Neverused Mini-Tournament 14 - won by meeps!

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Shit, that's alot, I think your original idea was better..

Yeah, at first I agreed, but it was mentioned to me that people may get tired of building new teams each round (an idea I recognize). Having all of the changes usable from the start means that everyone can build one team and tweak it accordingly each round.

Anyways, feel free to drop out if necessary, but I would still love to have you all in the tourney! 10 (I think) more spots are left.
Changed my mind on releasing more theorymons later on in the round. Instead, all of the theorymons in the OP will be allowed for use throughout the entire tournament.

For anyone who has begun to teambuild, you can now edit your teams for these other theorymons. Best of luck, and have fun!

How far can we go in this? I mean, few pokemons got more than one theorymoning session, like Samurott:

He got: "what if Samurott have Lightingrod" and "what if Samurott got Nasty Plot", can we use a lightingrod samurott that also knows Nasty Plot?

Edit: Ok, got it. Only the pokemons in THIS thread OP are legal.
He means the OP in this thread. Samurott has nothing new in this tournament, I believe. (Otherwise we'd have crazy shit like Megahorn Sawk and Slow Start Slaking.)
Round One Pairings

Finchinator v. SOMALIA
jirachicelebimew v. Audiosurfer
ThunderBlunder v. Tato Chingamadre
SomaQL v. Qwilphish
Ashley11 v. Icecream
Infernis v. SweetJesus
Enguarde v. D4RR3N
Shuckleking87 v. FLCL
Tagliatelle21 v. atomicllamas
Nozzle v. bobbyvaporeon
WePwn v. Dr Ciel
Kiyo v. CBTerrakion
Axaj v. Raseri
Starships v. Tachycardia
Lagalag4 v. meeps
Sidfrid v. JoshuaMunoz

scorpdestroyer and InsaneDragoniteHD just missed the cutoff, so they have been added as subs. If you no longer wish to participate, please let me know so that I may sub one of these two in.

You have until June 2nd at 9 PM CST to complete your matches. Good luck and have fun everybody!
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