, but Shadow Claw can be used if you really want the extra coverage.</p>


<p>A Life Orb and max Attack EVs aim to make Purugly as powerful as possible, whereas the Speed EVs and a Jolly nature let it outspeed positive base 105 Speed Pokemon, such as Rapidash. An Adamant nature provides more power to Purugly's moves, but is inferior as you will then lose to positive base 92 Speed Pokemon and above, as well as Quick Feet Ursaring. As Thick Fat is one of the only factors that seperates Purugly from its fellow Normal-types, it is the only ability that should be used. Knock Off can remove the myriad of Eviolites in the tier; Hypnosis, on the other hand, can be used if you want to inflict status, but its unreliable accuracy makes it outclassed by Purugly's other options.</p>

<p>As Purugly will be switching a lot, it appreciates spin support to avoid damage from hazards, which can add up when combined with Life Orb recoil. Cryogonal, although the best NU spinner, shares an unfortunate Fighting-type weakness with Purugly; other spinners &mdash;such as Torkoal and Wartortle&mdash;don't but are generally outclassed by Cryogonal in their spinning ability. Purugly benefits Pokemon that appreciate a free turn to set up and extra damage to gain some KOs. Devastating set-up sweepers, such as Gorebyss and other Shell Smashers, are solid examples.</p>

name: Choice Band
move 1: Return / Body Slam
move 2: Shadow Claw
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Super Fang / Quick Attack
item: Choice Band
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Jolly
evs: 56 HP / 252 Atk / 200 Spe


<p>Although Purugly only has a mediocre Attack stat, a Choice Band can boost it to respectable levels, and with its brilliant base Speed it can function as a decent revenge killer. However, it faces strong competition from Cincinno, who has better Attack and Speed and a wider movepool to choose from. However, Purugly's resistances gained through Thick Fat and its ability to hit Steel-types with Super Fang set it apart from Cincinno. Return is a strong, reliable STAB move, but Body Slam can be used for the nice paralysis rate; if using Body Slam, however, the drop in power can be quite noticable. Shadow Claw grants Purugly perfect coverage, hitting Ghost-types super effectively, while U-turn lets it escape from sticky situations and maintain momentum. Purugly uses Super Fang to deal with the Rock- and Steel-types that wall Purugly, whereas Quick Attack gives it priority to finish off faster threats, such as Swellow and Choice Scarf users.</p>


<p>With a Choice Band and maximum Attack EVs, Purugly can pack quite a punch. Although an Adamant nature would grant even more power, without a Jolly nature Purugly will be outsped by Pokemon such as Rapidash and Quick Feet Ursaring. Wake-Up Slap is another possible move to deal with Rock- and Steel-types, but Super Fang lets you deal with other defensive Pokemon that Wake-Up Slap does not deal super effective damage to.</p>

<p>Rock- and Steel-type Pokemon take a pittance from Purugly's main attacks and cannot be beaten by Super Fang alone. Magmortar can roast Steel-types with its powerful Fire-type STAB, and Gorebyss can similarly counter Rock-types. Sweepers that appreciate the removal of fast but frail Pokemon removed work well as teammates. Pokemon such as SubCM Mesprit can take powerful Fighting-type attacks aimed at Purugly and appreciatethe elimination of faster threats. Purugly will be switching a lot after being locked into its revenge killing move, so spin support from Cryogonal or Torkoal is again appreciated. Having hazards on the opponent's side of the field also helps Purugly score some crucial KOs. As such, Pokemon such as Golem and Regirock can set up Stealth Rock while countering Swellow, who outspeeds and KOs Purugly.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Purugly can use a boosting set with Hone Claws, but it is usually too frail to set up. It can use its high base Speed to set up weather, such as rain or sun, for its teammates. If so, use a Damp / Heat Rock to extend the length of the weather. Toxic can be used as a form of status to put pressure on very bulky Pokemon, such as Regirock and Golem. A gimmicky combination of Fake Out and Last Resort can give Purugly a high-powered STAB move to break through teams, but is completely walled by Ghost-types, who are immune to both moves. Sucker Punch can be used as another form of priority to hit Ghost-types. It can run a set with its Dream World Ability, Defiant, to take advantage of Pokemon who lower stats. However, stat-lowering moves are rare, and losing the resistances from Thick Fat is not the best idea. Purugly can can also run a set with a Choice Scarf, outspeeding nearly every Pokemon, Choice Scarfed or not, in the metagame. However, there is a noticeable loss of power when Purugly has no boosts.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Even when boosted by items such as Choice Band, its mediocre Attack only becomes passable. This lets physically bulky Pokemon&mdash;especially the Rock- and Steel-types that resist its STAB attack&mdash;wall it with relative ease, although they have to be wary of Purugly that run Super Fang. Ghost-types are a near complete stop to the Scout set due to their virtue of typing; their immunity to Normal-type attacks means that the best Purugly can do is U-turn out, which will still deal pitiful damage. Faster Pokemon will kill it with ease, with hard hitters such as Swellow naturally outspeeding it, while Choice Scarfed Pokemon, such as Sawk, demolish our poor, innocent kitten.</p>
sorta a minor thing, but I'm pretty sure Purugly can get away with 16 HP / 252 Atk / 240 Spe, 112 isn't really some huge speed tier :P But if I'm missing some important Scarf poke, then I guess nvm lol

