Mafia From the Depths - GAME OVER, INSANE WIN

I guess this post is more of an apology than anything else, because despite my ridiculous postcount I was never really paying as much attention to this game as I should have. Part of it was because of school and homework, but an equal part was due to laziness LEAGUE OF LEGENDS, which hurt the village more than it should have.

There. Fixed.
Alarm clocks. That is all. I apologize -- this won't happen again.


You wake up to fresh Dead Body. It belonged to shinyskarmory, aka Mr. Clean. You could barely identify him at first, what with all the dirt.

shinyskarmory was Sane.


Votecount 4.1

Not Voting: (9) Shining Latios, LightWolf, Spiffy, More Cowbell, askaninjask, zorbees, TPM, Empoof, Metal Sonic

Not Voting: (9) Shining Latios, LightWolf, Spiffy, More Cowbell, askaninjask, zorbees, TPM, Empoof, Metal Sonic

With 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch. Deadline is in 121 hours, 10:00 AM GMT (noon GMT+2).
What I said yesterday still counts; if Walrein flips town, I think Metal Sonic should be the next person to go after. He was the one pushing the Walrein lynch the hardest, and Walrein himself also had a scum read on Metal Sonic. I know I'm pushing hard for Metal Sonic (he has been my main scum read since day 2) and I know that he may be playing far to aggressive for a mafia member, but it may also be some complicated reverse psychology thing (is that what you all call WIFOM, by the way?). Since I can only go by Day 3 now, as nobody has posted anything on Day 4 yet, I want to Lynch Metal Sonic.

Also, since I don't know who to sentry yet, I'm going to Sentry More Cowbell as a placeholder.

#1, the Walrein lynch push wasn't totally my fault, in fact I would say that you guys weren't pushing hard enough; that isn't to saw I don't take any responsibility for the mislynch, but if we could have got him on L-2 earlier, which you stubbornly did not want to, we could have gotten Walrein's town post earlier and switched lynch targets.

#2 I have correctly predicted that a mislynch occurred because there wasn't enough pressuring going on Day 3.

#3 Please give somebody L-2 treatment today early, else we'll suffer another mislynch

#4 Let the number 1 scumhunter do his job $!$@^%#
@ More Cowbell

Even though I pushed for Walrein lynch the hardest, it means nothing because you guys didn't follow my push(until much later, which doesn't count). So your point is invalid.

However, I accept responsibility that Walrein flipped town and has a scumread on me.
I will willingly answer any questions pertaining to this point.
Even though I pushed for Walrein lynch the hardest, it means nothing because you guys didn't follow my push(until much later, which doesn't count). So your point is invalid.

What... Seriously WHAT???

I do not actual believe you are scum, but honestly try to make sense and explain your thoughts. Why does the village not jumping on the Walrein bandwagon early mean that pushing for the Walrein lynch is not scummy? (It's a WIFOM honestly, would MS push so hard as mafia, would his team mates tell him to continue or make him stop, etc.)

Only posted because I really really hate faulty logic(yes if my faulty logic gets pointed out, and I actually realise it's faulty I freaking hate myself)
@ Lightwolf

You guys need to understand that I'm pushing for a Walrein L-2, not a walrein lynch. You guys granted both of these a little too late, I might say. If I had had Walrein's reply to my post a lot earlier, say a day or two before deadline(instead of 10> hours), I would definitely have changed the lynch.

Vote zorbees

L-2 him early please, we need to sort out the problem of Eagle + Him Day 2 "not putting him at L-1"
To everyone who said "they won't kill shinyskarmory or they would have already done it":


Seriously though, good game, screw you mafia, and don't listen to <snip>.

(am I allowed to say that?)

(apparently not)

EDIT: Yay I can edit my posts again

EDIT: Yay I can edit his posts again... I mean LightWolf is the best

EDIT: hi lightwolf
No, you are not allowed to say anything.

Try to avoid deathposting, even if it is just a gif.


