An Athens Warstory - boring title included for free

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The southeastern regional (read: “Atlanta-ish”) has been not quite what I’d hoped for myself performance wise over the past two years. (VGC ‘10 & ‘11 that is) This year I did a bit better.
In ‘10 I attempted to run TopOgre, after zerowing graciously hooked me up with both the “Top” and the “Ogre” parts. That didn’t go too well, with a R2 loss.
In ‘11 I was effectively haxed out by a Bright Powder Calm Mind Cofagrigus for another R2 exit. I’d never seen Encore miss before that battle.

The Preparation:

Preparing for this year was a bit easier. Since the field of candidates is much wider, the pressure for planning for all specific threats is lessened. I considered a couple of different approaches when selecting a team. There was one lead combo in particular that after I played around with it for a bit, I liked it a little too much to not give it a go.

If you’re familiar with the CRMT (Community Rate My Team) thread in the VGC forum then you should recognize this team straight away. I kept nearly everything the same, but did change up two minor things: Quick Attack over Stone Edge on Terrakion (reallly don’t like 80% moves) & Ice Beam over Blizzard on Gastrodon, since I didn’t want to bank on hail being up for Gastro land an ice attack.

Abomasnow Snow Warning @Choice Scarf (Timid) (evs: max SpAtk+Speed)
Blizzard / Sheer Cold / Giga Drain / Hidden Power FIRE
Scarf Aboma scares people. It should. I’m not sure Choice items really fit my best play style yet, but this was the best I’d ever felt with a scarf user. Based off of my opponent’s lead choices overall, it looks like Aboma definitely shaped their decisions on who to bring.

Milotic Marvel Scale @Water Gem (Modest) (evs: max SpAtk+Speed)
Scald / Blizzard / Hail / Protect
Milo is quite bulky and pairs very nicely with Aboma, setting up Hail if the weather changes, or just spamming double Blizzard. Water Gem Scald hurts plenty, and the 30% burn chance is marvelous.

Chandelure Flash Fire @Charti Berry (Modest) (evs: max HP+SpAtk )
Heat Wave / Shadow Ball / Trick Room / Protect
Chandy handles TR management, but mostly serves as a pretty great switch-in when predicting a fire attack, or a Fake Out, on Aboma. I toyed with the idea of leaving TR off this set, and going with either Psychic or Energy Ball, but after adding Gastro to the team I decided TR was essential.

Hitmontop Technician @Life Orb (Adamant) (evs: 232 HP / 252 Atk / 24 Speed)
Fake Out / Mach Punch / Sucker Punch / Wide Guard
Gen5 version Technitop, with Wide Guard over Detect. I really like this pokemon, and I’m so glad that he gets to shine in VGC. An interesting note, mine has a bit of a pedigree, as the parent mon that was used to breed him was none other than the Hitmontop that makiri (zerowing at the time) won the Seattle VGC with back in ‘10. I went with Technitop because I’ve not been convinced that Intimitop performs better than him. I brought him all but one match.

Terrakion Justified @Focus Sash (Jolly) (evs: max Atk+Speed)
Close Combat / Rock Slide / Quick Attack / Protect
Zapdos counter. I was feeling so good about the rest of the team that I didn’t even bring him when I encountered the one Zapdos I saw all day.

Gastrodon Storm Drain @Ground Gem (Modest) (evs: max HP+SpAtk)
Earth Power / Muddy Water / Ice Beam / Protect
Gastrodon is a total boss. He was key in several matches, performing very well overall. Even people who know it has Storm Drain forget occasionally, making him a great partner with Chandy. Also, many Rotom-W (the most common kind from what I saw) can’t even touch him, unless they’re carrying Hidden Power (which is usually HP Ice) or Shadow Ball.

I ran this team with Calm T-Wave Cresselia instead of Gastro for the 2012 Wifi International challenge, and I had problems with Metagross & Infernape. So I swapped out for Gastrodon. Interestingly enough, it was during that event that the sixth member of the CRMT was being voted on, and tada, Gastro won. I think you all made the right call. Gastro handled Gross with ease, nicely patching up that weakness.