edit: upon a brief run-through of his movepool, i did notice a few things. Knock Off is pretty cool, maybe worth an AC mention on the Scout set? Also, it does get Wake-Up Slap, which is a lot better than Iron Tail imo (actually hits Steels, not obnoxiously inaccurate all and that). So maybe that would be a tad better for it in the Band set
Ok I changed the ev's, you beat the same mons with 240
I also moved Adamant to AC, as it makes you lose to positive 97s and above (stuff like Rapidash, Tauros and Jumpluff which you can shut down with Taunt otherwise) and Quick Feet Ursaring
set 1 shouldn't run sash.

also, persian does not outclass this; persian sucks. a base 60 STAB move instead of a base 40 one does not compensate for an approximate 1.1 boost in power. if anything I'd say purugly has more promise simply because it hits harder.

super fang somewhere

knock off somewhere (agree with col49)

Getting rid of sash, was wary about it originally

Changing the mention to the fact they have similar roles, i'll have that in mind for write up

adding super fang in oo, knock off in ac of scout, wake up slap replaces iron tail

weather is in oo

also deleting thief from oo after realising how much better knock off is

EDIT: Purugly doesn't get Super Fang
it actually does learn super fang, should be purugly's main option of doing damage imo
weird, neither bulbapedia or veekun (the two I checked) had it, but serebii and po do

as such, adding in oo

EDIT: @Molk
Purugly has decent-ish attack to use, but I suppose it could be a slash on band to help deal with steels instead of wake-up slap? I'll let QC weigh in and keep it in oo for now
Minor thing,Defiant Purugly is already released,So the DW section is not needed at all.
IMO this thing faces more competition from Cinccino than Persian. Cinccino is faster, stronger, and has a better movepool. Since Fake Out, Super Fang and Thick Fat are the only advantages, really stress them, especially SF
I'd agree with you on the Band set, but the Scout set works with a completely different purpose to Cincinno, but is very similar to Persian.
Also moving Super Fang to a slash of Band (and moving Wake-Up Slap to AC) and a slash on the first set
do mention the purpose of your evs in AC, though i think dropping them to outspeed just 105s like we did with serperior and woobat would probably be a good idea. definitely stress super fang and thick fat when you write it up like cherub agent said because it has few advantages over the other two mons otherwise. defiant should be mentioned in oo.

otherwise i don't see much else, soo


<p>Despite its chubby (and cute!) appearance, Purugly is one of the NU tierNU's fastest Pokemon, boasting an impressive base 112 Speed. Sadly, this is its only worthwhile stat, with a mediocre Attack stat and paper-thin defencses. It also suffers from a shallow movepool, and the subparits defensive capabilities of theare that of of any standard Normal-type,; although, this is somewhat alleviated by the resistances it gets from its ability, Thick Fat. It also faces strong competition from two other Normal-types: Persian and Cincinno. Persian runs a similar Sscout set, but has Technician to boost Fake Out, whereas Cincinno has better Speed, Attack, and coverage with its own Choice Band set.</p>

