The RU Open II - Round 1

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Welcome to the first round of the RU Open! Everyone's favorite tier with which to watch your opponent crumble before you with power of your mighty Slowking, or if you're Shake, Yanma.

Important Note: Hail (Snover) is allowed in this first round. If it's banned when voting takes place on the 9th it will not be allowed in the next round.

Tournament Rules:
  • General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
  • Grand Slam rules can be found here.
  • Standard BW2 RU.
  • Best of three, single elimination.
  • The banlist for this tournament is the same as the RU ladder of the Smogon University server of Pokemon Showdown.
  • If tier changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
  • Battles should take place on Pokemon Showdown! unless both players agree otherwise.*


I expect many battles to be completed under alts and I expect many battles to be completed on other servers to prevent scouting. These kind of factors are pretty bad for tournament security, and thus I will make this clear: If I hear any whispers of identity theft (battling as someone you are not) or proxy battling (helping someone else battle through pm) I will not be pleased and I will take severe actions.


Next, I do not want to hear anything about counterteaming, at all. It is the silliest thing I have ever heard, any battler worth their marbles has more than one team. Do not complain about it. I also don't want to hear about any forceful scouting, whether it be spying on another teams irc channel or following your opponent around on PO. There is a difference between "ipl is known for using stall" and "let me follow ipl around all day to watch all his battles since I am his opponent". I expect a lot of the former and none of the latter.

With that said, I give permission to all battlers to ask any person spectating their battle to leave if they do not want them watching. However, given the fact that this is the big stage, I am sure a lot of people want to watch, so don't be too mean.

Timer Clause

As for taking long between moves, if your opponent asks you to hurry up, please oblige. If you are doing a damage calc for a key turn that is one thing, but prolonging every move is suspicious and annoying. Don't do it. Furthermore, Battle Timeout is a rule for a reason. If you run out of time, you lose, simple as that. It does not matter what your opponent says. Do not battle if you think you will have to leave mid battle, and instead reschedule for a better time. Timing out is still classified as a loss, unless the reason for timing out is a disconnection. If there is any suspicion that a disconnect was carried out deliberately to take advantage of this rule in any way, we reserve the right to exercise a harsh punishment.


If a player disconnects and either player contends that they could still win, the optimal solution is to recreate the exact situation the disconnection occurred at during the battle. If it is agreed between players that this is not feasible due to unreasonable battle length, highly improbable circumstances, or some other reason, the player who did not disconnect may choose to rematch with either the same teams or (the option to use) new teams. Timing out is still classified as a loss, unless the reason for timing out is a disconnection. If there is any suspicion that a disconnect was carried out deliberately to take advantage of this rule in any way, we reserve the right to exercise a harsh punishment. Do not do it.

I know that was a lot to read, but it is all necessary for me to have posted here so everyone can see it in the case of a dispute. I don't want any confusion or any problems.

Battle Clauses:
  • Evasion Clause
  • OHKO Clause
  • Sleep Clause
  • Species Clause
  • Timed Battle
  • Team Preview


Players were selected based on a 62.5% first come first serve and 37.5% randomized basis.

Use VMs to contact each other: this will allow me to track activity much more easily. Also hanging out in #gslam on IRC is cool.


Heist vs Sapientia
Vaz vs Tobes
Bad Ass vs The Great Mighty Doom
CaseKace vs MarceloDK
vs Navy
LonelyNess vs Huskisson906
Frochtejohgurt vs papai noel
Icecream vs JirachiCelebiMew
yee vs Zaos
AuraRayquaza vs vileman
Fuzznip vs FLCL
D4RR3N vs Malekith
Cristal vs Kebabe
vs Ojama
BLINGAS vs Houndoomsday
Fusxfaranto vs complete legitimacy
Furai vs Ashley11
Nelson vs Dcae
hoblaph vs SOMALIA
Zebraiken vs idiotfrommars (extension granted)
Alexander. vs phoopes
Hakumen vs Honor
Kenny vs Hot N Cold
Aurora vs CyberOdin
Raichy vs llvallejoll
Sweep vs Jayde
cxinlee vs Riles
SilentVerse vs Metal Sonic
Thatsjustpeachy vs Hulavuta
Danilo vs Santuga
vs Don Honchkrorleone
Froggy vs Leftiez
The Unlucky one vs bro fist
Myzozoa vs Ezio
vs ~Greencore
ScraftyIsTheBest vs atomicllamas
DC. vs Django
ThunderBlunder vs Turtleye
Nova vs Hantsuki
Harsha vs Jcpdragonx
The Quasar vs Pocket
vs Nachos
Lunatic Lies vs Chisposo
blarajan vs Rag
vs Celever
Corkscrew vs Coren37
Dark Death vs tennisace
august vs Grimsly
McMeghan vs Swamp-Rocket
davidness vs Mylo Xyloto
TIWSS vs Fiction.
PsYch071c vs Level 51
vs DestinyUnknown
Shuckleking87 vs Andeby
Pat Labor vs Hack He Must
RNG vs DarkLoïc
kokoloko vs RT.
Bloo vs digipoke1
VN. vs The Immortal
TPO3 vs Laurel
vs King of Random
voltoros vs SoulWind
Nozzle vs Vinc2612
Rydro vs Lunar.
Jack Frost vs Malfunction
Icicle Fissh vs -Manu-
el poeta vs Brap
Ryanor vs breh
Dr Ciel vs TheOrionSound
Cicada vs King
H-C vs Lolkomori
Imanalt vs kuja20
Qwilphish vs Superpowerdude
.CarloO~ vs PDC
PttP vs Melee Mewtwo
vs Finchinator
ZoroDark vs MicfiJasan
Wepwnemon vs AB2
.Robert vs TheFourthChaser
B-Lulz vs Lasagne21
pkblizzard vs Annoyer
XenoBlade911 vs Ciele
vs Magical Magmortar
1996ITO vs Friar
Sweet Jesus
vs Audiosurfer
Dude24 vs Eo Ut Mortus
Reiku vs DittoCrow
Ernesto vs DetroitLolcat
MAlkaviano vs TheKFC
Mew vs Ruppy
vs Chieliee
ShakeItUp vs CBTerrakion
Sayonara vs XMF33
Kiyo vs Raseri
New Breed vs dragonuser
ThisMysteriousGuy vs Silvershadow234

Deadline is 11 days from this post, August 19th. This is a strict deadline in order to get the ball rolling on Ubers.

For those that want their battle livecasted:

*Note: If you're uncomfortable playing on Pokemon Showdown, matches can be played on Pokemon Online v2.

Thanks to Zracknel for contributing the artwork for the tournament!

If there are any questions or concerns about the tournament, feel free to join #gslam on IRC. I hope we will see some great battles there!

The current standings are available here:
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me and hnc see each other often, should be no problem

its also worth nothing that jonathanrp seems to have quit smogon
i can't contact my opponent because he limits who can view his full profile. hope to get this done anyway! if you see this message contact me yourself and allow me to view your profile in order to answer to your vms.
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