Resource ORAS OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers (Read the OP First!)

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what are good pokemon to build around a gardevior, mawile and venasaur or should i take some out
None if those pokemon are very good without their mega evolution so it probably isn't a good idea to have them all on the same team. I'd pick mega venusaur or mega mawile and build a team around one of those.
I have a Timid Eevee with 31/x/31/31/31/31 and I'm not sure what to evolve it into... Can someone help? My team consist of Mega Charizard X, Greninja, Aeglislash, Gliscor, and Snorlax. I'm thinking Jolteon, but I don't know a beneficial Moveset for it.
I have a Timid Eevee with 31/x/31/31/31/31 and I'm not sure what to evolve it into... Can someone help? My team consist of Mega Charizard X, Greninja, Aeglislash, Gliscor, and Snorlax. I'm thinking Jolteon, but I don't know a beneficial Moveset for it.

Well first of all that team is really weak to hazards. Espeon would at least let you bounce them, but it's nowhere nearly as reliable as a Spinner or Defogger. Espeon can also Dual Screen to make Charizard's life easier.

I would try to fit a Spinner or Defogger onto that team before anything else though. Charizard needs it.
Well first of all that team is really weak to hazards. Espeon would at least let you bounce them, but it's nowhere nearly as reliable as a Spinner or Defogger. Espeon can also Dual Screen to make Charizard's life easier.

I would try to fit a Spinner or Defogger onto that team before anything else though. Charizard needs it.

I usually lead with Charizard, but what do you have in mind? And I don't think this Eevee will get Magic Bounce when evolved :(
I usually lead with Charizard, but what do you have in mind? And I don't think this Eevee will get Magic Bounce when evolved :(

Talk about a bad idea. That's the first thing to learn, don't lead with your sweeper. Eliminate all its checks and counters first, then come out. Otherwise you will lose a lot.
Talk about a bad idea. That's the first thing to learn, don't lead with your sweeper. Eliminate all its checks and counters first, then come out. Otherwise you will lose a lot.
Okay.. But do you know a good defogger or spinner that would fit in this team? I might put taunt on Greninja and lead with it, stopping them from setting up.
Okay.. But do you know a good defogger or spinner that would fit in this team? I might put taunt on Greninja and lead with it, stopping them from setting up.

Hazard leads are a thing of the past now, and Greninja isn't even a good Taunter in the first place, because it can't force walls out or threaten to set up.

If this is in-game, then it's trickier to get good Defoggers. If you know how to RNG and have access to HeartGold and D/P/Pt, as well as a Gen 5 game (the latter two can be someone else's, HeartGold should be your own), try Latias over Snorlax. It can take special hits really well, and is one of the better Defoggers in the meta. Forretress can potentially be a good Spinner on your team, since you have plenty to take Fire-type moves. It also provides a slow Volt Switch for Charizard to come in for free. Excadrill deals with Rotom-W amazingly thanks to Mold Breaker, which is at the moment a large threat to your team.
I have a Timid Eevee with 31/x/31/31/31/31 and I'm not sure what to evolve it into... Can someone help? My team consist of Mega Charizard X, Greninja, Aeglislash, Gliscor, and Snorlax. I'm thinking Jolteon, but I don't know a beneficial Moveset for it.

Espeon is the obvious choice imo. Jolteon is terrible, and those are the only 2 Eeveelutions that would benefit from a Timid nature.
Can someone explain to me whether or not the Japanese movie Extremespeed Shiny Genesect had set IV's for all 6 of its stats? I read on bulbapedia that it had 31 in Attack and Speed, and it's always Hasty. But is it random in HP, Defense, Special Attack, and Special Defense?

I don't think there has ever been a Wondercard event with forced IVs, but you can check out this page to find out how to RNG abuse shiny Wondercards.
After a Garchomp started its outrage, it could still M-evolve in turn 2 of the Rage in PS!. Is this supposed to happen in the game also, or is this a bug?
I'm new here, and I'd like to know if there's a forum somewhere on this site devoted to teambuilding advice. Say I have a core of 3-4 Pokemon planned out, but need to find teammates to "fill in the gaps." Is there a forum where I can ask for suggestions for the remaining teammates?
I'm new here, and I'd like to know if there's a forum somewhere on this site devoted to teambuilding advice. Say I have a core of 3-4 Pokemon planned out, but need to find teammates to "fill in the gaps." Is there a forum where I can ask for suggestions for the remaining teammates?

