Paradise - Weatherless Offense


Hi everyone, welcome to my RMT. This is my second OU RMT for the BW metagame and it is yet another weatherless team like my previous one. Paradise is a fairly standard weatherless offense team but it utilizes a few uncommon sets, namely SD Virizion and Sub Heatran. I have laddered with this team a few times and have mostly ranked in the lower regions of the top 100 (around 1400 points) of the Smogon ladder. Nothing to brag about, but I'm sure if I could get higher if laddering didn't bore the hell out of me.

The team is named after the Coldplay song, and because I thought it would be a suitable name for a weatherless team. Afterall, paradise wouldn't have shitty weather conditions, would it? Overall, this team is fun to play and is easy for newer players to use as well. It does have it's problems, which is why I am turning to the Smogon community to help address them.

In-Depth Analysis


Deoxys-D @ Rocky Helmet
Pressure | Timid (+Spe, -Atk)
248 HP / 44 Def / 216 Spe
- Spikes
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Psychic

With the speed form banned, Deoxys-D gets its chance to shine as the best offensive Spiker in the OU metagame. Its auspicious stats give it incredible bulk and decent speed, allowing it to setup entry hazards almost as effectively as its speed form counterpart. The additional hazard damage provided by Spikes are invaluable to offensive teams like this because it puts much more pressure on opposing walls. I usually lead with Deoxys but Dragonite and Rotom-W make solid choices for leading if I notice an unfavorable match-up. The EVs allow Deoxys to outrun everything up to neutral Hydreigon, with the rest added to HP and Def to increase overall bulk. The moveset is fairly straightforward. Taunt prevents setup sweepers from setting up on Deoxys and stops Skarmory, Forretress, and Ferrothorn from laying down entry hazards. Psychic helps check Fighting types like Conkeldurr and is great for beating Tentacruel, a common Rapid Spinner. I chose Rocky Helmet over Leftovers since it can break opposing Dragonite's Multiscale and wear down Rapid Spinners that try to spin against Deoxys.


Heatran @ Leftovers
Flash Fire | Timid (+Spe, -Atk)
4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Substitute
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power Ice

Most people seem to either use Specially Defensive Heatran or Air Balloon Heatran these days, so many teams aren't prepared for SubHeatran. Heatran is incredible at forcing switches because of its monstrous power and typing, thus it can easily setup Substitute. Much like Dragonite, Heatran is my main check to Sun teams as it has key resistances to the Grass, Fire, and Bug attacks commonly found on Sun teams. Under sunlight, Heatran turns into even more of a powerhouse as Sun boosted Fire Blasts puts massive dents into just about anything except opposing Heatran. Besides checking Sun teams, Heatran does a great job of eliminating Skarmory and Scizor that are commonly used to counter Dragonite and Virizion. On the other hand, it also lures in Rotom-W for Virizion to setup on.


Dragonite @ Choice Band
Multiscale | Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)
252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
- Outrage
- ExtremeSpeed
- Fire Punch
- Earthquake

Multiscale is one of the best abilities in the game and Dragonite has no troubles abusing it to its fullest. I usually play aggressively with Dragonite early game where Multiscale almost guarantees that it will dent something. Its main purpose on this team is to soften opposing physical walls so that Virizion and Scizor have an easier time sweeping. Dragonite has no trouble punching holes in my opponent's team, especially with entry hazard support provided by Deoxys. Furthermore, Dragonite is a great check against Sun teams due to its typing. With Dragonite and Heatran on my team, opposing Sun teams are usually easy for me to handle since they both have resistances to the Grass, Bug, and Fire attacks. Thus, they make great checks to Ninetales and common sun sweepers like Volcarona and Venusaur. Additionally, Dragonite functions well as a general revenge killer thanks to its CB-boosted ExtremeSpeed. It can also take over the lead position if Deoxys has a bad match-up, which allows it to abuse Multiscale to the fullest. The moveset and EVs are very straightforward.


