Creative / Underrated Sets Thread (Read the thread, NO SHITTY GIMMICKS)

This is my favourite terrakion set and it works well.


Terrakion@choice scarf
Jolly nature
252 atk | 252 spe | 4 hp
-Close combat
-Stone Edge
-Sleep Talk

Lets face it, the only moves scarf terrakion uses are its dual STAB, and everyone needs a sleep fodder, so why not use only three attacks so there is a better chance of using decent moves. The EV spread is simple for scarfer, you could even use the same attacks but banded.
The worst problem is that the main sleeper is breloom although jolly mach punch only has 12.5% chance to OHKO you from full health.

This isn't the best move set but it is a good idea.
^This. Also, Terrakion needs X-scissor to reliably handle Celebi (the defensive sets can take Stone Edge and cause you all sorts of problems).
This is my favourite terrakion set and it works well.

View attachment 514
Terrakion@choice scarf
Jolly nature
252 atk | 252 spe | 4 hp
-Close combat
-Stone Edge
-Sleep Talk

Lets face it, the only moves scarf terrakion uses are its dual STAB, and everyone needs a sleep fodder, so why not use only three attacks so there is a better chance of using decent moves. The EV spread is simple for scarfer, you could even use the same attacks but banded.
The worst problem is that the main sleeper is breloom although jolly mach punch only has 12.5% chance to OHKO you from full health.

This isn't the best move set but it is a good idea.

If I wanted to give Sleep Talk to any of my Choiced Pokemon, it would have to be Choice Specs Latios. Although I can no longer Trick something, the ability to come in on Breloom and Venusaur's sleep moves and then proceed to demolish them as they foolishly try to setup, is oh so satisfying. My point is, if you want to give Sleep Talk to something, make sure it can properly handle the Pokemon that will be putting it to sleep, or else it's redundant. Terrakion can't do shit to Breloom or Venusaur, as Haunter said.
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Porygon-Z @ Life Orb | Download
Modest / Timid | 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe | 0 Atk

Tri Attack | Thunderbolt | Ice Beam | Hidden Power Fire / Agility

Say hello to cyber duck, once cyber prism duck in Porygon, and and cyber rod duck in Porgon2, Porygon-Z is probably the most forgotten Pokemon in the whole game. Seriously, Burmy comes faster to my mind then this duck. Ducks aside, this duck (-__-) is an excellent wall-breaker in the current metagame, since it strikes many Pokemon for super-effective damage; moreover, Heatran and Jirachi are probably the only things that can take this set rather well. Tri Attack is an excellent STAB move, since when packed by LO, Modest Nature, and +1 SpA, it destroys most of the metagame. Just like Genesect, most of the OU metagame grant Porygon-Z and +1 SpA boost, making Download a threat to watch out for. Thunderbolt and Ice Beam provide BoltBeam coverage which is good enough to defeat bulky Water-types and Ground-types such as Jellicent and Hippowdon, respectively. Hidden Power [Fire] rounds off Porygon-Z's infamous wall-breaking capabilities by striking Ferrothorn and Forretress, two common Pokemon in the metagame. Agility is an option over Hidden Power [Fire] if striking Ferrothorn and Forretress isn't important, and allows to let Porygon late-game sweep with Breloom and Conkeldurr out of the way (Scizor's CB Bullet Punch does 77% max iirc). Choice Specs may seem appealing, but honestly, your boosting something with 405 SpA that gets a +1 SpA most of the times, so I don't see the point. I've ran Nasty Plot with Agility, since Thunderbolt and Ice Beam destroy most of he metagame, but I find it hard to get both boosts, and you'll be lucky to get an Agility up, lol. 0 Atk IVs are for stupid confusion and Foul Play hax. Modest is the preferred nature, since it lets it nuke most of the metagame with Tri Attack, but Timid cool I guess if you wanna outpace Gyarados and Dragonite, and neutral 100s (noone uses them today), so I find Modest superior. Also, Porygon-Z is amazing, so it can use Thunder on rain team which wrecks, and hits the same amount of damage Tri Attack has, with a 30% paralysis chance. Hidden Power [Fire] is also much better since it OHKOes stuff like Bronzong at +1. I have calculations of Porygon-Z's damage output, and obviously it'll need +1, but it gets it against most of the metagame as I said previously. I can write more, but they are all 4x weak like Landorus-T, and Tri Attack 2HKOes this whole list that isn't unresisted. Stealth Rock is a must for this set, as it extends it's wall-breaking set and Spikes is even better, especially with Agility. The duck's debut has now ended, and no, this is not a gimmick. Hopefully this thing get Fire Blast, and hopefully U-turn, so Scarf is more viable, but until then, it's a niche Pokemon as emergency sweeper, but great wall-breaker. Also, give this duck Hyper Voice. Adapadability can be used I guess, but I like Download more since it boost Thunderbolt, Hidden Power Fire, and Ice Beam. Psyshock is the most other viable option since it strikes Chansey for the 2HKO > Agility / Hidden Power [Fire], but I never liked it due to it's redundant coverage. Recover is cool, but like Agility, it takes some time to use.

