Byrne's Band Thread (Complete Album, Free Download!)

Hey! I'm editing this first post now with some cool news!

My band, which is just my friend and I (we both play multiple instruments) recording some music. Our band is called cloudcover, and we have a complete album entitled "Memento" that I'm going to let you guys download for free if you want because I love you all.

We could be considered an alternative/indie rock band, but really our album covers many genres, from electronic (Love, Insomnia), to hard rock (Ignite), to prog (Let the Child Be), to folk (Memento). No, this is not simply a gimmick, as we were genuine in our songwriting when making this album and did not do this simply to say we "cover tons of genres" like Yo La Tengo or something.

Here's some official links:

The page for our completed album:

My band's Sound Cloud with several of our songs in their complete form:

And a download link for the full album with info and the album cover included:

I promise I'm not trying to give anyone weird viruses or anything like that. I just genuinely love making music and I genuinely want opinions and critiques and for people to enjoy what we have spent over a year making.

Thanks in advance for anyone that spends any of their time giving us a chance!
Hey, thanks for giving them a listen! Yeah, our volume might be slightly inconsistent, we're certainly not masters at mixing yet. I'm glad you liked them though!
I am currently in a band with my good friend Wes, he is 16 years of age and a sophomore in high school. I am 20 years of age and have been in high school for five years. Our band name is Demon Bell, named after the Mercyful Fate song of the same name. We are total metal fans and enjoy such bands as Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Pagan Altar, Morbid Angel, Bathory, Dark Angel, Enforcer, etc., etc. We really dislike deathcore and nu metal with a passion and the vast majority of metalcore (Pretty much all metalcore that is Hot Topic pandered musicially structured, as far as metalcore I enjoy, Starkweather and other obscure 1990's metalcore is pretty damn good). We have not rehearsed since fall of 2011, but I am going to make sure we practice our asses off after I graduate for a fact.

After seeing the Melvins on Wednesday, April 25, 2012, Buzz Osborne becoming my new hero, and my friend Ashley motivating me to show me where my laziness was taking me in life, I have become a different person with total confidence, motivated, and focused. I have set goals to actually accomplish my school work, get in shape, etc. The Melvins though, have changed the way I view music. I do not just want to make thrash or traditional heavy metal anymore, I want to do that and try a bunch of other different music genres too. I promise to check out your music as soon as possible. If you want a little more info about me, here are personal profiles.

Edit: It is just me and Wes currently as we are very picky on who is going to be the drummer and bassist in our band. We want people who are on the same track as us, want to make music because they love it not because you can make money off of scene kids, mall goths, or whatever will be the next trend that will have merchandise sold at Hot Topic. I am the lead vocalist and hope to learn how to actually play the guitar my mother bought me three years ago once my hand skin issues heal. Wes plays guitar and has been playing for six years now. I've recorded some our rehearsals on my iPhone, but I couldn't figure out how to upload it since YouTube wasn't letting me upload OUR covers. I was trying to upload a cover of Victim of Changes by Wes and myself last year.
An Ent Among Men will be recording his their first EP very very soon. Stay tuned ;)

I play drumset, piano, Indian tabla drums, ukulele, mandolin, ocarinas, some guitar, and I own a flute and trumpet that I can barely play but will more intently begin teaching myself once I have more free time. Oh and I sing pretty well, I've near doubled my range in the past year from singing more often(I can actually sing higher in my normal voice than in my falsetto x_x), but my higher register needs a lot of work tone-wise. I still mostly sing in my hearty bass voice, modern music doesn't have nearly enough strong baritone singers.

AEAM started as a guitar/drums duo where we both sang, as we wanted our music to be the most honest portrayal of our ideas and didn't want anyone else muddying it up. We eventually decided that we wanted a guitar/vox/drums trio, so we could have a top notch singer who could put all his effort into singing the way we couldn't. This year I met a bassist in the school jazz ensemble who was crazy good at bass and a really chill guy, so I convinced to guys to let him in and boom, AEAM. I'm not sure how I'd categorize our music genre-wise, progressive rock maybe? Some of our biggest influences are The Dear Hunter, Circa Survive, The Sound of Animals Fighting,and The Fall of Troy.