<p>However, it is not all doom and gloom for this gorgeous feline. Purugly's extra resistances granted by Thick Fat and ability to damage bulky Pokemon with Super Fang set it apart from its Normal-type brethren, and its blistering Speed and passable Attack let it scout and revenge kill effectively. While held back by its various flaws, Purugly has just enough in terms of base stats and movepool to pull off its sets.</p>

name: Scout
move 1: Fake Out
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Return / Super Fang
move 4: Taunt / Shadow Claw
item: Life Orb
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Jolly
evs: 56 HP / 252 Atk / 200 Spe


<p>Because ofThanks to its high base Speed, Purugly can use a combination of Fake Out and U-turn to deal quick damage to the opposing Pokemon, then just asand swiftly leave the battlefield without taking any damage. Although it has a measly 40 Base Power, Fake Out's priority and 100% flinch chancrate effectively letgive Purugly get free damage on the opposing Pokemon. However, Ghost-type Pokemon are immune to it, so caution should be taken if you see a Ghost-type in Team Preview. As Fake Out can only be used when you switch in, U-turn is the perfect follow up move, letting Purugly leave a parting blow while only taking Life Orb damage when against slower opponents. U-turn is the ultimate scouting move, keeping the momentum on your side and taking advantage of the opponent's switch-ins to Purugly. Return is a reliable STAB move that can revenge kill a weakened foe, whereas Super Fang let's you deal damage to the Rock- and Steel-types that otherwise wall youPurugly. Taunt is a useful move for neutering set-up sweepers and hazard setters, but Shadow Claw can be used if you really want the extra coverage.</p>


<p>A Life Orb and the max Attack EVs aim to make Purugly as powerful as possible, whereas the Speed EVs and a Jolly nature let it outspeed positive base 105 Speed Pokemon, such as Rapidash. An Adamant givnature provides more power to Purugly's moves, but is inferior as you will then lose to positive base 92 Speed Pokemon and above, as well as Quick Feet Ursaring. As Thick Fat is one of the only factors that seperates Purugly from its fellow Normal-types, it is the only ability that should be used in this set. Knock Off can be helpful to remove the myriad of Eviolites in the tier; Hypnosis, on the other hand, can be used if you want to inflict status, but its unreliable accuracy leaves it outclassed by Purugly's other options.</p>

<p>As Purugly will be switching a lot, it appreciates Rapid Spin support to keep away the peskyavoid damage from hazards damage, which can add up when combined with Life Orb recoil. Cryogonal, although the best NU spinner, shares an unfortunate Fighting-type weakness with Purugly; other Rapid Spin users–such as Torkoal and Wartortle–don't, but are generally outclassed by Cryogonal in Rapid Spinning ability. Purugly benefits Pokemon that can use a free turn and appreciate the extra damage to help them set up and gain some extra KOs, respectively. Devastating set-up sweepers, such as Gorebyss, and other Shell Smashers, such as Crustle, are solid examples.</p>

name: Choice Band
move 1: Return / Body Slam
move 2: Shadow Claw
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Super Fang / Quick Attack
item: Choice Band
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Jolly
evs: 56 HP / 252 Atk / 200 Spe


<p>Although Purugly only has a mediocre Attack stat, a Choice Band can boost it to decentrespectable levels, and with its brilliant base Speed it can function as a decent revenge killer. However, it faces strong competition from Cincinno, who has better Attack and Speed and a wider movepool to choose from. However, Purugly's resistances gained through Thick Fat and a move to hit Steel-types with in Super Fang set it apart from Cincinno. Return is a strong, reliable STAB move, but Body Slam can be used for the nice paralysis chancrate; if using Body Slam, however, the drop in power can be quite noticable. Shadow Claw grants Purugly perfect coverage, hitting Ghost-types super effectively, while U-turn lets it escape from sticky situations and keep up momentum. Super Fang is used to deal with the Rock- and Steel-types that wall Purugly, whereas Quick Attack gives it priority to finish off faster threats, such as Swellow and Choice Scarf users.</p>


<p>With a Choice Band and maximum Attack EVs, Purugly can pack quite a punch. Although an Adamant nature would grant even more power, without a Jolly nature Purugly will be outsped by Pokemon such as Rapidash and Quick Feet Ursaring. Wake-Up Slap is another possible move to deal with Rock- and Steel-types, but Super Fang lets you deal with other defensive Pokemon not weak to Wake-Up Slap.</p>

