Does anyone still care about 4th of July Fireworks?

I stopped caring years ago. It's the same thing every year. Why waste my time?

Tonight at my hotel they were setting off fireworks over the lake, and people were fighting tooth and nail for good spots to watch them. I had people cuss me out, throw things at me, and all that over fireworks. It's the same shit every year. Who cares, you aren't missing out.
blah blah blah I'm so grown up now everyone pay attention to me!!!

Blowing shit up to celebrate how awesome we are is the best tradition we have in America.
blah blah blah I'm so grown up now everyone pay attention to me!!!

Blowing shit up to celebrate how awesome we are is the best tradition we have in America.

I love setting them off myself. Watching them though, in the 90 degree heat with bugs biting and a huge crowd? Not my thing.

Good thing I got paid triple tonight because I worked a holiday shift
im canadian so no.... but i like fireworks in general, it looks pretty when they explode
Personal fireworks are way better than shows... I have a great memory of my dad and my uncle, setting off a whole bunch of fireworks that we bought :)
Meh, the transformers movie was a much more epic celebration of the 4th than some halfassed sparkly dynamite.

But blowing shit up is cool nonetheless, so if I can light the fireworks it's all good.
well we dont have independence day in the UK but we do have guy fawkes' night, and i am pretty sure most people still make a big deal about it (me included). it does help that it is in november so you can huddle around the bonfire without your face melting
Honestly, I still enjoy them. But I'm lucky, growing up in my village they shoot them off in the public park that is seperated from my parents' backyard by a chainlink fence. So we just go out in my backyard and watch them every year, we have the best view and are the closest people to the show aside from the guys shooting them off.

Also, my village does their show solely on private donations, and it is rated as the best show in the area every year. They do it on the 3rd too, so you can see another show on the 4th. This year, it went for 35 minutes, which is short, it usually goes for 45.

You're complaining about being crammed into a group of people and getting bit by bugs... stop whining man, you make it sound like people forced you to go. It's one (maybe two) night a year that you get to see fireworks. If it bores you so much, stay inside and play video games or something.
I'm Canadian and all but still watched a bit of the fireworks from New York on TV... It's just not the same. For Canada Day I love watching the fireworks, it's just a fun way to get together with some people you know. I assume it's the same as 4th of July, albeit a lot more meaningful to Americans. Fireworks rule when you're with other people. When you're alone they're just as fun to watch, even if you're in a giant crowd of people.
I skipped seeing them this year but then again I could see them from my Grandma's house pretty clearly.
If I wasn't setting them off with my extended family and friends then I probably wouldn't care much.
I love setting them off myself. Watching them though, in the 90 degree heat with bugs biting and a huge crowd? Not my thing.

Good thing I got paid triple tonight because I worked a holiday shift

I agree with that. As a kid, I was like "OMG FIREWORKS! SO MANY EXPLOSIONS LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL" but now, I like to set them off and not deal with morons in the crowd.

I just outgrew seeing the fireworks. Like everyone says, it's just the same thing over and over again, people WILL get tired of it.
Fireworks are awsome. Last night i was at some kids party and they were shooting off fire works it was sick. And after we left the party me and my friends posted up at KFC and from the parking lot had a pretty good view at another firework show. The 4th is one of my favorite holidays.
I stopped caring years ago. It's the same thing every year. Why waste my time?

Tonight at my hotel they were setting off fireworks over the lake, and people were fighting tooth and nail for good spots to watch them. I had people cuss me out, throw things at me, and all that over fireworks. It's the same shit every year. Who cares, you aren't missing out.
Well, 4th of July isn't anything in Canada, but July 1 is Canada Day, and it's fucking awesome. It's a social event, you meet people, light things on fire, get crunked, stay out late... it's the shit. Seriously, I don't know how you could hate on fireworks.

For instance, I met a hot bitch at Ashbridge's Bay on Canada Day, and we're going out tonight. You enjoy being grumpy about fireworks, and I'll enjoy my pussy. Everyone wins!

Edit: Except you. You lose.
I stopped caring years ago. It's the same thing every year. Why waste my time?

Tonight at my hotel they were setting off fireworks over the lake, and people were fighting tooth and nail for good spots to watch them. I had people cuss me out, throw things at me, and all that over fireworks. It's the same shit every year. Who cares, you aren't missing out.

I really have to agree, everyone is obsessed with them, I mean they're kinda cool but they are always just...the same thing ;/
I didn't care this year, but only because I had seen a bunch of them go off every night at Hong Kong Disneyland. I'll be back in blazing glory next year!

Celebrating how America owned the British with explosives can never bore me.
Meh, the transformers movie was a much more epic celebration of the 4th than some halfassed sparkly dynamite.

But blowing shit up is cool nonetheless, so if I can light the fireworks it's all good.

Yeah I went and saw that on the 4th aswell wasnt half bad.
My house is surrounded by trees, so yeah...I have a crappy view >_>

Also everyone in my neigborhood buys the cheap kinds of fireworks, the kind that makes a shitload of noise but no flash or sparkle when it finally gets into the sky. So I had to put up with my dogs barking and peeing themselves all night from the noise as well as retards with no fireworks firing off their shotguns. For dogs I think the 4th of July is hell on earth :(
I like watching fireworks.

But I hate people so we usually find a spot where nobody goes. This year the firework show we always go to was cancelled due to storms and a tornado warning though.
For dogs I think the 4th of July is hell on earth :(

Yeah, my dog sleeps in the back of my closet whenever he's scared, and he was there for a few hours.

Anyway, fireworks are alright, I still like seeing them, but it's not as exciting as it used to be to me. I don't like setting them off though, I'm afraid I'll burn myself or something.
Well I live in the ghetto, and my neighbors spent about $4,000 on fireworks this year. We had more/better firewords than the city. Also, we had our own personal firetruck/firefighting team incase something was set on fire.
My area bans firework. =[ Then again it's like on the top 10 best places to live in America.=, so I guess you wouldn't want the distractions.......