Virizion @ Lum Berry
Justified | Jolly (+Spe, -SpA)
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Swords Dance
- Leaf Blade
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge

Virizion is very underrated in my opinion, especially when it should be thriving in this metagame. It handles VoltTurn fairly well and its auspicious typing allows it to handle rain and sand teams. Virizion is especially useful against Rain Stall as most of them tend to be vulnerable to it. Since it can run a physical or special set with equal prowess, it's usually difficult for opponents to predict what set I'm using initially. It also does a great job of luring out Skarmory and Scizor, which allows Heatran to eliminate them and clear the way for my Dragonite. Virizion also completes my FWG core along with Heatran and Rotom-W, which provides a plethora of useful resistances.

I opted for the SD set over the CM set because it doesn't require as much setup and it has a much more reliable Fighting STAB. The SD set also seems to be less common than its CM counterpart (at least in my experience) so fewer teams are prepared for it. I chose Stone Edge (even though I fucking hate it) over HP Ice because it gets boosted by SD and has better coverage overall. In general, HP Ice is only good for Gliscor considering that a SD-boosted Stone Edge does more damage to Dragonite. Lum Berry is incredibly useful for shrugging off random Scald burns and setting up on certain walls. The extra power from Life Orb was nice but it wore down Virizion far too quickly and reduced its ability to switch into repeated Volt Switches/Hydro Pumps. The EVs are straightforward.


Scizor @ Metal Coat
Technician | Adamant (+Atk, -SpA)
248 HP / 96 Atk / 152 SpD / 12 Spe
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Roost

I find it hard not to include Scizor on my teams these days because it checks so many deadly threats in the metagame, such as Terrakion, Latios, and Reuniclus. This particular Scizor moveset is quite versatile as it combines the utility of the CB set and the sweeping ability of the SD set. U-turn on a SD set might look odd but it allows me to bluff a Choice Band set early game while providing the same scouting utility. Once Scizor gets enough SD boosts, Bullet Punch is usually the only attack I use so Bug Bite isn't really needed. 96 Atk EVs are enough to 2HKO offensive Dragonite and Haxorus. The remaining EVs increase Special bulk so that Scizor can tank Draco Meteors. Metal Coat allows me to bluff a Choice Band set early game while providing a decent boost to Bullet Punch.


Rotom-W @ Choice Scarf
Levitate | Timid (+Spe, -Atk)
4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Hidden Power Ice
- Trick

Rotom-W's main purpose on my team is to revenge kill speedy threats such as Landorus, Tornadus, and DD Gyarados. It is especially useful in checking opposing Rain teams thanks to its amazing typing and STAB moves. Rotom-W along with Virizion and Dragonite allow me to keep most rain teams in check. It also makes an effective lead if Deoxys has a bad match-up. Rotom-W is actually quite versatile in the lead position since it can Trick its Scarf away to create setup opportunities or it can simply Volt Switch away into a more appropriate Pokemon. Besides checking the aforementioned threats, Rotom-W forms the infamous Volt-Turn aka "Scrotom" core with Scizor. This core seems to be a fixture on most offensive teams and with good reason. They're both capable of checking each other's counters and maintaining momentum.

Deoxys-D @ Rocky Helmet
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 44 Def / 216 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Spikes
- Stealth Rock
- Taunt
- Psychic

Dragonite (F) @ Choice Band
Trait: Multiscale
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Outrage
- ExtremeSpeed
- Fire Punch
- Earthquake

Virizion @ Lum Berry
Trait: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Leaf Blade
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge

Heatran (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Substitute
- Fire Blast
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Scizor (F) @ Iron Plate
Trait: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 96 Atk / 152 SDef / 12 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Roost

Rotom-W @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Trick
Really neat team you got here! The first thing I think you should change is Deoxys-d to an Azelf. Azelf fits the offensive nature of your team and sets Stealth Rock more efficiently. Not to mention, Deoxy-d pretty much never gets up both Stealth Rock and Spikes seeing how you have to Trick first than take up another turn to set up rocks unless you're okay with Deoxys-d being a fodder.

If you think that Deoxys-d is well worth into your team, you can try out a non-scarf variant with Spikes. And if you're using that, change one of Heatran's moves, most preferably Hidden Power Grass, to Stealth Rock. This allows you to reliably set up both hazards as Deoxys-d can switch into many of Heatran's counters (Terrakion, general water types and walls, etc.). You probably won't miss Hidden Power Grass as much anyway seeing how Rotom-w is faster than you are and you already have Virizion to counter it anyway!

