Pokémon XY General Discussion

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Fairy will be a new type. It is weak to Poison and Steel, immune to Dragon, super effective against Dragon, Dark, and Fighting, and Fire and Psychic-type Pokemon take half damage from it.

Sylveon is Fairy-type. Some older Pokemon will be reclassified to Fairy, such as Mawile (Steel/Fairy).

Mewtwo has two new formes, not just one. Both are activated via items.
The professor's English name is Patrice.

The Starter final evolutions are Fire/Psychic, Grass/Fighting, and Water/Dark.
The first Gym is Bug, the second is Fairy, and the fourth is Fighting.
A few attacks will be dual-typed.

There will be a new type of battling style that Flying-type Pokemon and Pokemon with Levitate can participate in.

You will be able to see a Pokemon's EVs at a certain in-game facility. You will be able to boost the EVs through mini-games. It will take about two hours to get one stat to max EVs.

so did everyone see these? from pokebeach.
First of all:

Anything that was not officially announced is speculation. And this thread is only to discuss facts that we know so far.
I still call BS on Fairy/Light/Whatever type, and will continue to do so untill the day it is offically announced. I don't care what rumours Pokebeach posts.
Hell I wouldn't care if Jesus himself came down from heaven and confirmed Fairy type. If it's not from an offical source then it's fake.
So fairy type is pretty much confirmed. Yay! new type!

It's not confirmed until an official source says so, but I'll say that it has a lot of credibility at the moment, since another rumor said there would be a Fairy type and he got Parabola Charge right, as well as Sylveon fitting it perfectly. Funny that a Fairy type might be introduced when the region is France eh?

Fairy will be a new type. It is weak to Poison and Steel, immune to Dragon, super effective against Dragon, Dark, and Fighting, and Fire and Psychic-type Pokemon take half damage from it.
If this is true then that's huge. Dragon would be significantly worse, Poison and Steel would actually have offensive uses, Psychic won't be a worse Ghost type defensively, etc. Just the fact that something could potentially wall a Dragon type and not be Steel is a pretty big development, though this is still not confirmed so I won't look too deep into it.
How come nobody has paid much notice to Bleck's post about Pokemon Smash and the Sylveon type testing they did?

Sylveon is definately some kind of new type by process of elimination. The only thing I can think of which would possibly upset that is if Sylveon had some kind of new ability which gives it a flat out type resistance it shouldn't normally have.

I doubt they'd even go to the effort of doing the type test thing if they didn't want to build some kind of publicity around its type being a big deal. Even if it's not 'fairy' type (which I think is highly possible) it's definately a new type that's weak to poison.

That said, I really like the new pokemon. Parting Remark sounds like an amazing move. I really hope that Yancham is slow and bulky enough to use it well.
Fairy will be a new type. It is weak to Poison and Steel, immune to Dragon, super effective against Dragon, Dark, and Fighting, and Fire and Psychic-type Pokemon take half damage from it.

Sylveon is Fairy-type. Some older Pokemon will be reclassified to Fairy, such as Mawile (Steel/Fairy).

Mewtwo has two new formes, not just one. Both are activated via items.
The professor's English name is Patrice.

The Starter final evolutions are Fire/Psychic, Grass/Fighting, and Water/Dark.
The first Gym is Bug, the second is Fairy, and the fourth is Fighting.
A few attacks will be dual-typed.

There will be a new type of battling style that Flying-type Pokemon and Pokemon with Levitate can participate in.

You will be able to see a Pokemon's EVs at a certain in-game facility. You will be able to boost the EVs through mini-games. It will take about two hours to get one stat to max EVs.

so did everyone see these? from pokebeach.

The bolbed statement pretty much invalidates the entire rumor.
GameFreak doesn't care about fanmade patterns. There will be no dark/fighting/psychic starter trio.
The part about the minigames taking about 2hours to max out a stat is what makes me think those rumors are fake. How would they know that exact time frame? Seems awfully specific. dual-typed attacks also seem to be a bit of a stretch.
The bolbed statement pretty much invalidates the entire rumor.
GameFreak doesn't care about fanmade patterns. There will be no dark/fighting/psychic starter trio.

Except it doesn't. Gamefreak can literally design any Pokemon they want, having a Dark/Psychic/Fighting starter trio isn't a crazy idea.

The part about the minigames taking about 2hours to max out a stat is what makes me think those rumors are fake. How would they know that exact time frame? Seems awfully specific. dual-typed attacks also seem to be a bit of a stretch.
The 2-hours are probably just an estimation, of course it wouldn't be 2 hours on the dot. I agree that dual-type attacks are pretty odd but hey if Pokemon can have dual-types why not moves?
Fairy will be a new type. It is weak to Poison and Steel, immune to Dragon, super effective against Dragon, Dark, and Fighting, and Fire and Psychic-type Pokemon take half damage from it.

Sylveon is Fairy-type. Some older Pokemon will be reclassified to Fairy, such as Mawile (Steel/Fairy).

Mewtwo has two new formes, not just one. Both are activated via items.
The professor's English name is Patrice.

The Starter final evolutions are Fire/Psychic, Grass/Fighting, and Water/Dark.
The first Gym is Bug, the second is Fairy, and the fourth is Fighting.
A few attacks will be dual-typed.

There will be a new type of battling style that Flying-type Pokemon and Pokemon with Levitate can participate in.

You will be able to see a Pokemon's EVs at a certain in-game facility. You will be able to boost the EVs through mini-games. It will take about two hours to get one stat to max EVs.

so did everyone see these? from pokebeach.
Do those type details line up with the Sylveon shenanigans taking place on Pokemon Smash?
Fairy typing sounds awesome. Fairies typically have a weakness to iron in folklore, so I love the idea of Steel being a useful offensive typing based around that idea.