I'll give your stuff a listen man :pimp:
I dig your band's stuff, Ivan Starr. I can really feel the Sabbath influence.

I'd love to hear some stuff, AEAM. If you guys are heavily influenced by The Fall of Troy, I bet I'd dig it. I love TFOT bro.
I'm teaching myself to play the keyboard. I come from a musical family, so we have a bunch of instruments around the house (several guitars, drums, flute somewhere, bass, keyboard...) and a few weeks ago, I decided to learn to play an instrument. The keyboard just worked best for me.
I'm a senior in high school, by the way. We have a semi-official school band, but they're not very good; most of the best musicians in the school play either for fun or independently. There's no way I'm going to be good enough for a band any time soon, but I don't intend to play music professionally.
I dig your band's stuff, Ivan Starr. I can really feel the Sabbath influence.

I'd love to hear some stuff, AEAM. If you guys are heavily influenced by The Fall of Troy, I bet I'd dig it. I love TFOT bro.

I haven't uploaded anything yet, perhaps there is another band with our same name, but this is our official page (link below). We only have one fan at the moment and he matters to me. I want Wes and myself to be as interactive as possible with any fans we may get. If we ask the music fans who listen to albums, the music fans who might or perhaps will enjoy us, I strongly feel we will be very successful. I used to call us a traditional metal and thrash metal band, but I really would like to try as many genres as possible be it doom metal or some acoustic stuff like Alice in Chains' Sap and Jar of Flies EPs, or hell love songs like Jeff Buckley. As long as the stuff would be enjoyable there shouldn't be any reason to complain if we do a straight up Sabbath influenced doom song or a love song in the vein of Something by The Beatles.

Edit: I just listened to your cover of Jar of Hearts. I have never heard the original by Christina Perri but I must say I enjoyed your version. I just listened to Love, Insomnia (I'm currently listening to the Rapture (The Fear Of), I also enjoyed that. I'm not going to pretend I am some guitar know it all or know how to read music, but I did enjoy the two songs I just listened to and the one I am currently listening to. This is me being completely honest.

You wanted someone to tell you if they think you suck or not? Not everyone is going to like what you may have to offer and about your singing or whoever the vocalist is.... He is absolutely terrible! No, I am just kidding haha. I have been told I suck by my brothers and his girlfriend and I have been told I am really good by this girl who was in advance chorus class last school year, I have been mocked and laughed at when I sing Judas Priest songs and imitate Rob Halford's high notes on Victim of Changes at school by random people in the hall ways (I sing whenever I want to, I figure it is a good way to get open and honest opinions be it from top 40 kids or fellow music fans and musicians who actually go out and listen to albums) , then I have been told I am amazing by other chorus girls at my high school when I sung Dreamer Deceiver. From one vocalist to another, I enjoyed your vocals and I feel are you very good at it. Do not let anyone else discourage you.

Edit: I just finished listening to Rapture (The Fear Of). I hate to repeat myself over but I am once again being honest, I enjoyed it. I am not sugar coating it and think you suck, I really from the bottom of my heart enjoyed the three songs I just listened to by Cloudcover (assuming that is the official name of y'all?). You definitely have a fan in me. I am going to be going to bed now, I will listen to more tomorrow. Take care.
I haven't uploaded anything yet, perhaps there is another band with our same name, but this is our official page (link below). We only have one fan at the moment and he matters to me. I want Wes and myself to be as interactive as possible with any fans we may get. If we ask the music fans who listen to albums, the music fans who might or perhaps will enjoy us, I strongly feel we will be very successful. I used to call us a traditional metal and thrash metal band, but I really would like to try as many genres as possible be it doom metal or some acoustic stuff like Alice in Chains' Sap and Jar of Flies EPs, or hell love songs like Jeff Buckley. As long as the stuff would be enjoyable there shouldn't be any reason to complain if we do a straight up Sabbath influenced doom song or a love song in the vein of Something by The Beatles.

