Pal Park Multiple Times Within 24 Hours Glitch


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Found here. I didn't see it around the forums anywhere, so I don't think anyone here really knows about it. said:
Pokémon: The Pal Park Glitch | Transfer more than six mon a day!
This is a handy trick to know and will save a lot of days or months (in some cases) transferring Pokémon across from those old carts gathering dust. So below I have listed what you need for this trick:

2 GBA carts if transferring from one, 3 GBA carts if transferring from two etc etc
Nintendo DS
A day of your time
National Dex (click here for more details!)
Right to start off with, choose the cart/s you will be transferring from, in my case it will be Leaf Green and Ruby. I will be refer to the games as the ones that I have chosen (LG for transferring and Ruby for the time trick), just switch the names with your ones. First insert Leaf Green into the DS and migrate Pokémon across like you would do normally. Then catch all six Pokémon in Pal Park. Once complete save your game and turn off the DS's power.

Turn your DS on and tap the DS icon at the bottom of the screen to access the settings. Tap the "blue" icon to access the "time and date settings". Then click the calender and change the day by +1, thus making the date a day extra than the current date. Finally quit the DS to turn off the system.

Insert Ruby and switch your DS back on again and load up your Pokémon Diamond/Pearl as normal. Once loaded click the "migrate from ???" (where ??? represents your version name). Follow the normal process to transfer Pokémon, YES --> YES. The game will then represent you with this message:

"You are using a different Nintendo DS, or its internal clock has been altered. If the game's time setting is changed, you will not be able to migrate Pokémon for another 24 hours. Would you like to change your game's time setting to match the Nintendo DS?"

Click YES and wait whilst the DS configures your Diamond/Pearl game. After the game reloads the title screen, switch the power off to close the system. Remove the Ruby cart and insert Leaf Green again. Start up the Nintendo DS and start Diamond/Pearl as normal. Once the title screen has loaded select the "migrate from ???" (where ??? represents your version name). Now follow the normal process of migrating Pokémon, YES --> YES --> Select six Pokémon and then accept the migration. After you have migrated, go to Pal Park and capture all the Pokémon and repeat this trick to migrate again.

Well there you have it guys, a pretty nifty trick aint it? This can be used as many times as you like, and then once you have migrated everything you can change the DS date back to your current date. You can do this trick with as many carts as you like, so long as you have one that you won't be using to reset the date. Just use xx (xx = number of carts) to migrate and reset the date using the unused cartridge. Remember to clone Pokémon on Emerald, click here to find out how, so as you can offer up your rares and items to other people =D.

Thanks to TG-Espio for this!

I just tried it, and wound up transferring 12 Pokemon within half an hour. Nice glitch!
i almost never transfer anyway so i have no need for it.
the only times i ever transfer is when a fully EV trained Pokemon is ready to be brought into D/P from my Emerald, since Emerald imo is the best game to breed and EV train.
and this usually takes AT LEAST a day for simply one pokemon.
i almost never transfer anyway so i have no need for it.
the only times i ever transfer is when a fully EV trained Pokemon is ready to be brought into D/P from my Emerald, since Emerald imo is the best game to breed and EV train.
and this usually takes AT LEAST a day for simply one pokemon.

So true [shakes head in disappointment]...

Oh, well, at least I can now transfer breeding chains over quickly...
Amazing find.

Now I can transfer 100's of cloned Rare Candy's from my Emerald at a time instead of having to go through the Elite Four in D/P 30 or so times before a Pokemon reaches level 100.
Most awesome news I've seen in a while. Now all we need is a mass cloning glitch like Emerald's and we're set.
This is awesome./

I got sick of using CMbliss today and i had to wait 3 hours to migrate my S-Toss/Aromatherapy Bliss.

Why was this not revealed earlier on ;p
AFAIK, if you re-set the date on the DS to your current date, then you need to re-sync whichever cart it was that you used multiple times.