Also a minor nit pick, change Thunderbolt to Hidden Power Ice on your Scarf Rotom-w. Thunderbolt is a move you'll almost never use while Hidden Power Ice lets you handle Dragonite, a threat that could easily destroy you.

Azelf @ Life Orb
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Stealth Rock
- Fire Blast / Ice Punch
- Explosion
- U-turn


Deoxys-D @ Leftovers / Rocky Helmet
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 72 Def / 188 Spd
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Spikes
- Taunt
- Ice Beam
- Toxic

I hope these suggestions help, and good luck with your team!
Really neat team you got here! The first thing I think you should change is Deoxys-d to an Azelf. Azelf fits the offensive nature of your team and sets Stealth Rock more efficiently. Not to mention, Deoxy-d pretty much never gets up both Stealth Rock and Spikes seeing how you have to Trick first than take up another turn to set up rocks unless you're okay with Deoxys-d being a fodder.

If you think that Deoxys-d is well worth into your team, you can try out a non-scarf variant with Spikes. And if you're using that, change one of Heatran's moves, most preferably Hidden Power Grass, to Stealth Rock. This allows you to reliably set up both hazards as Deoxys-d can switch into many of Heatran's counters (Terrakion, general water types and walls, etc.). You probably won't miss Hidden Power Grass as much anyway seeing how Rotom-w is faster than you are and you already have Virizion to counter it anyway!

Also a minor nit pick, change Thunderbolt to Hidden Power Ice on your Scarf Rotom-w. Thunderbolt is a move you'll almost never use while Hidden Power Ice lets you handle Dragonite, a threat that could easily destroy you.

Azelf @ Life Orb
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature (+Spd, -SDef)
- Stealth Rock
- Fire Blast / Ice Punch
- Explosion
- U-turn


Deoxys-D @ Leftovers / Rocky Helmet
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 248 HP / 72 Def / 188 Spd
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Spikes
- Taunt
- Ice Beam
- Toxic

I hope these suggestions help, and good luck with your team!

I actually tried Azelf before Deoxys-D. It was good but I felt that Deoxys was better overall. Its bulk helps it tank random hits and setup Spikes. I don't always try to set up Spikes early on. Sometimes there are free openings midgame that allow Deoxys to come in and setup Spikes. Spikes are pretty useful for this team considering it uses Volt-Turn and its main sweepers don't have much initial power.

I could give Azelf another shot though. Its speed and high power could come in handy for revenge killing.

HP Ice on Rotom sounds good but I'm a little worried that it'll make me SubDD Gyara weak.

Thanks for the suggestions! Anyone else?

Solid team you have here man. According to the current metagame, full with taunt and magic bounce users your Deoxys-D set seems remarkable. It has the ability to catch your opponent off guard since either Magic Coat or Magic Bounce will not reflect Trick. You can potentially use it in various situations to get the offensive momentum to your side and reign supreme. Although Fighting-type mons such as Terrakion, Conkeldurr seems to be your biggest threats. Conkeldurr easily sets up on Scizor and continues to strike massive damage to rest of your teammates, which could be really problematic. A bulk up variant can literally destroy almost every member of your team as your team fails to hit it back hard. On the switch-ins Choice Band or Scarf Terrakion potentially OHKOs your every mons. To fix this dilemma, I would recommend switching Heatran with Life Orb Latios. This mon will be your solution to annoying Fighting-type mons and provides almost the similar role as LO Heatran. This set makes full use of Latios's amazing characteristics as a sweeper—his large movepool, excellent base stat layout, and of course, his all powerful Dragon-type STAB. He's geared towards the goal of punching as many holes as possible in an opposing team's core, allowing Latios's teammates to set up and sweep unhindered. Draco Meteor is Latios's strongest attack and is the crux of this set, as after you factor in STAB and Latios's massive base 130 Special Attack stat, you've got an attack which is capable of heavily denting the likes of Ferrothorn and Specially Defensive Jirachi. Surf and Hidden Power Fire give great coverage with Latios's Dragon-type STAB, the former super effectively hitting defensive behemoths such as Tyranitar and the latter decimating Steel-types hoping to switch into a resisted attack. The final move comes down to personal preference: Recover will generally lengthen Latios's lifespan in a battle, while Psyshock will allow the dragon to bypass the likes of Blissey and Chansey. Psyshock has the added bonus of being able to OHKO Virizion after a Calm Mind, something that no other attack in Latios's arsenal can do. LO Latios fits in perfectly compared to Expert Belt because LO provides you with more power which is essential to get critical OHKOs. For example Expert Belt Draco Meteor fails to OHKO standard BU Conkeldurr where LO powered Draco Meteor decimates it. For the last slot, I would personally go for recover to extend Latios's survivability to make it act like a late-game sweeper. Since you pack Virizion and Scizor taking out special walls such as Jirachi, Tyranitar, Bronzong in order for Latios to function efficiently doesn't seems like a problem. Latios destroys sun like Heatran and dual dragons would be an excellent addition to this team.

