Mt.Myoboku Trade Thread

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I have tons of BP and a houndoomite.Can I do BP items for an immunity gligar and maybe BP items and houndoomite for a pinsir and pinsirite too?I can do one of any,but if you can't do the pinsir and pinsirite,I'll prefer the gligar.
I have tons of BP and a houndoomite.Can I do BP items for an immunity gligar and maybe BP items and houndoomite for a pinsir and pinsirite too?I can do one of any,but if you can't do the pinsir and pinsirite,I'll prefer the gligar.

Pretty much stocked on bp items for the moment, but I may potenitally be interested in trading a couple pokes for the Hoondoomite.
Got a 6 IV Female Marvel Scale Jolly Dratini with Extreme Speed and Dragon Dance. Interested in that Genesect. Anything we can work out?
Wasn't sure if you wanted me to comment here or send you a PM, but would you be willing to breed a perfect female Chimchar for my Carvanha? Or is that asking for too much?
Wasn't sure if you wanted me to comment here or send you a PM, but would you be willing to breed a perfect female Chimchar for my Carvanha? Or is that asking for too much?

Ive bred a lot today, and Im starting to burn out so I'd def prefer to just swap flawless males.
@ Imposter - 31/31/31/31/31/31
Level: 100
Moves: Transform
Shiny? No

Could you cmt for a clone
@ Imposter - 31/31/31/31/31/31
Level: 100
Moves: Transform
Shiny? No
Could you cmt for a clone

Would I be allowed to redistribute it? I don't mind if you do the same. We should all help each other out around here. Do Kyurem fusions take on Kyurems nature or Resh/Zek's nature? I want to make a Kyruem-B, but I'm pretty sure they take on Kyru's nature+stats. If thats the case and you don't mind redis then I'll go with the Timid HP Ice Zapdos instead.
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