Alice in Tradingland (XY)

#610 Axew ♂
Ability - Mold Breaker
Nature - Adamant
IVs - 31/31/31/xx/31/31

Howdy, I am very interested in this. If you could CMT here, that would be fantastic.
#131 Lapras
Ability - Water Absorb / Shell Armor
Nature - Modest
IVs - 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves - Ancient Power / Freeze Dry
Availability -
Water Absorb - ♂ 6 in stock ♀ 0 in stock - Breed by request

hello can you CMT for this? Also, do you mind breed a female one, if not I understand
Hey, I can offer an adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31 female blaze charmander for one of your 31/x/31/31/31/31 modest squirtles with dragon pulse and aura sphere if you manage to breed a female.
I am VERY interested in your spit-back squirtle(s). I have adamant Scyther and Timid Disable Gastly spit-backs. I have a flawless Poliwag with water absorb that I don't want.
I'm interested in a spitback of Modest Lapras with Freeze Dry.
What are you offering? You didn't really make it clear, are you offering any Battle Maison item of my choice or something specific?
#131 Lapras
Ability - Water Absorb / Shell Armor
Nature - Modest
IVs - 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves - Ancient Power / Freeze Dry
Availability -
Water Absorb - ♂ 6 in stock ♀ 0 in stock - Breed by request

hello can you CMT for this? Also, do you mind breed a female one, if not I understand
I can breed a female one,I'll get back to you on what I want once I have done.

Edit: Actually I already have a female one with Shell Armor, if you're okay with that, or did you want Water Absorb?

Hey, I can offer an adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31 female blaze charmander for one of your 31/x/31/31/31/31 modest squirtles with dragon pulse and aura sphere if you manage to breed a female.
Already have access to Charmander I'm afraid.

I am VERY interested in your spit-back squirtle(s). I have adamant Scyther and Timid Disable Gastly spit-backs. I have a flawless Poliwag with water absorb that I don't want.
Do you have a 31/31/31/x/31/x male Scyther?
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Viva la Villion! No I have no idea what any of those words mean.

Anyway, this project is a bit different to my previous ones because it's primarily Doubles and Triples oriented. For those of you wondering what that means, these luxurious butterflies have their hidden ability Friend Guard and the egg move Rage Powder.

Of course I also realize Doubles/Triples may be a niche market, so when I said this Doubles/Triples oriented I didn't mean completely, since I am also able to breed Compound Eyes Scatterbug on request as well, for anyone not entirely convinced in the powers of friendship.
Interested in Squirtle.

My offer:
Marill / Adamant / Huge Power / 31-31-31-xx-31-31 / with Aqua Jet and Belly Drum (I also have a Male 6IV)
Ok. How about Growlithe?

Growlithe / Adamant / Intimidate / 31-31-31-xx-31-31 / with Close Combat

I'm currently breeding, ran out. :)

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