Opportunism (extremely offensive team,peaked about #20 in PO)

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The conscious policy and practice of taking selfish advantage of circumstances.



Hello and welcome to my first RMT-SMT ,i can't say that i like the UU meta-game mostly because of the extreme stall played there and the fact that many games end in turn 30 witch is extremely boring,
so i decided to make a team that is going to help me make my time easier there.

I peaked n the top #20 UU players of PO with a username i better not mention a few months ago,and i had a nice winning streak with one of my alts , about 18 wins in PS last night that got sadly disrupted by my wifi modem deciding to die changing my IP every 5 minutes causing me many inactivity losses ,i also got a surprise sweep by an reversal hitmotlee that i had no idea about.

This team has absolutely no defensive synergy it just packs some of best sweepers aveliable in the UU tier.
There is almost nothing conventional about this team its not the kind of team you expect to see in the high ladder you might also believe that lie and that i am talking **lshit i wish i can prove i am not (i learned the use of prtsc button to late)
but you can always test it and see by your self its power.

Anyway,the reason i call this team opportunistic is because almost every pokemon has an high auto win condition just by its self,almost every pokemon relies on
surprise and uncommon but effective tactics to put opponent teams in a disadvantageous position .

Team Building proses
(they will link you to bulbapedia if you click them)

Whenever i think about an offensive team in UU the first think about is Heracross one of favorite pokemon this one has an uncommon and dangerous set.

Gothorita is another surprise and an unbelievably useful trapper that takes rid of troublesome poks and puts my opponents team into huge dis avd in fact the only reason i didn't post this team all this time is because i was afraid that goth its going to shoot out of this tier and into ou.

Archeops, i love this pokemon not many people know that it has access on taunt and stealth rocks making it an surprise lead that wins most of the entry hazards wars, its like an aerodactill in no preview.

Porygon-Z, its high special attack along with its vast move-pool earns it a place in my team, if i run anti-special wall Gothorita this thing can smash stall team just by it self.

I can't make a team without my favorite pokemon type, steel unfortunately most of the steel types in the tier are defensive but bisharp makes the deference by being an amazing sweeper extremely powerful and it gives my team much needed priority.

i noticed that my team is extremely vulnerable to rain dance teams i know how strong and cheap rain dance teams can be, since i used one very successfully so i decided to use their power against them i use Kingdra their main offensive pivot because its a pretty valid pokemon meaning that its not completly useless against a non rain teams, also its not a stalling pokemon like suicune that would destroyed the hyper offensive character of my team

In Depth Analysis


Ross (Heracross) @ Salac Berry
Trait: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Stone Edge
- Swords Dance
- Close Combat
- Substitute

What makes this set so good is the ability to do so many things like bluffing choice set,pseudo sweeping and wall softing , beating its greatest counters crobat,gliskor while retaining the offensive presence of the choiced sets, it exploits the fact that more than 80% of heracross are choiced to set up substitute on unsuspected walls than cant break its substitute like gligar and hitmotomp and others, it can can boost its attack by sword dance in astronomical levels or just stay conservative by keeping the sub up while exploiting its ability moxie for a little boost its a huge threat anyway ,
For the skeptical ones you don't have but to compare it to the ultimate sub salac monster of OU Terrakion, Heracross can't match his power or his bulk but it comes close to so, since people manage to build successful teams based on sub Terrakion in OU why shouldn't people be able to built successful sub-salac teams in UU ? for more info about sub salac heracross
an aborted mediocre analysis of mine.




Torture (Gothorita) @ Eviolite
Trait: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SDef
Bold Nature
IVs: NaN Atk / 30 Def
- Calm Mind
- Rest
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Calm mind so it can minimize the damage of desperate scalds by slowbro
and other bulky waters while boosting it .

Rest so it can cure burns and toxic thrown by its victims and heal damage.

Thunderbolt and HP ice that have near perfect coverage
allowing to abuse an 4x boosted s.attack stat after it kills its victim.but many other combos can be used

Don't be fooled by the appearance of this beautiful little pokemon , you can't believe how nasty it can be and how many rage quits can cause, minimum attack stat so it can take comfortably foul play attacks by Umbreon and sableye although this set isnt made for countering them effectively it's made for trapping a huge variety of pokemon like Brozong , Slowbro, cobalion (without volt switch 70%),Amoonguss, Roserente and many pokemon that i can't remember their names because they are stalling mons and i never use them.
So what Gothorita does sometimes even better that it's evolution is trapping, fodder-ing and and destroying defensive pokemons that could easily stop the sweep of my other sweepers.
it can Also use taunt ,substitute, trick and other interesting options so it can adapt in each teams trapping needs, a pokemon that every heavy offense team should consider a test will convince you.
Note: this set isn't the best Gothorita set i know because the only trapping technique i've used successfully is drag mag and i don't have the patience and time to analyze and deploy its full potential so if you have any suggestion and comments about it like a better coverage move duo or something else just say it any any kind of help is welcome.


Archeops @ Flying Gem
Trait: Defeatist
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Taunt
- Acrobatics
- Stealth Rock
- Stone Edge

taunt for shutting down things like spore roserente and batton pass leads

acrobatics for huge damage output

stone edge for a nice stabbed coverage although i am not completely sure about its usefulness yet.

Stealth rocks cause every team likes those rocks

This set is pretty match straightforward, its an offensive stealth rocker that many times wins the entry hazards war either my putting huge offensive pressure on most of my opponents leads and spinners or simply by taunting weaker foes , it exploits the fact that almost none will suspect it as a lead something that aerodactyl can hardly do after all those years of exposure, it also has a nuked acrobatics(witch is the only move i remember using as soon i acquired it from that gym to the moment i killed Reshiram lol)
witch comes along with the second highest attack base amongst flying types outclassed only by rayquaza,that ensures that nothing will safely spin of his face something that Aerodactyl and other leads can not ensure notably it can easily 2hko an 252-252 Blastoise , and kill it next turn leaving it no chance to spin safely of course defeatist sucks but if you use it conservative and smart you have nothing to fear surprisingly his bulk isn't that bad meaning that it can survive some low power super effective hits like blastoise's scalds .

note: i use bisharp first in the no preview so i can bluff some kind of gimmicky stealth rock setter-support bisharp that lures anti-leads like chandelure and rotom-h easy pray-stealth rock fodders for my Archeops.

DragonBot-Z (Porygon-Z) @ Life Orb/Leftovers
Trait: Download
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd/ or 252 HP / 252 SAtk
Modest Nature or Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Tri Attack
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt

Substitute saves me from over predictions

Tri Attack good STAB attack

The well known bolt-beam combo that hits large portion of the tier for super effective damage are the coverage moves of choice.

Minimum attack that can be used along with some bulk in order to humiliate
Umbreon and Sableye that wont be able to break it's sub anymore

I discovered Porygon-z after the Genesect's ban when i was searching something as awesome
and powerfull as Rock polish Genesect, those who had the chance to use one in the OU ladder know what a waste of potential was the use of choice scarf compered to RP polish set ,anyway the first set used on my Porygon-z was an agility set so i can approach a much a i could my Genesect set , i quickly found out that pory-z has neither the bulk or the typing to support this set effectively on top of that many people expect that pory z is going to set up and hit it on the set up turn, so to easy up the predictions for more safety and to make it harder to revenge kill i added the sub.

I usually deploy it in the late game when my opponent lost his ghost types and has 1 or none faster pokemon it has little to fear from defensive pokemon, this little monster can easily 2hko an 252/252 umbreon if it has LO and since umbreon will not break his sub if used as i mentioned above it can even pp stall its wishes/moonlight.

if it gets an substitute and a download boost in the late game it rarely fails to prove what is capable of.