I bred the entire team myself, perfecting my Gen4 RNG breeding technique during the process. Top, Aboma & Gastro were done on Heart Gold, and the other three on White. A huge thanks goes out to the OmegaDonut for all his work on RNGReporter, and to the entire wifi community for all the other great tools and tutorials they’ve put out.

The event:

So I made my way to Athens Sunday AM. The drive is about 90 minutes, so not too bad at all. I get there extra early to scope out the venue and look around. I spot a blue Skarmbliss shirt, which is usually a great sign. Turns out it was Dimsun, who was chatting with Brandon13569. They are both really cool and I head downstairs with them once it opens up and to find the event room. I stick around to meet LucarioJr and eventually around half a dozen seniors, including MudkipMaster, KiwiDawg7, GreenHornet and more. (Sorry, I couldn’t remember everyone’s names!)

A note about the seniors:
They are quite the energetic group, very sociable and easy to talk to. I didn’t expect to meet so many of them, but it was great hanging around them, if only for a little while. They reminded me of when I was younger and life was simpler. I hate to say it, but I think the seniors have more fun at these events.

Eventually I also meet Killah & Everstone, chat a bit with the MiamiHeatrans, and spot TheMantyke in the registration line. More people from Tennessee show up, who are none other than EpicDemise and his crew, including “Lil J”, whom I would battle later. I walk by the FSPL table and introduce myself to Blades; he is a really cool guy. Everyone seems to be a in great mood, and it’s just wonderful being around “my people”. I also see a few more faces from past years that are without screennames. Now we just wait around for the R1 pairings to be put up. We spectate a bit at the seniors tables, where Dimsun & KiwiDaw7 are paired up already in round 2. (that’s pokemon for ya)

The Battles:

194 masters, so we all get to play eight rounds of swiss.

R1: Tom (an older gentleman who didn’t say much)
Emboar, Serperior, Hydreigon & Haxorus
Team preview is all gen 5 mons, almost in-game team material.
t1 He leads with Emboar & Serperior. This was my dumbest move all day, by several orders of magnitude. I know Milo is faster than Emboar, but I’m not sure about Serperior’s speed. I just Blizzard + Scald anyway. Blizzard did not OHKO Serperior, but his leaf blade did OHKO Milotic, leaving flamethrower to OHKO Aboma. When you derp, derp hard kids.
So I’m down 2-4 after turn 1 in round 1. Great. Time to actually take this seriously.
t2 Top & Chandy had to clean up. Fake Out KO on Serp and Emboar KO’d with Shadow Ball.
t3 Double dragons come out: Hydra and Haxorus. Too bad both my Blizzard users are dead. I Mach Punch Hydra for the OHKO and Shadow Ball Haxo after it Dragon Claw’s Top for the KO.
t4 Chandy lives an Assurance, but not by too much. Shadow Ball KOs for a 1-0 win.
I should have swapped Aboma for Chandy t1 like anyone would have. Oh well. Nearly started the day off disastrously. The only reason I won is probably because his team wasn’t EV’d properly. 1W-0L

R2: Emily, my only female opponent all day, she was very nice.
Eelektross, Honchkrow, Mienshao & Volcarona
t1 I lead standard again while she sends out Eelektross & Honchkrow. Aboma Blizzard OHKO on Krow, Milo Protects to avoid Wild Charge from Eel.
t2 Mienshao comes in, Fake out on Aboma, but I switched for Chandy. Milo Blizzard, Eel Wild Charges KOing Milo, but recoil + hail damage KO Eel.
t3 Volcarona comes in, I send Top. I don’t want to Fake out Volca and risk getting burned, and I know that Mienshao could have Inner Focus, so I Mach Punch Mienshao and Heat Wave. Volca got a Heat Wave off, activating Chandy’s Flash Fire, no KOs on my side, but Mienshao goes down.
t4 Sucker Punch and Shadow Ball take care of Volcarona. 3-0 win. 2W-0L

