Live Smogcast #3 - June 2nd @7 PM EST - Official Tournament Discussion

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Makin' PK Love
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
The 3rd live smogcast will take place this Sunday at 7 PM EST. In it the panelists and I will discuss the summer tournament schedule (World Cup / Grand Slam / Frontier) as well as some general OU metagame trends that we expect to be popular during them. HOPEFULLY Smogon will not be down during this one, so we'll also be answering some questions from this thread. Use this to ask whatever you want of the panelists and me!

We'll see you there! ^_^
Thoughts on still awaited Dream World Abilities? (Most namely Sheer Force Feraligatr, Lightning rod Zapdos, and of course Contrary Serperior and Shadowtag Chandelure)
I have just like a series of questions about you guys' opinions of the suspect process as a whole:

Someone in the Deo-D test posted their screencap for reqs along with a comment that they were "surprised they didn’t see any Deo-D on the ladder," which kind of shook my faith in the suspect test process as a whole. Do you have faith in the suspect testing process? Do you think there's a better system (paragraphs, council, something completely new)? Would you favor continuing our current system into XY or try to change it?
^ They didn't see any Deo-D on the ladder, because suspect ladder had it banned...
^ yes and the fact that they got to vote on whether to ban him when they didn't even understand how the suspect ladder worked is why my faith was shaken
every year sweep makes a new account is the best year
Lavos Spawn, you've been playing pokemon for like 2 weeks, so I don't think you were here when i made my first few accounts. But I can say ''Every Season Lavos Spawn Says He'll win a smogon tour is the best season!'' because i've been there to see you fail every single season.

edit: i dont mean any offense, just kiddin around
are you satisfied with the current metagame? if not, what changes would you make? do you think that anything being tested at this point is unrealistic?

thoughts on ost9?

how would you deal with ~shady business~ (i'm sure you know what i'm referring to) in official tours?

there were a few instances in the most recent wcop and spl where one player without a shadow of a doubt fully counterteamed his opponent. do these situations require TD intervention and/or punishment of some sort?
In your latest Smogcast, it was mentioned, that Kyurem-B is easiely outclassed by other Dragons in the OU because of its low speed.
Thinking about it, why shouldn't Reshiram, Zekrom or Kyurem-W be OU as well? I mean, all of those Dragons are outclassed by the OU Dragons as well without enough speed and no boosting moves (besides Hone Claw or Flame Charge). Without Sun, Reshiram is pretty much irrelevant in Ubers. Not to mention, Sun is most likely the second weakest Weather and people would most likely happy to use a fire-typ that isn't weak to Water.

And I would like to know, if the DW-Abilities of Serpirior and Co. isn't going to be released in the 5th Generation of games, are you going to create a Metagame for DW-Abilities that aren't released as well?
I am a new player to competitive pokemon. I have been playing mainly OU and have managed to get my rating on my account to around 1700 ACRE (I could get it higher if I made an alt now I'd say). What tips would you give to how to begin trying to participate in tourneys, and be at least somewhat competitive in them? Would you say that "expert" play is more on the team building or predicting side of the game, or that is a balanced mixture of both?

Sorry for the long question, but I hope that this is something in general that you can discuss since the topic is tourneys. Thanks in advance.
This was a really good cast. I was very happy with everyone. You can watch it here!

great cast guys, the current mix of personalities keeps things pretty interesting

especially honored by LN's shoutout. i am not top 5 but it's cool people think i am
Also, everyone get excited... cause we just learned how to do...


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