Power Ranger (Bisharp) @ Life Orb
Trait: Defiant
EVs: 144 HP / 252 Atk / 112 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Substitute
- Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance
- Iron Head

Substitute, i love substitutes, substitutes make everything easier
and and have so many uses, i can't quite remember how many times i've clicked this move especially since i am an experienced drag-mag user i've spammed charge beams on ferros ,scizors and jirachis countless times annihilated my opponents team with a x4 Magnezone behind a substitute in more than 500 battles players like sapientia, Ben gay,moet, shimmer, pleasure and others failed to stop it so if there is something i learned about substitutes its that everybody hates them and every body wants them broken as soon as they see one the funny part is that if my opponents controlled their temper and stopped power whipping my Magnezone and simply lay all three layers of spikes they could actually win the game thanks to residual damage since my team had no spinner but there are few that can control their fear panic temper and focus on their strategy,
so substitutes make foes attack ensuring that sucker punch will hit and helps me avoid mind wars they also block status effects witch is important in a team without Cleric it has no brick brake so Empoleon and Cobalion can wall it but they are both rare
sight in the tier

Iron head ,i preferred running iron head over night slash because iron head helps with pokemon like Hitmotomp ,Rhyperior,Heracross and many others
the and high flinch rate is awesome and actually saved me many times.

Sword dance boosts it's attack in sky high levels

Sucker punch the main sweeping move its actually stronger than xkiller's
extreme speed , it rules

This thing is so strong that i find my self comparing it to extreme killer Arceus , almost no pokemon can safely revenge kill it when its behind the substitute and after one sword dance boost sucker punch can 1hko things like mienshao Zaptos flygon and other common counters of bisharp it doesn't really need leftovers i prefer LO all about max damage output if gothorita manages to kill Gligar my opponent will probably fail to stop this monster, Bisharp gets the most kills in my team so its my main sweeper its chosen over other sweepers like Honkrew because of his extra bulk stealth rock resistance superb typing that give it more chances to set up substitute but most of all the access to sword dance one of the best boosting moves in the game , a pokemon that deserves a lot more usage.


Kingdra @ Life Orb
Trait: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
IVs: NaN Atk
Timid Nature
- Surf
- Draco Meteor
- Hydro Pump
- Rain Dance

Ice beam its mostly a filler it struggles to 2hko dominant grass types of the UU tier like Roserende Shaymin and Virizion so its over looked to the an more reliable STAB surf that is used on situation i cant risk miss witch is very important in a team fragile as this one.

Hydro Pump extremely powerfull especially in a tier that not that prepared to rain boosted attacks it simply destroys any thing that doesn't resist it can even 2hko an 252/252 umbreon ,but this 20% miss ratio ruins everything i can't remember how many times i lost because of a pump miss

Rain dance is there to make kingdra useful when i am not battling an rain dance team it also helps my bisharp set up sub on things that rely on hp fire to harm it.

Dragon Meteor is used in the end of the sweep to heavily damage special walls that lack recovery rendering them useless to stop of second kingdra
sweep it also hits with a power 210 considering the STAB so it makes up for coverage since it hits harder than any of Kingdra's coverage move even if they are super effective against the foe

Minimum attack again because i don't want to experience again losing a battle to a foul play swagger Sableye or that troll called Liepard

Honestly i did not intended to use kingdra in this place, it was the circumstances that forced me to choose it, the danger of getting super sweeped by rain dance abusers if my Archeops failed to stop the rain inducer so i obviously run a Maximum speed kingdra so i can outran enemy kingdras in the rain witch is why is i use it after all , not that kingdra is a garbage but i used to run pursuit Krokodile on this place every ghost type fears krokodile more than any other dark type mostly because they fear a moxie boost so it more likely to switch and take the pursuit damage (Chandelure Mismagius etc) perfecting the offensive synergy by getting rid of the ghost types that are a major pain to my Porygon-Z and Heracross.

How does this team works

before you make fast conclusions like
"mienshao can destroy all of you team" or "scrafty can defeat all of your team after 2 DD"

i wanted to explain how this teams offensive momentum works and how it absolutely creates revenge killing suffocation to my opponent; meaning that my opponent rarely get the chance to Revenge kill because of the heavy offensive presence of this team , i also explain why ihoice items don't suit on this team.

1. my set up sweeper switches to a pokemon that can scare of or use as a set up fodder.

2. my set up sweeper sets up on the switch (rain dance,substitute)

3. the setting up makes my sweepers pretty much invincible to revenge killing this is the list of the revenge killers that cant touch my set up sweepers along with the reasons the fail to do so
i.Choice scarf heracross|iron head behind sub after the CC def drop ,rain boosted Hy-pu along with swift swim , sub salacross beats scarfcross behind the sub,porygon-Z tri attacks it to death behind the sub ,

ii.Mienshao| the same as above it cant revenge kill anything

iiv. Raiku| the same as above but it actually can take on bisharp if it is at full hp and has a sub something that rarely happens

iv.Victini|the same as above its usually scarfed so it fails to do anything important best case scenario is that its locked on a wrong move and gothorita kills it with ease.

v.Kingdra|if rain isn't up everything kills and my kingdra will outran it most of the time if rain i up if it fails , i can also get a big chunk of hp with Sucker punch

so i think i made it clear that my opponent can't switch his revenge killer/offensive pokemon in after the set up this is the main reason i can't have choice in this team those items give my opponents options , options give them opportunities and opportunities give me trouble .
4.My opponent is forced to switch to a stalling/defensive pokemon here are the most switch i pokemon for every sweeper if not the only ones
Blastoise,if it tries to spin i will get a sword dance but it will never do so because substitute promotes attacks,if it doens't curry roar it will fail to stop it (40%) since an +2 sucker punch has a chance to KO after SR damage even an 252/252 blastoise , an 252/252

Swampert,can stop it but it also takes a nice 80% but it can phrase,

porygon-2,porygon-2 gets an easy 60% by an +2 attack even if it runs max physical spread and so it loses if it flinches or it had prior damage,

gliskor, it stops it cold Gathorita can take care of it if it has no U-turn(65%)

So bisharp can soften its counters at least once and then retreat (what i call pseudo sweep) if my opponent doesn't have has at least 2 pokemon that can counter at full hp (something rare in the late game) and my bisharp finds the opportunity set up again my opponent will fail especially since +2 sucker punch 1hkos every single top 5 offensive mon except heracross that is trapped by gothorita when it tries to CC
bisharp's success relies on the fact that dark type moves have a good natural coverage and the fact that sucker punch is stronger than extreme speed.

Zapdos ,Crobat,Gligar,Hitmotomb,Arcanine

Zaptos: it will fail to endure one stone edge after SR if its faster i get the chance to consume the berry outrun it get the moxie boost and activate the well known domino effect or i can just sword dance if my opponent plays heavy stall and has no poke that can hit it faster

Crobat:the same about Zaptos it fails to counter it but if my opponents control their thinking and their substitute panic instead of brave birding and
actually used taunt they could stop heracross cold but as i said again people are people

Gligar: when i see Gligar switching on my heracross in the late game
i know that i've won
why ? well Gligar is nothing but a perfect set up fodder and since people can't control their substitute phobia the will keep trying to break the sub with earthquake that can really break it, while the could easily taunt it and
stop it from boosting its attack in astronomical levels.

The same for the hitmo its attacks cant do a scratch,those counters where made to counter choiced heracross , they fail dramatically to counter this set
if you find it hard to believe that, a test will convince you.

Kingdra:it works like bisharp it softens its counters before it strikes using the amazing move dragon meteor that can 2hko wreck any popular special wals,people that used kingdra under rain know what happens after that.

Porygon-z ,destroys teams those who have experience with all out attacker Genesect know what i am talking about.