R3: Lil J (part of Epic Demise’s crew from Tenn.)
Gastrodon, Bronzong, Sableye & Musharna
I led standard; I should have not. Preview was pretty obvious it was Trick Room, and I see Sableye, who is a real pain.
t1 He leads Gastro & Bronzong. I Send out Aboma & Milo, ignoring TR completely, I guess. (DUMB)
Gastro protects while Aboma tries to Giga Drain him, like an idiot I try to Scald Bronzong activating Storm Drain. Zong gets TR up with no damage but for hail.
t2 Zong’s Gyro Ball OHKO’s Aboma. I was going to GD Gastro again, risking a Steel move, and it came. Milo gets hit with Earth Power. I Blizzard for only a little damage.
t3 I send in Top and try to Fake Out Gastro, who Protects. I try to Blizzard with Milo, hoping for a freeze, but Bronzong Safeguards.
t4 Top Sucker Punches Zong, but it fails as Zong Swaggers Top. Earth Power from Gastro on Milo, who Protected.
t5 Top confusion hits itself, and Milo gets KO’d by Earth Power. I believe he switched Zong for Sableye this turn.
t? Getting confused here. Can’t remember just how long this battle was, but 75% of the time I hit myself in confusion. Sableye came out and messed things up further with Will-o-Wisp & Confuse Ray. I make plenty of other bad decisons, including a hasty switch in of Chandy for Top, who promptly eats a OHKO Earth Power from Gastro before he can do anything. I was able to kill something (I think) and Musharna came in to set up TR again.
Ended 0-3 him. Definitely the toughest match so far. Bad decisions plus a little bad luck don’t go well together. If I had led Aboma Top I could have delayed the TR setup and at least forced his Gastro to risk a double protect on turn 2, or something. I knew I shouldn’t have led standard and I ignored myself. 3W-1L

Here we break for lunch, and we have a scant 45 minutes before the R4 matches will start. Not a whole lot of time really. I end up going a few blocks away to Fuzzy’s Tacos with TheMantyke, Everstone, LucarioJr & Killah. I can’t really shake not going with better leads my last battle, so I’m not too talkative. I don’t order any food because it looks like we’re going to be short on time, so I just get a drink. Caffeine will have to suffice to get me through the afternoon rounds. (also, a granola bar).

So we’re sitting there waiting for food to come out, and I’m not paying much attention, and a general question comes up.
“So, Bert, are you in school?”
“Who me? Oh, ah, no man, I graduated like, gosh, 2004? 2005?”
“Yeah, I turn 30 this year guys.”
I guess you could say there was a bit of surprise from everyone about that. hahaha. I’ve always looked a bit younger than I am I suppose. Comes in handy for not getting too many weird looks at pokemon events.

1pm keeps getting closer, so we hurry on back, leaving some of the guys behind who are still waiting for their food. (sorry guys, was paranoid about being late) We all made it back in time though, thank goodness.