This thread is for general questions like that. Ask away.

If you don't get the answer you need, just use whatever, make a full team, test it, see what threatens it, try to patch up the threats, etc. Once you have a full team you can post it in the RMT forum.
What rank do you have to be to vote in suspects?I wanna know because I want shit that needs to be banned banned.

You have to be at the top of the ladder. Very, very high and very hard to achieve.

Usually those players that are qualified to vote will vote to ban obviously broken things. Shaymin-S, for example, was unanimously banned from OU last Gen. It was Smogon's first ever unanimous ban vote.
Alright, if this thread can be used for teambuilding advice here goes nothing. I recently hatched a shiny Adamant 31/31/31/x/27/31 Beldum and I'm determined to make a viable team around it despite Metagross' nerfs this gen. My main core is Metagross and Hydreigon, who cover each other's weaknesses well, along with Rotom-W and Talonflame.

However, I'm not sure who to use in the final two slots. Most competitive teams need a hazard layer and a rapid spinner/defog user, but just about all users of Stealth Rock, Rapid Spin, and Defog have weaknesses that overlap with the rest of my team (for example, Excadrill, considered by many to be the best offensive spinner in the game, shares Metagross' weaknesses to Ground and Fire and Hydreigon's weakness to Fighting). Also, this for battling on a cart, so I need Pokemon that are available in Pokemon X and Y without Pokebank. Any suggestions for how to finish this team?
Alright, if this thread can be used for teambuilding advice here goes nothing. I recently hatched a shiny Adamant 31/31/31/x/27/31 Beldum and I'm determined to make a viable team around it despite Metagross' nerfs this gen. My main core is Metagross and Hydreigon, who cover each other's weaknesses well, along with Rotom-W and Talonflame.

However, I'm not sure who to use in the final two slots. Most competitive teams need a hazard layer and a rapid spinner/defog user, but just about all users of Stealth Rock, Rapid Spin, and Defog have weaknesses that overlap with the rest of my team (for example, Excadrill, considered by many to be the best offensive spinner in the game, shares Metagross' weaknesses to Ground and Fire and Hydreigon's weakness to Fighting). Also, this for battling on a cart, so I need Pokemon that are available in Pokemon X and Y without Pokebank. Any suggestions for how to finish this team?

First, might I have some of your breeding luck? lol.

Tyranitar is an amazing special tank, and has Stealth Rock as an Egg move to boot. It can rely on Talonflame to take Fighting-type moves (though not repeatedly) and Hydreigon for Earthquakes, and can take on just about any special attacker one-on-one and win. Gengar's Focus Blast 2HKOes. Dazzling Gleams do nothing to it. Heatran's Earth Power does nothing. Right now, it doesn't look like your team can take many special hits, so it's a good addition.

Mandibuzz is an amazing Defogger and wall in general. Its Knock Off also disrupts teams. Mandibuzz can outstall stuff like Tyranitar's uninvested Stone Edge, so it's a good wall for your team. It can be EVed to be a special wall, as Rotom-W has the physical part somewhat covered.

It would really help to test your team on PS first before trying to breed it though. Also, it would help the rest of us if you told us what kind of sets you were planning to run.
For my Metagross I run an Assault Vest set with Zen Headbutt, Meteor Mash, Bullet Punch, and Earthquake. My Hydreigon is Modest and runs Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, and U-Turn (U-Turn is used for momentum rather than damage), but for its item I can't decide whether to run a Choice Scarf to help its speed or a Life Orb to let it switch moves.

My Rotom-W is Modest and is mostly EV'd in HP and Speed (with 56 Special Attack EVs) and runs Volt Switch, Hydro Pump, Will-O-Wisp and Thunderbolt (I couldn't be bothered to breed one with a good Hidden Power) while holding Leftovers. My Talonflame holds a Sharp Beak and runs Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, and U-Turn, pretty standard, but the fourth move is Tailwind instead of something like Swords Dance or Roost to give my team a quick speed boost if it's about to faint.

