Tier Shift Metagame (THIS IS BW)

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My argument was philosophical - what's the point of making NU +20 instead of +15? Is it actually going to fix anything? Is it going to make pokemon currently not-viable viable? Doubtful. If it's going to improve this tier, why? What pokemon need +5 to all stats to become equivalent to RU, UU, etc tier pokemon? Is there a better heuristic we could use for this tier? Is the best way to run this tier to add flat shifts? What about multiplicative shifts for NU pokemon? Or shifts based on best/worst stats?

It seems like +15 is 'enough' for the pseudo/cast-down legendaries in NU to be 'usable', as well as select NU pokemon like Muk. Why should the tier continue to shift stats forward if that will not change anything for a majority of NU pokemon? That smacks of greedy people just wanting the tier to change so their already big-enough boys can play even bigger than before, while the little critters keep on staying little.

I guess what I'm asking for is something harder - if Muk had +5 hp and +5 SpD as a result of NU pokemon receiving +20 instead of +15, what would this let him survive he wouldn't otherwise? If there are several pokemon whose cases can be made, where they can now counter specific threats that are preventing their usage, then I'm all for +20, but otherwise, if the argument is a vague, "NU need to be stronger" then the real root of the problem has nothing to do with a mere +5 to all stats and this argument will just result in a boring tier where NU pokemon are all flavorless generalists.
People arguing for greater stat boosts to certain groups are really misguided. I've been playing this tier for months and it's very diverse, lots of fun to play, and relatively balanced in my opinion. To be honest a metagame where MORE Pokemon are viable would be too confusing, and would ruin the simplicity of this tier's rules (one of the best things about it imo). Why are you trying to fix something that isn't broken?
I am sad we cant play Gen V Tier Shift anymore either :(.

Anyway, looking forward to Gen VI Tier Shift for sure! As a weatherless team I do appreciate the weather nerf, although Ninetales and Politoed might drop tiers and thus have a stat increase in Gen VI Tier Shift.
Just checked, and it looks like tiershift is still playable on Joims lab, rather than the main server, so we actually still can play it.
Can we have gen 6 tier shift now? Lol everything in BL right now would be awesome with +5s
I asked Arctic about this, and he said he's going to wait for the official tiers to settle before the metagame is established (since UU is still technically an unofficial metagame).
It's alive!

But seriously, that'd be up to Pure Question. If a Mega is in a lower tier, wynaut? But with the new tiers so shaky (and some still unofficial) it would be a topic to broach in the months ahead.

I asked Arctic about this, and he said he's going to wait for the official tiers to settle before the metagame is established (since UU is still technically an unofficial metagame).
An early version could conceivably launch in the near future with RU now taking shape, possibly based on RU's usage statistics to determine the +15s even if it isn't completely settled.
Yeah but what Adonzo means is it would give us a good idea of what would be under RU (NU, the +15s). Most of the stuff likely to leave RU will go up to UU, and we can probably already guess what they might be (Kyurem, Shaymin, Tornadus, etc).

I think if Tier Shift does show up shortly, players will just have to accept that the tiers are still very new and likely to be volatile for a while. At least we'd have a general idea, however, of what to expect and it's the lowest stuff that really matters because they get the biggest boosts. (So here's to hoping Chatot/Exploud stay RU or lower)
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