R4: (saved this battle video.) vs Jonathan? (can’t remember exactly) trainer name was Kuro
Chandelure, Latias, Metagross & Rotom-W.
t1 He led Chandy & Latias, I led Chandy & Top. I Fake Out Latias, and Shadow Ball his Chandy. Latias flinches and his Chandy outsped mine to set up a sub, which breaks under my Shadow Ball.
t2 I’m guessing that his Chandy is Timid, and I run Modest, so I protect with Chandy, thinking he’ll go on the offensive. He does do just that. I Sucker Punch with Top, but I target his Latias, who TWaves Top.
t3 I switch out Top for Aboma, Latias TWaves my Chandy and his subs up again. I don’t get fully para and Shadow Ball is able to neutralize the sub again.
t4 Not sure exactly why I kept Aboma in here, I guess I feared Latias and wanted it gone. He switches into Metagross who takes the Blizzard no problem, and his Chandy lives as well. Heat Wave OHKOs Aboma while activating my Chandy’s Flash Fire, but I also am fully paralyzed.
t5 I bring in Top, but can’t get a Fake Out off due to FP. Chandy is also FP. Great. However, maybe Aboma’s hail did have a redeeming factor. After Life Orb his Chandy can’t survive one more hail damage, so he switches out for Rotom-W. When I first see it I fear an EQ is coming from Gross, but Zen Headbutt does instead, KO’ing Top. Fake Out plus a Heat Wave would have been a big help on this turn...
t6 I send in Gastrodon, who proceeds to turn the game around for me. My opponent rightly foresees the Storm Drain so he TBolts Chandy while Metagross Protects. I Earth Power Meta, but no dice due to protection. All while Chandelure sets up Trick Room.
t7 Paralyzed Chandy benefits me now, as he even “outspeeds” Gastrodon. His Meta Bullet Punches Chandy, but it fails to KO. My opponent later tells me he thought that I predicted his next move here, but I can’t take credit for that. I just wanted to do damage to Rotom, and I knew that Earth Power would take care of Metagross. Either way, I Shadow Ball Rotom-W, but he switches in Latias, who eats it hard and gets KO’d. Ground Gem Earth Power takes care of Metagross nicely.
t8 In comes his Chandy & Rotom-W. I Heat Wave (Dumb?) but it still does a surprising amount to Rotom-W, and also Flash Fire’s his Chandy. I then Muddy Water’d with Gastro, KO’ing his Chandy. His Rotom Tricks a Choice Scarf onto Gastrodon. My Chandy dies to hail damage. I guess I used my spread moves on this turn because I wasn’t sure who he would try and protect with.
t9 One more Muddy Water finishes Rotom off. 1-0 me. 3W-1L.

This battle was key in that it shook me out of my “don’t trust yourself during team preview” nonsense. I ended up going with my standard leads only once more today.

R5: An odd battle. vs ???
I see Amoongus in team preview, but it is lvl 39 with no hold item. I decide to disregard it and select based off his other five.
Chandelure, Latios, Gallade & Zapdos.
t1 He led Chandy Latios I led Chandy + Milo. Wanted Latios gone and I got it; Blizzard crit OHKO from Milo. My Chandy protects while his Shadow Balls mine.
t2 In comes Zapdos who sets up Light Screen. I Protect with Milo expecting a TBolt.
t3 Having a hard time remembering the details, but Zapdos gets frozen somehow.
t? My notes are fuzzy from here, but eventually Gallade comes out and Close Combats Milo, and then eventually sets up Trick Room. This was very beneficial for my team at the time it went up. He seemed to instantly regret that he had done this, and I can only guess that he was predicting that I would try and set up TR at that point, and he was attempting to reverse it? Things were already tilted in my favor with the freeze and all, but TR now gives me a real advantage and I’m able to finish everything off after Light Screen runs out.
Zapdos stayed frozen the whole rest of the match and TR helped secure the win for me. 4W-1L

R6: A very close battle vs Ryan, who later I found had uploaded our battle video! (# 76-46244-88289)
t1 He led with Metagross & Rotom-W, a combo that I knew I would see today. I lead with Chandy & Gastrodon. He Protects with Meta and TBolts Chandy, and TR goes up as Gastro Protects.
t2 Chandy & Rotom both Protect. Metagross tries to Bullet Punch Chandy. Gastro Earth Gem Earth Powers Metagross for the OHKO.
t3 Hitmontop (Technitop) comes in and Fakes Out Gastro. I Shadow Ball Top. Rotom TBolts Chandy for the KO.
t4 I send out my Top and try to Fake Out his, but it is recalled and Latias is sent out. Gastro uses Muddy Water and gets an accuracy drop of Latias (which is key later on). Rotom T-Waves my Top.
t5 Latias Protects. Top tries to Mach Punch Rotom, but gets fully paralyzed. Gastro tries to Ice Beam the protecting Latias, and Rotom hits Top with a TBolt. Trick Room ends.
t6 I Protect with Gastro and Mach Punch Rotom. Latias T-Waves Top again, I’m assuming to avoid a possible Sucker Punch. Rotom TBolts Top for the KO.
t7 I send out Aboma. Latias Protects while I Blizzard Rotom for a little, activating its Sitrus Berry. Rotom T-Waves Aboma. Gastro uses Ice Beam on Rotom bringing it to ~30%.
t8 Rotom Protects. Latias goes after Gastrodon with Dragon Pulse, but MISSES (due to the Muddy Water acc. drop). Ice Beam from Gastro KOs Latias. Aboma Blizzard does nothing.
t9 His Top comes back in and Mach Punches Aboma, nearly KOing, but Rotom TBolt finishes Aboma off. Gastro Earth Powers Top for the KO.
t10 I Protect while I try and remember what his Rotom’s moveset is exactly. Referencing my notes I remember that Rotom did use T-Wave earlier, so it can’t touch Gastro at all.
t11 Muddy Water finishes Rotom off. 5W-1L