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Politoed: 455-538 (118.48 - 140.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 88+ SpD Bronzong: 250-294 (73.96 - 86.98%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 236+ SpD Celebi: 333-393 (82.42 - 97.27%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 168 SpD Ferrothorn: 442-520 (125.56 - 147.72%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Tri Attack vs. 232 HP / 0 SpD Rotom-W: 273-321 (91.3 - 107.35%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Thunderbolt vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Vaporeon: 476-562 (102.8 - 121.38%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Tri Attack vs. 252 HP / 172+ SpD Gastrodon: 253-300 (59.38 - 70.42%) -- guaranteed 2HKO -- Gastrodon rarely run Specially Defensive nowadays

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 236+ SpD Jirachi: 247-291 (61.13 - 72.02%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Multiscale Dragonite: 655-775 (84.45 - 100.38%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Tri Attack vs. 0 HP / 76 SpD Wobbuffet: 398-468 (76.39 - 89.82%) -- 18.75% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

Note that Porygon-Z should be focused on getting in on something it gets a +1 SpA, and also forces it out, since you won't get +1 on stuff like Jirachi, for example.
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Porygon-Z @ Life Orb | Download
Modest / Timid | 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe | 0 Atk

Tri Attack | Thunderbolt | Ice Beam | Hidden Power Fire / Agility

Say hello to cyber duck, once cyber prism duck in Porygon, and and cyber rod duck in Porgon2, Porygon-Z is probably the most forgotten Pokemon in the whole game. Seriously, Burmy comes faster to my mind then this duck. Ducks aside, this duck (-__-) is an excellent wall-breaker in the current metagame, since it strikes many Pokemon for super-effective damage; moreover, Heatran and Jirachi are probably the only things that can take this set rather well. Tri Attack is an excellent STAB move, since when packed by LO, Modest Nature, and +1 SpA, it destroys most of the metagame. Just like Genesect, most of the OU metagame grant Porygon-Z and +1 SpA boost, making Download a threat to watch out for. Thunderbolt and Ice Beam provide BoltBeam coverage which is good enough to defeat bulky Water-types and Ground-types such as Jellicent and Hippowdon, respectively. Hidden Power [Fire] rounds off Porygon-Z's infamous wall-breaking capabilities by striking Ferrothorn and Forretress, two common Pokemon in the metagame. Agility is an option over Hidden Power [Fire] if striking Ferrothorn and Forretress isn't important, and allows to let Porygon late-game sweep with Breloom and Conkeldurr out of the way (Scizor's CB Bullet Punch does 77% max iirc). Choice Specs may seem appealing, but honestly, your boosting something with 405 SpA that gets a +1 SpA most of the times, so I don't see the point. I've ran Nasty Plot with Agility, since Thunderbolt and Ice Beam destroy most of he metagame, but I find it hard to get both boosts, and you'll be lucky to get an Agility up, lol. 0 Atk IVs are for stupid confusion and Foul Play hax. Modest is the preferred nature, since it lets it nuke most of the metagame with Tri Attack, but Timid cool I guess if you wanna outpace Gyarados and Dragonite, and neutral 100s (noone uses them today), so I find Modest superior. Also, Porygon-Z is amazing, so it can use Thunder on rain team which wrecks, and hits the same amount of damage Tri Attack has, with a 30% paralysis chance. Hidden Power [Fire] is also much better since it OHKOes stuff like Bronzong at +1. I have calculations of Porygon-Z's damage output, and obviously it'll need +1, but it gets it against most of the metagame as I said previously. I can write more, but they are all 4x weak like Landorus-T, and Tri Attack 2HKOes this whole list that isn't unresisted. Stealth Rock is a must for this set, as it extends it's wall-breaking set and Spikes is even better, especially with Agility. The duck's debut has now ended, and no, this is not a gimmick. Hopefully this thing get Fire Blast, and hopefully U-turn, so Scarf is more viable, but until then, it's a niche Pokemon as emergency sweeper, but great wall-breaker. Also, give this duck Hyper Voice. Adapadability can be used I guess, but I like Download more since it boost Thunderbolt, Hidden Power Fire, and Ice Beam. Psyshock is the most other viable option since it strikes Chansey for the 2HKO > Agility / Hidden Power [Fire], but I never liked it due to it's redundant coverage. Recover is cool, but like Agility, it takes some time to use.

