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  • Hi
    We're paired for the metagame tweaks's 2nd round.
    I'm GMT +2 and I can play the week ends from 10 AM ti 7 PM my time.
    When can you play ?
    hey dude, sorry didn't realize how late it had gotten. I'll be free again later tonight as well though. Also all day tomorrow, so if you give me a good time I'll be sure to get on :) Sorry for the wait
    Hey dude, we're paired for the finals of the weather style tour. Anyway we could play after wednesday/late on wednesday? I'd really appreciate it
    I'm connecting, sometimes it disconnects, so if it happens, wait for me please
    I'm gonna be able at 4:15 PM until 6 i guess, if you are online when I connect we can get this done
    Ugh, Ok. The problem is the school (I'm at home mostly at 4 PM) VM me when you are online.
    Hey, you are my opponent for the minitour. I'm GMT -5 (you are sun and I'm sand)
    When can you battle?
    I'd like to battle sometime tomorrow within the time frame I listed, so please tell me when exactly you'd like to battle within my time frame.
    We're battling for OU team style tour, I'm GMT + 12:00 and I can play from 4:00pm - 11:00pm my time for the next few days.
    I'll be on at about 8:30 tonight for like an hour or two, so look for me under the same name as here(that's 8:30 EST-5) I'll vm you soon as I'm on
    Hey, I'm busy the next couple days but I'll be on Sunday or Monday night, I'll vm u then! :)
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