5. So from this point the there are some certain logical scenarios that can follow
I. my set up sweeper (heracross) exploits surprise and breaks through the defender keeping the sub up and remaining invincible to revenge killing and create a chain reaction and activating the auto win condition by either half sweeping of fully sweeping the opponents team.
IF that's=True
Goto VII
II.My Opponents team has no walls to counter the set up sweeper either because of Gothorita destroyed them either because my sweepers soften them by them self's rendering them unable to stop my next attacks
either way my opponent fails to respond to this and probably loses
(kingdra,bisharp,porygon-Z,heracross) all of those sweepers remain extremely hard to revenge kill them even after the kill something (+2 sucker punch ,salac boost
,swift swim boost )except porygon-Z witch is why is used in the late game
so my opponent is blocked from easy revenge killing even after it gets its wall

Goto VII

IIV.My sweeper fails to break his way through the defender he either dies or switches out unable. i choose another pokemon.
Goto 1

IV. My opponent is very good or fortunate player (5%) he doubled switched while i was going to withdraw my sweeper or found some other why to break the revenge killing suffocation, he probably switched to an offensive pokemon to reverse the offensive momentum and attempt to destroy my fragile in this point most of the times will fail because my team has bulky sweepers that can take one hit or two hits and return huge amount of damage there other situations however where i have prioritize my actions
i might also need to take hard decisions sucrifice pokemon in order to keep the rest of my team safe and keep dangerous pokemon from setting up and creating offensive momentum,

an example of this situation is the following

My bisharp fails to break through foe's swampert
swampert broke its substitute and its about to ko it with earthquake
my opponent predicts that i will switch to Archeops expecting earthquake so he will double switched to CM Raiku giving the best thing it can get against this team a free switch in.
So Archeops finds its self against Raiku i look back to my team and i see that there is nothing that can take an +1 thunder bolt i cant risk it to set up so i stone edge it, stone edge wont kill but sr damage along with life orb

IF even sacrifices fail to stop the offensive momentum of dangerous pokemon like this
Goto IX
Else Goto 1
V. my opponent managed to set up a lot of residual damage like toxic spikes
or hail it destroys my sub tactics or somehow managed to stop every sweeper of mine very.
Goto IX

VI.My opponent destroys me with cheap batton pass and rain dance teams
I lose
Goto IX

VII. I win ,happened 104 times so far ;

IX. I suck defeat i open the teambuilder and i change something hoping that it wont improve the team i suck again then decide to study c++ more , it happened 18 times so far ;
so ti think this is the most analytic script i could make about how my team works, it covers almost any situation and possibility.

Fighting types they are high powered pokemon , they can wreck my team if used right luckily i have Gothorita witch can also trap and annihilate choice locked mons fortunately they are glass cannons so they wont be great threat if my mons are protected behind subs

Rain teams, if Archeops and Kingdra fail i will most likely lose against them hopefully they are not that many out there.

Hail teams,extremely trollish,cheap and heavy stalling teams that rely on residual damage they are used a lot in the high ladder they destroy my substitute tactics , if my gothorita curries hp fire i will trap and kill their Abomasnow and then rain dance with Kingdra if not i will usually lose.

Troll teams taunt works well for them if the bypass it i will usually lose :(

I hope you liked my team i am sure this team deserves an higher peak but i don't have the time the patience and the internet connection to do so i am giving it away to you go ahead SMT or just RMT any kind of feedback is welcome

sorry for my english english isn't even my third language and i am European
If you want to run such an offensive team, I would highly recommend to use of a scarfer. I'm not quite sure how you stop LO mienshao or sub CM raikou, but even just giving heracross a scarf would help you out tremendously. Also you might want a strong grass or electric type to help with bulky suicunes. I'd replace archeops with something like scarfed victini and porygon z with maybe life orb sleep powder roserade. Your choice tho.
I'm not quite sure how you stop LO mienshao or sub CM raikou,


no offense but you obviously have not clue about teams like this, in theory those poks can kill most of my poks in one to one situation, however in order order to engage in one to one situation they must switch in, but neither
of those can switch in on pretty match anything my team has they are sitting ducks till i engage them and sweep them in the late game, did i mentioned that mieshao gets 1hkoed by +2 sucker punch ? , and even if somehow those two managed to get a free switch in ,Archeops, heracross and sucker punch revange kill them just fine, a test with this team will convince you, those poks are no issue just test the team and you will see what i mean.

thanks for you help though and you comments.


no offense but you obviously have not clue about teams like this, in theory those poks can kill most of my poks in one to one situation, however in order order to engage in one to one situation they must switch in, but neither
of those can switch in on pretty match anything my team has they are sitting ducks till i engage them and sweep them in the late game, did i mentioned that mieshao gets 1hkoed by +2 sucker punch ? , and even if somehow those two managed to get a free switch in ,Archeops, heracross and sucker punch revange kill them just fine, a test with this team will convince you, those poks are no issue just test the team and you will see what i mean.

thanks for you help though and you comments.

Being a dick isnt gonna get anyone to lend you any advice. Personally I agree with him, and I can think of several common threats that will rip your team to shreds
I agree with moose V that you need a choice scarf user. Why because after a calm mind boost raikou is almost Impossible for your team to stop. You may say that Bisharp has Priority Sucker Punch well it can't KO Raikou which means it gets a easy sweep. I recommend Heracross as your choice scarf user.

Here is the Set:

Heracross @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Moxie
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Jolly Nature
- Close Combat
- Megahorn
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Also, nice gothorita set. I knew it could function okay in UU, but I could never get it to work.

Nice Team and I hope I helped =)
First off I don't know how different/screwed up the UU metagame is in PO compared to PS since PO doesn't follow Smogon's tiering, so a lot of my advice could not really apply to this team.

I honestly don't understand why you don't think Life Orb Mienshao is that big of a problem for this team. While Mienshao won't be able to OHKO Heracross it'll be able to dent it severely or just U-Turn out when up against it. Gothorita poses no threat at all since Mienshao can simply U-Turn out and deal good damage with the attack. Archeops it OHKOd by both Hi Jump Kick and Stone Edge, PZ, Bisharp, and Kingdra are all OHKOd by Hi Jump Kick. Mienshao can revenge kill every member of your team except Archeops. Bisharp's Sucker Punch does about half to Mienshao, and against any competent player Bisharp won't be getting up a Swords Dance.

Don't just brush off Moose V's advice like that, what he said was far from false.
Starting your response with a giant red FALSE and saying "you obviously have not clue about teams like this" isn't considered friendly corrections.

+2 252+ Atk Bisharp Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mienshao: 211-249 (77.49 - 91.51%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Don't use facts if they aren't true. Raikou similarly easily beats Bisharp unless you predict perfectly. Heracross does not revenge it "perfectly fine" either, as Raikou outspeeds and can OHKO with a +2 TBolt.

Dragon Dance scrafty can similarly rip holes in the entire team. It OHKOs everything at +2 except for Heracross, which it outspeeds and can 2HKO.

+2 252 Atk Scrafty Hi Jump Kick vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Kingdra: 345-406 (118.55 - 139.51%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252 Atk Scrafty Hi Jump Kick vs. 52 HP / 0 Def Bisharp: 1324-1560 (466.19 - 549.29%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252 Atk Scrafty Hi Jump Kick vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Archeops: 466-549 (160.13 - 188.65%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252 Atk Scrafty Hi Jump Kick vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Porygon-Z: 884-1044 (283.33 - 334.61%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252Atk +2 Scrafty (+Atk) Crunch vs 252HP/200Def Gothitelle (+Def): 101% - 119% (348 - 410 HP). Guaranteed OHKO.

If it's LO Adamant DD, it can OHKO Hera too.
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Scrafty Hi Jump Kick vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Heracross: 297-350 (98.67 - 116.27%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock


no offense but you obviously have not clue about teams like this, in theory those poks can kill most of my poks in one to one situation, however in order order to engage in one to one situation they must switch in, but neither
of those can switch in on pretty match anything my team has they are sitting ducks till i engage them and sweep them in the late game, did i mentioned that mieshao gets 1hkoed by +2 sucker punch ? , and even if somehow those two managed to get a free switch in ,Archeops, heracross and sucker punch revange kill them just fine, a test with this team will convince you, those poks are no issue just test the team and you will see what i mean.

thanks for you help though and you comments.

Don't just throw away a good rate please.

Raikou, outspeeds and proceeds to OHKO your whole team (bar goth, but that can't touch it back and has to take a heavy hit coming in) with a little bit of prior damage (stealth rocks, spikes).

LO Mienshao, outspeeds (bar archeops) and can also OHKO your whole team with the proper move, when you come in to try to trap it with goth, it U-turns out, doing a nice chunk, and goes into a check/counter.

It is true that these pkmn may not have oppurtunities to switch in, but once they do you almost auto-lose.

