Farpafraf's Fletchling(and many other) swarm.

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lol ok, maybe shiny honedge (adamant 5iv) w/ leftovers and another poke for a jolly skill link mincinno and a jolly aerodactyl?
That shiny honedge is more than enough for both of them.
CMT for Aerodactyl
From your thread I'd like a female no guard adamant machop OR a female impish parnkster sabayle OR a female careful harvest phantump OR a female drought timid vulpix OR a female adamant charmender (I could give you more 'mons for that).
Do you want a jolly or an adamant Aerodactyl?
Thanks for the quick trade.

Pending trade : my female larvitar 31/31/31/x/31/31 outrage, DD, stealth rock, pursuit for your kangkhakan scrappy.
That shiny honedge is more than enough for both of them.

From your thread I'd like a female no guard adamant machop OR a female impish parnkster sabayle OR a female careful harvest phantump OR a female drought timid vulpix OR a female adamant charmender (I could give you more 'mons for that).
Do you want a jolly or an adamant Aerodactyl?
Hey! I can trade now and I'll only like an Aerodactyl, I prefer Adament. Please choose one from me , the only one in stock are Sableye, Charmander and a nicknamed Vulpix, Phantump atm I'm currently unable to breed and the Machop is impossible with me only having a Female Guts Machops
Hey! I can trade now and I'll only like an Aerodactyl, I prefer Adament. Please choose one from me , the only one in stock are Sableye, Charmander and a nicknamed Vulpix, Phantump atm I'm currently unable to breed and the Machop is impossible with me only having a Female Guts Machops
Well the female charmender would be wonderful if you're willing to trade her,otherwise a female sabayle

ah alrighty, pm me when youre ready! :)

edit: how do you do that thing with like "fat ___" said?

I just use the reply button lol.
My Female Timid Drought Vulpix 31/x/31/31/31/31 for your Female Huge power marill ?

Thanks for the larvitar for kangs trade :)
Interested in adamant aerodactyl ctmt
From your thread I would be interested in either a female thick fat swinub(jolly if you can) or a female srappy whismur(modest).

cmt for female 5iv HA venipede and female 5iv HA mincino
also can i pwetty pwease get a free HA female fletching :3

How about all of them for a "Death"(personally I wouldn't like cloned pokémon but Mgengar is just way to stilish 0.o,I want him so much).
From your thread I would be interested in either a female thick fat swinub(jolly if you can) or a female srappy whismur(modest).

How about all of them for a "Death"(personally I wouldn't like cloned pokémon but Mgengar is just way to stilish 0.o,I want him so much).
what do you think is a good ratio for it? 5:1? since it is the ideal shiny afterall
what do you think is a good ratio for it? 5:1? since it is the ideal shiny afterall
Well it seems fair since he's(more than)awesome and has also a nice nick (but "Requiem" would have been much cooler)so list all the five you want for him(it will require some time, are 3/4 days ok for you?).
Well it seems fair since he's(more than)awesome and has also a nice nick (but "Requiem" would have been much cooler)so list all the five you want for him(it will require some time, are 3/4 days ok for you?).
ok, i would like, mincinno, shelder, gligar, aerodactyl and fletching( all female please)