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Politoed: 455-538 (118.48 - 140.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 88+ SpD Bronzong: 250-294 (73.96 - 86.98%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 236+ SpD Celebi: 333-393 (82.42 - 97.27%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 168 SpD Ferrothorn: 442-520 (125.56 - 147.72%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Tri Attack vs. 232 HP / 0 SpD Rotom-W: 273-321 (91.3 - 107.35%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Thunderbolt vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Vaporeon: 476-562 (102.8 - 121.38%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Tri Attack vs. 252 HP / 172+ SpD Gastrodon: 253-300 (59.38 - 70.42%) -- guaranteed 2HKO -- Gastrodon rarely run Specially Defensive nowadays

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 236+ SpD Jirachi: 247-291 (61.13 - 72.02%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Multiscale Dragonite: 655-775 (84.45 - 100.38%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+1 252+ SpA Life Orb Porygon-Z Tri Attack vs. 0 HP / 76 SpD Wobbuffet: 398-468 (76.39 - 89.82%) -- 18.75% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

Note that Porygon-Z should be focused on getting in on something it gets a +1 SpA, and also forces it out, since you won't get +1 on stuff like Jirachi, for example.

Yeah I was thinking about this after Genesect was banned, but I don't like the fact that's it's so weak to priority, so I never actually used it. It gets similar coverage as Genesect, as well as hitting harder, but I've never used it (or seem it) in OU. Have you had any experience with using this set? And what are some good team mates? I'm guessing something that can take on Breloom obviously, but anything else you suggest? Also, where would it set up in OU? I'm thinking maybe Scizor who just Pursuit trapped something? I dunno. Anyway, cool set
Yeah I was thinking about this after Genesect was banned, but I don't like the fact that's it's so weak to priority, so I never actually used it. It gets similar coverage as Genesect, as well as hitting harder, but I've never used it (or seem it) in OU. Have you had any experience with using this set? And what are some good team mates? I'm guessing something that can take on Breloom obviously, but anything else you suggest? Also, where would it set up in OU? I'm thinking maybe Scizor who just Pursuit trapped something? I dunno. Anyway, cool set
Actually, I am using this thing right now, lol, so I have lots of experience using this duck. The only problem with wall-breaker Porygon-Z is Breloom and Conkeldurr. CB Bullet Punch doesn't OHKO Porygon-Z, so I stay in on it to Hidden Power [Fire]. The key of this set is to use it to get rid of the hard counters of sweepers in OU. Porygon-Z basically removes every counter to standard 'mons like Skarmory and Bronzong for Garchomp, and Ferrothorn for Gyarados, for example. Good teammates are Pokemon that take advantage of the things Porygon-Z kills. Using Agility takes a different approach, and that's sweeping the opposing team once Scizor, Breloom, and the bolbs are out of the way (Ferrothorn also has to be weakened a little too).