You claim that Bisharp will just ohko threats with +2 priority, but Bisharp has one of the toughest times getting to +2.

Your team has trouble against the top tier threats of UU.

LO Shaymin-Everything dies, goth risks a -2 drop coming in and hp ice does nothing to it.
Scarf Victini-Kingdra switchs in, but if they U-turn you lose your precious momentum. Everything dies bar Kingdra and goth thou.
Scarf Heracross-Your own Hera can switch in but that can die eventually.
ParaFlinch Togekiss-Only OHKO'd by Archeops which can't switch in, your usual switch in for special attackers (goth) loses to this as well.
A common Defensive core of Snorlax+Gligar looks exceptionally annoying, which is an awful thing for offensive teams.

No offense but if I tried to change this team for the better it would end up being completely different and no rater has the time to pick through it and help it beat some of the most common pokemon.

I find it funny how you complain about battles being long yet you use a CM goth with Rest and no sleep talk or chesto berry.

It would be nice if you could supply us with some replays on how this team operates at such a high ranking.
i think the po uu must be incredibly fucked compared to smogon's in the sense that he talks about seeing a crapload of stall - and here, that makes up, what, 3% of all teams?

plus, i believe reuniclus and blissey are allowed in po uu, which are almost certainly contributing factors. maybe this info could help in any rates?
@Grey Knight
I understand that you weren't trying to be rude or anything but you did kinda come off that way as you did quickly dismiss my battling knowledge and my advice. I've peaked #1 in UU on PS so I know what I'm talking about with this tier. That being said I really do think you should get a scarfed poke to at least force out some fast threats (some other raters poited out some more). I also think that porygon Z is the least important member of your team and replacing him with something like specs raikou would mean you get to keep a powerful special attacker but also help you gain momentum. Once again, if you don't like my advice, just say so.
posted by scotti
Why because after a calm mind boost raikou is almost Impossible for your team to stop.
first things first as i already said Raiku can't switch in on anything if it somehow get a free switch in, more than the half of my team can take one thunder bolt and return heavy damage , even if it somehow manages to get a calm mind boost heracross and kingdra can save my ass but if its life orbed it will manage to kill one or two poks till it gets to the sucker punch range although
this happened only once , because of sleep powder ,
Generally i am trying to keep my opponent from setting up sometimes i wont hesitate to sacrifice pokemon like Arheops for ensuring that it won't set up and many times it works as they expect switch but i use stone edge instead .

Honestly i don't think scarfs suit this team i rely on constant offensive pressure and double switches,
scarfs give opponents options ,options give them opportunities opportunities
give me problems , as i said this team had krokodile as its scarfer it took care of ghost types better than any other dark type but Krokodilie had to be replaced with kingdra because rain dance teams completely destroyed my team

Thank you about your help and your heracross set if this tier wasn't so scarfcross and mienshao centric i could think about using one in my team
the thing is that if something like crobat or gligar switches into my choice locked attack it could easily u-turn and get a free switch something like Mienshao or Raiku and that's when they get serious threats for my team that has no defensive synergy and relies on constant offensive momentum to keep away threads , you know what the say in basketball the best defense is attack ,

Gothorita its the MVP of this team this one specializes on weak special walls like the the slowbro family brozong and others , it also stops some dangerous choice scarfers that can cause huge damage in my team its an amazing pokemon i hope the won't ban it.

thank you for being the first one that calls my team good i appreciate that.
oh and good luck with that music school in NY.

posted by the milk dude :
2 252+ Atk Bisharp Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mienshao: 211-249 (77.49 - 91.51%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
FALSE(I love doing this XD)
252 Atk Positive Nature +2 Life Orb Defiant Bisharp's Sucker Punch (80 BP) Against
0 HP / 0 Def Neutral Nature Inner Focus Mienshao.
Probable Damage: 273 - 322 (100.74% - 118.82% of 271 HP).
100% chance to OHKO.

you Forgot to consider the life orb, no offense but
"think before you speak read before you think"
Fran Lebowitz

As for the DD scrafty it cant set up on anything lol i am surprised you even mention this thing i can hardy remember any kind of srafty killing more than one pokemon of mine , if it does well i am fucked up the same goes for dragon dance kingdra, but this is a highly hypothetical scenario easier said than done :kongler:

Posted by PTJon7:
First off I don't know how different/screwed up the UU metagame is in PO compared to PS since PO doesn't follow Smogon's tiering, so a lot of my advice could not really apply to this team.
Been there, i am trying to play in both Sims my PO variant of this team is slightly more special offensive used along with anti blissey taunting and tricking gothorita

I honestly don't understand why you don't think Life Orb Mienshao is that big of a problem for this team
It is not ,mienshao is only a problem when it gets a free switch, the thing is that it will almost never get free switch against this team as simply because this team has so much offensive presence i am explain that above to Scotii,the scarfed versions are an issue for my team that's when Gothorita comes in and makes it wish it never used hjk against my poks
Gothorita poses no threat at all since Mienshao can simply U-Turn out
Mienshao meets my Gothorita most of the times at +4/+4 if my opponent uses u-turns against a Gothorita (less than 40% of dmg i think) he poses a huge thread to the pokemon that comes after lol, this actually happened twice

Mienshao can revenge kill every member of your team except Archeops
+heracross in one to one situations +gothorita if the mienshao is scarfed it makes it cry, Mienshao will suffer +kingdra in rain +bisharp either with sword dance boost or behind the sub + it only comes when Porygon-z is not behind the sub because if it is it cant touch it either if it is behind a sub also it can heavily harm my kingdra if my kingdra is outside rain and it has LO but this almost never happens so what where you just saying ?

(it happened once in the end of a kingdra sweep when my kingdras hp was lower than 25% and i just death foddered since i could not survive the another switch in because of the spikes in the field so i can gain momentum)

not to mention HJK's pathetic accuracy and the fact i can switch to my gothorita anytime to buffer HJK

i only wish i had the replay where i beat an 2000+ dragon spam OU team where i lure a hydreigon to use dragon meteor on my kingdra then use the s.attack drop so my heracross use set up substitute and destroy the rest of my opponents team with only one pokemon.
Thanks for trying to help me, its hard to understand this team if you don't play with it, its nothing like the ordinary iconic UU team heavy E.Z. support heavy stall and Revenge killing teams it relays on heavy offensive momentum .

posted by Trainer Au
Raikou, out speeds and proceeds to OHKO your whole team (bar goth, but that can't touch it back and has to take a heavy hit coming in) with a little bit of prior damage (stealth rocks, spikes).
I answered about raikou to Scotii, i hardly remember , an opponent spending time on many entry hazards most entry hazards and rapid spins consume precious time my opponent doesnt have the luxury to waste time for those especially against a team with so many set up sweepers

LO Mienshao, outspeeds (bar archeops) and can also OHKO your whole team with the proper move, when you come in to try to trap it with goth, it U-turns out, doing a nice chunk, and goes into a check/counter.
i wont talk about miensaho again i thing i covered that talked about his pokemon enough times it doesnt really pose a huge threat, but if it used right i can cause some damage but the LO set is uncommon i usally trap a scarfed hjk Using my gothorita i love this mon.

It is true that these pkmn may not have oppurtunities to switch in, but once they do you almost auto-lose.
they rarely do most of the times they just wait for their death after all i hardly remember i battle longer than 14 turns with this team.

You claim that Bisharp will just ohko threats with +2 priority, but Bisharp has one of the toughest times getting to +2.
Yes i claimed that will just 1hko most threats at +2 and that its actually stronger than extreme killer Arceus, Bisharp sets up on ghost types that cant harm and that will probably use WoW on or just switch out
bisharp can use substitute on choiced attacks that resist and thanks to its typing those attacks are many, or simply it can set up on any weak foes that relay on status to harm or just set up while it scares away foes
if bisharp cant set up sub then almost no pokemon does.

Your team has trouble against the top tier threats of UU.


