Chicken with a side of falsehood

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If you're really worried about what restaurant owners are willing to publicly reveal about themselves, you should REALLY think about the stuff they aren't telling you.

tl;dr McDonald's CEO is into BDSM

If you thought what the BK employee did to the lettuce was bad, wait until you find out what the BK CEO does with the zesty onion ring sauce.
just to be clear here, they arent just defendin their "christian rights and the holiness of marriage" and yadda yadda, they actively fund anti-gay groups Marriage & Family Foundation, Exodus International, and the Family Research Council. anyone even slightly cultured knows exodus is the infamous institution that makes those "christian ex-gays".

so basically every time you go to a chic-fil-a to stuff your face with chicken you could get anywhere (even make it yourself[god forbid]), you're actively makin some homosexual's life worse than it already is.

jesus you have to be incredibly deluded and misinformed to think theyre just "sharin their christian values" i mean really. but at the end of the day the important thing is stuffin your face.
anyone else think popemobile is that guy on r/atheism who posts really aggressive facebook messages on anything christian

seriously? if I didn't shop at places with ownership that had Christian values I'd never buy anything anywhere. It's not about that at all, it's about the fact that some portion of the money spent at CFA goes directly to fund anti-gay groups, and they are completely transparent about that. There are a million other fast food places so I can't see at all why you would go to the one that actively supports hate groups unless you agree with those hate groups as well. "Oh but it tastes so good so I don't even care" and that's part of the reason why america is fucked up.
actively supporting hate groups

they actively fund anti-gay groups Marriage & Family Foundation, Exodus International, and the Family Research Council. anyone even slightly cultured knows exodus is the infamous institution that makes those "christian ex-gays".

so basically every time you go to a chic-fil-a to stuff your face with chicken you could get anywhere (even make it yourself[god forbid]), you're actively makin some homosexual's life worse than it already is.
A hate group is an organized group or movement that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or other designated sector of society. Chic Fil A does not actively support any hate group. The Marriage and Family Foundation, Exodus International, and the Family Research Council are not hate groups. Disagreeing with homosexuality does not equate to hating homosexuals. They do not actively make any homosexual's life worse than it already is. The Westboro Baptist Church is a hate group. They do hate homosexuals. They have no problem telling anyone that cares to listen that they hate homosexuals. Anyone who believes that Chick Fil A supports any hate group is severely misinformed. The CEO, many Franchisees, and many workers disagree with homosexuality. If they're hate groups, you've all practiced hate speech for disagreeing with this guy.
Can someone remind me why this matters? I buy food (and thus support the industry) based on the price, taste, and nutritional value. I could extend that pattern to practically anything that I purchase as an American consumer. If I were to go out and buy a car, it would be based on factors such as the performance, longevity, gas mileage, and safety. Does it make me a bad person that I'm not interested in the political or religious standpoints of Dodge, Mazda, or whoever? And if your answer is "because you know that supporting this company is supporting their oh-so evil anti-gay organizations" you should stop and think about how you actually know that. Some big media fiasco like this brought something like that into the light and made you aware of it, so how can you judge a business that doesn't have excessive media exposure? Am I supposed to make assumptions about businesses that haven't had bigoted opinions revealed to the public because honestly it's none of my business what Chic-Fil-A does behind closed doors so it would only be unfair to judge Chic-Fil-A's ethics but not other companies
A hate group is an organized group or movement that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or other designated sector of society. Chic Fil A does not actively support any hate group. The Marriage and Family Foundation, Exodus International, and the Family Research Council are not hate groups. Disagreeing with homosexuality does not equate to hating homosexuals. They do not actively make any homosexual's life worse than it already is. The Westboro Baptist Church is a hate group. They do hate homosexuals. They have no problem telling anyone that cares to listen that they hate homosexuals. Anyone who believes that Chick Fil A supports any hate group is severely misinformed. The CEO, many Franchisees, and many workers disagree with homosexuality. If they're hate groups, you've all practiced hate speech for disagreeing with this guy.

however you want to justify it to yourself. They are working to deny equal rights to minority groups, using money that's been donated to them by CFA. You know your money is going to these groups and supporting these causes when you shop at CFA

