Other Good Cores

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Mega-ampharos + Excadril + Moltres makes a pretty good defensive core. Mega-Ampharos's unique set of useful resistances outside makes it a very good switch-in to common attacks running around in the metagame. Along with that good bulk makes M-Ampharos one of the best tanks around, especially when it hits hard even without investment. Moltres can switch into common into Ground and Fairy attacks targeted at Ampharos, as well as being tanky enough to take most Dragon and Ice special attacks. Excadril rounds off the core by resisting Rock and Electric attacks targeted at Moltres, Dragon attacks, as well as spinning away rocks easily.

Ampharos @ Ampharosite
Ability: Static
EVs: 192 SDef / 252 HP / 44 SAtk / 20 Spd
Modest Nature
- Volt Switch
- Dragon Pulse
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Excadrill @ Leftovers
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 96 Atk / 160 HP / 252 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Shadow Claw
- Rapid Spin
- Swords Dance

Moltres @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 116 Spd / 248 HP / 144 SDef
Calm Nature
- Substitute
- Roost
- Will-O-Wisp/Toxic
- Flamethrower

The biggest problem for this core is probably Charizard X if it comes in on Moltres and get a DD up. For that reason, Azumarill also can fit in the team for being one the its best checks.
Mega-ampharos + Excadril + Moltres makes a pretty good defensive core. Mega-Ampharos's unique set of useful resistances outside makes it a very good switch-in to common attacks running around in the metagame. Along with that good bulk makes M-Ampharos one of the best tanks around, especially when it hits hard even without investment. Moltres can switch into common into Ground and Fairy attacks targeted at Ampharos, as well as being tanky enough to take most Dragon and Ice special attacks. Excadril rounds off the core by resisting Rock and Electric attacks targeted at Moltres, Dragon attacks, as well as spinning away rocks easily.
There is a glaring problem with that core... anything with the famous EdgeQuake attack combo will completely destroy each of these mons. Garchomp immediately springs to mind, but there are tons of Pokemon that use EdgeQuake. Add in the fact that those 3 Pokemon are also easily outsped, and you've got trouble - you should definitely look for a replacement to patch up that weakness! Something like Skarmory would work well, and also be able to provide hazards and phazing support.
There is a glaring problem with that core... anything with the famous EdgeQuake attack combo will completely destroy each of these mons. Garchomp immediately springs to mind, but there are tons of Pokemon that use EdgeQuake. Add in the fact that those 3 Pokemon are also easily outsped, and you've got trouble - you should definitely look for a replacement to patch up that weakness! Something like Skarmory would work well, and also be able to provide hazards and phazing support.

So far I didn't really run into problems with EdgeQuake though, Moltres easily burnt out Stone Edge with no problem with SubRoost in most of the games I played thanks to Pressure. Actually did try Skarmory, but it destroys momentum somewhat for the rest of the team. I do have a Zygarde in my team to take care of that as well, but imo I'm just listing out the defensive core because the other half of the team are the offensive half, consisting of Azu, Zygarde and Trevenant, but I just essentially listed my team.
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Can anyone suggest some Pokes that can compliment this core well?


Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD.
Nature: Modest
- Lava Plume
- Protect
- Ancient Power
- Stealth Rock


Gyarados @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 88 HP / 248 Att / 168 Spe
Nature: Jolly
- Taunt
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Bounce


Trevenant @ Lum Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 80 SpD / 176 Spe
Nature: Careful
- Rest
- Leech Seed
- Horn Leech
- Will-o-Wisp
What pokemon makes a good core with a Mega Gardevoir? (and don't bother trying to convince me to use a different Mega, my mind is made up; come hell or high water, I am going to figure out how to use MGardevoir well)
Bisharp Maybe? it resists Gardevoir's 3 weaknesses (Poison, Ghost and Steel) and is physically defensive against her specially defensive but I am no expert...

Then maybe Flygon or something to round it out?
Has Goodra + Avalugg been mentioned as a defensive core? Avalugg tanks SE physical ice and neutral dragon moves aimed at Goodra's lower defense and Goodra tanks all special attacks aimed at Avalugg. Being an ice type itself, Avalugg also can chase out physically oriented non-mixed dragons. Both Goodra and Avalugg can function well on a rain team, since Goodra likes his hydro-rest and Avalugg enjoys weakened fire attacks.
What pokemon makes a good core with a Mega Gardevoir? (and don't bother trying to convince me to use a different Mega, my mind is made up; come hell or high water, I am going to figure out how to use MGardevoir well)

What is Gardevoir lacking most as a sweeper? Speed, and physical defense. Iron defense Scolipede remedies both at the same time. Once passed a single speed boost, 112 speed evs with a non-hindering nature allows Megardevoir to outspeed positive base 130 pokemon barring a scarf. (On the first turn of Megavolving, Gardevoirs speed is treated as base 80 instead of base 100, and the 112 speed evs needed to outspeed base 130 pokemon is calculated based on 100 base speed, just something to keep in mind.)

When passed an Iron Defense boost, its bulk is still relatively underwhelming. Klefki can set up dual screens which sets Gardevoir's bulk to acceptable levels when combined with an Iron Defense boost, and from there you could set up with calm mind. Klefki also is neutral to steel and ghost and is immune to poison, so there's that. That's an awful lot of set up for one poke, so I suggest adding other pokemon that also benefit from screens and baton passed boosts, like Weakness Policy Dragonite with dragon dance.
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Can anyone suggest some Pokes that can compliment this core well?


Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD.
Nature: Modest
- Lava Plume
- Protect
- Ancient Power
- Stealth Rock


Gyarados @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 88 HP / 248 Att / 168 Spe
Nature: Jolly
- Taunt
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Bounce


Trevenant @ Lum Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 80 SpD / 176 Spe
Nature: Careful
- Rest
- Leech Seed
- Horn Leech
- Will-o-Wisp

I'm not sure how offensive or defensive you want to be, but gyarados loves something that can take on electric types. Trevenant doesn't really count, because every electric not named rotom-w is probably carrying HP ice. Excadrill could be a decent choice since it's neutral to ice and can spin rocks to make gyarados life last longer. Gastrodon could actually work ok too, as it doesn't double up on any weaknesses with gyarados and threatens electric types with earth power, and can nail a switch with toxic, which is important since gyarados is your only offensive poke so far.

Just some initial thoughts.
Can anyone suggest some Pokes that can compliment this core well?


Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD.
Nature: Modest
- Lava Plume
- Protect
- Ancient Power
- Stealth Rock


Gyarados @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 88 HP / 248 Att / 168 Spe
Nature: Jolly
- Taunt
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Bounce


Trevenant @ Lum Berry
Ability: Harvest
EVs: 252 HP / 80 SpD / 176 Spe
Nature: Careful
- Rest
- Leech Seed
- Horn Leech
- Will-o-Wisp
Lati@s would work well. Or excadrill. Hydregein could work since it resist ghosts, and beats rotom w
Okay, I've been playing around on the battle spot an I've come to this is one of my favourite cores, I understand that there are four Pokémon in this core but i think it's good;

Please post some advice for me if you can!

Mawile (mega)
Pretty sure this won't be a popular example, but I really like the synergy between Mega Manectric and Ttar. It's a great combo to kill Charizard Y, for example. Volt Switch into Ttar, which will hit CharY hard and break Drought, and then Pursuit for the KO.
Doesn't thunderbolt just straight up ohko yzard?
Nice core, although be carefull of all mega kang's Because unless you have a good counter somewhere else on your team it could rip this core apart

Yeah, Megakhan has been a big problem that has been quite hard to answer. (Then again, it's a pain in the arse for every team) Breloom or scarfed Fighting-types are my best answer atm, but they're revenge-killers at best.

On another note, I actually had the idea of making a Togekiss/Jirachi paraflinch core just for the keks. They're fairly decent for synergy, and with Silly Strings support, they can cause enough bullshit FUN to the opponent team to let something like SD-Chomp sweep.
What is Gardevoir lacking most as a sweeper? Speed, and physical defense. Iron defense Scolipede remedies both at the same time.
GIVE THIS MAN A MEDAL. I tried it out, and my god, it works beautifully. I never would have thought of this if not for you.
Iron Defense isn't bad on Scolipede since it's being used to buff a pokemon's weakness. The thing is getting +2 Def +1 Speed in one turn. Scolipede can come in on tons of walls that can't do anything to him, sub, boost, pass, repeat.
I really like the idea of M-Mawile+Salamence, but what if I were to add Gengar and Assualt Vest Tyranitar? The only weaknesses not really addressed are Water and Steel, but that's for only four team members out of six. I also think swapping Mega stones between Mawile and Gengar (between matches, obviously) could play some mind games with the opponent. I'm relatively new to this, so please don't chew me out if this isn't perfect. If this setup does somehow seem decent, the only question I've got is: which two Pokemon would I use to round out the team?

Talonflame @ Leftovers
Trait: Gale Wings
EVs: 192 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 60 Spe
Adamant Nature
-Brave Bird
-Flare Blitz

Breloom @ Life Orb
Trait: Technician
Evs: 252 Atk / 4 HP / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
-Rock Tomb / Swords Dance
-Bullet Seed
-Mach Punch

One of the best Talonflame checks right now is Rotom-W which Talonflame can see coming from a mile away and use U-turn to bring in Breloom to fire off a powerful attack or SD. Talonflame also U-turns out of Jellicent, T-Tar, and Hippo which are all things Breloom likes to be up against. In return, Breloom lures in Celebi, Amoonguss, Venu, Trevenant, Gourgeist, etc which are all things Talonflame can take advantage of. Talonflame also beautifully checks Volc which likes to set up on Breloom (Rock Tomb is listed but it's more for dnite, opposing talonflame, etc). The two also beat down on each others common checks like Gliscor and Landorus-T. Not a perfect core but it's pretty good I think. Pair it with hazards to abuse U-Turn and the constant switching the two make and go to town.
I'm not sure how offensive or defensive you want to be, but gyarados loves something that can take on electric types. Trevenant doesn't really count, because every electric not named rotom-w is probably carrying HP ice. Excadrill could be a decent choice since it's neutral to ice and can spin rocks to make gyarados life last longer. Gastrodon could actually work ok too, as it doesn't double up on any weaknesses with gyarados and threatens electric types with earth power, and can nail a switch with toxic, which is important since gyarados is your only offensive poke so far.

Just some initial thoughts.

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