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CMT for bold male espurr

So many pokemon can interest me...can I tell you later which one I need so I can choose the exact pokemon I need?
Timid Litleo is the favourite one at the moment, but I still don't know if I need more female or male because I would like to breed one for Hidden Power so I have to check my parents or find another one ;)

Could I have you CMT for a Female Bunnelby?

Impish Furfrou please ;)
Give me just time to breed it ;)
I'll PM you when it is ready :) Can you nickname it right?
perfect 5iv bold magic guard solosis
perfect 5iv relaxed effect spore foongus 0 speed
perfect 5iv jolly swarm heracross
for the espurr?
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perfect 5iv bold magic guard solosis
perfect 5iv relaxed effect spore foongus 0 speed
perfect 5iv jolly swarm heracross
for the espurr?

Do you want the female to breed it or the male?
Because honestly there is nothing really interest on me, but if you want the female (I already nave in stock it), I can take one between foongos or solosis ;)

Let me know if the female is good for you and I let you know which one I'll take for it ;)
Do you want the female to breed it or the male?
Because honestly there is nothing really interest on me, but if you want the female (I already nave in stock it), I can take one between foongos or solosis ;)

Let me know if the female is good for you and I let you know which one I'll take for it ;)

Alright as long as it is a bold one. :)
Ability Flower Veil....but honestly it's not so important for it because I'll use it for single so...which one you want :D

If it is male can you tell me how is the stats of SpAtk? Because for SpAtk I need at least 30.
If not I prefer female spitback 31/x/x/31/31/31 and I'll breed it myself ;)

I already told you I can't do any 30s. Do you just want the female spitback then or something else? I have everything ready otherwise.
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I already told you I can't do any 30s. Do you just want the female spitback then or something else? I have everything ready otherwise.
I'll take the female spitback....which Iv they have so I take the better one for hp ice ;)

One is done....tomorrow I'll do the secon one the I'll pm you to trade ;)
I'll take the female spitback....which Iv they have so I take the better one for hp ice ;)

One is done....tomorrow I'll do the secon one the I'll pm you to trade ;)

I don't have any other spitbacks besides random males because I released them all. No box space before Pokebank :(

I checked with the Battle Institute and the IVs are the following:
female: Litleo - #667 (Timid) : 31 / 22 - 23 / 26 - 27 / 31 / 31 / 31

Is that ok?
I don't have any other spitbacks besides random males because I released them all. No box space before Pokebank :(

I checked with the Battle Institute and the IVs are the following:
female: Litleo - #667 (Timid) : 31 / 22 - 23 / 26 - 27 / 31 / 31 / 31

Is that ok?
is it perfect ;)

I'll pm you when ready to trade.

I have to do noibat and I'm ready.
Hope just today but I haven't so much time because of Christmas organization :)

Nothing really interest me, but someone that I can take there is (at least for Masuda method) so give me time to decide which one I'll take for Tyrunt.
(In these days I'm little busy for Christmas)
At the worse I'll take Vivilion 5IV ;)

CMT for female chespin ?

Sorry but nothing for the female Chespin....if you want it with "only" 4IV we can try to find a deal with Harvest Phantumb

CMT for Inkay and Clauncher? Would rather have the Clauncher if you only want one of mine

Mmmm I don't think nothing I need....maybe if you have had a Jolly female rough skin gible

CMT for bunnelby tho

Chespin adamant with spikes sounds good ;)
Give me time to breed it ;)

I'll add it to pending right?
It's cool, take your time. I understand that everyone is busy especially since it's Christmas Eve.

Ready to trade when you can ;)
PM me when we are both online ;)

Ready to trade when you want ;) Please can you nickname phantoumb careful as "Ent" please and give me one male if possible?

CMT for bunnelby tho

Bunnleby is ready, PM me when you want to trade Adamant Chespin :D
Please can you nickname it "Col.Quaritch"
Ready to trade when you can ;)
PM me when we are both online ;)

Ready to trade when you want ;) Please can you nickname phantoumb careful as "Ent" please and give me one male if possible?

Bunnleby is ready, PM me when you want to trade Adamant Chespin :D
Please can you nickname it "Col.Quaritch"
Alright, I'll add you and go online.
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