<p>Rock- and Steel-type Pokemon take a pittance from Purugly's main attacks and cannot be beaten by Super Fang alone. Magmortar can roast Steel-types with its powerful Fire-type STAB, and Gorebyss can play a similar role in countering Rock-types. Sweepers that appreciate fast but frail Pokemon removed work well as teammates. Pokemon such as SubCM Mesprit can take powerful Fighting-type attacks aimed at Purugly while appreciating the elimination of faster threats. Purugly will be switching a lot after being locked into its revenge killing move, so Rapid Spin support from Cryogonal or Torkoal is again appreciated. Having hazards on the opponent's side of the field also helps Purugly score some crucial KOs. As such, Pokemon such as Golem and Regirock can set up Stealth Rock while countering Swellow, who outspeeds and KOs Purugly that run Super Fang.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Purugly can use a boosting set with Hone Claws, but it is usually too frail to set up. It can use its high base Speed to set up weather, such as rain or sun, for hiits teammates. If so, use a Damp / Heat Rock as your item to extendto extend the length of the weather. Toxic can be used as a form of status to put pressure on very bulky Pokemon, such as Regirock and Golem. A gimmicky combination of Fake Out and Last Resort can give Purugly a high-powered STAB move to break through teams, but is completely walled by Ghost-types, who are immune to both moves. Sucker Punch can be used as another form of priority that Purugly can use and cano hit Ghost-types. It can run a set with its Dream World Ability, Defiant, designed to take advantage of Pokemon who lower stats. However, stat-lowering moves are rare, and losing the resistances from Thick Fat is not the best. Purugly can can also run a set with a Choice Scarf, outspeeding nearly every Pokemon, Choice Scarfed or not, in the metagame. However, there is a noticeable loss of power in Purugly's moves when they're not boosted in some form.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Even when boosted by items such as Choice Band, its mediocre Attack only becomes passable. This lets physically bulky Pokemon&mdash;especially the Rock- and Steel-types that resist its STAB attack&mdash;wall it with relative ease, although the have to be wary of Purugly that run Super Fang. Ghost-types are a near complete stop to the Scout set due to their virtue of typing: their immunity to the Normal-type means that the best Purugly can do is U-turn out, which will still deal pitiful, not very effective damage. Faster Pokemon will kill it with ease, with hard hitters such as Swellow naturally outspeeding it, while Choice Scarfed Pokemon, such as Sawk, demolish our poor, innocent kitten.</p>

Copy and Paste version:


<p>Despite its chubby (and cute!) appearance, Purugly is one of NU's fastest Pokemon, boasting an impressive base 112 Speed. Sadly, this is its only worthwhile stat, with a mediocre Attack stat and paper-thin defenses. It also suffers from a shallow movepool, and its defensive capabilities are that of of any standard Normal-type; although, this is somewhat alleviated by the resistances it gets from its ability, Thick Fat. It also faces strong competition from two other Normal-types: Persian and Cincinno. Persian runs a similar scout set, but has Technician to boost Fake Out, whereas Cincinno has better Speed, Attack, and coverage with its own Choice Band set.</p>

<p>However, it is not all doom and gloom for this gorgeous feline. Purugly's extra resistances granted by Thick Fat and ability to damage bulky Pokemon with Super Fang set it apart from its Normal-type brethren, and its blistering Speed and passable Attack let it scout and revenge kill effectively. While held back by its various flaws, Purugly has just enough in terms of base stats and movepool to pull off its sets.</p>

name: Scout
move 1: Fake Out
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Return / Super Fang
move 4: Taunt / Shadow Claw
item: Life Orb
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Jolly
evs: 56 HP / 252 Atk / 200 Spe


<p>Thanks to its high base Speed, Purugly can use a combination of Fake Out and U-turn to deal quick damage and swiftly leave the battlefield without taking any damage. Although it has a measly 40 Base Power, Fake Out's priority and 100% flinch rate effectively give Purugly free damage on the opposing Pokemon. However, Ghost-type Pokemon are immune to it, so caution should be taken if you see a Ghost-type in Team Preview. As Fake Out can only be used when you switch in, U-turn is the perfect follow up move, letting Purugly leave a parting blow while only taking Life Orb damage against slower opponents. U-turn is the ultimate scouting move, keeping the momentum on your side and taking advantage of the opponent's switch-ins to Purugly. Return is a reliable STAB move that can revenge kill a weakened foe, whereas Super Fang lets you deal damage to the Rock- and Steel-types that otherwise wall Purugly. Taunt is a useful move for neutering set-up sweepers and hazard setters, but Shadow Claw can be used if you really want the extra coverage.</p>