Sorry i am too tired to answer the rest

As for the shaymin it fails to take it loses to a lot of 1 to 1 situations (heracross, porygon behind the sub or with some hp investment and it fails to kill stop my main sweeper at +2 as it get easily 1hkoed even if it runs 252 on hp while Shaymin straggles to to 1hko with hp fire and the shaymin also loses the duel against dragon meteor since it will fail to endure one after one life orb recoil and SR damage
not to mention the pathetic accuracy of seed flare and the fact it cant rest in pretty much on anything even if it does its easily predictable and i will just switch on my Gotharita to completely humiliate it by preventing from switching something that happened a few times lol.

it can revange killed even by my archeops in defeatist mode after sr and LO damage
shaymin, a non issue, and gligars without U-turn(63%) are an non issue for my gothorita

Thanks for posting though.
I wish i could provide replays but i don't keep UU replays if you want to see my skill level i can provide you with many OU replays where i defeat some of the greatest players (shimmer,moet pleasure sapientia and pretty match most of the ladder list)did i mentioned that i peaked the ladder of OU ?

nuff said.

you are probably too skepticist with my team you don't have but to test it.

posted by Shiruba
i think the po uu must be incredibly fucked compared to smogon's in the sense that he talks about seeing a crapload of stall - and here, that makes up, what, 3% of all teams?
I am not sure about that, after all many people in the high ladder play both Sims, the PO ladder is slightly easier compered to the PS i think it's because of the ranking system difference.

plus, i believe reuniclus and blissey are allowed in po uu, which are almost certainly contributing factors. maybe this info could help in any rates?
Reuni and bliss have tiny usage rates
http://stats.pokemon-online.eu/Wifi UU/index.html
they effect nothing and honestly i don't think they will till the down of the new Generation.

Posted by moose V:

I understand that you weren't trying to be rude or anything but you did kinda come off that way as you did quickly dismiss my battling knowledge and my advice. I've peaked #1 in UU on PS so I know what I'm talking about with this tier. That being said I really do think you should get a scarfed poke to at least force out some fast threats (some other raters poited out some more). I also think that porygon Z is the least important member of your team and replacing him with something like specs raikou would mean you get to keep a powerful special attacker but also help you gain momentum. Once again, if you don't like my advice, just say so.
I know very well who you are and where you peaked we also had a battle but you owned me, and i honestly i preciate that player of your caliber
gives me advices and comments sorry for my way of speaking i get misunderstood easily ,my team isn't ordinary and misunderstood as well i explain how my team works in my answer to scotii,

EXCELLENT advice Raiku sounds awesome a good way to scare lead tornadus and bring rain dance teams on their knees its also going to allow me revenge some more threads thank YOU ! i will test it first but i think it makes up for the place
Hi Grey Knight, this is a good offensive team, but please don't just dismiss good rates.

You say that Raikou and Mienshao can't switch in, but they can. Raikou can come in on Bisharp, and proceed to sub/CM up and you're forced to play mind games. Worse, both of them can come in after you kill something which is definitely something you didn't consider. And you mentioned Bisharp sets up on Ghosts. Which Ghosts are there in UU? Substitute Chandelure can obliterate Bisharp, Mismagius has HP Fighting, Dusclops has Will-o-Wisp. One wrong prediction means your Bisharp is gone. So your point isn't really valid at all.

I think Raikou is a good idea over Porygon-Z (I prefer the SubCM variant but w/e). I'd like to suggest some other changes

Firstly, I'd replace Draco Meteor on Kingdra with Dragon Pulse. With Dragon Pulse, Kingdra is able to stay in for longer rather than being forced out immediately by Draco Meteor.

I'd replace Heracross with Scarf Mienshao. Heracross might have loads of power, but the trouble is setting up in the first place. Scarf Mienshao can revenge kill lots of fast threats that your team is weak to, such as Mienshao and Raikou. It can also utilize U-Turn and keep momentum and possibly U-Turn out of a wall to Gothorita.

I would also replace Substitute on Bisharp with Low Kick. This is because your Bisharp is easily set up upon by Steel-types like Cobalion and Empoleon. Low Kick solves this issue and honestly, you'd rather set up SD than Subs most of the time and LO+Sub isn't exactly ideal.

Finally, this is optional and you might not like this but I would replace Archeops with Aerodactyl. The main thing lacking about Archeops is that it cannot outspeed Azelf, leaving it vulnerable to Taunt and Thunderbolt, while only speed tying with Froslass. Aerodactyl outspeeds and Taunts both while setting up rocks before they go for the kill which is more important to get rocks up.
Ok will try to answer as faster as i can,

first you have a good point in the first paragraph many bisharp fail in situations like this
but i have enough experience in substitutes to work my way through
this is how i play around those poks
Stealth rocks thanks to archeops are 90% of the time on so chande gets an easy 25%
if i am behind the sub chandelure will try to sub as well (less than 20% can)
i will use iron head breaking its subs all the time forcing to attack sucking a sweet and easy 40% and since most of the curry life orbs they will probably faint

the rest of Grost Types those that are stupid enough to stay probably hoping for a WoW are nice set up fodders since WoW gives me one free set up turn.
mismagnus will try to sub , i will spam iron head till it dies

Bisharp is so effective behind a sub that there are few thing that can revenge kill it ,i updated the RMT with the the way this team works
i hope you understand
(subs on them are not that common on either raiku or chandelure but i can easilly countered by the same technique as chandelure)

moose v already recommended me raikou i am now tresting it

D.Meteor is the only thing making useful kingdra outside rain d.pulse does exactly the same damage output with surf and it lacks the ability to kill many popular dragons in the upper tiers where i like testing this team.

Good idea about mienshao but with all those rhetoric i got from you guys about how easy is for mienshao to destroy my team i started to make me hate this mon,but heracross IS this team it perfectly represents it there would be absolutely no reason to call this team "opportunistic" if heracross wasn't in my team. maybe i could use that combo you mentioned in another team

Substitute is essential for Bisharp and for hall team, after all steel types are not a big thread in UU http://stats.pokemon-online.eu/Wifi UU/index.html
they are underused and my gothorita destroys most of them
not mention that some times they fail to stop it notably defensive empoleon gets an sweet 61% by an +2 sucker punch

Azelf is underused (less than 6% ) and even those azelfs rarely curry thunder bolt( less than 20%) , As for aerodactyl, Archeops outclasses it every single way except speed that only helps to out speed the above non-issue
Archeops beats every popular spinner in one to one situations preventing them from spinning effectively winning the E.H war but most of all it not as exposed and know as a lead as aerodactyl is.

i really thank for the rating and the suggestions though.
First, im going to request that you not be so rude to everybody. By saying FALSE you are insulting everybody. On that note...
1. Qwilfish/ snorlax core hurts your team a lot. Qwilfish with intimdate and haze (bypasses sucker punch) screws over heracross and bisharp with its great resistances and can reliably c zwitch in and check both. Haze bypassrs sub too. Cb snorlax hits very hard and the only poke that can switch in is bisharp who risks getting hit with earthquake/ fire punch or being paralyzed by body slam. Also a + 6 from goth got can just about 3hko 80/176 snorlax. Snorlax can easily tank hits from porygonz and kingdra.
2. Scard darmanitan is a big threat also. U turn bypasses shadow tag and bisharp has no chance of switching into any of darms moves. Kingdra gets hit hard by superpower and darm is faster than +1 hera.

I recommend life orb roserade over porygonz for the ability to incapacitate pokes wiyh sleep powder like snorlax and roserade can easily handle qwilfish.
second, you need modest on kingdra. The timid nature doesnt help while you lose a lot of power.
Also you have the option of completely forgetting kingdta and have choice specs slowbro which will counter darm and miensha, hits hard with psyshock/ surf/ fire blast and can cripple walls with trick making heras job easier.
Ok hi.

Sorry, I forgot to calc in the LO for your SubSD Bisharp. That's because no one should run LO on a SubSD Bisharp. Awful synergy. Run lefties or ditch the sub and run lum to get you free boosts on shit.

DD Scrafty isn't a "highly hypothetical scenario". DD Scrafty accounts for around 53% of all Scrafty used. Because you lack a scarfer, he outspeeds everything but Archeops after a DD, and constantly gets Moxie boosts as you're forced to sack everything. Just because you haven't personally run into a DD Scrafty (they're pretty common anyhow) doesn't mean you can just dismiss it as not a threat. It is your job when you create an RMT to either prove to people that you can deal with certain threats that they suggest or listen to their suggestions on what to fix. You seem to be doing neither of those.

