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  • ʕ ͡° ᴥ ͡° ʔ where u at
    omg i love you too
    ive just heaps of schoolwork to catch up on
    feel free to start a pm convo /w me, i dont find myself on PS anymore until all my exams finish (which is like until next year roughly the same time)
    i can find like 2 mins to respond to pms and shit
    like per day
    can u fix your first accelgor set in the nu teambuilding thread? I see like no reasons to run a fourth coverage move when they are pretty niche, and that accelgor would prefer to set up spikes against these anyway (or encore), so no choice specs imo
    thanks for the tip!
    hello there good sir or madam do you have a minute to hear about our lord and savior, the axolotl
    Beating a Japanese person in a Wi-Fi Battle. The feeling is just overwhelming.
    Hi Fluze3
    I sent you a Friend Request for a Egg-Hatch.
    My FC is 4983-5289-1521
    I can give you a 4 IVs Froakie if you want something for this. c:

    Best Wishes
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