Dreii's Pokemon Shack v2! - ONLINE! 80+ Mons w/ *NEW* HP Ground Eevee + Ice/Fire/Fighting HP

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interested in a female adamant marvel scale dratini 31/31/31/xx/31/31? or a goomy with the egg moves curse counter poison jab and acid armor? I am interested in your froakie, ghastly, rotom, and honedge(female). tell me if your interested in trading any of them.
Absolutely :) I added your FC, when you're online send me the req for the trade (my IGN is Hazel)

Got a Male Modest Synchronize Ralts ready and waiting, Also, I add you.

interested in a female adamant marvel scale dratini 31/31/31/xx/31/31? or a goomy with the egg moves curse counter poison jab and acid armor? I am interested in your froakie, ghastly, rotom, and honedge(female). tell me if your interested in trading any of them.

What is the Nature, Ability and IV Spread of the Goomy, if I may ask?
I can do two for one for it, but not one for one it is a huge pain. If so, I'd like a timburr too and you will get it tomorrow for sure. If not i'm sorry i'll have to decline.
I can get you a Corphish for a Naive Justified Absol + egg moves?
Ok. Will get it to you tomorrow going to sleep soon :/.
Yeah that is very much fine, besides I have another guy waiting for a corphish and they are sometimes hard to breed when there are 3 possible ability outcomes :P
Adding you on queue, will discuss further more tomorrow
Okay, ferro for Jolly 5IV Haxorus? It has mold breaker
Yeah I guess I can do that, Just to keep in mind, you are at the bottom of the list so it may take from a minimum of 1day ~ 2days simply because I do have two breed two Corphish that are painful to breed and also have to do some IRL stuff

EDIT: and the IVs are 31/31/31/x/31/31 right? and If you can please tell me the gender
Yeah I guess I can do that, Just to keep in mind, you are at the bottom of the list so it may take from a minimum of 1day ~ 2days simply because I do have two breed two Corphish that are painful to breed and also have to do some IRL stuff

EDIT: and the IVs are 31/31/31/x/31/31 right? and If you can please tell me the gender
31/31/31/xx/31/31 and it is male
31/31/31/xx/31/31 and it is male
Do you have any respectable trader that can vouch for you? Considering you have been a member of smogon since july 29,2012. I have no idea how you can only have 6posts, It seems too shady for me, and I cannot easily trust you without a having good track record.
Do you have any respectable trader that can vouch for you? Considering you have been a member of smogon since july 29,2012. I have no idea how you can only have 6posts, It seems too shady for me, and I cannot easily trust you without a having good track record.
I don't have anyone that can vouch for me but I trust you so if you want, we can trade the haxorus for some random poke (bunnelby or something useless) and you can check it then if you are satisfied, trade the ferro for the crap pokemon back? I only joined smogon for the wifi battle finder to be honest.
I don't have anyone that can vouch for me but I trust you so if you want, we can trade the haxorus for some random poke (bunnelby or something useless) and you can check it then if you are satisfied, trade the ferro for the crap pokemon back? I only joined smogon for the wifi battle finder to be honest.
Yeah I guess we can do that, Adding you to the queue now
Can you CMT for corpish?
ok i added you... send pm when you are online
Finished breeding both Corphish's, Added and going online now.

CMT for a female Munna?
By any chance, can I have either a HP Fire or Water Roselia? If you cannot, in which case I understand why, I'll take a female Growlithe w/ egg moves Adamant. Female for female is fairly reasonable imo :P
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