Latios (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Draco Meteor
- Surf
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Recover / Psyshock
For some other minor changes I would recommend running Hidden Power Ice over Thunderbolt on your current Rotom-W . Since Heatran is gone for good, revenge killing opposing dragons is an issue. Hidden Power Ice can be used since your team is more concerned about Hydreigon, Salamence, and it will help you revenge +1 Dragonite with ease. You shouldn't be worried about Sub DD Gyarados because with predictions it can be easily taken down. You can Volt Switch as its sub breaks, Gyarados goes for waterfall Virizion or Dragonite resists that then you can proceed to set up or just kill it with SE / Outrage or Rotom-W. Next thing, I would recommend you to switch Choice Band Scizor with Bulky Swords Dance variant @ Iron Plate with these EVs: 96 Atk / 248 HP / 164 SDef. This bulky Swords Dance Scizor is one the best sets around. One of Scizor's flagship sets of early BW, bulky Swords Dance Scizor is able to set up on many common threats in the metagame, including Ferrothorn, Reuniclus, and Choice Specs Latios locked into Draco Meteor. Even with minimal Attack investment, Scizor's great base Attack stat allows it to deal huge damage with Bullet Punch and Bug Bite. Swords Dance will boost Scizor's Attack to truly threatening levels, while the bulk this set enjoys will assure easy setup. It's ability to set up on many walls and yet being able to revenge others is the main selling point of this set. Bullet Punch is one of the main reasons to use Scizor, and its priority and tremendous power make it the main sweeping move for this set as well. The EVs provide Scizor with great bulk, both physically and specially. HP is maximized to enhance its overall bulk, whilst 164 Special Defense EVs make sure that Scizor isn't 2HKOed by Focus Blast from Reuniclus or Virizion. The remaining EVs are placed in Attack, allowing Scizor to hit a little harder after setup. With Iron Plate boosting it's Bullet Punch, revenge killing becomes much easier. Bug Bite is an other option U-turn but reveals your set entirely, in the end picking the most appropriate move for your team will be up-to you. With these changes your team looks more up-to-date. Good Luck!

Rotom-W @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Trick
Scizor (F) @ Iron Plate
Trait: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 96 Atk / 164 SDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn / Bug Bite
- Swords Dance
- Roost
Bulk Up Conkeldurr is a huge problem, as it sets up against Scizor locked into Pursuit, and from there, it can Drain Punch, Mach Punch, or Stone Edge its way to victory. You would also greatly benefit from a better check to Terrakion; generally, teams that use Scizor to check Terra are weak to SubSD variants, and this team is no exception. So what I would like you to try out is a Sub + Disable Gengar over Heatran.

What do you lose by dropping Tran? A Drought check, and a wall-breaker. You've already got the best check to sun teams in the metagame (Dragonite is more reliable than Tran imo because he's not prone to being trapped by Dugtrio), and Scizor + Rotom-W is the most effective wall-breaking combo in the metagame. Now, let's look at what you gain by adding Gengar. First off, you gain a check to both Conkeldurr and Terrakion (Sub on their non-fighting move, Disable it, and set up another Sub as by that point you'll completely wall them). You also gain a spin-blocker, which will help preserve Deoxys's hazard-stacking efforts.