~ "the milk dude"
First, im going to request that you not be so rude to everybody. By saying FALSE you are insulting everybody. On that note...
1. Qwilfish/ snorlax core hurts your team a lot. Qwilfish with intimdate and haze (bypasses sucker punch) screws over heracross and bisharp with its great resistances and can reliably c zwitch in and check both. Haze bypassrs sub too. Cb snorlax hits very hard and the only poke that can switch in is bisharp who risks getting hit with earthquake/ fire punch or being paralyzed by body slam. Also a + 6 from goth got can just about 3hko 80/176 snorlax. Snorlax can easily tank hits from porygonz and kingdra.
2. Scard darmanitan is a big threat also. U turn bypasses shadow tag and bisharp has no chance of switching into any of darms moves. Kingdra gets hit hard by superpower and darm is faster than +1 hera.

I recommend life orb roserade over porygonz for the ability to incapacitate pokes wiyh sleep powder like snorlax and roserade can easily handle qwilfish.
second, you need modest on kingdra. The timid nature doesnt help while you lose a lot of power.
Also you have the option of completely forgetting kingdta and have choice specs slowbro which will counter darm and miensha, hits hard with psyshock/ surf/ fire blast and can cripple walls with trick making heras job easier.

Honstly i can't see why you think i am insulting anyone especially with those beautiful big FALSE , i dont think that anyone gets insulted by getting after all we all do mistakes ,
anyway http://stats.pokemon-online.eu/Wifi UU/
take a look there its going to help you understand what pokemon are an issue and what pokemon are the real threats

i am not sure what Qwilfish is, but i am sure its some kind of ugly defensive pokemon that can be set up foddered or just taunted by at least one of my pokemons and generally pose no threat on my team simply because i never saw it around in the tier witch shows extremely low usage that leads me to the conclusion that i should not care about it , its an no-issue

about your Snorlax it supposed to switch on my special attackers and stop them right ? since its the mighty special wall we all know and use.
Well that's (don't open it contains insults !)
let me show you a little something

here one real and possible scenario that actually happened to me in the high ladder
that show how easy your mighty defensive core is cracked.
my dragonbot-Z swiched on that Qwilfish since it contains "fish" i suppose its a water type so it scares it away gaining the download boost and the nice sub you ofc you will switch to you mighty Snorlax believing that there is something strong enough that takes Porygon-Z on the switch
but then you will get this
252 SAtk Positive Nature +1 Life Orb Download Porygon-Z's Tri Attack (80 BP) Against
152 HP / 100 SDef Neutral Nature Immunity Snorlax.
Probable Damage: 242 - 286 (48.5% - 57.31% of 499 HP).
66.02% chance to 2HKO.

so your mighty Snorlax fails to handle it ,you probably have another Spacial wall like umbreon you are trying saving snorlax and you switch to Umbreon believing that its somehow bulkier than snorlax
even umbreon gets 2hkoed easily
and it cant even throw anything back not even managing to break down the sub that all this time protects porygon-Z from revenge killing
so even the mighty umbreon gets down by surprise and good micromanaging so after that Pory-Z finishes one by one you remains of your team killing slower pokemon and sacrificing its sub in order to kill the Revange killer in your team had and could do nothing and and and switch to nothing that was going on all this time(mienshao)
it was a sitting duck all this time unable to switch and help on anything ( in the late game it wont have more than 1 revenge killer probably )

and that's the story of the my first porygon-Z super sweep defenetly nothing that Raiku can do that easy or fast.

As for the Kingdra the other spacial that supposed to be easily stopped by your mighty CORE !

lol you obviously have no idea about kingdra

take a look :

252 SAtk Positive Nature Life Orb Swift Swim Kingdra's Hydro Pump (120 BP) Against
152 HP / 100 SDef Neutral Nature Immunity Snorlax In The Rain.
Probable Damage: 285 - 335 (57.11% - 67.13% of 499 HP).
100% chance to 2HKO.

so even in one to one situations it fails, why ?
because the only hope for the snorlax to beat kingdra while the rain is up
is to inflict a paralysis with body slam (30%), and at the next turn kingdra to get lose its turn to paralysis (25%)

because kingdra can actually out speed this ugly piece of fat even with paralysis and finish either with DM or rain boosted hp

so the possibility for immobilization by paralysis in the second turn given that it gets paralyzed by body slam in the first place is ;by quick and easy calculations about 0,075% less than 0,1%

not to mention what kingdra can do to snorlax if it tries to switch in on Hydro Pump witch is very common or just include entry hazards and a positive special attack nature.

oh and dont expect from that fish to endure anything that kingdra dishes out even resisted hits.

from the physical side there that guy called Bisharp with its nice ability defiant so another very simple way to destroy this core is to switch on most of snorlax choice locked attacks that can easily set up sword dance and if that fish you are talking about has intimidate and dares to switch in to bisharp it will boost my bisharp's attack even more because of its ability
so that fish sucks an easy 80% after sr by iron head because i know that its going to use haze and it next turn anyway also i am not sure it can break any of bisharp's subs making it a perfect set up fodder preparing bisharp for the kills that come next while protecting from almost any of the top 10 in usage revenge killers.

so you where saying what ?

do i really have to introduce to this tier bro ?

i am tired to answer and correcting the rest of your post because you
probably already believe that the above corrections are heavy INSULTS
so whats is the point ?

thank you for posting though
but as i said theory is away different that practice , and you absolutely wont understand how this team works if you dont test it by your self, k?
I decided to try out the team for myself, because you keep making it out to be that it is somehow better than everyone believes.

Archeops should go, even in RU its considered to be pretty awful thanks to Defeatist. Any common lead can bring it down to Defeatist range or just OHKO it (Bronzong, Froslass, Azelf, anything with a Scarf, any bulky Water type). Lead Azelf would fit this position much better, as it is faster and much more reliable.

Bisharp is just bad, I honestly don't know how else to put it. You have to be playing people with little experience to successfully sweep with it, no one with skill would let you get close to setting up. If you want a good Sucker Punch user just go with Honchkrow, who is so much better and more threatening than Bisharp will ever be.

Gothorita is quite situational in it's use, in the average game it won't be able to take out more than 1 pokemon due to it's frail nature and over reliance on Rest. The main problem is that opposing pokemon keep racking up damage on Gothorita while its asleep, often forcing you to just immediately rest again when you wake up. Sleep Talk over instead Thunderbolt would help it greatly, as it could continue to boost even while asleep. All in all I don't really think Gothorita is kind of gimmicky/not that good, but I don't feel like its worth suggesting anything else.

It might be because you don't know English that well but you're coming across as rude and overly proud, people are taking offense to the things you are saying. I'm sure everyone would appreciate it if you tried to not seem so abrasive.
First, im going to request that you not be so rude to everybody. By saying FALSE you are insulting everybody. On that note...
1. Qwilfish/ snorlax core hurts your team a lot. Qwilfish with intimdate and haze (bypasses sucker punch) screws over heracross and bisharp with its great resistances and can reliably c zwitch in and check both. Haze bypassrs sub too. Cb snorlax hits very hard and the only poke that can switch in is bisharp who risks getting hit with earthquake/ fire punch or being paralyzed by body slam. Also a + 6 from goth got can just about 3hko 80/176 snorlax. Snorlax can easily tank hits from porygonz and kingdra.
2. Scard darmanitan is a big threat also. U turn bypasses shadow tag and bisharp has no chance of switching into any of darms moves. Kingdra gets hit hard by superpower and darm is faster than +1 hera.

I recommend life orb roserade over porygonz for the ability to incapacitate pokes wiyh sleep powder like snorlax and roserade can easily handle qwilfish.
second, you need modest on kingdra. The timid nature doesnt help while you lose a lot of power.
Also you have the option of completely forgetting kingdta and have choice specs slowbro which will counter darm and miensha, hits hard with psyshock/ surf/ fire blast and can cripple walls with trick making heras job easier.