<p>A Life Orb and max Attack EVs aim to make Purugly as powerful as possible, whereas the Speed EVs and a Jolly nature let it outspeed positive base 105 Speed Pokemon, such as Rapidash. An Adamant nature provides more power to Purugly's moves, but is inferior as you will then lose to positive base 92 Speed Pokemon and above, as well as Quick Feet Ursaring. As Thick Fat is one of the only factors that seperates Purugly from its fellow Normal-types, it is the only ability that should be used. Knock Off can remove the myriad of Eviolites in the tier; Hypnosis, on the other hand, can be used if you want to inflict status, but its unreliable accuracy leaves it outclassed by Purugly's other options.</p>

<p>As Purugly will be switching a lot, it appreciates Rapid Spin support to avoid damage from hazards, which can add up when combined with Life Orb recoil. Cryogonal, although the best NU spinner, shares an unfortunate Fighting-type weakness with Purugly; other Rapid Spin users–such as Torkoal and Wartortle–don't, but are generally outclassed by Cryogonal in Rapid Spinning ability. Purugly benefits Pokemon that can use a free turn and appreciate the extra damage to help them set up and gain some extra KOs, respectively. Devastating set-up sweepers, such as Gorebyss, and other Shell Smashers, such as Crustle, are solid examples.</p>

name: Choice Band
move 1: Return / Body Slam
move 2: Shadow Claw
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Super Fang / Quick Attack
item: Choice Band
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Jolly
evs: 56 HP / 252 Atk / 200 Spe


<p>Although Purugly only has a mediocre Attack stat, a Choice Band can boost it to respectable levels, and with its brilliant base Speed it can function as a decent revenge killer. However, it faces strong competition from Cincinno, who has better Attack and Speed and a wider movepool to choose from. However, Purugly's resistances gained through Thick Fat and a move to hit Steel-types with in Super Fang set it apart from Cincinno. Return is a strong, reliable STAB move, but Body Slam can be used for the nice paralysis rate; if using Body Slam, however, the drop in power can be quite noticable. Shadow Claw grants Purugly perfect coverage, hitting Ghost-types super effectively, while U-turn lets it escape from sticky situations and keep up momentum. Super Fang is used to deal with the Rock- and Steel-types that wall Purugly, whereas Quick Attack gives it priority to finish off faster threats, such as Swellow and Choice Scarf users.</p>


<p>With a Choice Band and maximum Attack EVs, Purugly can pack quite a punch. Although an Adamant nature would grant even more power, without a Jolly nature Purugly will be outsped by Pokemon such as Rapidash and Quick Feet Ursaring. Wake-Up Slap is another possible move to deal with Rock- and Steel-types, but Super Fang lets you deal with other defensive Pokemon not weak to Wake-Up Slap.</p>

<p>Rock- and Steel-type Pokemon take a pittance from Purugly's main attacks and cannot be beaten by Super Fang alone. Magmortar can roast Steel-types with its powerful Fire-type STAB, and Gorebyss can play a similar role in countering Rock-types. Sweepers that appreciate fast but frail Pokemon removed work well as teammates. Pokemon such as SubCM Mesprit can take powerful Fighting-type attacks aimed at Purugly while appreciating the elimination of faster threats. Purugly will be switching a lot after being locked into its revenge killing move, so Rapid Spin support from Cryogonal or Torkoal is again appreciated. Having hazards on the opponent's side of the field also helps Purugly score some crucial KOs. As such, Pokemon such as Golem and Regirock can set up Stealth Rock while countering Swellow, who outspeeds and KOs Purugly that run Super Fang.</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Purugly can use a boosting set with Hone Claws, but it is usually too frail to set up. It can use its high base Speed to set up weather, such as rain or sun, for its teammates. If so, use a Damp / Heat Rock to extend the length of the weather. Toxic can be used as a form of status to put pressure on very bulky Pokemon, such as Regirock and Golem. A gimmicky combination of Fake Out and Last Resort can give Purugly a high-powered STAB move to break through teams, but is completely walled by Ghost-types, who are immune to both moves. Sucker Punch can be used as another form of priority to hit Ghost-types. It can run a set with its Dream World Ability, Defiant, designed to take advantage of Pokemon who lower stats. However, stat-lowering moves are rare, and losing the resistances from Thick Fat is not the best. Purugly can can also run a set with a Choice Scarf, outspeeding nearly every Pokemon, Choice Scarfed or not, in the metagame. However, there is a noticeable loss of power in Purugly's moves when they're not boosted in some form.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Even when boosted by items such as Choice Band, its mediocre Attack only becomes passable. This lets physically bulky Pokemon&mdash;especially the Rock- and Steel-types that resist its STAB attack&mdash;wall it with relative ease, although the have to be wary of Purugly that run Super Fang. Ghost-types are a near complete stop to the Scout set due to their virtue of typing: their immunity to the Normal-type means that the best Purugly can do is U-turn out, which will still deal pitiful, not very effective damage. Faster Pokemon will kill it with ease, with hard hitters such as Swellow naturally outspeeding it, while Choice Scarfed Pokemon, such as Sawk, demolish our poor, innocent kitten.</p>