R7: (even more hax this time) vs ??? (can’t remember)
He leads with Yanmega & Cresselia. I Lead Aboma & Milo again.
t1 Helping Hand Cress doesn’t get to help at all because Aboma outspeeds Yanmega and OHKOs with Blizzard. That plus the Milo Blizzard bring Cress to about half HP. (I was expecting him to Protect for a Speed Boost, and Safeguard or TWave with Cress, and then I would have swapped Aboma for Chandy t2)
t2 Rotom-W comes in and doesn’t get to do much at all since Aboma’s Blizzard freezes him. Cress went for HH again, but to no avail. I believe I switched Milo out that turn for Gastro, to absorb an expected TBolt that never came.
t? Dragonite makes his way to the field at some point, and Gastro was still out at that time, because my notes say that DNite took a crit Ice Beam. Even with Yache + Multiscale I’m surprised at how much damage is done. Nite is able to Dragon Claw something, but I can’t remember much more. I take the rest of his team down with little trouble. This was the only Cresselia I saw all day.
The hax was heavy in my favor on this match, resulting in one of the “easier” victories of the day. (Crit Ice Beam, freeze on Rotom-W before it could even move.) 6W-1L

At this point I’m 6-1 and feeling pretty good, realizing that I could potentially be in contention for a top 4 spot if I manage to win once more.

I think at this point I briefly meet Crow350? I don’t recall for sure. Again, it’s another forum name that I somewhat recognize, and I’m again thrilled that so many smogoners are doing well. He’s clearly going to get 1st or 2nd, which is really cool. All of my opponents throughout the day that I can find to talk to all have winning records too, which bodes well for my “schedule strength” factor as well.

R8: John from FSPL (placed 2nd)
Rotom-W, Ludicolo, Scizor & ???
One more time. I nearly eat up all of team preview and I decide that there are too many targets that he could take out to not bring Gastro.
He leads with Rotom-W & Ludicolo. I lead with Chandy & Gastro.
t1 It’s either going to be Fake Out, Grass Knot or Giga Drain from Ludi on Gastro, so I protect with him while Chandy takes a clean Trick Room setup because my opponent forgot about Storm Drain (apparently not for the first time today, judging by his reaction). Hydro Pump does nothing though, since Gastro Protected. Things are looking great for me so far.
t2 I will relive this turn in my mind for a long time to come I think. Seeing Rotom-W on the opponent’s side is great, because there is a chance that Gastro will completely and totally wall him. But Ludicolo is bad news for Gastrodon. I need Ludicolo gone. Now.
His Rotom-W Protects. Good.
I Ice Beam with Gastro, which does an OK amount, but not too much. But wait! LUDICOLO IS FROZEN SOLID! John threw his stylus down in disgust, as many of us would after a t2 freeze in round 8. I felt kinda bad, since no one wants to lose their last match because of a freeze.

But, if you use a fire move on a frozen pokemon, it will thaw out.

Chandelure used Heat Wave!

Ludicolo lives with what was (I think I was told later) ~20 something HP.

