NOC Medieval Mafia - Game Over: Majora's Maskians Win


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
billy shut up and follow the tl;dr alarm

no but seriously if quag is mafia look at ditto and then kaxtar carefully
they buddy in that order
Day 1 Update

Everyone in the square is sweating. Having been arguing ruthlessly for over a week without any breaks, you set a deadline for yourselves and vow that whoever has the most votes when that deadline hits will be the one to bite the dust! Quagsires, Staraptor Call and Cereza seem to be in the running. Finally! It is deadline! Time to lynch the player with the most votes cast against them!


You all wait for something to happen, but nothing does.

There was a tie, so no one was lynched!

Final Votecount:
Cereza (5) - Leethoof, Yeti, Brammi, billymills, Quagsires
Staraptor Call (5) - zorbees, askaninjask, Blue_Tornado, MK Ultra, wickdaggler
Quagsires (3) - kingofkongs, Paperblade, Dummy007
Blue_Tornado (1) - Crux
Dummy007 (1) - Kaxtar
Leethoof (1) - Jalmont
Ditto (1) - Rediamond
Yeti (1) - Staraptor Call

Some notes on the votecount, as my previous one was somewhat incorrect:
- Snike edited his vote for Quagsires out awhile ago, so he wasn't voting at the time of deadline.
- Cereza actually said "@@Unvote: Quagsires@@" (bolded) which I misread as a vote on Quagsires, when it looks like she was just unvoting UncleSam's vote on Quagsires.

It is now Night 1. THERE WILL BE NO TALKING IN THE THREAD AT NIGHT. Kills are now valid. Night 1 will end on February 11th, @ 7:30 PM EST.

(Also thank you Daenym for the help)


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus

As the morning Sun rises on the Kingdom, the denizens apprehensively leave the safety of their homes. Has Death finally claimed some for his own?

Judging by the lack of people loudly complaining about how NOC is shit, you ascertain that wickdaggler has gone missing. You find him in the stable of his trusty steed, a stiletto dagger sticking out of his heart.
Dear Coronis wickdaggler, you are the Knight.

A first class fighter, you were knighted long ago by the king of the Kingdom. You have been asked to fight in the war against the Majora’s Maskians, and you will use your tremendous bulk and fighting skills to aid your homeland.

Every night, you can send a PM to Spiffy and Walrein entitled: “NX - Stand guard in front of USER”. You will stand by USER all night, scaring away anyone trying to kill them.

You are allied with the Kingdom. You win if the Majora’s Maskians and any other threats are eliminated.
Everyone is stunned at this turn of events. How will the Majora’s Maskians’ rampage be stopped with no one to protect the citizens of the Kingdom? Only time will tell.

Results are going out now. We have decided that from now on, day deadlines will be 5 real life days (120 hours), so deadline is February 16 at 6:30 PM CST (which is an infinitely superior time zone to EST). Please don’t post until results are all out.
Excuse me while I rage at f5.

Aska is clean, assuming everything said in the rules about the questionable sanity of information is true (although he did say mafias would always turn up mafia)

I chose Aska partially based on my last post (which I regret not finishing, but I don't really see a point in going back and doing so, since the whole purpose of it was to give my thoughts before death cleaned me). However, the point was NOT to allow people to argue based on what I had seen themselves, as I can point out Unclesam did a very similar thing (though I hate how he did it again), yet no one decided to debate any of them (might've been because it was so early in the game and they decided the reads would be seen as undeveloped, but considering how much Unclesam was quoted and people talked about his opinions I doubt that's true.) I got three responses, those being kok (who I rejected due to not really being important and being a hypocrite), Zorbees (who had a good point that I was wrong about him to an extent, though I don't trust him due to him reacting in such a manner), and Askaninjask (who was a complete surprise, besides the fact he likes to be informed a lot and is always action.) I assumed that based on this that he overreacted to what had been put in front of him, but now I see with my results it was more like his similar posts in the past in how he asked questions and approached people with his cautious tone and often lending credence to arguments instead of outright denying them.

I'm sorry for what happened, though I think Spiffy deserves some fault for it as well (I'd have preferred someone I doubted as mafia over nothing at all). Please suggest more accurate methods of counting votes to him. He apparently needs them.

And keep the deadline, 500 posts a day is ridiculous. Although there cannot be any extensions if this happen, which is a precedent already broken.

Empoof, explain? Just wanting a bit more than a vote to be displayed (and for him to post, five days is more than enough time for him to do something. It only took me four.) Though Yeti has a point.

Ditto is an interesting idea, and I like that Rediamond is taking some initiative, but I kinda want him to talk about it some, since a lot of the game is guilty of the crime that he posted of (albiet with more explainable posts for most people. Apparently not including me.)


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
I find that deadlines are necessary in order to prevent people from losing interest due to ridiculously lengthy days (see: half the game at the end of D1).
Alright, sorry about causing the tie at the end of day one along with a few others, but I still holds my suspicons of Ditto. While I could give a much longer version of this, I will sumarize things as briefly as possible.

First off, he draws a lot of fire and then rages in an apparently suicidal attempt. You'll notice that he doesn't reappear for a long time as a number of users claim that he's clean, with no serious further challenges to him. Once he's forgotten about, he reappears and starts posting again. While this could just be the hosts pushing him, I seriously think there could be something else there, and see no reason not to put the pressure on him by voting to @@Lynch Ditto@@.

PS: I intend to be much more active this cycle.

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