AliceOfSinnoh's Little Trade Thread

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AliceOfSinnoh's Little Trade Thread

Hello, welcome to my trade thread. I'm relatively new to breeding, very new to Smogon, and only have a few meager Pokemon to offer up right now, but over the coming weeks I intend to continue breeding and hope to be able to offer more. :)

Below are my shop's notes.

  • Please, no hacked Pokemon. I know this should go without saying, but, well, y'know... :)
  • I expect my Pokemon to be redistributed. Likewise, anything that you trade me can and most likely will be re-bred for myself and my friends, so if you aren't comfortable with the idea of your Pokemon being redistributed please don't trade with me.
  • I reserve the right to refuse to trade for any reason.
  • If you aren't interested in what I have, please feel free to move onto another thread rather than cluttering this one with comments.
  • This is still a learning process for me so please have patience with me. Clearly specify what you're interested in and what you're offering; I don't understand all of the shorthand and lingo yet.
  • All of my Pokemon are Level 1 with no EVs, freshly hatched and stored in my PC boxes. I double-check all IVs with the Kiloude Judge.
  • I'm the OT of all of the Pokemon I offer, so if you'd like them renamed before receiving them in a trade, please ask and I'll try to accommodate your request (please, no vulgar or offensive nicknames).

3DS Friend Code: 1934-0828-2339
In-Game Name: Alice
Status: ONLINE

What I Have

5-IV Flawless


#113 Chansey (Repeat Ball)
(♀ Only)
Bold 31/XX/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Aromatherapy
Natural Cure: 4 ♀ available
Serene Grace: 2 ♀ available
Breedable on request


#122 Mr. Mime (Repeat Ball)
Timid 31/XX/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Nasty Plot
Soundproof: 2 ♂ available
Breedable on request


#133 Eevee (Poke Ball)
Timid 31/XX/31/31/31/31
Anticipation: 1 ♂ available
Adaptability: 1 ♂ available
Breedable on request


#361 Snorunt (Luxury Ball)
Timid 31/XX/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Spikes
Moody: 3 ♂ available
Inner Focus: 1 ♂ available
Breedable on request


#529 Drilbur (Quick Ball)
Adamant 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Mold Breaker: 2 ♂ available / 2 ♀ available
Sand Force: 3 ♂ available / 3 ♀ available
Sand Rush: 1 ♂ available
Breedable on request


#577 Solosis (Dusk Ball)
Quiet 31/XX/31/31/31/0 (for Trick Room)
Magic Guard: 1 ♂ available
Overcoat: 1 ♀ available
Breedable on request


#704 Goomy (Poke Ball)
Calm 31/XX/31/31/31/31
Gooey: 1 ♂ available
Hydration: 1 ♀ available
Sap Sipper: 1 ♀ available
Breedable on request


#707 Klefki (Quick Ball)
Bold 31/XX/31/31/31/31
Timid 31/XX/31/31/31/31
Prankster: Breeding, check back later
Breedable on request


#708 Phantump (Luxury Ball)
Careful 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Harvest: 1 ♂ available / 2 ♀ available
Natural Cure: 1 ♂ available / 3 ♀ available
Frisk: 3 ♀ available
Breedable on request

6-IV Flawless


#122 Mr. Mime (Repeat Ball)
Timid 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Nasty Plot
Soundproof: 1 ♂ available


#361 Snorunt (Luxury Ball)
Timid 31/31/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Spikes
Inner Focus: 1 ♀ available


#707 Klefki (Quick Ball)
Bold 31/31/31/31/31/31
Prankster: 1 ♂ available

What I Want

I'm mostly looking for competitive 5-IV and 6-IV Flawless Pokemon as well as good held items (Leftovers, BP Items, etc).
Otherwise, I'm willing to listen to any reasonable offers! Thanks for stopping by.