Clefable walling the shit out of Latios? Count me in dude.
Hell I wouldn't care if Jesus himself came down from heaven and confirmed Fairy type. If it's not from an offical source then it's fake.
I think we'd have other things on our minds if that happened.
Now we could have Rotom-W's that make you guess between volt-turn or volt-heal. Entry hazards countering volt-turn be damned.
Bulky rotom that doesn't have to rely on Pain Split for recovery? YES. GIVE ME THAT.
Personally if we do get a new type, I just hope it's not called "Fairy-type"

And I can tell a lot of Pokemon will get retyping if it does happen. Then there's Hidden Power...
How come nobody has paid much notice to Bleck's post about Pokemon Smash and the Sylveon type testing they did?

Sylveon is definately some kind of new type by process of elimination. The only thing I can think of which would possibly upset that is if Sylveon had some kind of new ability which gives it a flat out type resistance it shouldn't normally have.

I doubt they'd even go to the effort of doing the type test thing if they didn't want to build some kind of publicity around its type being a big deal. Even if it's not 'fairy' type (which I think is highly possible) it's definately a new type that's weak to poison.

That said, I really like the new pokemon. Parting Remark sounds like an amazing move. I really hope that Yancham is slow and bulky enough to use it well.
Or, Gamefreak made changes to the type chart. People jump on the "new type" bandwagon waaay too fast.
Personally if we do get a new type, I just hope it's not called "Fairy-type"

And I can tell a lot of Pokemon will get retyping if it does happen. Then there's Hidden Power...
When steel and dark came around, one pokemon got retyped and it didn't lose another type for it. It think that limits the possibilities.

Let's not forget that in japan some of the types have different names. Fairy could be mythic or light here. (If it happens... IF)
I think the reason it's so hard to stay on the actual info in this topic is because... well... the rumors are actually more interesting.

To be honest, if there's not a new type or something huge like that to shake things up I might not even buy this game. So far it feels like all the other generation announcements.
And that's why it took me all of gen 5 to play through white once... on double speed... with double exp... with wild battles disabled... and a hacked team... yeah...
When steel and dark came around, one pokemon got retyped and it didn't lose another type for it. It think that limits the possibilities.

Let's not forget that in japan some of the types have different names. Fairy could be mythic or light here. (If it happens... IF)
I think the reason it's so hard to stay on the actual info in this topic is because... well... the rumors are actually more interesting.

To be honest, if there's not a new type or something huge like that to shake things up I might not even buy this game. So far it feels like all the other generation announcements.
And that's why it took me all of gen 5 to play through white once... on double speed... with double exp... with wild battles disabled... and a hacked team... yeah...
Which is funny because this generation has a lot of new features, yet you feel like it's the most boring.
They don't need a new type, just make Ice resist Dragons and Poison to be super effective against them and voilá!
I find it very unlikely that they would go to the trouble of testing out types against Sylveon publically if they'd mixed around the type chart. There's a clear reason for them doing those tests and being secretive about Sylveon's type. They are not trying to show off that they've meddled with the type chart, that's much too vague and if they were trying to make that statement they'd show attacks having odd effects on Pokemon we already know about. They're drawing attention to Sylveon specifically because its mysterious type is a big deal.

A fairy type also makes sense aesthetically imo. Just look at Clefable. Does that thing look 'normal' to you? I would associate 'normal' with Pokemon like Rattata and Sentret. We've always pretty much just accepted that normal type encompasses bland rodents as well as fabulous pink sparkle blobs, but a lot of normal types really aren't very 'normal' at all.
I just thought of something. About Parting Remark. Since it'll be a Status move, I wonder how it'll work against Magic Bounce Espeon and Xatu? Will using it bounce it back to you and they'll be forced to switch out instead?
Although I reckon it might not work that. I reckon the effect of lowering stats will be bounced back but you will switch out.
Anyone know where I can get higher quality images of the new Pokemon? There also seems to be new art of Yveltal and Xerneas (only partly shown in the scans at Serebii) that I'd like to see.
Looks like a fairly standard crop of initial Pokemon reveals to me, but some nice designs in there. Fun to see a panda-themed Pokemon. I like that they themed the Normal/Flying standard after a robin, gives it something to set it apart from the others (as far as I'm concerned, Starly and Pidove are still entirely interchangeable, and I refuse to be convinced otherwise).

And the idea of riding a Gogoat is nothing short of enchanting.
Which is funny because this generation has a lot of new features, yet you feel like it's the most boring.
They don't need a new type, just make Ice resist Dragons and Poison to be super effective against them and voilá!
If it affected battling, I was using it on Smogon for quite some time before I even touched the game. When I started playing, I got in a few gyms and realized it really was the same game as all the others. Adding in a bunch of side features really didn't change the experience of going through 8 gyms and defeating the evil team much at all. I finally gave in when I heard of white deluxe, which presented some challenge and variety of pokemon.
I've heard people call a series stale before, but Pokemon is really winning that position right now for me. Adding a 100 more mons changes the smogon scene, but not the actual adventure.
The only starter poke this gen that I find to be intersting at all is the fire fox pokemon. Probably going to be a fast special attacker. (Ha, fire-fox, gonna name it Mozilla)
Which is funny because this generation has a lot of new features, yet you feel like it's the most boring.

Actually Gen 5 holds the dubious honor of being the first one that didn't add anything that the previous generation couldn't have done.

Gen 2 gave us genders, new types, the special attack/defense split and items.
Gen 3 gave us natures and abilities.
Gen 4 gave us the physical/special split.
Gen 5 didn't add anything that couldn't have been coded in Gen 4.

You can't criticize people for thinking that Pokemon is getting stale, because that's exactly what happened in Gen 5.
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