Porygon-Z can set-up or severely damage something on something slower, and 90 Base Spe is far from bad, so it'll have 1-2 oppurtunities to support a sweeper like Choice Scarf Salamence. Every set-up sweeper or Alakazam blah blah, has trouble with some kind of wall, so using Porygon-Z to elimanate it or weaken it enough is a good idea.

Okay, now onto your Agility question, and I have had hard time setting it up, since it needs a perfect oppurtunty to set-up AND get the +1, so I don't recommned it, but if you manage to get, it's pretty much GG with a little prior damage from spikes and stuff. Just stick to HP fire if i were you.
Gyarados will not always intimidate. Moxie Gyarados is a perfectly viable alternative and key for his most explosive sweeping sets.


So I'm missing my usual bookmark of sprites...

name: Substitute Trapper, or, "Fuck You, Blissey"
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Reversal
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Liechi Berry
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe (note: 4 HP EVs means Liechi Berry activates after 3 Subs, which is awesome for normal SubBerry sweepers, not so much for this Dugtrio who relies on Reversal)

My last few teams have used the on-site Sash/Stealth Rock because he's awesome for getting rid of stuff like Heatran and setting up Rocks, but I noticed that I started to rely on him for taking care of Blissey as well, but he performed very poorly against Blissey. EQ was never doing nearly enough, I'd get Toxic'd and she'd Wish/Protect or Softboiled stall like the bitch she is. So, on my most recent team I devised this. Substitute blocks Toxic/other shenanigans they might want to employ, and as they S. Toss me, I only get close and closer to OHKOing with Reversal (252/252+ Eviolite Chansey takes upwards of 88% from +1 200 BP Reversal). Sure, I only get one or so KOs with this any given game, but that KO tends to be super important. He also removes non-U-turn Jirachi very well, +1 EQ has a good chance to OHKO when fully healthy, so Jirachi either goes down to EQ or something else cleans it up.

Of course, this has also followed the trend of being SUPER useful for a game or two, and then Blissey/SpDef Jirachi fall off the face of the earth, only to be replaced by shit that doesn't care about this Dugtrio, as is my way in competitive Pokemon. That being said, the last slot is a little pointless right now. It's just kinda filler right now, to be perfectly honest.

I just want to note that for some Blissey sets, it is perfectly possible to PP stall this kind of Dugtrio to death before it is forced to using Seismic Toss, I have done it a few times in the past. Subing on Blissey doesn't give you a free pass for Reversal. :p
I just want to note that for some Blissey sets, it is perfectly possible to PP stall this kind of Dugtrio to death before it is forced to using Seismic Toss, I have done it a few times in the past. Subing on Blissey doesn't give you a free pass for Reversal. :p
Well, I've got quite a few games with Dugtrio absolutely crushing Blissey and NONE of them figured it out, as I don't think they realize what they've done until they see the Liechi Berry activate. I understand that you're one of the premiere stall players on Smogon so you undoubtedly know how to get around weird sets like this, but it still has done an excellent job for me.
I feel like that Dugtrio set would perform far better against certain bulky offense teams than against stall, really - defensive Pokemon on bulky offense teams are often more constrained and can only run a few moves, while on stall said Pokemon can get a little creative since their teammates may carry similar moves (e.g. Magic Coat Jellicent - great on stall, probably shit on offense since it really needs Taunt).