I.E. today is June 9th, I import from Emerald three times, which would put me at June 11th (or 12th) on the DS. If I set the DS's date back to June 9th when I'm finished, I would need to re-sync the date w/ Emerald before it would act properly again.

I'm not 100% certain on this, but a few days back I mass imported rare candies/PP Maxes from Emerald, then re-set the DS's date. A couple days later I tried to import from Emerald again and it told me I needed to wait 24 hours. I figured it was because it thought the date was however many days ahead from all the importing I did. I couldn't remember what the date should have been, so I just jumped it ahead two weeks and it worked fine.

So I figure if you're not going to be using the trick for at least a day, and you want the DS's date to be correct, just make sure you re-sync your cartridge for when you're going to have downtime.
Are there any ill effects of setting the time back on your DS after you are through with this cheat? I know pokemon diamond and pearl keep a log and it would be pretty obvious from it that your time was reset. I saw this trick posted on Gamefaqs quite a while back but didn't use it since I r don't want anything funny to show up on the cart should Nintendo decide to do another JAA style event. I managed to get all of the pokes I wanted transfered over anyway doing it legit. So much so that I'm almost out of room to store anymore pokemon on my Diamond. Only 2 boxes left.
Are there any ill effects of setting the time back on your DS after you are through with this cheat? I know pokemon diamond and pearl keep a log and it would be pretty obvious from it that your time was reset. I saw this trick posted on Gamefaqs quite a while back but didn't use it since I r don't want anything funny to show up on the cart should Nintendo decide to do another JAA style event. I managed to get all of the pokes I wanted transfered over anyway doing it legit. So much so that I'm almost out of room to store anymore pokemon on my Diamond. Only 2 boxes left.

That's a good question. I haven't personally seen anything sketchy going on with my game, but that doesn't mean it's not flagged in some way or another. If there would be any way of the log being an issue, I'd imagine it would be if the game keeps more information than it shows. When I access my journal, it only keeps 10 days worth of information, and while it currently has dates ranging back and forth from June 8th to June 22nd, if there's no backup then presumably that'll all get wiped once enough time passes.
Are there any ill effects of setting the time back on your DS after you are through with this cheat? I know pokemon diamond and pearl keep a log and it would be pretty obvious from it that your time was reset. I saw this trick posted on Gamefaqs quite a while back but didn't use it since I r don't want anything funny to show up on the cart should Nintendo decide to do another JAA style event. I managed to get all of the pokes I wanted transfered over anyway doing it legit. So much so that I'm almost out of room to store anymore pokemon on my Diamond. Only 2 boxes left.
I hardly think you could be disqualified from a Pokemon tournament for changing the time on your DS. What would you do when the clocks go forward/back an hour?
I hardly think you could be disqualified from a Pokemon tournament for changing the time on your DS. What would you do when the clocks go forward/back an hour?

Yeah, I agree that it probably isn't a big deal even if there is a record somewhere of it. But I know games like animal crossing do have negative consequences for time traveling, so I'm surprised that pokemon doesn't.
But I know games like animal crossing do have negative consequences for time traveling, so I'm surprised that pokemon doesn't.
It does...sort of. Time travelling in Pokemon will cause Berries and other time-based events to stop growing/working for 24 hours. This is just a little glitch around that issue.
Interesting! I don't need to try it though, as I already have most of my pokemon transfered. I don't see much use in it though. I'm not sure why anyone would want to transfer that many pokemon at a time.

~Ewww, I don't like the cloning glitch in GTS or emerald. It's useful, but it's still sorta cheating.
the only times i ever transfer is when a fully EV trained Pokemon is ready to be brought into D/P from my Emerald, since Emerald imo is the best game to breed and EV train.

IMO, Diamond and Pearl's Power EV items make is so much easier. I don't even give Vitamins to my pokemon and I can finish EV training something in like 25-30 minutes on that fisherman with 6 magikarps or the cowgirl person with 5 bidoofs. Wild Pokemon is harder, but Vs Seeker stuff makes it easier.

Nice find, BTW.