I'm also backing mostwanted's suggestion of adding HP Ice on Rotom. Cool team, hope this helped.
Thanks for the amazing rates guys.

I'll replace Thunderbolt with HP Ice on Rotom-W since 3 people have suggested it. xD

I'll test Latios and Gengar over Heatran as both seem like solid options. However, my main concern with dropping Heatran is that Volcarona becomes much more dangerous. I'll give SD Scizor a shot as well.
After much testing of all the above suggestions, I decided to take LighTz911's suggestion and replace Deoxys-D with Azelf. It was the best way I could patch up my weaknesses to Conkeldurr and Terrakion without losing a good Volcarona check. Spikes will be missed but Azelf's Explosion turned out to be a really useful tool.

I had actually used Azelf before Deoxys-D but I was using a more defensive set with SR/Taunt/U-Turn/Fire Blast. This LO set works a lot better.

Any thoughts?
I love Colplay too and Paradise is an epic song :D. Nice team you got there, but first, I am going to back up what mostwanted suggested on your team replacing LO Latios for Heatran, and run HP Ice > Thunderbolt on Scrotom.

Virizon sounds nice as a stall-breaker, but even with the Lum Berry, Skarmory can still take a +2 Close Combat and retialiate hard with Brave Bird. Tentacruel annoys Virizon because once Toxic Spikes are on the field, it render´s Virizion´s Lum Bery useless and the next time it comes, it will be heavily poisoned. To add more, layers like Spikes, SR and TS, commonly used in stall, they will deteriorate Virizion´s health quickly since you got no Taunt user or Spinner to get rid of them. My suggestion is to use a Bulk Up Breloom over SD Virizion.


Breloom (M) @ Toxic Orb
Trait: Poison Heal
EVs: 236 HP / 212 SDef / 60 Spd
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Spore
- Bulk Up
- Seed Bomb
- Drain Punch

Breloom still defeats rain-stall and stall thanks to Poison Heal nullifying other status problems, Drain Punch giving Breloom insane recovery with his ability, and the EVs allowing him to even take Specs Hydro Pump from Politoad. Spore is a key on the set because Breloom can render useless certain pokemons that would trouble either your Switch/Turn core or LO Latios´s counters. Bulk Up allows Breloom to defeat Turn/Switch cores because Rotom-w is not doing shit to him and after a Bulk Up, it can easily take Scizor´s Bullet Punch and defeat him. Breloom is a better stallbreaker than Virizion and you should definitely use him, if you take mostwanted´s suggestions. I dont really see a concern with the Speed issue considering you got a fast-paced team with Azelf, Scrotom, Latios and priority advantage on Dragonite & Scizor.

Good luck and great job making this team :)
Since Azelf appealed to you the most, I would recommend running the following lead set:

Azelf @ Normal / Psychic Gem
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SpA)
~ Stealth Rock
~ Magic Coat / Zen Headbutt
~ Taunt
~ Explosion

This Azelf set is designed to provide Stealth Rock support, and is, in effect, a reincarnation of last generation's extremely popular lead set. Due to its great Speed, Azelf can easily set up Stealth Rock, and stop slower Pokemon, such as Hippowdon, who may attempt to do the same, with Taunt. Taunt also comes in handy as it stops various sweepers such as Dragonite, Virizion from setting up. Magic Coat is an other fascinating move, as it allows Azelf to not get taunted by prankster mons like Sableye and Whimsicott; while Zen Headbutt decimates Conkeldurr, Terrakion which seems problematic for this team. For the last slot, explosion is an incredible move itself, paired with Normal Gem it allows Azelf to get a surprise OHKO on Starmie, Tentacruel, Virizion, Latios and etc. Psychic Gem is an other alternative option which plays a similar role. Normal Gem's Explosion is really powerful, it weakens the opposing mons and potentially makes sweeping much easier for your team. It also keep the annoying hazards away from your field which may hurt Dragonite later on in the game. Here are some calculations demonstrating Explosion's power:

* 252 Atk Normal Gem Azelf Explosion vs 4 HP/0 Def Starmie: 173.28% - 204.2%
* 252 Atk Normal Gem Azelf Explosion vs 252 HP/64 Def Tentacruel: 141.48% - 166.48%
* 252 Atk Normal Gem Azelf Explosion vs 54 HP/0 Def Dragonite: 61.61% - 72.62% (With Multiscale)
* 252 Atk Normal Gem Azelf Explosion vs 120 HP/0 Def Conkeldurr: 108.66% - 128.08%
* 252 Atk Normal Gem Azelf Explosion vs 252 HP/80 Def Espeon: 159.28% - 187.43%
* 252 Atk Normal Gem Azelf Explosion vs 252 HP/4 Def Forretress: 41.53% - 49.15%
* 252 Atk Normal Gem Azelf Explosion vs 4 HP/0 Def Haxorus: 147.28% - 173.47%
* 252 Atk Normal Gem Azelf Explosion vs 240 HP/160 Def Jirachi: 38.4% - 45.39%
* 252 Atk Normal Gem Azelf Explosion vs 4 HP/0 Def Lucario: 94.33% - 110.99%
* 252 Atk Normal Gem Azelf Explosion vs 128 HP/0 Def Rotom-W: 137% - 161.54%
* 252 Atk Normal Gem Azelf Explosion vs 252 HP/252 Def Volcarona: 109.36% - 128.88%
* 252 Atk Normal Gem Azelf Explosion vs 4 HP/0 Def Terrakion: 66.67% - 78.7%
* 252 Atk Normal Gem Azelf Explosion vs 0 HP/0 Def Salamence: 144.11% - 169.79%
i gave the team a try and wow if the pokemon i least expected is carrying. virizon is a monster. great performing team. i havent run into any setups that could ruin me but ill be sure to update any issues i find.
Hey your team looks great. I just suggest running EARTHQUAKE over EXTREMESPEED on dragonite, so that it doesn't get punished by dragon pulse heatran.
Virizon sounds nice as a stall-breaker, but even with the Lum Berry, Skarmory can still take a +2 Close Combat and retialiate hard with Brave Bird. Tentacruel annoys Virizon because once Toxic Spikes are on the field, it render´s Virizion´s Lum Bery useless and the next time it comes, it will be heavily poisoned. To add more, layers like Spikes, SR and TS, commonly used in stall, they will deteriorate Virizion´s health quickly since you got no Taunt user or Spinner to get rid of them. My suggestion is to use a Bulk Up Breloom over SD Virizion.


Breloom (M) @ Toxic Orb
Trait: Poison Heal
EVs: 236 HP / 212 SDef / 60 Spd
Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)
- Spore
- Bulk Up
- Seed Bomb
- Drain Punch

Thanks for the suggestions! I tried Breloom and it was definitely a better stallbreaker but I found Virizion's speed to be more useful on a team like this. I hated when things like Heatran, Hydreigon, or even rain Dragonite came in to ruin Breloom's day.

Since Azelf appealed to you the most, I would recommend running the following lead set:

Azelf @ Normal / Psychic Gem
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SpA)
~ Stealth Rock
~ Magic Coat / Zen Headbutt
~ Taunt
~ Explosion

This is an interesting set but I'm not really seeing any significant advantages that Normal Gem has over Life Orb. Don't they both secure roughly the same KOs? I'll give Taunt a shot though, as it could come in handy for keeping Multiscale intact at least.

i gave the team a try and wow if the pokemon i least expected is carrying. virizon is a monster. great performing team. i havent run into any setups that could ruin me but ill be sure to update any issues i find.

Thanks. Yeah Virizion usually ends up being the MVP.

Hey your team looks great. I just suggest running EARTHQUAKE over EXTREMESPEED on dragonite, so that it doesn't get punished by dragon pulse heatran.

I prefer ExtremeSpeed for its ability to strike most revenge killers before they hit Dragonite. Earthquake is really only useful for Heatran as Fire Punch hits most other Steels super-effectively. Thanks for the suggestion though.

Decided to use a regular Deoxys-D set over Azelf and switched Dragonite to CB and Scizor to Bulky SD. These changes made stall easier to handle.