Fan Favorites Round 4

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Da Letter El

Officially internet famous
is a Community Leader Alumnus
Cohosting with my homie Stevensnype

This tournament tests a player's ability to determine a metagame's shifts when there is a Pokemon that is on everyone's team and that player's ability to teambuild appropriately for such situations, much similar to its predecessor, hosted by DCJ. As such, each round, one Pokemon, chosen at the host's discretion, will be announced and all players must use that Pokemon each round.

  • Sleep Clause
  • Evasion Clause
  • OHKO Clause
  • WiFi Clause
  • Species Clause
  • Soul Dew Clause
  • Literature Homework
  • Anything listed here is banned.
  • If tier shifts happen during the middle of a round, their effects will not take place until the next round.
  • The Announced Pokemon for that round must be used for that round. You will not be required to use Announced Pokemon from past rounds in future rounds.
  • If you do not use the Announced Pokemon in your match, you will be disqualified. Don't be dicks if your opponent accidentally loads the wrong team. Restart the match.
Round 4: All teams are required to use:

WhiteQueen vs. Pr0man
H-C vs. FLCL
(Princess Bri vs. Celsius) vs. Soulwind [flip]
Novaray vs. Alexander. [flip]
Masterclass vs. (Harsha vs. Naby)
(Jayde vs. The Great Mighty Doom) vs. gr8astard
Problems vs. Kennen
(Lavos Spawn vs. Nglittleguy) vs. Cicada

Deadline for Round 3 Matches is Thursday April 25th at 5 PM EDT.

Deadline for Round 4 Matches is Thursday May 2nd at 5 PM EDT.
WhiteQueen vs. Pr0man
H-C vs. FLCL
(Princess Bri vs. Celsius) vs. Soulwind
Novaray vs. Alexander.
Masterclass vs. (Harsha vs. Naby)
(Jayde vs. The Great Mighty Doom) vs. gr8astard
Problems vs. Kennen
(Lavos Spawn vs. Nglittleguy) vs. Cicada
WhiteQueen vs. Pr0man
H-C vs. FLCL
(Princess Bri vs. Celsius) vs. Soulwind
Novaray vs. Alexander.
Masterclass vs. (Harsha vs. Naby)
(Jayde vs. The Great Mighty Doom) vs. gr8astard
Problems vs. Kennen
(Lavos Spawn vs. Nglittleguy) vs. Cicada

GL everyone!

Deadline for extensions; I'll edit in who won flips or activity wins within the next 20 minutes.


vs Naby activity
The Great Mighty Doom vs Jayde activity
Celsius vs Princess Bri flip

Going to look over nglittleguy vs lavos spawn for a little bit since they both think they deserve the activity win
gonna say lavos spawn vs nglittleguy

looks like they were probably both on but just didn't communicate the first time? or nglittleguy was on the forums but didnt communiate with lavos? And then lavos was on for the 24th near the times that he is usually on but nglittleguy wasnt I guess. Even if my interpretation of this is wrong with the info I have, it would be a coinflip if they just missed each other through a lack of talking, but in an interpretation of ng leaving or in ng not being there on the 24th I'd be inclined to give the win to lavos
lavos got last word on previous thread. That is not true. I was on the entire time we scheduled. Why didn't you vm me? I also proposed another time, but you merely avoided it. I have posted yet another suggested time, you have not responded to that time either, and I am unsure whether you actually want to battle or not. I would also like to note the fact that lavos was under an alt the entire time, leaving me clueless as to whether he was on or not on the scheduled day.
why does he get activity? we were pretty equal tbh, it should be a flip if anything.

he left more VMs but that doesn't say anything about real activity or scheduling lol
lavos got last word on previous thread. That is not true. I was on the entire time we scheduled. Why didn't you vm me? I also proposed another time, but you merely avoided it. I have posted yet another suggested time, you have not responded to that time either, and I am unsure whether you actually want to battle or not. I would also like to note the fact that lavos was under an alt the entire time, leaving me clueless as to whether he was on or not on the scheduled day.

the vm logs clearly show that time and time again you schedule a time with me, i show up, and then you promptly leave. you lied about being online the whole time when we first scheduled to play, otherwise why would you not respond to my return vm until two days later? also i was never on an alt, that's another lie, i can only assume you're a deranged lunatic because you are coming up with crazy assumptions out of thin air and i'm glad to be rid of your incessant bs.

contacted cicada :toast:
what do you mean. I scheduled 5-6, you weren't there, I schedule 9-10, you weren't there. You never showed up. How do you "know" I lied if you weren't there the first day? Today, I asked when at around 7:50, you merely ask the same question. I was on PS, why are you asking again? Just get on to battle me. How rude of you just to insult me and then proceed to avoid battling me when you clearly had the chance. The alt was not a lie, You were never "lavos spawn". I have check over and over again. I am not what you say I am. It is not just for them to let you win. You have only avoided battling, never contacted me for a battle, and have never tried to arrange another time. Good luck on winning a tourney through your sleezy tactics.
this nub stated very clearly to me that he was not going to even try to battle me anymore. If I find him on PS and challenge, he will decline, based on his logic that he doesn't have to battle me now that he has won the favour. What kind of sportsmanship/logic is that. If you guys actually think he deserves this win, I have nothing to say.
i asked hc on irc if he wanted to battle like the day when the matchups were posted but he didn't have a team and i haven't been able to get in contact with him since
cicada and i haven't been in contact really, we scheduled for last saturday but he never showed up, then he wanted me to show up sunday but i had irl stuff to do so i told him i couldn't, and since then there's been zero communication between us. guess i'll try to find him online, not gonna request an activity win because we both haven't made much of an effort to get this done. extension would be cool since neither of us wants a coin flip i'm sure
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