drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)

the slightly humorous part is that we at least wouldn't have to worry about smelling like weed lol.

hahahaha true that, you ever just walking down the street at night, minding your own business, then you just catch a whiff and you're like "there's either a skunk around here, or someone is smoking some dank weed"

i tried to explain this phenomenon to reyscarface but then he told me they don't have skunks in mexico. which is a shame, because he'll never know the joys of playing "skunk or weed?"

oh yeah i got a new smoking device but i'm too lazy to clean it just to take pictures, will probably post later
okay so here is MY dilemma:

I've come into a bit of money, not a LOT but it's something and instead of blowing it all on weed, which I have a bank acct for, I wanna blow it on something else that's cool(er). I have a bong (fuego, 23in, 3 6-arm percs with ice notches, not looking to replace it really), but my bubbler broke so the only handpipe I have left is a shitty metal mushroom stealth one-hitter that I hate. BUT, there are a lot of cool psychedelics that exist, so maybe I wanna buy some of those. I already have a ton of LSD left too so I don't need more of THAT

-4-AcO-DMT aka Psilacetin

for drugs, anyhow, though if I can find mescaline (pharmahuasca specifically) that would be added to the list

for pieces, I could get a double bub from amazon on the cheap and still have enough to work on getting my drug collection up to 21st century standards.

other pieces include a modular transformer tube bong, which is made of polycarbonate with a 14mm glass-on-glass slide, complete with diffuser downstem. what's cool about it is: you can take it apart and add more stuff to the neck, so atm I would be planning on getting 5 dome percs (4 sets of 3 slits, so 20 percs total), ice catching chamber, milking chamber, and a special freezing chamber filled with glass pebbles. almost 4ft tall if I assemble all the pieces!! idk tho, there are not many reviews online, and the website for the transformer tubes is kinda awful, but they're so cool guys check it out and I apologize in advance, it's the only channel I found that has it:


but idk man, there's glass like



NOTE: I would use lighter, not a glass rod, because I'm young and don't value my health

(both are pieces I'm looking at atm)

I'm not looking for a serious rig atm because I already have fuego, but an awesome bub/minibong would be sick. basically I want it under a foot, but idk

I'm super indecisive tho, I've been browsing here mostly, but if you guys have other places with cool scientific glass show me please
other pieces include a modular transformer tube bong, which is made of polycarbonate with a 14mm glass-on-glass slide, complete with diffuser downstem. what's cool about it is: you can take it apart and add more stuff to the neck, so atm I would be planning on getting 5 dome percs (4 sets of 3 slits, so 20 percs total), ice catching chamber, milking chamber, and a special freezing chamber filled with glass pebbles. almost 4ft tall if I assemble all the pieces!!

This description sounds more like how a supervillian would kill James bond than a smoking device.
has anyone else felt physically ill after smoking cigarettes? i feel like such shit right now and i have no idea why? i mean i've smoked before and this has always been a non issue for me aside from being thirsty. is smoking on an empty stomach a bad idea? or is there some other factor to be aware of?

also huge thanks to vkca.
pretty sure i didn't but that is a definite possibility.
anyway yeah havin some shitty asian food right now and feeling a lot better.
vader you should have posted your existing bong so i'd have a point of reference. honestly once you break 12 inches with a bong and have a slide / perc i don't see much more utility than that, and it sounds like you have one already

based on the video it looks like that bong is acrylic which is definitely not worth it. i've seen a frankenbong that was glass on glass at every connection and included clamps to hold the pieces together plus a suitcase to throw that shit in. if you find THAT bong, i'd consider it

so if you already have a big bong, i'd go for something more mobile. you have a vape already so you can skip that. i'd go for a backpack size bubbler or handbong. do you have a local glassblower? because if you do, you've gotta get a custom porygon shaped piece. you can't not do it.

as for other drugs, pick up DMT and mushrooms for sure, other stuff at your leisure. i personally don't have the balls for RCs.
A friend of mine said he was going to smoke banana peels today. Apparently it can get you high, or something. Now, I have no idea how this works, if it works at all. Does anyone have any experience with this?
A friend of mine said he was going to smoke banana peels today. Apparently it can get you high, or something. Now, I have no idea how this works, if it works at all. Does anyone have any experience with this?

I am unsure if it is you or your friend who is gullible here, either way "bananamine" is definitely not a thing

re: vader, I suggest shrooms and/or 4-aco-dmt
I am unsure if it is you or your friend who is gullible here, either way "bananamine" is definitely not a thing

re: vader, I suggest shrooms and/or 4-aco-dmt

It is my friend, I'm not too big on drugs, especially not wacky stuff like bananas. Besides, this is the internet, I would feel anonymous enough telling I like to smoke banana peels, no need to hide behind friends for that. Anyways, I had a suspicion bananas wouldn't work, but one never knows.
this is fuego, for reference

edit: the transformer tube is polycarbonate, and having just smoked an incredibowl last night which is also polycarbonate, I can safely say polycarbonate is miles better than acrylic, having smoked a number of acrylic things over a number of years. It is almost as nice as glass, but uglier and harder to break

BUT I think I am gonna get the o-acetylpsilocin prob
got some weed from a friend (or rather, got ripped off. i thought weed smokers were a lot more willing to give some of their dank to their "first"-timer friends, sup with that?) and i can say im definitely not lookin forward to this whole self-rollin business.

any tips or helpful videos? ive already done some research on youtube and stuff
I would use a waterbottle or apple since rolling is hard and if you fuck it up it's just gonna be terrible
oh my god that mightve just been the most frustratin hour of my life. i think i made it too fat but thats probably not a thing to worry about in this kind of stuff

ill post a pic after my nap, this intensified my headache and all

i really wish i had just waited until i read the waterbottle thing

probably it was not very tight so it canoed a bunch. or you may also have tried to pack too much in and prevented airflow through the joint as a result.
the "roach" is the filter/handler? cuz ive defiltered filtered cigs and i could smoke then just fine

do i need a roach? :(
the roach makes it easier to roll it up and easier to finish it off at the end. atm since your j is a tube of weed, when it gets to the end there will be some herb left over. if you had a long enough roach, it would just burn all the way to the roach with no remaining plant matter.
not particularly bothered by any of these. thanks anyway, should be useful in the future.
get a volcano vape vader. its like the magic flight vape but it all hits you so much harder. Then, you can use the bud that's already been vaped and smoke that in your bong.
weeeeeeeird question, but can i put out a joint after lightin it? ive done it with cigs but is there some sort of efficient way?

dont ask, im really bad at this plannin shit.
get a volcano vape vader. its like the magic flight vape but it all hits you so much harder. Then, you can use the bud that's already been vaped and smoke that in your bong.

I have a vapir no2, which is good because it's portable!! I don't need another stationary large piece, really...if I were to get a piece it would be something I can take around with me
get a volcano vape vader. its like the magic flight vape but it all hits you so much harder. Then, you can use the bud that's already been vaped and smoke that in your bong.

volcano's aren't worth the price imo. you can get a decent vape for like $150 give or so. i don't think the $500+ justifies the high you get. i didn't notice a significant difference when i tried a volcano vape vs a $200 one. maybe that's just me, but i think it just has some placebo effect on people.