The Emporium: XY 5IV Shinies

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I have my female Skarmory: 4 egg moves, Brave Bird, Drill Peck, Whirlwind, and Curse. She will be our next breeding project probably, if anyone is interested in placing an order for this mighty fine Skarm let me know.

Always looking for shinies!! I'm at 54 right now, 6 more for two full boxes :D need to update my sig.
You guys interested in a 31/XX/31/31/31/31 Modest Squirtle (Female) Egg Moves: Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere?

I also have a shiny Sliggoo if you're interested as well.
Hi for a male 31/31/31/31/31/31 Modest Sap Sipper goomy watch my thread(all my pkmn are italian).
I didn't see anything for the 6IV male, sorry, I'd do a 5IV for a female ideal spread Shelder but not 6IV:5IV.
You guys interested in a 31/XX/31/31/31/31 Modest Squirtle (Female) Egg Moves: Dragon Pulse, Aura Sphere?

I also have a shiny Sliggoo if you're interested as well.

Interested in both, what are you looking to get for the two? Pick from both sections of the thread and we also have the 4 egg move Skarmories in my prior post.
What region are you from? I want to breed for shinies too but I only find traders from the States. Do you have any 5IV Dittos? I have a shiny Deino in a dusk ball, male, with Hasty and its xx/xx/xx/31/xx/xx
What region are you from? I want to breed for shinies too but I only find traders from the States. Do you have any 5IV Dittos? I have a shiny Deino in a dusk ball, male, with Hasty and its xx/xx/xx/31/xx/xx
States as well but I've found some gentlemen who either have their game set to another region or live in another region, Farpafraf said his game is in Italian for example. I also make sure to pick up the male as foreign so I can use him for the egg group.

I don't have a 5IV Ditto (I don't use Dittos for my breeding projects beyond my first 2 Masudas) but if you'd like to trade the Deino I would love to work something out for any 5IVs I do have!
States as well but I've found some gentlemen who either have their game set to another region or live in another region, Farpafraf said his game is in Italian for example. I also make sure to pick up the male as foreign so I can use him for the egg group.

I don't have a 5IV Ditto (I don't use Dittos for my breeding projects beyond my first 2 Masudas) but if you'd like to trade the Deino I would love to work something out for any 5IVs I do have!
It's hard for me to part with a shiny. I don't see anything I really want on the thread. I'll keep an eye on your thread though, maybe I'll see something interesting eventually?
I didn't see anything for the 6IV male, sorry, I'd do a 5IV for a female ideal spread Shelder but not 6IV:5IV.

Interested in both, what are you looking to get for the two? Pick from both sections of the thread and we also have the 4 egg move Skarmories in my prior post.

What trade ratio do you guys value the Squirtle and Sliggo? Just so I have an idea of how much I am able to pick out for the trade.
It's hard for me to part with a shiny. I don't see anything I really want on the thread. I'll keep an eye on your thread though, maybe I'll see something interesting eventually?
Understood, if you see something in the latter half of my sig that interests you let me know, I'm collecting the 3 stage shiny dragons so I would love to get ahold of a Deino.
What trade ratio do you guys value the Squirtle and Sliggo? Just so I have an idea of how much I am able to pick out for the trade.
Does the Sliggoo have any IVs of note? I would say 5:2 (5IVs of ours:your two) personally.
Understood, if you see something in the latter half of my sig that interests you let me know, I'm collecting the 3 stage shiny dragons so I would love to get ahold of a Deino.

Does the Sliggoo have any IVs of note? I would say 5:2 (5IVs of ours:your two) personally.
The Sliggo has xx/xx/xx/31/31/xx, however, it is Adamant Nature.
CMT for female ferroseed
I'm looking at a female Venipede or Pancham but let me consult with rem once he gets on to see if he'd like anything else more.
The Sliggo has xx/xx/xx/31/31/xx, however, it is Adamant Nature.
Shame on the nature =\ Well I would go 4:2 or 5:2 depending on the 5, let me know, we have the Skarms in stock and I am also breeding 5IV Speed Boost Torchics atm (no egg moves).
I'm looking at a female Venipede or Pancham but let me consult with rem once he gets on to see if he'd like anything else more.

Shame on the nature =\ Well I would go 4:2 or 5:2 depending on the 5, let me know, we have the Skarms in stock and I am also breeding 5IV Speed Boost Torchics atm (no egg moves).
Lol, tell me about it :(

Would you guys do Modest Goomy (F) Sap Sipper, Modest Goomy (F) Gooey, Adamant Dratini (M) and (F)?
I'll throw in a Modest Squirtle (F) Spitback, or anything CMT, if It'd convince you guys to throw in a Skarmory ;P
Lol, tell me about it :(

Would you guys do Modest Goomy (F) Sap Sipper, Modest Goomy (F) Gooey, Adamant Dratini (M) and (F)?
I'll throw in a Modest Squirtle (F) Spitback, or anything CMT, if It'd convince you guys to throw in a Skarmory ;P
We could do the Gooey Goomy F, Dratini pair and Skarmory for the ideal spread Squirtle and Shiny Sliggoo? Gooey mother will give you Sap Sipper offspring anyway :p

Also I have these two female eggs:

Torchic (F) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\30\31\22\31\31 [1976]
Torchic (F) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\31\31\22\31\30 [1571]

and 7 males with ideal spreads, 4 have Speed Boost I think. These are all unhatched since they were checked for SVs (1 match: Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 25\31\31\22\31\31) but this was just the first round of 30 eggs.
No egg moves on the Torchics but they have SB, no ideal female this time around, just the 2 who are 1 off and another female.
We could do the Gooey Goomy F, Dratini pair and Skarmory for the ideal spread Squirtle and Shiny Sliggoo? Gooey mother will give you Sap Sipper offspring anyway :p

Also I have these two female eggs:

Torchic (F) - Adamant, Blaze, 31\30\31\22\31\31 [1976]
Torchic (F) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 31\31\31\22\31\30 [1571]

and 7 males with ideal spreads, 4 have Speed Boost I think. These are all unhatched since they were checked for SVs (1 match: Torchic (M) - Adamant, Speed Boost, 25\31\31\22\31\31) but this was just the first round of 30 eggs.
No egg moves on the Torchics but they have SB, no ideal female this time around, just the 2 who are 1 off and another female.
Sounds great to me. I'll send you a PM for more trade details.

And what would you guys like for a SB Torchic (F)?
I have several new 5IV mons bred:

Charmander Y with egg moves, Timid
Speed Boost Torchic, Adamant
Infiltrator/Frisk Noibat, Timid
31 and 0 Speed Honedge, Adamant
Gale Wing Fletchling, Adamant

I am looking for 5IV parents for Hawlucha, Scatterbug and Helioptile for my next SV breeds.

For a shiny, I can offer:
Shiny Vulpix F Timid Drought 31/X/31/31/31/31
Shiny Gligar M Impish Hyper Cutter 31/31/31/X/31/31

For a 5IV, I have the Pokémon listed in this thread, including:
Charmander-Y Timid Solar Power 31/X/31/31/31/31 Egg moves: Dragon Pulse+Dance/Outrage
Torchic Adamant Speed Boost 31/31/31/X/31/31
And those 5IV FOUR egg move Skarmories.
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