Ability Exchange (AE)

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bulky waters are yesterdays's news man! Garchomp does tech bulldoze well too. I use focus sash+ice shard+bulldoze. Stops sweepers cold!
I concur, Kyurem-B is an almost ideal Download user.
I agree, though I haven't tested it (No time :[). Send it in on something physically defensive and watch it die to STAB 95 BP +1 Ice Beam or HP Fire (Backed up by a great 120 Special attack), or send it in on Jellicent and watch it blow up in the face of a Fusion Bolt. If you're running Scarf, go ahead and Outrage, there's nothing stopping a heck of a lot of speed backed up by +1 Attack (except of course steel types but w/e).
just started playing today, been trying a bunch of ridiculous stuff. highlights include:

solar power chandelure - hits like a truck on steroids. but it's terribly predictable, needs to be scarfed, and residual damage adds up quick.
magic guard charizard - needed a solar power mon, wanted to see how charizard fared without its SR weak. with the sun, no recoil on flare blitz, and no SR to ruin the setup, i decided to go with the old belly drum set. acrobatics is sadly illegal with belly drum, but for a substitute set earthquake is better coverage anyways. not much outside of focus sash or sturdy can stop it once the sub is up.
technician SD lucario - an improvement on the extremekiller set. less attack than scizor, but STAB close combat and higher speed on top of that is nothing to sneeze at. there's also the benefit of bite being slightly more powerful than crunch. the downside is all of its abilities kind of suck.
sheer force OTR reuniclus - i think this is self-explanatory
flash fire scizor - it still hits hard with bullet punch and so many teams rely on fire moves to deal with scizor. i've also seen flash fire on ferrothorn and forretress, which seems to work pretty well too.
I've been using banded Iron Fist Metagross, it gets to abuse an incredible 120 basepower Meteor Mash, a decent 72 base power Bullet Punch factoring STAB, and the choice between Hammer Arm, ThunderPunch and IcePunch, its Bullet Punch is very useful, OHKOing Archeops and dealing 88.64 - 104.7% to an uninvested Mamoswine. Here are some calcs to show the awesome power of banded Iron Fistgross:

252+ Atk Choice Band Iron Fist Metagross Meteor Mash vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Bronzong: 145-171 (42.89 - 50.59%) -- 2.34% chance to 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Iron Fist Metagross Hammer Arm vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Heatran: 418-492 (108.57 - 127.79%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Iron Fist Metagross Meteor Mash vs. 244 HP / 248+ Def Gliscor: 205-243 (58.23 - 69.03%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Choice Band Iron Fist Metagross ThunderPunch vs. 224 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 190-224 (58.1 - 68.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

The only issue with Metagross is that it has to either swap Light Metal or Clear Body, although Clear Body is a good anti intimidate and light metal is a good anti grass know/low kick.
So are unreleased DW abilities supposed to be allowed? I almost got beat by a Shadow Tag Chandelure because I never expected it
Wow, my whole team is practically banned, and only one of them even has a DW ability. They'd all be useless swapping the remaining abilities.

Would duplicate abilities be allowed in the case of one mon only having a banned ability? If not, poor Meloetta is banned by default.
So are unreleased DW abilities supposed to be allowed? I almost got beat by a Shadow Tag Chandelure because I never expected it

Did you try switching? PS usually gives you a message saying you might be trapped if the user has the possibility of having an ability that traps you, and otherwise you can usually switch out without drawback. Shadow Tag is also banned from bridging.

That being said, I was able to use a Flame Body Skarmory for a few matches so unreleased abilities can definitely be bridged at the moment. It's certainly possible that there could have been a programming oversight and Shadow Tag Chandelure can freely be used.

