Smogon Premier League V - Week 2

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Listen randy knows there is no excuse for losing to timeout, it's the most embarrassing way to lose, regardless of what my players are saying. With that said people need to shut the fuck up. Ya it's funny to say r lost to timeout because he was being ghosted but everyone knows that isn't true and he was just thinking out his turns while spectators spam the shit out of the chat so he didn't see a notification. The point being, this ultimately falls on randy. However with that said, youngjake needs to stop pretending like he's an honorable strong player. If you think you had the win and you don't want to win cheaply then keep playing. Just admit you are using a technicality to get a win for your team and leave it at that.
[21:00] <youngjake93> I would have won anyway, but I took my easiest option

No one's saying Randy just "won" but he sure as fuck didn't just roll over and lose like you're suggesting. He had plays, which he was in the process of making when the time ran out. And if you were confident you beat him, then just play. As R_Inanimate said, enjoy your "win."

There's a reason I (and I would have hoped, most people) only turn on timer when you're opponent's taking fucking forever. Losing by timeout when you're taking a reasonable amount of time per move in a format that requires you to consider more variables than in Singles and physically take more time to make your move (making the move for both Pokemon takes more time, and hitting cancel on the second Pokemon requires you to reselect for both Pokemon) just seems really wrong to me.
Despite the fact that this is coming from the same (BAN ME PLEASE) who turned on timer as soon as i told him i was playin on my ipad, this pretty much sums up the situation for niggas defending yungdrake. remember jasonpwn's timer incident last spl? yall werent as forgiving back then! be consistent at least.
Impartial as the lord.
Despite the fact that this is coming from the same (BAN ME PLEASE) who turned on timer as soon as i told him i was playin on my ipad, this pretty much sums up the situation for niggas defending yungdrake. remember jasonpwn's timer incident last spl? yall werent as forgiving back then! be consistent at least.
Impartial as the lord.

they were the captain's orders :(
Lost to Joim gg
For a more detailed analyses of the matches, including big chokes, visit doubles forum, guaranteed 100% friendlier amd 100% boring!
If you need an even more detailed analysis of the match, message me and I'll be glad to tell you how I couldn't lose.
Sorry, players that want to learn the meta would rather read a comprehensive text than a "omg I'm best ur retard". Also, you're forgetting that you would have a half health and maybe burned Bisharp and that my other move of choice on Jirachi was Trick Room, effectively paralysing skymin with Jirachi, KOing Bisharp with toed (sucker punch wouldn't kill) and then still having full health Manaphy and Thundurus. I just choked, I didn't need Politoed and the safest move was Scald, I just didn't play to my set's full power, instead I was thinking like a ladder match.

I played worse because I choked, that's true. But not only you could lose, you were going to lose, I lost all this by myself, so calm down and enjoy giving a win to your team with any sportmanship you may have somewhere around.
I felt the need to say this: Blingas is a massive disrespectful cunt. Thank you for your time.

Good thing you took time out of your busy, SPL-filled schedule to make the post that you made. It's really eye-opening to me to see the perspective of a credible Smogon user to see how much disrespect Tanner displayed toward Joim. I mean, if you didn't post, I probably would have thought Tanner was a kind, non-disrespectful type of person. But now I know, Tanner is a massive disrespecting cunt, with your help, of course!

Let's shift gears here and talk about some other disrespecting members of the Smogon community.


As you can see in the yellow highlighted text, user: ogasian uses a derogatory term to describe the African American population, or blacks, of the United States. As a black American individual, I'd say this is much more offensive / disrespectful than what Tanner's nicknames for his battle were. My other black brethren would agree with me on this. CTI (Celebi Trainer Ice) is a black user. I'm pretty sure he's sleeping at the time I'm typing this post. If he saw this, I'm pretty sure he'd be just as offended as me, if not more. The word "(BAN ME PLEASE)" is disrespecting to me and millions and millions of people worldwide. Having seen this statement, I have become more negative about the world and its inhabitants. Tanner's statement was offensive to one, maybe two people. Yours? You offended the whole African race. I hope you're happy that a large chunk of the world now hates you.

Thanks for understanding.
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