Amoonguss: Just Amoonguss

Been using this on P-Showdown with a moveset of Substitute, Clear Smog, Giga Drain, Spore.

The Sub lets you get a bit of damage in when they switch in their Spore-bait, Clear Smog for hazing, Giga Drain for STAB and Spore because why else would you use this mushroom for??

A lot of the folks on the simulator couldn't handle him very well though, I ran him on a hail team and he was able to disable their weather starters every time for me, though I didn't run into a single sun user. I guess everyone was too busy trying out all the new toys Rain got.
Lol Bluemon I think you may have single handily turned Amoongus OU with this thread, its on like every other team I see.
You know what other Pokemon miraculously jumped to OU for the same reason?


Two Pokemon that look completely non viable suddenly jump to OU in what seems like days due to being able to counter popular strategies in the metagame with ease.
You know what other Pokemon miraculously jumped to OU for the same reason?


Two Pokemon that look completely non viable suddenly jump to OU in what seems like days due to being able to counter popular strategies in the metagame with ease.

Agreeing with this. Gastro making OU was a definite surprise for all of us I bet
Lol Bluemon I think you may have single handily turned Amoongus OU with this thread, its on like every other team I see.

I'm glad I helped a Pokemon out. ;) i mean honestly, I don't think amoonguss deserves to be bottom NU. It has amazing bulk+spore.

I tried a team of almost all regenerator Pokemon, and I really liked it :D tornados is great with regenerator.

Has anyone tried snynthesis on amoonguss? On a sun team, I guess
Finally, someone who aodres this thing as much as I do (bluemon *foongus whistle*)

I can't help but wonder, what does Foul Play help you with?
It's great to have since you can run -atk and not worry about it, but do you need it if you can Clear Smog?

ugh I hate breeding for HP : (
might end up using Sludge Bomb...
Finally, someone who aodres this thing as much as I do (bluemon *foongus whistle*)

I can't help but wonder, what does Foul Play help you with?
It's great to have since you can run -atk and not worry about it, but do you need it if you can Clear Smog?

ugh I hate breeding for HP : (
might end up using Sludge Bomb...

Stuff like landorus ob the switch, but again, I think Hp Ice and giga drain takes care of most things.

Another thing that breaks amoon slowbro is SD Hax

I don't know why everyone's acting like this was so recent, i saw this coming several months ago.

Still, debating whether to use this or Max Spdef celebi with u-turn. Guess i'll have to see how this new metagame turns out.
Yeah ive been playing with it and have to say swords dance Scizor is probably the biggest threat to any Slow-gus core, currently I don't have anything to combat it so Im just running HP fire over HP ice.
^no no NO! fit in a sdscor counter, all teams should have one regardless (seeing as how Scizor breaks Slowmoonguss, you should have a Scizor counter anyways), HP Ice is like gold on Amoonguss.
Ive seen like one Scizor (lol how the mighty have fallen) so I don't know if its worth changing my team up, I really would like to fit Gliscor on but I really don't have a slot for it honestly, I've also found HP fire useful for killing of Ferrothorn and Forretress so idk, ill have to think about it.
There's still a lot of Scizor's about. If you're gonna run a Slow-gus core, I'd consider running a Scizor counter that can also if possible handle Tornadus-T, you're going to see a lot of Tornadus-T, best start trying to think around it.
People are too busy running Rain and it's new arsenal of course you won't see anything else... Just wait till the heat is over and people had their fill. Then it's when it'll get interesting.
From what I heard Amoon is kinda like gastro - it's there to counter rain. I think it will still be OU if rain gets the boot though.
I used to have alot of trouble with Amoongus, But i tried out a team with Tornadus-T, To a pleasant surprise, He counters Amoongus quite efficiently. And Banded U-Turn Scizor does a fair amount of damage to Max HP Amoon.
BU Toxicroak is also a bit hard to play around because Slowbro is the only thing that can do anything against it. If for some reason, Toxicroak manages to set up to +1 and is behind a sub, Toxicroak either 2HKOs or 3HKOs Slowbro with Sucker Punch with Stealth Rocks up. Basically if Slowbro is a bit low on health, BU Toxicroak walks over it as Toxicroak gets the opportunity to set up a sub on quite a fair bit of Pokemon.
Just what I found when testing anyways.
I'm a bit miffed it doesn't get Toxic Spikes or Aromatherapy, but I'll certainly try this out.

AmoonBro/SlowGuss the new VoltTurn?

More like the new SkarmBliss. I mean, look at both of them. Amoonguss was mid-tier NU before Regenerator was released and now with it released, it could be high tier OU.
More people should use Sludge Bomb and Sub on Amoonguss! Basically Sludge Bomb hits most dragons as hard as HP Ice due to STAB, except from Dnite and Mence (and normal poison is not good for neither of them), while hitting other Grasses much harder such as Virizion and Celebi. Finally with Sludge Bomb and 28 SpA evs (which you should always run anyway to always break +1 Keldeo's subs with Giga Drain) you ohko SD Breloom unconditionally! Sub lets you scout what the opponent is planning to sac to Spore, since they usually try to sac one weak mon, or something that Amoonguus walls to hell and back, such as Politoed and Keldeo. This means that you can chose what to put to sleep and not waste it on useless targets! It also lets you hit the switch in with the appropriate attack, which is always useful.
Hitting dragons is a pretty big deal, although I honestly have yet to use clear smog in a battle, I don't know though it may be just how I play. So I am actually thinking about sludge bomb > clear smog, also being about to insta-beat opposing blelooms is pretty cool, and on a side not sludge bomb poison hax could really help vs Jellicent, Sableye, and Mew.

Some other notes:

This thing has HP divisible by 8, which should mean that it should run only 248 HP to reduce rock damage, although I'm not sure how generator effects this.

I don't see why black sludge can't be used either, if your using this as your rotom counter, it shouldn't be a problem, trick all you want rotom.
People are too busy running Rain and it's new arsenal of course you won't see anything else... Just wait till the heat is over and people had their fill. Then it's when it'll get interesting.

your rain team is annoying as hell and also perfectly counters mine ;)

but on a side note, Amoonguss really gets smashed by a lot of stuff, and then it walls the rest of them to hell and back

imo the best set is Spore + Stun Spore, its annoyance factor is enhanced by the fact that everyone and their mother is running rain offense atm, so paralysis really hurts
your rain team is annoying as hell and also perfectly counters mine ;)

but on a side note, Amoonguss really gets smashed by a lot of stuff, and then it walls the rest of them to hell and back

imo the best set is Spore + Stun Spore, its annoyance factor is enhanced by the fact that everyone and their mother is running rain offense atm, so paralysis really hurts

As long as Natural Cure users like Starmie or Celebi (the former is popular on rain teams) aren't running around on that rain team then yeah that could get annoying.