add/replace with


<p>Despite its chubby (and cute!) appearance, Purugly is one of NU's fastest Pokemon, boasting an impressive base 112 Speed. Sadly, this is its only worthwhile stat, as everything else it has is a mediocre Attack stat and paper-thin defenses. It also suffers from a shallow movepool, and its defensive capabilities are that of any standard Normal-type; although, this is somewhat alleviated by the resistances it gets from its ability, Thick Fat. It also faces strong competition from two other Normal-types: Persian and Cincinno. Persian runs a similar scout set, but has Technician to boost Fake Out, whereas Cincinno has better Speed, Attack, and coverage with its own Choice Band set.</p>

<p>However, it is not all doom and gloom for this gorgeous feline. Purugly's extra resistances granted by Thick Fat and ability to damage bulky Pokemon with Super Fang set it apart from its Normal-type brethren, and its blistering Speed and passable Attack let it scout and revenge kill effectively. While held back by its various flaws, Purugly has just enough in terms of base stats and movepool to pull off its sets.</p>

name: Scout
move 1: Fake Out
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Return / Super Fang
move 4: Taunt / Shadow Claw
item: Life Orb
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Jolly
evs: 56 HP / 252 Atk / 200 Spe


<p>Thanks to its high base Speed, Purugly can use a combination of Fake Out and U-turn to deal quick damage and swiftly leave the battlefield without taking any damage. Although it has a measly 40 Base Power, Fake Out's priority and 100% flinch rate effectively give Purugly free damage on the opposing Pokemon. However, Ghost-type Pokemon are immune to it, so take caution if you see a Ghost-type in Team Preview. As Fake Out can only be used when you switch in, U-turn is the perfect follow up move, letting Purugly deal a parting blow while only taking Life Orb damage against slower opponents. U-turn is the ultimate scouting move, keeping the momentum on your side and taking advantage of the opponent's Purugly switch-ins. Return is a reliable STAB move that can revenge kill a weakened foe, whereas Super Fang lets you deal damage to the Rock- and Steel-types that otherwise wall Purugly. Taunt is a useful move for neutering set-up sweepers and hazard setters, but Shadow Claw can be used if you really want the extra coverage.</p>


<p>A Life Orb and max Attack EVs aim to make Purugly as powerful as possible, whereas the Speed EVs and a Jolly nature let it outspeed positive base 105 Speed Pokemon, such as Rapidash. An Adamant nature provides more power to Purugly's moves, but is inferior as you will then lose to positive base 92 Speed Pokemon and above, as well as Quick Feet Ursaring. As Thick Fat is one of the only factors that seperates Purugly from its fellow Normal-types, it is the only ability that should be used. Knock Off can remove the myriad of Eviolites in the tier; Hypnosis, on the other hand, can be used if you want to inflict status, but its unreliable accuracy makes it outclassed by Purugly's other options.</p>

<p>As Purugly will be switching a lot, it appreciates spin support to avoid damage from hazards, which can add up when combined with Life Orb recoil. Cryogonal, although the best NU spinner, shares an unfortunate Fighting-type weakness with Purugly; other spinners &mdash;such as Torkoal and Wartortle&mdash;don't, but are generally outclassed by Cryogonal in their spinning ability.. Purugly benefits Pokemon that appreciate a free turn to set up and appreciate the extra damage to help them set up and gain some extra KOs, respectively. Devastating set-up sweepers, such as Gorebyss, and other Shell Smashers, are solid examples.</p>

name: Choice Band
move 1: Return / Body Slam
move 2: Shadow Claw
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Super Fang / Quick Attack
item: Choice Band
ability: Thick Fat
nature: Jolly
evs: 56 HP / 252 Atk / 200 Spe