Honstly i can't see why you think i am insulting anyone especially with those beautiful big FALSE , i dont think that anyone gets insulted by getting after all we all do mistakes ,
anyway http://stats.pokemon-online.eu/Wifi UU/

Take a look there its going to help you understand what pokemon are a
no-issue and what pokemon are the real threats
where is that dwarf in usage? what is the usage of scarf of that darma? and after all that tell me if should care about something that can not switch on anything and gets 25% stealth rock damage making easy pray for my un boosted sucker punch ? in fact i crossed a few darmanitans how did i out played them? well half of them never got the chance to show anything (swift swim , subs, +2 S.P, Arheops) the rest of them got out smarter by me when they tried to use superpower and they just got trapped by goth like flies in the fly trap.oh and un-boosted sucker punch kos after stealth rock damage i think.

I am not sure what Qwilfish is, but i am sure its some kind of ugly defensive pokemon that can be set up fodder-ed or just taunted by at least one of my pokemons and generally pose no threat on my team simply because i never saw it around in the tier witch shows extremely low usage that leads me to the conclusion that i should not care about it , its an no-issue

about your Snorlax it supposed to switch on my special attackers and stop them right ? since its the mighty special wall we all know and use.
Well that's (don't open it contains insults !)
let me show you a little something

here one real and possible scenario that actually happened to me in the high ladder
that show how easy your mighty defensive core is cracked.
my dragonbot-Z switched on that Qwilfish since it contains "fish" i suppose its a water type so it scares it away gaining the download boost and the nice sub you ofc you will switch to you mighty Snorlax believing that there is something strong enough that takes Porygon-Z on the switch
but then you will get this
252 SAtk Positive Nature +1 Life Orb Download Porygon-Z's Tri Attack (80 BP) Against
152 HP / 100 SDef Neutral Nature Immunity Snorlax.
Probable Damage: 242 - 286 (48.5% - 57.31% of 499 HP).
66.02% chance to 2HKO.

so your mighty Snorlax fails to handle it ,you probably have another Spacial wall like umbreon you are trying saving snorlax and you switch to Umbreon believing that its somehow bulkier than snorlax
even umbreon gets 2hkoed easily
and it cant even throw anything back not even managing to break down the sub that all this time protects porygon-Z from revenge killing
so even the mighty umbreon gets down by surprise and good micromanaging so after that Pory-Z finishes one by one you remains of your team killing slower pokemon and sacrificing its sub in order to kill the Revange killer in your team had and could do nothing and and and switch to nothing that was going on all this time(mienshao)
it was a sitting duck all this time unable to switch and help on anything ( in the late game it wont have more than 1 revenge killer probably )

and that's the story of the my first porygon-Z super sweep defenetly nothing that Raiku can do that easy or fast.

As for the Kingdra the other spacial that supposed to be easily stopped by your mighty CORE !

lol you obviously have no idea about kingdra

take a look :

252 SAtk Positive Nature Life Orb Swift Swim Kingdra's Hydro Pump (120 BP) Against
152 HP / 100 SDef Neutral Nature Immunity Snorlax In The Rain.
Probable Damage: 285 - 335 (57.11% - 67.13% of 499 HP).
100% chance to 2HKO.

so even in one to one situations it fails, why ?
because the only hope for the snorlax to beat kingdra while the rain is up
is to inflict a paralysis with body slam (30%), and at the next turn kingdra to get lose its turn to paralysis (25%)

because kingdra can actually out speed this ugly piece of fat even with paralysis and finish either with DM or rain boosted hp

so the possibility for immobilization by paralysis in the second turn given that it gets paralyzed by body slam in the first place is ;by quick and easy calculations about 0,075% less than 0,1%

not to mention what kingdra can do to snorlax if it tries to switch in on Hydro Pump witch is very common or just include entry hazards and a positive special attack nature.

oh and don't expect from that fish to endure anything that kingdra dishes out even resisted hits.

from the physical side there that guy called Bisharp with its nice ability defiant so another very simple way to destroy this core is to switch on most of snorlax choice locked attacks that can easily set up sword dance and if that fish you are talking about has intimidate and dares to switch in to bisharp it will boost my bisharp's attack even more because of its ability
so that fish sucks an easy 80% after sr by iron head because i know that its going to use haze and it next turn anyway also i am not sure it can break any of bisharp's subs making it a perfect set up fodder preparing bisharp for the kills that come next while protecting from almost any of the top 10 in usage revenge killers.

so you where saying what ?

do i really have to introduce to this tier bro ?

lol man you seriously believe those two pose any serious threat to the level i have to change pokemon in my team ? lol

And i will never use an unreliable tactic like sleep powder and sleep status
i really don't like status especially the sleep status extremely cheap it has no place in this team.

timid kingdra is used
so i can outran modest kingdras that destroy this team under rain but i feel like mentioning that more than 10 times here........ UH!

Choice specs slowbro LOL this made me laugh for a little
it absolutely has no place in this team as said 2 times before choice items
give my opponent options options give them opportunities and opportunities give me problems, because this team cant afford losing the offensive momentum

for example if my opponent predicts that this uglymon uses thunder bolt it will easily swtch to something like raiku
(free switch something that my other sweepers prevent ) giving it offensive momentum a free turn to set up and fuck my fragile team this is why this team must hold the offensive momentum i explain how it works in the how it works section of the RMT.

thank you for posting though
but as i said theory is away different that practice , and you absolutely wont understand how this team works if you don't test it by your self, k?

and don't feel i insulted you i only tried to correct you,
if you find correcting a insult then what can i say....
I might not be as experienced as you, or even as highly ranked, but you dont seem to understand the concept of being nice. You keep saying you're "not being rude," but how can you say that when like 4 posters, who are literally only trying to help you, have said something along the lines on "you dont have to be a jerk." As for a rate itself, what's the point? You have literally shot down just about every suggestion anyone has offered. This is supposed to be a place where someone can post a team they're proud of while getting helpful advice on how to make it better, not a place where someone offers help only to get slapped with a big red FALSE...
your shitposting is really annoying and your team isn't good either. I also really doubt that this team peaked #20 just because you said, "I peaked n the top #20 UU players of PO with a username i better not mention" In the title it says around 20. Who doesn't know their own ranking? And why can't you mention your username? I am number 1 on the PO UU ladder atm, and have never been faced up with a team even remotely similar to this.

On to the team - I really don't see how you beat any competent player. Calm Mind Raikou is a huge threat as has been said which you completely blew off. SD Cobalion also gets an extremely easy 6-0 on you by setting up an SD on either Gothorita or Archeops. You have no scarfer as well and you max out at 110 speed with one of the worst pokemon in the UU Meta. Pretty much you rely on Bisharp to check all fast threats for you. So pretty much anything with decent attack and speed will destroy you, especially with spikes - Sharpedo, Raikou, Mienshao, Tornadus, and ScarfCross which can almost Megahorn sweep you as your two resists take up to 40% from it. To deal with all these problems I would recommend first ditching Archeops. It gives no value to the team at all. I agree with PTJon7's suggestion of an Azelf Replacement. Azelf can also set up dual screens for you which can help secure a sweep with your 4 set up pokemon.

And I'm 99% sure that any chance that this RMT peaked #20 is
So I ran some calcs, and your team loses to SpecsRaikou if your opp has rocks up (which isn't hard at all against your team) they literally only need a few SR switch ins (2 to be exact) and then they bring in Raikou and click the thunderbolt button 6 times. None of your "smart double swithing" or "prediction" can help you. You just lose.

Before I start suggesting things I wanna point out a few things.

i only wish i had the replay where i beat an 2000+ dragon spam OU team where i lure a hydreigon to use dragon meteor on my kingdra then use the s.attack drop so my heracross use set up substitute and destroy the rest of my opponents team with only one pokemon.
Thanks for trying to help me, its hard to understand this team if you don't play with it, its nothing like the ordinary iconic UU team heavy E.Z. support heavy stall and Revenge killing teams it relays on heavy offensive momentum .

That's nice, but this is a UU team, we don't care about how well this worked in OU.