If this post doesn't make a lot of sense, blame my lack of sleep.
No, I understand, but I still feel like unless it's a very intelligently played Blissey like Wynaut says, Blissey, Chansey, SpDef Jirachi, and Tentacruel are all pretty much done is Dugtrio gets in safely and something like Toxic Spikes aren't down.
Hello there.
Landorus-T (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 164 HP / 252 SAtk / 92 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Earth Power
- Stealth Rock
- Focus Blast​
Talk about Landorus-T Specially Attacker, this set is not gimmick, I used it for my last World Cup game (Play Offs), and it works very well. This landorus is not a support but a lure, it has a very good synergy with a physical sweeper as Scizor-Dragonite-Lucario, because usually Landorus-T is played in Physical Attacker, it attracts Hippodown, Skarmory, Forretress, Ferrothorn, but let us not forget that Landorus-T has 105 BS Atk, it can easily cause damages, Skarmory Physical defensive is 2HKO by Focus Blast, Hippodown physical defensive is 2HKO by Hidden power Ice also, It is true thats not strong enough to kill them but it can weaken them for the sweep of a physical sweeper, the set can change according to the sweeper you will play, you can put Grass knot over Focus blast if you wish to kill Hippowdon. This set is original and formidable, I think it is effective according to the strategy. If you want to try it, I suggest to take another lure or Physical sweeper because this set is not able to ohko a physical wall it can just surprise and weaken the opponent then have another pokemon to keep the offensive pressure is essential, especially if the opponent sees Landorus-T Specially Attacker, it will not come on him with Skarmory or Hippowdon and you'll be at a disadvantage for your main sweeper. 164hp just for the bulk and come on Scizor/Terrakion/Dragonite/Salamence/Garchomp easily. 92 evs speed to outspeed Tenta/Jirachi (specially defensive)
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Gyarados will not always intimidate. Moxie Gyarados is a perfectly viable alternative and key for his most explosive sweeping sets.


So I'm missing my usual bookmark of sprites...

name: Substitute Trapper, or, "Fuck You, Blissey"
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Earthquake
move 3: Reversal
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Liechi Berry
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe (note: 4 HP EVs means Liechi Berry activates after 3 Subs, which is awesome for normal SubBerry sweepers, not so much for this Dugtrio who relies on Reversal)

My last few teams have used the on-site Sash/Stealth Rock because he's awesome for getting rid of stuff like Heatran and setting up Rocks, but I noticed that I started to rely on him for taking care of Blissey as well, but he performed very poorly against Blissey. EQ was never doing nearly enough, I'd get Toxic'd and she'd Wish/Protect or Softboiled stall like the bitch she is. So, on my most recent team I devised this. Substitute blocks Toxic/other shenanigans they might want to employ, and as they S. Toss me, I only get close and closer to OHKOing with Reversal (252/252+ Eviolite Chansey takes upwards of 88% from +1 200 BP Reversal). Sure, I only get one or so KOs with this any given game, but that KO tends to be super important. He also removes non-U-turn Jirachi very well, +1 EQ has a good chance to OHKO when fully healthy, so Jirachi either goes down to EQ or something else cleans it up.

Of course, this has also followed the trend of being SUPER useful for a game or two, and then Blissey/SpDef Jirachi fall off the face of the earth, only to be replaced by shit that doesn't care about this Dugtrio, as is my way in competitive Pokemon. That being said, the last slot is a little pointless right now. It's just kinda filler right now, to be perfectly honest.

Sucker Punch would be great in the last slot. A +1 Sucker Punch is going to do at least some damage to the mon that they send in to revenge kill you.
Why use Terrakion as your sleep absorber when the only reliable sleep inducers in OU (Breloom and Venusaur) can outspeed and OHKO it?

Oh yeah. I'm not to sure why I posted it here when it is my ubers sleep talker. smh.

Also, this is actually a viable set.

Starmie @ Life Orb
Trait: Analytic
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
IVs: 29 HP
- Gravity
- Hydro Pump
- Blizzard
- Thunder

I love gravity and I love using starmie and remember this set is better used with gravity teams. When I see gravity, it is usually used with p2 or lando-t or ferro, but a lot of people dont know that starmie gets it and has 3 very powerful moves (with good coverage) to abuse it. Im not sure whether to use analytic over natural cure because usually, when he forces switches, I use gravity, so I never get that boost. 29 hp ivs may seem weird but it is so i get 259 hp so I get an extra lo hit (I play a lot of lc). The trick is to use it as a wall breaker so there is no point for recover nor rapid spin. Also in the rain 100% accurate hydro pump owns.