Can someone remind me why this matters? I buy food (and thus support the industry) based on the price, taste, and nutritional value. I could extend that pattern to practically anything that I purchase as an American consumer. If I were to go out and buy a car, it would be based on factors such as the performance, longevity, gas mileage, and safety. Does it make me a bad person that I'm not interested in the political or religious standpoints of Dodge, Mazda, or whoever? And if your answer is "because you know that supporting this company is supporting their oh-so evil anti-gay organizations" you should stop and think about how you actually know that. Some big media fiasco like this brought something like that into the light and made you aware of it, so how can you judge a business that doesn't have excessive media exposure? Am I supposed to make assumptions about businesses that haven't had bigoted opinions revealed to the public because honestly it's none of my business what Chic-Fil-A does behind closed doors so it would only be unfair to judge Chic-Fil-A's ethics but not other companies

to quote someone I know:

"To me, it's not a matter of how much money you give Chik-Fil-A. It's a matter of principle, of a national chain being transparently hateful and customers not batting an eye.

I can't know precisely where my money goes all the time. I'm sure I shop at stores with political agendas I disagree with. The difference between those stores and Chik Fil-A is that Chik Fil-A has removed all doubt. There is no question what my money is being used for when I buy something at Chik Fil-A. Outside of operating costs, my money directly supports hate groups, or is being pocketed as profit by people who run hate groups.

This is what these companies do: they make the financial chain extremely long and complicated, so that customers can't make that connection between what they buy and what they're ultimately supporting - or can easily rationalize that connection. Shopping at Wal-Mart is an opaque experience: there is really no way to know where your money goes. It just trickles upwards.

But I know exactly where my money goes when I shop at Chik Fil-A. I think it's important to be a conscientious consumer as much as reasonably possible, and Chik Fil-A has actually done you a favor: They've said, directly, that they support hate groups. You can now make the decision of whether you want to support those hate groups, even if it's only 99 cents once a month."
A hate group is an organized group or movement that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or other designated sector of society. Chic Fil A does not actively support any hate group. The Marriage and Family Foundation, Exodus International, and the Family Research Council are not hate groups. Disagreeing with homosexuality does not equate to hating homosexuals. They do not actively make any homosexual's life worse than it already is. The Westboro Baptist Church is a hate group. They do hate homosexuals. They have no problem telling anyone that cares to listen that they hate homosexuals. Anyone who believes that Chick Fil A supports any hate group is severely misinformed. The CEO, many Franchisees, and many workers disagree with homosexuality. If they're hate groups, you've all practiced hate speech for disagreeing with this guy.

yeah because forcin someone to "stop bein gay" will not leave you horribly scarred psychologically. emphasis on FORCING, that is, against their own will. also you dont have to dig really deep to find how they really think and say about homosexuals, WBC is just more blatant about it.

Can someone remind me why this matters? I buy food (and thus support the industry) based on the price, taste, and nutritional value. I could extend that pattern to practically anything that I purchase as an American consumer. If I were to go out and buy a car, it would be based on factors such as the performance, longevity, gas mileage, and safety. Does it make me a bad person that I'm not interested in the political or religious standpoints of Dodge, Mazda, or whoever? And if your answer is "because you know that supporting this company is supporting their oh-so evil anti-gay organizations" you should stop and think about how you actually know that. Some big media fiasco like this brought something like that into the light and made you aware of it, so how can you judge a business that doesn't have excessive media exposure? Am I supposed to make assumptions about businesses that haven't had bigoted opinions revealed to the public because honestly it's none of my business what Chic-Fil-A does behind closed doors so it would only be unfair to judge Chic-Fil-A's ethics but not other companies

because they are doin somethin unethical with your money. yeah ok, any brand could be doin that secretly (generally this is discovered sooner or later though but lets go with your way) and really you'd never know, but CFA is OPENLY proclamin what they're doin with the money everyone is givin to you.

i really, really, REALLY can't believe people go this far to get some chicken. it puzzles me. the worst is that ive even seen gay people sayin stuff like "but yeah they make great (pfft) food ill still be goin there" and it just breaks my heart. how could you be so apathetic?
yeah because forcin someone to "stop bein gay" will not leave you horribly scarred psychologically. emphasis on FORCING, that is, against their own will. also you dont have to dig really deep to find how they really think and say about homosexuals, WBC is just more blatant about it.
None of those groups force anyone anywhere to change their sexuality. They don't hunt down packs of wild homos, tranquilize them, and force them to have sex with women. They are voluntary, self help organizations. said:
A-1 Self Storage Company
AutoZone Inc
Best Buy
Campbell’s Soup
CBRL Group Inc. (Cracker Barrel restaurants)
Dish Network
Domino’s Pizza
Gold’s Gym
Golfland Entertainment Centers
Meijer Inc.
Request Foods
Salvation Army
Urban Outfitters
Wal-Mart Stores Inc