@your little rant about how Kingdra beats Snorlax. This time (and many other times) you are FALSE.

You bring in Kingdra on something it can threaten out. They switch out into Snorlax as you set up rain. You hit them, they live they hit you, you die to CB Return. In your calc you have assumed that the rain was already up and you were Hydro Pumping the Snorlax as it came in, which wouldn't happen.

@your rant about P-Z beating Snorlax

You have yourself switching in on a Qwilfish, stupid idea. You risk getting paralyzed or this happens:

0 Atk Qwilfish Waterfall vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Porygon-Z: 111-132 (35.57 - 42.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

You take a massive amount of damage. Now they switch into their lax. You sub and they break your sub, meaning you wasted +25% of your health, or, you Tri-attack 2HKOing snorlax. Then, they bring in their Mienshao for free (it just got a free switch in, something you said would not happen) and now they can U-turn you for the kill (with LO what everyone has been talking about). Since they U-turn you can't bring in Goth.

Now that that is out of my system, on to my rate.

For starters, a Swampert would be nice to check Raikou and get rocks up, you can use the offensive set if you don't want to go defensive. Pert can also shakily check Darm and Victini, which wreck havoc on your team. Next I strongly suggest the use of a scarfer, you say you don't want to b/c it will give your opponent free turns, but you should be more worried about the threats that you can't outspeed who can demolish your team.
You didn't respond to my last post, and I'm trying to be civil here, so I'll just put it this way.

The purpose of an RMT is to get feedback on a team that you've posted and perhaps adapt that feedback into possible changes. From everything I've seen, you're either too stubborn or too ignorant to change anything, which makes us rating your team completely useless. When you respond to a thread, your goal should not be to win the battle of proving why our advice is absolutely shit and should never even be considered, but rather to consider why we advised what we did. No one's forcing you to take our advice, but we appreciate if it's acknowledged rather than shut down.

Remember also that PS has a seemingly very different metagame than PO. You claim to have never heard of Qwilfish, a mon that has over 3% usage in the overall tier and over 7% usage in high-level play. The things we're saying as threats may very well not exist whatsoever in PO, but rather than stating that you don't care about them you'd do well to research them and figure out what they do.

The ironic thing is that you've gotten a lot more feedback on this RMT than most other people ever get, and its purely because of how abrasive you've been towards the raters. When everyone is telling you that you're being douchey, it doesn't mean we're all jealous of your "peak" and are trying to tell you how to play, it means that you're actually being douchey.

I had to get that off my chest. From everything I can see, you're a decent player. That doesn't mean you're perfect, though.

I realize this is slightly judgy and condescending but it had to be done.
I decided to try out the team for myself, because you keep making it out to be that it is somehow better than everyone believes.
Thank your testing my team and sending back feedback to prove how effective it is, not that i need proofs after all i peaked #16 in the hardest ladder with it, the PO ladder.

Archeops should go, even in RU its considered to be pretty awful thanks to Defeatist. Any common lead can bring it down to Defeatist range or just OHKO it (Bronzong, Froslass, Azelf, anything with a Scarf, any bulky Water type). Lead Azelf would fit this position much better, as it is faster and much more reliable.

Archeops has a special role that you can't really understand, its supposed to die early on if it has to preserve the rocks if it has to, as it puts huge
offensive pressure to all of the spinner(something that not all of the leads can do ) and most stealth rockers stopping them from spinning in the critical first turns
archeops also Is not as exposed as azelf is as a lead
so it can cough the opponent off guard many times, every one will suspect your azelf as a lead and will easily counter it and when opponent's blastoise or the other psychic/ground spinner that i forget about will come azelf will fail to stop it from spinning.

Archeops also is a nice pokemon it revange kills much more things
and it can even help make you opponent play recklessly by thinking you are noob for using it lol

note: Most of the times after the first turns the opponents of this team have almost no chance or the to spin or stealth rock the place up
and your gothilete make sweet job with more than the half of the leads Acheps has problem with like Brozong ,frosslass, and bulky water types like
blastoise you dont have but to gues what is your opponents lead and if goth can trap it choose goth for a lead

Bisharp is just bad, I honestly don't know how else to put it. You have to be playing people with little experience to successfully sweep with it, no one with skill would let you get close to setting up. If you want a good Sucker Punch user just go with Honchkrow, who is so much better and more threatening than Bisharp will ever be.

Hell no ! you are just saying that because you are a honkrew fun boy
bisharp gets the most kills all you need to do with bisharp is to use the power of its substitute ! knowing where to boost and when to not
i am explaining common mistakes done with bisharp in my answer to
"scorpdestroyer" in its first paragraph,
do i need to make a list of stalling pokemon that bisharp can scare out either because of they cant harm it or because wont survive its attacks ?
ok here it is

1.Umbreon is a perfect set up fodder for bisharp ,honkrew fails to set up on it since good players know that superpower won't ko , they will go a foul play that easily 1hkos after 1 SR damage and one failed substitute

2.Snorlax bisharp sets up on most of its choice locked attacks it also sets up on most of the leftover sets since most of them luck of earthquake
honkrew from the other hand
cant ko with super power and good players know it, honkrew cant survive one non invested body slam so honkrew cant invest on the second most used wall in the game as well

3.Rhyperior it come in to honkrow and it breaks though its subs with rock blast and most of the times kill it because super power can hardly 2hko it
rhyperior come in on bisharp it uses earthq while bisharp uses SD and
1hko it with iron head next turn something that honkrew can only dream about

4.Crobat ,Bisharp scares it of since it resist its stabs and sets up/
honkrew fails again since brave bird destroys it

5.Cofagrigus and other ghost types

and pretty match every pokemon choice locked on wrong move that bisharp resist thank to its typing , if you really cant set up substitube with bisharp then there is no pokemon that can do it.

Gothorita is quite situational in it's use, in the average game it won't be able to take out more than 1 pokemon due to it's frail nature and over reliance on Rest. The main problem is that opposing pokemon keep racking up damage on Gothorita while its asleep, often forcing you to just immediately rest again when you wake up. Sleep Talk over instead Thunderbolt would help it greatly, as it could continue to boost even while asleep. All in all I don't really think Gothorita is kind of gimmicky/not that good, but I don't feel like its worth suggesting anything else.

i've tested Gothorita work perfect against the following foes
-Slowbro family you just have to calm mind in the start then use rest about
when its about 50% of health repeat , it takes a lot of time but it works

-brozong you might also want to use minimum speed to you goth so i can take gyro bals just fine , gothorita will beat it , and thunder bolt does about 35% at x3,5 (#archeops lead counter)

-Choice locked fighting types like mienshao and heracross and scarfed and and locked on super power darmanitar .

-Roserade,Amunguss, they can sleep it but after 2 calm minds it doesn't matter.

-Porygon2, it calm minds it till its attack do hilariously low damage then it either pp stalls its recovers or it makes my opponent rage quit.:naughty:

-Mew that dont have momentum and boosting moves

-Hitmontop easy pray

-Gligar, if it doesn't have u-turn (almost 70% dont) calm mind boosted hp ice does miracles with this one opening the why for bisharp sweep

-Combalion if it lacks Volt switch and sword dance

-defensive swampert at less than 60% of hp

-50% percent of blastoise that lack roar .

-Shaymin, if you manage to predict when its going to sleep so you trap in
and spam calm minds

-frosslass without shadow balls(watch out for the destiny bond)
(#archeops lead counter)

-choice locked azelfs (#archeops lead counter)

-nidoqueen with a bit more of s.def investment (it cant beat nidoking)(#archeops lead counter)

I think those are enough but there are a lot more that can be trapped with
the current set, i believe this set allows it deal with greater amount than most of the other sets
i think you can easily deal with a good amount of those threats, but dont expect to gothorita to sweep entire teams or to trap one by one opponent team members just take a good look at the opponent walls think about the late game prioritize the threats you want to take out in order to open the way for you sweepers to act,

It might be because you don't know English that well but you're coming across as rude and overly proud, people are taking offense to the things you are saying. I'm sure everyone would appreciate it if you tried to not seem so abrasive.

oh well i will try.
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