252 SpA Life Orb Starmie Thunder vs. 252 HP / 220+ SpD Jellicent: 205-242 (50.74 - 59.9%) -- 83.2% chance to 2HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Starmie Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Latias: 226-268 (62.08 - 73.62%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Starmie Thunder vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Tentacruel: 244-289 (67.03 - 79.39%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Starmie Blizzard vs. 252 HP / 236+ SpD Celebi: 208-247 (51.48 - 61.13%) -- 94.14% chance to 2HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Starmie Hydro Pump vs. 180 HP / 0 SpD Tyranitar in sand: 283-338 (73.31 - 87.56%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

These calcs are without analytic
I looove Gravity. Before Deoxys-N and Excadrill were banned I ran a Sand Gravity team. Stealth Rock Tyranitar, Gravity Starmie, Gravity Metagross, Gravity Deoxys, Gravity Mew, and Choice Band Excadrill. It actually did a fairly good job of landing wins. Starmie's coverage is absolutely bonkers and the power behind those attacks is very good for only base 100 Special Attack.
Hi everyone. Ever felt like your team really needs Tyranitar eliminated, but don't want to be super obvious about using Dugtrio or Wobbuffet? Or perhaps you're just a total hipster like ben gay? In that case, I present to you:

Latias (F) @ Colbur Berry
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Def
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Dragon Pulse
- Psyshock
- Healing Wish / Recover
- Thunder Wave

This Latias can lure in and cripple any Tyranitar (especially those annoying Scarf variants), and can easily escape from the support set which doesn't mind paralysis as much as the others. Healing Wish can bring in a sweeper like Terrakion in safely and give you a free turn, as they're forced to switch out since a paralyzed Tyranitar obviously can't touch you. The best part is you don't have to give up Latias' excellent qualities such as speed or the ability to check sun threats! I tried this on one of my rain teams that was very dependent on Politoed beating Tyranitar, to moderate success. It could use some more testing - this is effective, but I don't know if I'm using it to its full potential yet. Feel free to steal this set - if anyone tries it out, tell me how it goes! You could also try a more defensive spread, with the SpA EVs in HP or Defense or something, but I like being able to hit Breloom, Keldeo, Venusaur, etc harder than a defensive spread would allow.

Also, I just noticed Latias gets Psycho Shift... I could actually test Flame Orb, but that seems kinda over-the-top gimmicky. Also, if your opponent is any good they will probably realize what you're up to when they see it get burned by the Orb.

Edit: here are the relevant calcs.

4 Atk Tyranitar Pursuit vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Colbur Berry Latias: 121-144 (40.19 - 47.84%) -- guaranteed 3HKO <- Support Tyranitar vs Latias switching out

252+ Atk Choice Band Tyranitar Pursuit vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Colbur Berry Latias: 120-142 (39.86 - 47.17%) -- guaranteed 3HKO <- If they're Banded, Twave them as they try to trap you, then use Healing Wish to bring in something like Terrakion or Lucario safely and at full health.

252 Atk Tyranitar Crunch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Colbur Berry Latias: 145-172 (48.17 - 57.14%) -- 92.58% chance to 2HKO <- this is the Scarf set, which fails to OHKO while you cripple them with Thunder Wave and then escape. If they Pursuit instead of Crunch, you only take half this much, and HW on the next turn.
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EVs:252 Atk - 128 Def - 128 Sp. def
Ability: Poison Heal
Item: Toxic Orb





Protect gives the player time for Toxic Orb to kick in. Fling Badly Poisons the opponent for cripplage. Acrobatics pulls a double BP STAB, and Earthquakes there to be there. Feel free to choose another move at your own risk.
EVs: Sp. Atk 252 - Def 126 - Sp. Def 126 - Speed 4
Ability: Levitate
Item: Leftovers/Life Orb
Nature: Modest
Hydro Pump
Signal Beam
Pain Split

Use in conjunction with Drizzle Politoed. If there is not one on your team, Rain Dance can be subbed for Pain Split. If this is the case, Damp Rock is to be used. Thunder in Rain is a Sure-hit STAB. Hydro Pump in Rain is a super powerful STAB, and can be Ground coverage if Levitate is Disabled by Gravity, Trick Iron Ball, Etc. Signal beam is Grass coverage. Pain Split is its recovery move, and helps with Rotom-W's low HP.
Here's a devilish little set I've been using on my rain team

Latios@ Flame Orb
252 Sp. Att. , 252 Speed
Timid Nature
-Psycho Shift
-Draco Meteor