EDIT: Just tested, it can be used. Something should probably be done about this. This means contrary serp is currently legal aswell
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Why would you want Magnet Pull on an Electric/Ice type...? It's even weaker than Magnezone so it's not like HP Fire is doing much...
I got to say, this tier has quite piqued my curiosity (although, admittedly, I'm late to the party because I didn't know about this tier until it became the OM of the month). I started off building a team based around Flare Boost Accelgor, and the team ultimately ended up looking like this:
- Flare Boost Accelgor
- Unburden Drifblim
- Natural Cure Miltank
- Scrappy Starmie
- Sand Force Aggron
- Sturdy Dugtrio

Then I realized Flare Boost Accelgor just wasn't powerful enough, Drifblim was a detriment to the team due to the omnipresence of Steel-types (I used the standard Acrobatics set), and Aggron is just too slow to be a sweeper (I didn't realize he was Base 50).

So I updated the team, recycling the concept of lead Miltank and a Scrappy Rapid Spinner, and this is what I came up with:
- Magic Bounce Miltank
- Scrappy Hitmonchan
- Justified Espeon
- Iron Fist Lucario
- Sheer Force Accelgor
- Unburden Feraligatr

The team has been successful so far, but this report is not final, since I've only fought two battles with the team (but at least they weren't bad battles). Unburden Feraligatr with a Water Gem is usually what does work on opposing teams. It can revenge kill with Aqua Jet or take out a wall with Waterfall and go to town. Not the best sweeper, but still a potent one. Lucario has some great moves boosted by Iron Fist in Drain Punch and the elemental punches. Slap a Life Orb on it (EDIT: What Life Orb? I run Sash, haha), boost it with Agility, and it can wreck face. Miltank is an amazing lead with Stealth Rock, Body Slam for paralysis, and Seismic Toss to deal reasonable damage, even to Steel-types (and Heal Bell in case I need it). Sheer Force Accelgor is far superior to Flare Boost Accelgor because it doesn't take as much residual damage, doesn't have to sacrifice a moveslot for Protect, and has a more powerful Bug Buzz and Focus Blast.
I've never seen Scrappy Hitmonchan or Justified Espeon at work, but I'm sure they have potential. Hitmonchan can get off a Rapid Spin as long as he can take a hit, and Espeon could potentially take a Dark-type move and Baton Pass it to a physical sweeper. Then again, Dark-type moves aren't all that common in this meta (I can't even name one), and Espeon isn't the bulkiest thing out there.

On another note, I've seen plenty of Normalize+Skill Swap Gengar.

tl;dr - This is a fun tier.
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Why would you want Magnet Pull on an Electric/Ice type...? It's even weaker than Magnezone so it's not like HP Fire is doing much...
I sometimes see some users referring to Rotom-Fire as Rotom-F. Could have been that, I'm not sure.

Mygavolt, why not use Hitmontop in Hitmonchan's place? You can swap Technician or Intimidate, which could give Lucario a stronger Bullet Punch for example. I don't think Justified Espeon is usable as anything more than ability filler, as it can't take advantage of the attack boost and can't take dark attacks, which are mostly physical. However with dual screens maybe it could be slightly useful.
Mygavolt, why not use Hitmontop in Hitmonchan's place? You can swap Technician or Intimidate, which could give Lucario a stronger Bullet Punch for example. I don't think Justified Espeon is usable as anything more than ability filler, as it can't take advantage of the attack boost and can't take dark attacks, which are mostly physical. However with dual screens maybe it could be slightly useful.
I'll take up your suggestion of using dual screens on Espeon; that sounds like a plan (although Justified Espeon is very gimmicky now that I think about it).

The reason why I use Hitmonchan over Hitmontop is mostly because Hitmonchan gets Drain Punch and Ice Punch, but partially because I'm not too good at playing defensively. Plus, Lucario would probably benefit more from Iron Fist-boosted elemental punches than, say, Technician-boosted Bite. I'm not entirely sure, though, because both Hitmonchan and Lucario run Drain Punch and Ice Punch, which is rather redundant (unless one of them goes down). Through further testing, I might change this to a defensive core of Hitmontop and something that can benefit from Intimidate.