Trade Log

  • Harvest Phantump for Thick Fat Snorlax (guinsoo) - 11.21.2013
  • Harvest Phantump for Intimidate Mawile (sousou.seki) - 11.21.2013
  • Harvest Phantump for Iron Barbs Ferroseed (Wooster) - 11.22.2013
  • Natural Cure Phantump for Guts Larvitar (Dracomaster) - 11.21.2013
  • Flawless Natural Cure Chansey for Levitate Rotom (welsknight) - 11.23.2013
  • Mold Breaker Drilbur for Levitate Gastly (Shaangor) - 11.23.2013
  • Flawless Run Away Eevee for Hustle Togepi and Serene Grace Togepi (Shaangor) - 11.24.2013
  • Mold Breaker Drilbur for Frisk Noibat (Shoujo Man) - 11.24.2013
  • Harvest Phantump for Sturdy Skarmory (Kerry) - 11.24.2013
  • Magic Guard Solosis for Guts Tyrogue (DarthChocoboz) - 11.26.2013
Hi would you like to trade your 5iv timid eevee with HA anticipation for my 5iv timid froakie with HA protean?
I'm guessing your Froakie has a 31/xx/31/31/31/31 spread? If so, sure, I'd be interested in that trade.

I'm interested in one of your Swift Swim Poliwags. Female for Female?
yeah my froakie has the correct IV spread you stated above 31/x/31/31/31/31
my FC 2938-7138-0277
IGN is John

i can trade right now if you're on
529 Drilbur (Quick Ball)
Adamant 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Mold Breaker:1 ♀ available

I have quite a few competitive 5 IV pokes. I have a few posted on my thread if you could see if there is anything you want for this. :)
CMT for solosis

I'm sorry, I just don't see anything that really interests me right now...

thanks for the tradeeee it went very smooth :) hope to trade with you again in the near future.

No problem, thank you :)

529 Drilbur (Quick Ball)
Adamant 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Mold Breaker:1 ♀ available

I have quite a few competitive 5 IV pokes. I have a few posted on my thread if you could see if there is anything you want for this. :)

Nothing really caught my eye, sorry...
do you by any chance have just a spit out with decent IVs? I can also make banners if you are interested

I took another look at your thread and I just noticed you have more listed at the bottom of your thread that you haven't finished putting up yet. What kind of IV spreads/abilities/natures do you have for Abra, Scyther and Rotom?

#707 Klefki (Quick Ball)
Prankster: Female
Breedable on request


#707 Klefki (Quick Ball)
Bold 31/31/31/31/31/31
Prankster: 1 ♂ available

CMT for these two. No Shiny monsters for these two though. Sorry.
I took another look at your thread and I just noticed you have more listed at the bottom of your thread that you haven't finished putting up yet. What kind of IV spreads/abilities/natures do you have for Abra, Scyther and Rotom?

Abra I dont have a 5 IV spread magic bounce but i could gladly breed one for you.

most spreds for abra are

Timid, Synchronize


things like that. i have about 20 spit outs with 4 ivs.

Rotom is modest

31/x/31/31/31/31 still breeding more since my stock is a little low. same goes with scyther. i have a couple of 5 IV parents i can breed if you have a specific request.
Abra I dont have a 5 IV spread magic bounce but i could gladly breed one for you.

most spreds for abra are

Timid, Synchronize


things like that. i have about 20 spit outs with 4 ivs.

Rotom is modest

31/x/31/31/31/31 still breeding more since my stock is a little low. same goes with scyther. i have a couple of 5 IV parents i can breed if you have a specific request.

If you have a 31/xx/31/31/31/31 Rotom on hand, I'll trade you right now for one. If you don't have any on hand, then I'd be fine with waiting until you breed one. I actually have Magic Guard Abras and Technician Scythers I've been meaning to breed anyway, I just figured if you had one finished it's save me some time.
If you have a 31/xx/31/31/31/31 Rotom on hand, I'll trade you right now for one. If you don't have any on hand, then I'd be fine with waiting until you breed one. I actually have Magic Guard Abras and Technician Scythers I've been meaning to breed anyway, I just figured if you had one finished it's save me some time.

i could probably breed you a rotom pretty soon. I was working on knock off/rapid spin tentacools (a bitch) but i will start breeding some more rotoms. mind if i pm you when i have it done? also any nicknames you want?
Please check my thread for solosis thanks.

Your Adamant female Venipede rather interests me, as does your Impish Gligar with Immunity. Would you be willing to trade either of those?

i could probably breed you a rotom pretty soon. I was working on knock off/rapid spin tentacools (a bitch) but i will start breeding some more rotoms. mind if i pm you when i have it done? also any nicknames you want?

Alright, let's go with a Rotom then. The regular name is fine, and yes, a PM is no problem. Thank you!
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