The point of this set is to bring the immediate power of latios' draco meteors while removing most of the risk factor involved with meteor spam. Everything that threatens Latios in incredibly vulnerable to a burn, Jirachi, Ferrorthorn, Scizor, Tyranitar. Heatran can do well but not against rain surf. With memento being the ace in the hole. Memento allows you to cripple opposing set up sweepers looking to capitalise on your lowered damage output whereas simultaneously bringing in a set up sweeper of your own for free AND giving them a relatively easy set up. I've used trick from time to time over psycho shift, but it only works once, making it much more prediction relient and therefore less worth it imo. The only advantage I found is if you come in on a revenge kill you can trick your orb before the opponent knows what item you are holding, making it more of a one time lure.
The trouble with that is that any competent player who sees the burn instantly knows what Latios is up to and can work around it relatively easily. This set is even more prediction-reliant than the Choice sets, actually, and pretty much every relevant Scarfer in the game (with the possible exception of Keldeo) can completely destroy you if you predict wrong (likewise with Scizor).
You're sure leaving a lot to the imagination missingno. there's not much that can take the threat of both Meteor and burn, you have defensive celebi and heatran off the top of my head. Heatran is vulnerable to Surf however so that leaves celebi, and even if you know I'm going to burn your T-tar switchin, how will you play around it? If your plan is to switch around the moves until I die and/or one of us out-predicts the other (or I memento you) I'd say the set has already accomplished it's goal.
Ninjask @ Focus sash
EVs: Atk 252 - Speed 252 - HP 3
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Speed Boost
Hone Claws/Swords Dance
Toxic/Baton Pass

This little ninja bug's only purpose is get in, get out, and piss off the opponent, all while looking good doing it. Multiple things can be done with this set, although the main idea is to use Thief on the opponent and go down with their Item once you are on your last HP and your Focus Sash is used up. Toxic and Thief leaves them with a crippling Status Condition, while Swords Dance can be used to give Thief more power. A good set is Toxic, U-Turn, and Thief when it comes back in. If you choose to use Baton Pass over Toxic, then Hone Claws can be used over Swords Dance situation pending.
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Dusclops @Eviolite
EVs: Def 128 - Sp. Def 128 - HP 252
Nature: Adamant/Careful
Ability: Pressure
Night Shade
Shadow Sneak
Pain Split
Spinblocker. Tank. Wall. Call it what you want; it works for all three. Night Shade delivers a fixed 100 Damage. Will-O-Wisp lowers the opponents Atk, and is good if you choose Careful over Adamant. Shadow Sneak finishes off low-HP opponents, and Pain Split can be a devastating HP drain attack if you play your cards right.

This is a set that's not that creative, but extremely underrated. I think this is a much better defensive spin blocker than Jellicent. Jellicents typing gives it two extra STABs, but also two extra weaknesses. With a massive 130 base Sp. Def and Def, Eviolite just makes Duslops even harder to OHKO or 2HKO, while Jellicent is completely outclassed defensive statwise with 105 Sp. Def and a minuscule 70 Def. On top of that, Jellicent is fully evolved, and therefore completely unable to utilize Eviolite to its advantage.
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As a Dusclops user in the past, Dusclops should never have 0 HP investment, its just stupid, the bulk you lose is ridiculous:

252+ Atk Choice Band Dragonite Outrage vs. 252 HP / 80 Def Eviolite Dusclops: 165-195 (58.09 - 68.66%)
252 SpA Choice Specs Latios Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 176+ SpD Eviolite Dusclops: 144-171 (50.7 - 60.21%)

vs your set:
252+ Atk Choice Band Dragonite Outrage vs. 4 HP / 252 Def Eviolite Dusclops: 145-172 (65.31 - 77.47%)
252 SpA Choice Specs Latios Draco Meteor vs. 4 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Dusclops: 138-163 (62.16 - 73.42%)

I think these calcs speak for themselves.
Today I ran into some odd variant of latias

But one unique+good thing on it was psycho shift (but without like an orb or anything)

And (besides the fact that it missed), it used psycho shift to transfer the paralysis I inflicted on it to one of my pokes (and off of her)

And so I was thinking that it could be used as a very cool replacement for sub that can not only stop status but also inflict it on yucky walls

But does psycho shift still remove the status if the opp is already statuseD?