<p>Although Purugly only has a mediocre Attack stat, a Choice Band can boost it to respectable levels, and with its brilliant base Speed it can function as a decent revenge killer. However, it faces strong competition from Cincinno, who has better Attack and Speed and a wider movepool to choose from. However, Purugly's resistances gained through Thick Fat and its ability to hit Steel-types with in Super Fang set it apart from Cincinno. Return is a strong, reliable STAB move, but Body Slam can be used for the nice paralysis rate; if using Body Slam, however, the drop in power can be quite noticable. Shadow Claw grants Purugly perfect coverage, hitting Ghost-types super effectively, while U-turn lets it escape from sticky situations and maintain momentum. Purugly uses Super Fang to deal with the Rock- and Steel-types that wall Purugly, whereas Quick Attack gives it priority to finish off faster threats, such as Swellow and Choice Scarf users.</p>


<p>With a Choice Band and maximum Attack EVs, Purugly can pack quite a punch. Although an Adamant nature would grant even more power, without a Jolly nature Purugly will be outsped by Pokemon such as Rapidash and Quick Feet Ursaring. Wake-Up Slap is another possible move to deal with Rock- and Steel-types, but Super Fang lets you deal with other defensive Pokemon that Wake-Up Slap does not deal super effective damage to.</p>

<p>Rock- and Steel-type Pokemon take a pittance from Purugly's main attacks and cannot be beaten by Super Fang alone. Magmortar can roast Steel-types with its powerful Fire-type STAB, and Gorebyss cansimilarly counter Rock-types. Sweepers that appreciate the removal of fast but frail Pokemon removed work well as teammates. Pokemon such as SubCM Mesprit can take powerful Fighting-type attacks aimed at Purugly and appreciatethe elimination of faster threats. Purugly will be switching a lot after being locked into its revenge killing move, so spin support from Cryogonal or Torkoal is again appreciated. Having hazards on the opponent's side of the field also helps Purugly score some crucial KOs. As such, Pokemon such as Golem and Regirock can set up Stealth Rock while countering Swellow, who outspeeds and KOs Purugly that run Super Fang(Even if it has QA, Swellow still KOes Purugly anyway. Also, it's a CB set. Having QA just means that Purugly revenges Swellow and any competent player would deal with Purugly by using something else if it's stuck on QA.) .</p>

[Other Options]

<p>Purugly can use a boosting set with Hone Claws, but it is usually too frail to set up. It can use its high base Speed to set up weather, such as rain or sun, for its teammates. If so, use a Damp / Heat Rock to extend the length of the weather. Toxic can be used as a form of status to put pressure on very bulky Pokemon, such as Regirock and Golem. A gimmicky combination of Fake Out and Last Resort can give Purugly a high-powered STAB move to break through teams, but is completely walled by Ghost-types, who are immune to both moves. Sucker Punch can be used as another form of priority to hit Ghost-types. It can run a set with its Dream World Ability, Defiant, designed to take advantage of Pokemon who lower stats. However, stat-lowering moves are rare, and losing the resistances from Thick Fat is not the best idea. Purugly can can also run a set with a Choice Scarf, outspeeding nearly every Pokemon, Choice Scarfed or not, in the metagame. However, there is a noticeable loss of power when Purugly has no boosts. in Purugly's moves when they're not boosted in some form.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Even when boosted by items such as Choice Band, its mediocre Attack only becomes passable. This lets physically bulky Pokemon&mdash;especially the Rock- and Steel-types that resist its STAB attack&mdash;wall it with relative ease, although they have to be wary of Purugly that run Super Fang. Ghost-types are a near complete stop to the Scout set due to their virtue of typing; their immunity to Normal-type attacks means that the best Purugly can do is U-turn out, which will still deal pitiful, not very effective damage. Faster Pokemon will kill it with ease, with hard hitters such as Swellow naturally outspeeding it, while Choice Scarfed Pokemon, such as Sawk, demolish our poor, innocent kitten.</p>


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