Votecount 4.2

zorbees: (1) Metal Sonic
Metal Sonic: (1) More Cowbell
Not Voting: (7) Shining Latios, LightWolf, Spiffy, askaninjask, zorbees, TPM, Empoof

More Cowbell: (1) More Cowbell
Not Voting: (8) Shining Latios, LightWolf, Spiffy, askaninjask, zorbees, TPM, Empoof, Metal Sonic

With 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch. Deadline is in 116 hours, 10:00 AM GMT (noon GMT+2).
Alright, Metal Sonic. For someone who is our ''#1 scumhunter'', you were pushing really hard for someone who turned out to be a villager. Now, I know you say were pushing for a Walrein L-2, but as a proper scumhunter I'd expect you to keep your options open. Instead, you kept going on the Walrein lynch. Besides Walrein, Empoof was also under fire (mostly at the start of Day 3), but you hardly paid any attention to him, even though you have had multiple chances to put him at L-2, which would have been a great opportunity to get information from him. In fact, you hardly acknowledged Empoof on Day 3. The fact that you disregarded Empoof and went all-out on Walrein makes me think that Empoof-Metal Sonic is a likely scumteam. The fact that Empoof didn't vote on Day 2 and only voted Walrein on Day 3 makes him suspicious as well.

I like how you 'present' our target for today, zorbees, without any further explanation.

And then your last post; ''will reuse the gif for when they decide to lynch me''. So far, nobody but me has voted for you, so you are not likely to be lynched yet. Perhaps you have to fear more for nightkills, or is that no concern for you?

I know I'm tunneling on Metal Sonic, but so far only LightWolf has posted and that didn't give me much to go by, and the fact remains that Metal Sonic keeps playing the game in a very weird way.
I've already explained my "not wanting L-1", why do I have to explain it again? If that is all you have on me, that is a pretty poor reason to lynch.

I'd like an explanation from aska, regarding voting empoof and then flipping onto walrein before empoof responded, which was a bit suspicious imo. Especially when aska pointed out that I did the same thing to Eagle4 (the difference being mine was in RVS, aska's was late day 3).

zorbees, Spiffy, More Cowbell, Shining Latios, Metal Sonic, LightWolf, TPM, askaninjask, Empoof

This is a rough estimate of my opinion of users, from cleanest to scummiest. Walrein pointed out that Empoof didn't really defend himself when under pressure, just posted reads. I think an aska/Empoof scumteam is possible, although idk. I don't really like how askaninjask got the sentry two days in a row, especially when spiffy was much cleaner yesterday. Makes me feel like it is so he can prevent the scenario of people calling him out for being an experienced user who hasn't died. TPM i just suspected mainly because he seemed to not want to address the main topic at hand sometimes. Lightwolf seems pretty unhelpful to me, but he seems to be playing a typical lightwolf game, so idk. everybody else I view as pretty clean.

I gtg for a bit but will probably post more when I get back.

Oh yeah, vote empoof, sentry spiffy
At this time the only people I think it could be are askaninjask, Empoof, and zorbees.

I find More Cowbell and TPM trying to be helpful as much as possible, which is something a less experienced villager would do. Hopefully citro continues his few good posts from Day 3.

Shining Latios would have been told to stop on Day 1 if he had mafia teammates to talk with!

Metal Sonic I admit is acting pretty weird but I think it's because he credits himself with Eagle4's lynch and is just incredibly cocky? I still see him as village due to his Day 1 which I think was pretty good.

LightWolf seems to be acting just like normal, and is defending himself well when he's called out.

I was going to vote for zorbees but he brought up a few points that I agree with after looking back. And seeing as he brought up how he thought aska and Empoof are scummy, and in my eyes two of those three are mafia, I also think it's possible that askaninjask and Empoof are the remaining mafia.

Ever since Day 2 I thought askaninjask was pretty much doing the bear minimum; What everyone expected of him. Plus, he accused me of being scummy because I "tried to help the newer users learn to play" on Day 1 when his first post of the game was:
OK, you're doing random voting wrong.

A lynch with literally no argument behind it is kind of stupid. As it is now a ton of users are getting one vote and they don't have to do anything about it. Now that some people have posted (and some people conspicuously haven't either due to purposeful idleness or time zone problems), you should have enough to go off of to make at least SOME kind of deductive argument against one user. Example:

I think that it's probably a good idea that DLE gets protection, though it feels odd that he nominated himself for the job. Still, I think he's the "biggest" NOC name so he should probably get protection. I think that Walrein's attempt to move the sentry spot onto himself could easily be a ploy by the mafia team to get the sentry off of DLE.

vote Walrein

and sentry Da Letter El
This is him, telling us we're doing random voting wrong, and he already admitted he used the strategy of "helping newer players to become NOC players" before as a mafia.

