
Why does it say fat Wikipedia said:
Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, and society itself, into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be funny, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit as a weapon.
In my opinion, the creators of South Park are geniuses. I am also a huge fan of Jon Stewart and the Daily Show. The show is absolutely brilliant hahaha especially about the way they poke fun at our system of reporting and politics itself. I think it sheds light on things that need to change. If someone confronts a satirist and is angry about something that they've done wrong, they can just say that they were serious and that it wasn't a joke. Satirists are trolls worthy of our respect, at which point all someone can do is cover up their lack of wit with rigidity and rules/infractions. :toast:

Historically, satire has raised awareness which then leads to someone combating the problems. Books like Upton Sinclaire's The Jungle, had a massive impact, while other novels like The Tales of Huckleberry Finn allowed authors to comment about a flawed system they were a part of without fear of retaliation from those around them.

What I have a problem with is that satirists themselves cannot change things themselves, but only comment on things from the side to incite the change from others. What do you all think?


Colbert is better than Stewart, he's less biased.

Other than that I agree, your examples are all great works of satire. Gulliver's Travels (or anything else by Swift, actually) are also great satire.
satire is sorely needed in this world, without it I have no doubt we'd all be much worse off
Colbert is better than Stewart, he's less biased.

Complaining that someone in Comedy Central is too biased..

I think Tosh is pretty underrated(i know we are not talking about CC-only shows, just find it dumb that Colbert and Stewart get more respect for being more sensitive). But i'm sure in a couple of years America will catch up. Just like how South Park started and where its at now.
I enjoy Stewart much more than Colbert, Stewart uses topical humor and an incredibly clever way while still having a level of seriousness. Colbert takes topical humor and does pretty much a circus act with it. Neither is really objectively better, it depends on what kind of humor you enjoy.
I can't watch south park, the humor is far too crude for my tastes. I do watch Colbert sometimes, I like his sense of humor for the most part.
How is inspiring change in others through their creative material not doing it themselves? That's their medium of change.

Tosh doesn't do satire, he's a bad comedian who lacks the wit to write good comedy so he settles for the cheapest means of making a joke.

IMO David Foster Wallace, David Sedaris, Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde, Jonathan Franzen, Grant Morrison, Brian K. Vaughan, Moliere, Voltaire, & Alan Moore wrote/write pretty good satire.

Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Colbert, and Jon Stewart are pretty good too, except they don't write all their material. (AFAIK this only applies to the latter two) I remember reading this in English class in high school and being pretty entertained, and stuff by Voltaire was pretty good too.

I like stuff like South Park/whatever else too. My only problem with a lot of tv shows like that is they make the satirical aspects really blatant, which makes them a little less funny imo
Posting to say that Tosh

A) Isn't capable of doing satire
B) Is a complete cunt

Australia had some great satire over the years, BackBerner was fucking brilliant though.
We're doing a media and satire unit for english at school, and all we've done is watch chris lillee's stuff and frontline, both of which are great. Chris Lillee is a genius, Summer Heights High is amazing.
We're doing a media and satire unit for english at school, and all we've done is watch chris lillee's stuff and frontline, both of which are great. Chris Lillee is a genius, Summer Heights High is amazing.

YES, I thought I was the only one over here who heard of SHH


ermahgerd summer heights high is like the greatest thing ever. ja'mie is life.


if you give me that look again Bec, im going to, like, slap you down bitch

im still developing, i'm gonna get bigger, when im like 25 these r gunna be fucking huge. im gonna get implants so shut your fuckin face


get your fuckin boney arse in your bmw now and now get on the fuckin freeway and pick me up

stop fuckin talking to me and get me outa here

you are such a dumb bitch, mum, seriously

i'm gonna like hyperventilate and die and it will be your fault


BALUMBO SHAMANAKA! BALUMBO SHAMANAKA! thats something my sponsor child, sonali, who ive had for 8 years said to me as i was leaving the detention center where i visited her last week. it means "youre a beautiful girl". REPEAT AFTER ME, SCHOOL.


no matter what your problems are, you dont leave your country. seriously, my mum is a bitch to me sometimes but it doesn't mean i, like, get on a boat and go to, like, brazil

um so youve been getting the sponsorship money? the grades been okay? everyone's really full? excellent!

what about in your village, that guy who im sponsoring that looks like usher? he looks so hot. do you know him? get in the boat and, like, get with him.


are you a manager because you so dont sound like a manager. you sound like a dumbass fat bitch. im sorry you sound so fat.

okay i'm done. clearly i'm obsessed. omfg i need 2 rewatch summer heights high