Ope. Well, there's another band that exists named Demon Bells, so never mind hah.

I respect any band that keeps their styles as open as a range from Sabbath to the Beatles.
I have a speech problem, I stutter. Sometimes it is pretty much non-existent with my close friends, other times it is a really bad case when I talk to someone I've never meet or when I did a mock job interview not too long ago at one of my schools (I attend two schools, one in the morning I go to is for technology classes, I take automotive there, it is three hours and is one class. The other is my primary school where I take my regular classes and have lunch at). I never ever ever EVER stutter however when I sing, or do vocals, or whatever the hell someone wants to call it.

Edit: Seriously though, good night. I have to get up for school in a few hours.

I figure I re-up the musician's thread since I finally have something uploaded. It is an a cappella cover of a Judas Priest song called Desert Plains.

Demon Bell is a doom metal / traditional heavy metal band that's sound is influenced by Pagan Altar and Mercyful Fate. If I would like to do stuff that wouldn't fit, side projects and solo music exists for a reason. That a cappella cover is a solo effort by me.
Do you know what I found terrible ?

The fact that this isn't a metal/hard rock band.

Neat stuff though, I listened to some of the first 'original song' you linked to, and it was pretty good.
Do you know what I found terrible ?

The fact that this isn't a metal/hard rock band.

Neat stuff though, I listened to some of the first 'original song' you linked to, and it was pretty good.

This is my solo stuff, the only thing I have recorded on my laptop from my jamming with my buddy Wes in Demon Bell is a rough cut of Victim of Changes, that was the first time we ever jammed. If you'd like I could try to upload that, I don't believe it is my best vocal work as I've done better in the past and after, but I feel Wes' guitar playing is great on that Judas Priest cover.

Or... assuming you're talking to Byrne.
I'm going to stop posting my own stuff in Bryne's thread, I feel I've unintentionally high jacked his music thread. So out of respect for him, I shall no longer post any of my own stuff in here. If anyone is interested in my stuff, PM me or if you want to request anything, tell me what you would like to hear.
Do you know what I found terrible ?

The fact that this isn't a metal/hard rock band.

Neat stuff though, I listened to some of the first 'original song' you linked to, and it was pretty good.

Well thank you sir! Yeah, 99% of teenage bands are metal lol. We like to be different <3

(I have no idea what ss means)
Byrne, have you guys changed your recording or editing style? That sounds significantly more polished and professional than any of your previous recordings. Its a great product. Excellent job. I seriously mean that.
Thank you mattj! I think the primary differences is simply practice. Some of those other recordings are from upwards of a year and a half ago, and we're getting better and paying more and more attention to detail. We spent about twenty solid hours recording that song, fixing up every detail we could find, and making it as perfect as possible, while a lot of our earlier songs were made much more hastily.

It's seriously awesome that you liked it though! Thanks!

Hey look, another new one! This one's a lot more mainstreamy-ish than some of our previous endeavors, which is kinda cool and might get us some more fans or something. I don't know, but I personally think this is a great piece. I wrote the entire song this morning and I headed to my friend's recording studio and we did the whole thing today. Let us know what you think!

Oh, and we got a Sound Cloud, which is a pretty good amalgamation of our works! It doesn't have that newest song, but it has everything else and it's fairly convenient![fulltext]=cloudcoverofficial
We have another new song! This one is very proggy and experimental. Hopefully it's an enjoyable listen for anyone that listens!

It's exclusive to our Sound Cloud right now, so here's the link to that again:

The track is titled "Let the Child Be". Let us know what you think if you give it a listen!