I actually have a Mandibuzz I bred, and I like the sound of Tyranitar, but I'm wary of putting too many Dark types on a team that already has Hydreigon. What about Mega-Blastoise instead of Mandibuzz? I don't have a Mega on my team, and Blastoise could remove hazards with Rapid Spin while defeating most spin blockers with Dark Pulse. My team would be a little weak to Grass types with Rotom, Blastoise, and Tyrannitar, but Grass isn't that common and the rest of the team resists it.
For my Metagross I run an Assault Vest set with Zen Headbutt, Meteor Mash, Bullet Punch, and Earthquake. My Hydreigon is Modest and runs Draco Meteor, Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, and U-Turn (U-Turn is used for momentum rather than damage), but for its item I can't decide whether to run a Choice Scarf to help its speed or a Life Orb to let it switch moves.

My Rotom-W is Modest and is mostly EV'd in HP and Speed (with 56 Special Attack EVs) and runs Volt Switch, Hydro Pump, Will-O-Wisp and Thunderbolt (I couldn't be bothered to breed one with a good Hidden Power) while holding Leftovers. My Talonflame holds a Sharp Beak and runs Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, and U-Turn, pretty standard, but the fourth move is Tailwind instead of something like Swords Dance or Roost to give my team a quick speed boost if it's about to faint.

I actually have a Mandibuzz I bred, and I like the sound of Tyranitar, but I'm wary of putting too many Dark types on a team that already has Hydreigon. What about Mega-Blastoise instead of Mandibuzz? I don't have a Mega on my team, and Blastoise could remove hazards with Rapid Spin while defeating most spin blockers with Dark Pulse. My team would be a little weak to Grass types with Rotom, Blastoise, and Tyrannitar, but Grass isn't that common and the rest of the team resists it.

Well Mandibuzz can take most physical Fighting-type moves, and Tyranitar can beat common Focus Blast users one-on-one easily. Mega Blastoise could work too, as a Spinner, but it can't be taking repeated hits and will be worn down due to absolutely zero recovery. Running a Wisher, such as Sylveon, can help Mega Blastoise, and can patch up the Fighting weakness reasonably well. Togekiss can use Wish too and 4x resists Fighting to boot.

You also don't have to run a Mega. If a team works for you without Megas, keep using it.
What are some good additions to a team core of Dragonite, Magnezone and Mega Charizard Y? Take notice that my magnezone is a sub attacker modest set with enough speed evs to outspeed 0 investment rotom-a and thus does not have volt switch (but I could change that). I've tried adding both physical and special walls in ferrothorn and jellicent (physical and special, respectively). I've tried both Excadrill and Starmie as spinners and the latter has produced much better results despite often having sun up (heatran is a big problem for me). I'm hesitant to add lati@s as a defogger because I aim to replicate the team in-game, but I'd really appreciate any suggestions. I've tried several combinations of pokemon that have good typing synergy but I've really hit a wall here. I peaked at 1900 on PS! and haven't made any real progress past that.

Additionally, I've been running Choice Banded Infernape to take further advantage of the sun and act as a decent revenge killer and like it a lot but I'm having some trouble with water type attacks. Especially from (namely non-banded) Azumarill and greninja/ fast pokemon with water moves.

Edit: Considering Blissey as a special wall with Physically defensive jellicent. Not sure yet.
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What would be a good sixth pokemon for a team consisting of Mawile, Mandibuzz, Gastrodon, Gourgeist, and Rotom-Heat? I was thinking of a cleric, a phazer, or maybe something with U-Turn and/or Stealth Rock, but something like a good Landorous would be too difficult for me to obtain (which is why I am using Rotom-Heat instead of Heatran).

And just to clarify, good legendaries are difficult for me to acquire, but most everything else is fair game.

Also, any basic suggestions for the team? I pretty much want to try and make it as complete as I can before posting a RMT. Please and thank you.

Any suggestions?
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