Again, it's only gone through two battles and it's not absolute. Thanks for the feedback!

EDIT: Now that I think about it, I'm considering Scrappy Hitmontop, Intimidate Blissey, and Natural Cure Espeon. However, this would mean I'd be running two Normal-types. Is it a good idea nonetheless?
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I don't know why it does not work for me, I always get the message "That is not a valid Ability Exchange team."

My team:

Zebstrika @ Focus Sash
Trait: Moxie
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Jolly Nature
- Wild Charge
- Me First
- Flame Charge
- Pursuit

Gastrodon @ Leftovers
Trait: Sap Sipper
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 SAtk
Bold Nature
- Recover
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Toxic

Ferrothorn @ Leftovers
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 Def / 252 HP / 4 Atk
Impish Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Stealth Rock
- Power Whip
- Leech Seed

Skarmory (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Iron Barbs
EVs: 232 Def / 252 HP / 24 Spd
Impish Nature
- Whirlwind
- Roost
- Spikes
- Brave Bird

Gyarados @ Leftovers
Trait: Weak Armor
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Ice Fang
- Bounce

Chandelure @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Water Absorb
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Calm Mind
- Energy Ball
- Flamethrower
- Trick
Mygavolt, Lucario has both Bullet Punch and Vacuum Wave, and can run technician sets with either. Special luke can use 60 BP hidden power as coverage as well. It isn't as good as Moxie Luke, but it's an idea. As for Intimidate, well you already got it. Multiple normals, depends on how you use them.
I'm currently running drizzle thundy-t with thunder, volt absorb politoed support set, moxie dragonite (banded with extremespeed), multiscale gyarados with dd, sturdy custap lead forretress and choice specs levitate latios. How should I make the team better? It does Ok, but it's not the best in the world.
mold breaker beats the hell out of everyone's flash fire ferro, levitate magnezone, levitate heatran, etc
it's hilariously good
I've been using Unburden Black Kyurem, and it is fucking amazing. It can sub on any defensive Pokemon and block status, then chip away their HP while they bring you into 25%, when your Atk gets boosted and speed gets doubled, Roost HP back to health, and then fuck shit up.

Usually I take Unburden from Hitmonlee, who I give Technician, which is amazing. Life Orb Technician with Fake Out / Mach Punch / Bullet Punch / Close Combat wrecks a lot of popular offensive threats that aren't Dragon types.

I've used these three a lot:
Black Kyurem (Kyurem-Black) @ Liechi Berry
Trait: Unburden
EVs: 104 HP / 252 Atk / 152 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Substitute
- Outrage
- Fusion Bolt
- Roost

Hitmonlee (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
IVs: 29 HP
- Fake Out
- Mach Punch
- Bullet Punch
- Close Combat

Smeargle (M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Filler
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Spore
- Spikes
- Stealth Rock
- Memento
I've been using Unburden Black Kyurem, and it is fucking amazing. It can sub on any defensive Pokemon and block status, then chip away their HP while they bring you into 25%, when your Atk gets boosted and speed gets doubled, Roost HP back to health, and then fuck shit up.

Usually I take Unburden from Hitmonlee, who I give Technician, which is amazing. Life Orb Technician with Fake Out / Mach Punch / Bullet Punch / Close Combat wrecks a lot of popular offensive threats that aren't Dragon types.

I've used these three a lot:
Black Kyurem (Kyurem-Black) @ Liechi Berry
Trait: Unburden
EVs: 104 HP / 252 Atk / 152 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Substitute
- Outrage
- Fusion Bolt
- Roost

Hitmonlee (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
IVs: 29 HP
- Fake Out
- Mach Punch
- Bullet Punch
- Close Combat

Smeargle (M) @ Focus Sash
Trait: Filler
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Spore
- Spikes
- Stealth Rock
- Memento
Smeargle with Teravolt for un-Bounce-able hazards and Spore. Very nice concept there. (well, I don't know about hazards, but I'm pretty sure about Spore)
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