Also, askaninjask voted for Walrein because he sentried himself when Empoof did the exact same thing:
Oh right
Lynch Shining Latios
Sentry Empoof

As for Empoof, everything zorbees said about him rang true. Since askaninjask was subbed out of another one of his games he might be inactive, so I will also Vote Empoof.

Empoof: What do you think of Metal Sonic's odd change of behavior the past two days?
Votecount 4.3

Empoof: (2) zorbees Spiffy
zorbees: (1) Metal Sonic
Metal Sonic: (1) More Cowbell
Not Voting: (5) Shining Latios, LightWolf, askaninjask, citro, Empoof

Spiffy: (1) zorbees
More Cowbell: (1) More Cowbell
Not Voting: (7) Shining Latios, LightWolf, Spiffy, askaninjask, citro, Empoof, Metal Sonic

With 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch. Deadline is in 107 hours, 10:00 AM GMT (noon GMT+2).
ok nvm Zorbees will be pushed to the back of the queue

We shall put Empoof on the seat, to make up for his inactivity.

Then later citro to make up for his newer playstyle.

Vote Empoof

OK, You are at L-2

#1 You have missed the Day 2 on where there was an Eagle lynch; post a paragraph on your thoughts and opinions about it, including various player reads on that day alone.

#2 What do you feel about being the one (apart from me) of Walrein's scummiest reads; and that now the others find you scummy as well?

Sentry Spiffy

more questions later
I'd like an explanation from aska, regarding voting empoof and then flipping onto walrein before empoof responded, which was a bit suspicious imo. Especially when aska pointed out that I did the same thing to Eagle4 (the difference being mine was in RVS, aska's was late day 3).

I don't really like how askaninjask got the sentry two days in a row, especially when spiffy was much cleaner yesterday. Makes me feel like it is so he can prevent the scenario of people calling him out for being an experienced user who hasn't died.

Oh yeah, vote empoof, sentry spiffy
While there wasn't an Empoof post inbetween my votes, there WAS a Walrein post, and I was pretty explicit why I voted Walrein then and left Empoof. Obviously, it was probably a mistake. I really liked the Walrein vote then though...

What can I even say about your second point? That you're wrong?

At this time the only people I think it could be are askaninjask, Empoof, and zorbees.

I was going to vote for zorbees but he brought up a few points that I agree with after looking back. And seeing as he brought up how he thought aska and Empoof are scummy, and in my eyes two of those three are mafia, I also think it's possible that askaninjask and Empoof are the remaining mafia.

Ever since Day 2 I thought askaninjask was pretty much doing the bear minimum; What everyone expected of him. Plus, he accused me of being scummy because I "tried to help the newer users learn to play" on Day 1 when his first post of the game was:

This is him, telling us we're doing random voting wrong, and he already admitted he used the strategy of "helping newer players to become NOC players" before as a mafia.

Also, askaninjask voted for Walrein because he sentried himself when Empoof did the exact same thing:

As for Empoof, everything zorbees said about him rang true. Since askaninjask was subbed out of another one of his games he might be inactive, so I will also Vote Empoof.

How am I doing the bare minimum? Certainly I didn't do a ton on Day 1, but since then I have tried to be reasonably active. I don't have as much time to devote to this game as I would like.

I did not see the Empoof post when I voted Walrein on Day 1. I assumed it was a standard "random vote, sentry DLE" post like the rest of them and scrolled over it without reading it carefully enough to realize he was sentrying himself.

At the end of the day yesterday, I got a better vibe from Empoof than from Walrein, so I voted Walrein. Walrein honestly, aside from his final post, made a series of unbelievably scummy posts at the end of Day 3. My read was wrong, but it wasn't unfounded.
Curious as to why people are so eager to sentry Spiffy? Walrein didn't rule him out as possible scum and I don't think we should either.

