Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 33 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

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tepig with sucker punch em, iron fist thunder punch and fire punch em chimchar, mudkip with avalanche ancient power mirror coat and curse em

make me some offers :)
I'm looking for a Deino with Earth Power (still an egg move in gen VI but needs past gen move tutor).
If you want I can trade some cool stuff like Sucker Punch + Superpower Tepig, Iron Fist + Fire/Thunder Punch Chimchar, female Gourgeist-Super on a Luxury Ball, hexaflawless male or female Amaura with four egg moves, 4IV31 Ditto (or a 2IV Shiny one) (none of them has Imposter), Adaptability Corphish with Aqua Jet and Switcheroo, Pokérus, Mega Stones available in Pokémon X (except the one for Mewtwo because I didn't catch it yet), and more. All of my Pokémon to trade are French.

Here my Friend Code: 4356-0986-3540. Thanks!
I'm looking for a Deino with Earth Power (still an egg mov e in gen VI but needs past gen move tutor).
If you want I can trade some cool stuff like Sucker Punch + Superpower Tepig, Iron Fist + Fire/Thunder Punch Chimchar, female Gourgeist-Super on a Luxury Ball, hexaflawless male or female Amaura with four egg moves, 4IV31 Ditto (or a 2IV Shiny one) (none of them has Imposter), Adaptability Corphish with Aqua Jet and Switcheroo, Pokérus, Mega Stones available in Pokémon X (except the one for Mewtwo because I didn't catch it yet), and more. All of my Pokémon to trade are French.

Here my Friend Code: 4356-0986-3540. Thanks!
I've got Modest Earth Power Deino, if you breed me a 5IV female Aqua Jet Corphish, I can trade you a 5IV Deino for it. Otherwise we can just do spitbacks.
OK so I finally got my hidden power ice litwick so... Hm.
So now it would be nice if that Storm Drain lileep could be my next project... I wonder where that guy who said he was breeding those things today went.
I'm looking for a Deino with Earth Power (still an egg move in gen VI but needs past gen move tutor).
If you want I can trade some cool stuff like Sucker Punch + Superpower Tepig, Iron Fist + Fire/Thunder Punch Chimchar, female Gourgeist-Super on a Luxury Ball, hexaflawless male or female Amaura with four egg moves, 4IV31 Ditto (or a 2IV Shiny one) (none of them has Imposter), Adaptability Corphish with Aqua Jet and Switcheroo, Pokérus, Mega Stones available in Pokémon X (except the one for Mewtwo because I didn't catch it yet), and more. All of my Pokémon to trade are French.

Here my Friend Code: 4356-0986-3540. Thanks!
I am interested in the tepig and gourgeist. I see some already have offered a Deino, but would love to trade anything i can breed for them. Got a 5iv gastly (not sure if disable), 5iv gligar w/ bp, agility, night slash and poison jab, female Nidoran, marill and jolly larvitar with 4 egg moves. I also got a 6iv male modest clauncher+ any spitback i could trade for both of them
willyboy1357: ok, I'm trying to get this 5IV31 Corphish. I'll tell you once I get it!

Fierza: I am interested in Gligar and Clauncher. Tepig is ready to be traded but miss HP IV31, I hope that's not a big deal, but I'll have to breed another Pumpkaboo. Once I get it I tell you!
willyboy1357: ok, I'm trying to get this 5IV31 Corphish. I'll tell you once I get it!

Fierza: I am interested in Gligar and Clauncher. Tepig is ready to be traded but miss HP IV31, I hope that's not a big deal, but I'll have to breed another Pumpkaboo. Once I get it I tell you!
I can do gligar+ a 4-5 IV spitback clauncher for them, unless you want to do the 6 one and a spitback i got available for them (like Timid houndoor in lux ball, beat up+ Sucker Punch+pursuit+destiny bond as egg moves, missing spatk
Offering 31/x/31/31/31/31 frisk noibats both male and female

Looking for, really any competitive 5 iv pokemon I don't have
In particular a bold 31/x/31/31/31/31 spritzee with Aroma veil (0 speed is fine as well)
Flame Body isn't a bad ability >.> It shits on Porygon2 if that's relevant to you.
How does flame body shit on porygon2 if it's a SPECIAL ATTACKER? (well it isn't completely a special attacker as it does a lot more than that but I digress) Regardless, I need flash fire on it because the fire/will-o-wisp immunity is extremely helpful for my team (I'm running mega abomasnow some times so I have a pretty effective lure XD)
Got some 5IV Careful Pursuit + Stealth Rock Larvitars! The missing IV is either in HP or one of the Defenses, gomen.

Got 5IV Quiet Giga Drain + Leaf Storm Bulbasaurs too. I'd like 5IV Pokemon for these and the 'Tars.

Lots and lots of 3-4 IV Adamant Huge Power Aqua Jet Marills, 3 IV Naive Sand Veil/Rough Skin Gibles (only males left), 3 IV Naughty Justified Play Rough Absols, and a handful of 3 IV Relaxed Leech Seed + Spikes Ferroseeds.

Oh, and I can breed Hasty Protean Toxic Spikes Froakies.

I'd like:
  • 3-4-5 IV Naive Iron Fist Thunderpunch Chimchars (preferably female)
  • 3-4-5 IV Ditto (preferably Naive)
  • Leftovers
  • Life Orbs
  • other cool stuff, feel free to offer
I'm willing to trade more than one Pokemon for what I'm looking for. Basically, dump your spitbacks all over my face and chest.

1000th post, woot :v
I have a lot of them so I'm going to check real quick which ones have 0 speed. Hope you don't mind :]
Hey, if you have any more of those would Zubat (have perfect Special Spread), Scraggy, Magikarp, Chimchar, Rotom, Horsea (have one with perfect physical spread but is modest), Drilbur, or Gastly spitbacks interest you?

Also FT I have a 5IV level 12 Timid Lucario with Pokerus that has max SpA EV's that I don't need.
Squirtle with Dragon Pulse & Aura Sphere or Clawitzer with those moves so I can breed it.
Timid Bagon for Intimidate Salamence
Calm Rotom

Just a simple trade, thank-you.
How does flame body shit on porygon2 if it's a SPECIAL ATTACKER? (well it isn't completely a special attacker as it does a lot more than that but I digress) Regardless, I need flash fire on it because the fire/will-o-wisp immunity is extremely helpful for my team (I'm running mega abomasnow some times so I have a pretty effective lure XD)
Perhaps I should have been a bit more specific. It shits on Porygon2 with Trace, who would otherwise hard-counter Chandelure (traces your Flash Fire, becomes immune to your STABs, doesn't take shit from Hidden Power Fighting, etc.).
Hey, if you have any more of those would Zubat (have perfect Special Spread), Scraggy, Magikarp, Chimchar, Rotom, Horsea (have one with perfect physical spread but is modest), Drilbur, or Gastly spitbacks interest you?

Also FT I have a 5IV level 12 Timid Lucario with Pokerus that has max SpA EV's that I don't need.
Does Scraggy have any egg moves? If not, I'll just give you a Honedge for free.
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