I hope none of you buy gas or shop at Wal Mart. Shame on you for purchasing products from businesses that actively oppose homosexuality.
It's actually very uplifting that I don't shop at any of those stores. Though I didn't shop at Wal-Mart due to issues I have with it moving in and shutting down local stores that cannot compete with prices.
i dont buy from any of those stores. good shit. and gold's gym will certainly not be my gym when i start.

also, one step at a time. iirc walmart had to do a similar rewrite/reform because of the backlash of their shitty attitude but sadly i cant find the article now.

edit: also what the hell are you tryin to get at; appeal at practice? thats a fallacy, you know.

None of those groups force anyone anywhere to change their sexuality. They don't hunt down packs of wild homos, tranquilize them, and force them to have sex with women. They are voluntary, self help organizations.

this is bafflin and youre startin to sound like Deck Knight. we're far too civilized to do it that way; it gotta be a slow dwindlin road absolutely every person in your life tell you what youre doin is wrong and youre wrong and you have to get "fixed". well, to be honest, thats in the best cases, whats with all the underage offsprings gettin sent against their own will (because, you know, theyre underage, they cant do much).

and really your family coaxin you with psychological guilt trips and what not is technically forcin, unless you want to give it a softer name.
I think campbell's soup is the only company on the list that I buy from. And according to that link they merely buy from a different company that opposes equal rights. A quick google shows that they've actually been supported by LGBT groups in the past too.

Though Matthew brings up a good point. Many of the companies (Exxon and Walmart being the most obvious) that champion christian values have tons of other far larger and more significant ethics violations that should encourage anyone to avoid shopping there.

Though my initial question has still been unanswered, why would Chick Fillet and all these other companies intentionally antagonize millions of potential customers?
I'm somewhat surprised to see Wal-Mart on the list given that Sam's Club (owned by Wal-Mart) recently decided to stop advertising on Rush Limbaugh's show because of Limbaugh's terrible views. Though this was triggered by sexist comments, any company who is willing to pull advertising from a show because of sexism shows at least somewhat of a backing for human rights or an inclination to them. But whatevs, I guess.

Also fuck Cinemark is the only movie theatre in my hometown :<

And in continuing soul-wrenching news, I heard a rumor that the main Chick-fil-a here in my town (this one, for reference) is their most profitable of all, but I couldn't find a claim to back that up so maybe they're just liars as well and put up a fake sign. But it wouldn't surprise me, given as this location is a bubble community deep in the heart of Texas :<
It's going to be funny when popemobile runs out of places to shop and buy services from.

considerin i genuinely think humanity is headin towards a much better future (for everyone[and not thanks to you i guess???]) i think hes gonna have more shops to buy anythin from. look at the dwindlin numbers of religion, and the risin numbers of acceptance for different races/sexual orientation/etc etc etc.
How in the hell is humanity heading* toward a better future? Acceptance doesn't mean shit when we have hunger, war, poverty, pollution, etcetera
My name is Phantasia and I need to
How in the hell is humanity heading* toward a better future? Acceptance doesn't mean shit when we have hunger, war, poverty, pollution, etcetera

one step at a time. you cant tackle everythin and the same time. and its not like absolutely nothin is bein done about hunger/water/etc, dont even think about sayin that. first step is makin a conscience or makin the problem known and i think we're at least past that step. we're better off now than we were some years ago, as a whole.

also theres nothin worse than apathy towards all of those causes you've just mentioned, which is why they are so deplorable to begin with! that is why this whole chic-fil-a thing is bein made into such a "big mess"

be the change you want to see and whatnot.
I don't feel that this is outrage about chick-fil-a supporting christian values, it's about chick-fil-a supporting a side that seems to think insulting people is the best way about to persuade people.

considerin i genuinely think humanity is headin towards a much better future (for everyone[and not thanks to you i guess???]) i think hes gonna have more shops to buy anythin from. look at the dwindlin numbers of religion, and the risin numbers of acceptance for different races/sexual orientation/etc etc etc.

what does "dwindlin numbers of religion" (which I thought were growing) have to do with a better future for humanity?
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