Spiffy's recent "it's x y or z" thing leads me to believe he's hoping for a mislynch today but is covering his back so he can get another village lynched tomorrow, which is pretty common for scum... Also what is with you sentrying askaninjask yesterday and suddenly turning on him? that seems weird imo. Empoof is already on L-2 so I'm not gonna vote in case of a hammer since we need to make the most out of this day, but I really want to hear his responses to all the pressure that's being put on him and go from there. Day 1 Eagle4 posted saying Walrein and Empoof seemed completely clean to him, this could clinch it tbh but there's the possibility of eagle just trying to fuck with us by buddying 2 villagers.

everyone is disregarding LightWolf because he's posting the "exact same as he always does" is it possible he's playing us for a fool :( I also still cant read zorbees at all; all I know is half the arguments he's using work against him too (experienced user who hasn't died? check, flip flopping? check).

askaninjask posted like early d2 about how Eagle4 was slipping under the radar, so i still don't think he's scum, cuz it would've been pretty pointless to specifically point out and bus a teammate who's not being pressured already. although there is WIFOM involved with this it feels like the risk vs. reward is too high. also, shinyskarmory thought aska was clean too for I think the same reason.

tbh out of all of us I think Metal Sonic seems the cleanest. He's leading the village rather well and having read through d1 especially his response to pressure was excellent. Although it's weird hes gone from wanting to target zorbees right onto Empoof we have plenty of time, so sentry metal sonic
Votecount 4.4

Empoof: (3) zorbees Spiffy Metal Sonic L-2
Metal Sonic: (1) More Cowbell
zorbees: (0) Metal Sonic
Not Voting: (5) Shining Latios, LightWolf, askaninjask, citro, Empoof

Spiffy: (2) zorbees Metal Sonic
Metal Sonic: (1) citro
More Cowbell: (1) More Cowbell
Not Voting: (5) Shining Latios, LightWolf, Spiffy, askaninjask, Empoof

With 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch. Deadline is in 99 - 6 = 93 hours, 4:00 AM GMT (11:00 PM EST).
Really Really Really tired, had to work a lot more than i thought today moving furniture and boxes. I'm cranky and need to sleep for work tomorrow (ugh 6am), but I'll do a quick sweep.

zorbees said:
Walrein pointed out that Empoof didn't really defend himself when under pressure, just posted reads.
I replied to that already. People were mostly pressuring me do to inactivity and the eagle buddying, and I have addressed both of those. If there were other accusations I missed them, and was more focused on actually getting something done, rather than making rebuttals or reiterating information about myself.

metal sonic said:
#1 You have missed the Day 2 on where there was an Eagle lynch; post a paragraph on your thoughts and opinions about it, including various player reads on that day alone.

#2 What do you feel about being the one (apart from me) of Walrein's scummiest reads; and that now the others find you scummy as well?
#1 Ya i didn't have very good reads on D2, we had no scum flip and i was having a hard time gathering proper information with the little time i had to read over the thread. I had scum reads on you, SS, and SL mostly from the way they constructed their posts. I don't really remember much else atm
#2 It's unfortunate but it happens. People have decent reasonings for finding me scummy (inactivity, buddying, not voting D2), but I've been trying to make up for it with fairly concrete posts on peoples relationship with our scum flip (which, everyone, feel free to challenge).

aska/spiffy said:
<posts about aska not focusing me D1>
I'm pretty sure aska answered this on D1 talking about walrein, I can snag it for you tomorrow. I feel like there are better targets and arguments to pick out than an RVS related lynch, but if you think this is a really good argument I'll try to go full ham on it tomorrow
spiffy said:
Empoof: What do you think of Metal Sonic's odd change of behavior the past two days?
Metal Sonic has been rather headstrong. I think it's because he got cleaner from getting on board the mafia lynch. Makes me want to look more carefully at his actions D2 and see if the bussing hypothesis is more reasonable than I thought. I don't think we should sentry him, I don't think he'll die tonight. Even if you guys lynch me with town flip today, he doesn't get cleaner from it. I don't think so at least.

Sorry for being a snarky asshole. I'll post more nicely tomorrow after work (and maybe a nap), and I know I didn't address everything so I'll try to do that tomorrow as well. Please, reask or direct me to a post where you're asking me a question in case i just forget or missed it or whatever. Or ask another question. Wtv.

I'm still going to focus on my scum reads during this day while trying to rebuttal everything, seeing as you're all keen on lynching me today. Might as well get the most out of my time alive :p Wouldn't mind if while you're pressuring me you took a look at my reads and poked at them. I put a lot of work into them qq