Ludicolo then OHKOs Gastro with Giga Drain. No Rindo Berry here. (since I was running Ground Gem to take care of Metagross) Ludi’s HP refills completely.

Now, had I to do it over, I would have used Shadow Ball instead. It wasn’t a guaranteed KO on Ludi if I had, but it would have done more due to lack of spread damage reduction, and it certainly wouldn’t have unfrozen him. Oh well. I keep telling myself that I didn’t switch Gastro out so his Storm Drain could protect Chandy, but...whatever.

So it was downhill from there. I bring in Top to try and do damage control, but it was too much. With Storm Drain gone Chandy is in big trouble and Scald from Ludi KO’s him. (Don’t ask me why I didn’t switch for Aboma; I guess the freeze + thaw rattled me more than I thought it did...) Top doesn’t like Rotom’s TBolt much either. Eventually I end up with Aboma + Top on the field and I finally KO Ludicolo. He sends in Scizor, which is bad news for Aboma. Life Orb Bullet Punch takes Aboma down in one hit. It was the only match where I never saw my opponent’s 4th poke. I congratulate John on his win, and I hope that he places high, which he does: 2nd place. This does make the loss a bit easier.

So, I’m not saying I would have won for sure without that t2 “mistake”, but it would have certainly been a lot closer. I guess it’s for the best. No one wants to place high just because of a lucky freeze.

Final record: 6W-2L.

So we wait around a little while for the final standings, before which I find out that TheMantyke won and went 7-1 so he has a shot at top 4 (he got 3rd) which is great, because it’s always more fun to congratulate others than it is to dwell on your own losses.

Final standings come out, and I’m 13th overall; not too shabby I guess. I see that John got 2nd I track him down to congratulate him. He’s already shared my self-inflicted misfortune with other FSPL members and they actually help me rationalize my turn 2 move choice, if only a little.

Inevitable talk of Nats comes up and the temptation is larger than ever this year. I certainly could afford to go this year, plus I know it is quite the experience from what others have already told me. We’ll see what the wife says about it.

Later on I take a closer look at the opponent’s win percentage numbers, and I realize that if I had won my R8 match, I would have placed 4th. Blergh. ($300 Shadow Ball?)

Dimsun for being more extroverted than most everyone else and leading to me meeting way more seniors than I thought I would get to meet. (seriously)
The seniors, for being really cool and for reminding me what it was like to be young again.
TheMantyke, LucarioJr, Everstone, Killah for hanging out during the event. Great bunch of guys here.
The Miami Heatrans for having the most baller’ team shirts ever. (sorry Ducks) Wish I’d gotten a picture. (spoiler: they are actually from Ft. Lauderdale)
FSPL for always bringing such great compettitors to the southeast regionals year after year.

PA system dying near the end
*hits self in confusion*
Oh yeah, confusion hax

Overall it was a great event. Really enjoyed meeting so many new faces. Looking forward to next year, and quite possibly nationals this year. We’ll see...
Great meeting you. We should definitely talk more the next time we meet! Also props for using Gastrodon.
ncsbert! This is Ryan. It was awesome meeting you and glad we had a good match. I will run HP Grass on Rotom from now on... lol
Wow, mad props on using the CCAT. I thought when I took it over towards the end that no-one was that bothered about it. Seems like I've been proven wrong. Congrats on getting such a good record with it as well!
ncsbert! This is Ryan. It was awesome meeting you and glad we had a good match. I will run HP Grass on Rotom from now on... lol

Hey! It was a great match. It might have turned out differently if your Latias hadn't suffered that accuracy drop. Awesome meeting you too! And thanks for uploading the battle vid! I was having trouble remembering all the details and it was great to be able to see it play out again.

Wow, mad props on using the CCAT. I thought when I took it over towards the end that no-one was that bothered about it. Seems like I've been proven wrong. Congrats on getting such a good record with it as well!

Thanks! I thought it was worth it to give it a go, and it turned out ok. Still wish I could have placed higher with it though. Thanks for picking it up for the final steps near the end!
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