Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 35 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Need some quick advice. I'm planning on running Pyroar. Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, and Hyper Voice. Not sure on what to run last. Considering Swagger, as well as Substitute. If anyone has run a Pyroar I'd appreciate the advice. I considered Solar Beam, but I don't need him for my sun team. Or should I run SB+herb?
Would anyone be interested in these 5 IV females?
  • Love Ball Ralts: Timid [Trace or Synchronize], 31/xx/31/31/31/31 | Egg moves: Encore, Shadow Sneak, Destiny Bond, Disable (Also available in Moon Ball)
  • Moon Ball Gastly: Timid [Levitate], 31/xx/31/31/31/31 | Egg moves: Perish Song, Clear Smog, Disable, and Smog

What do you want for them? *o* I want them both!
which is why he said pokebank it was a bw2 move tutor
Yes I got a 6iv knock off pawniard from bank over to my y version, but if I gave it to him he couldn't use it to breed one with knock off himself. Thats how I understood that post.
Need some quick advice. I'm planning on running Pyroar. Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, and Hyper Voice. Not sure on what to run last. Considering Swagger, as well as Substitute. If anyone has run a Pyroar I'd appreciate the advice. I considered Solar Beam, but I don't need him for my sun team. Or should I run SB+herb?
use fire blast/hyper voice/taunt/drk pulse or substitute
Got a Adamant Entei 31/31/31/31/31/31 It doesn't have extreme speed

Any moves I could give him besides Sacred Fire?
So now europe has pokebank aswell... Must be nice ._. Sigh anyway. Trading a marvel scale dratini with egg moves ivs 31/31/31/x/31/31 for a impish sturdy skarmory 5iv if anyone has one.
Looking for the following female Pokémon in Dream Ball with hidden abilities: Koffing, Sandshrew, Roselia, Snorlax, Abra and Sableye. I also want others, but those are the ones I want the most.


FT: Male 5IV Jolly Blaze Charmanders with Outrage, Dragon Dance, and Flare Blitz
Male 5IV Jolly Infiltrator Zubat with Brave Bird and Defog
(2)Female 5IV Adamant Adaptability Corphish with Knock Off, Dragon Dance, Superpower, and Aqua Jet
NEW SHINY 5IV Timid Drizzle Kyogre
NEW SHINY 4IV(Missing S.ATK and ATK) Modest Goomy

LF: (all need 5IVs in their respective traits)
Jolly/Adamant Pinsir with Moxie and Quick attack/Close Combat egg moves
Jolly Shellder with Skill Link and Rock Blast egg move
Nidoran with Hustle (male)
Relaxed Bronzor with Levitate
Bold Lileep with Storm Drain and recover and stealth rock egg moves

Competitive trade offers are also welcome :)
FT: Male 5IV Jolly Blaze Charmanders with Outrage, Dragon Dance, and Flare Blitz
Male 5IV Jolly Infiltrator Zubat with Brave Bird and Defog
(2)Female 5IV Adamant Adaptability Corphish with Knock Off, Dragon Dance, Superpower, and Aqua Jet
NEW SHINY 5IV Timid Drizzle Kyogre
NEW SHINY 4IV(Missing S.ATK and ATK) Modest Goomy

LF: (all need 5IVs in their respective traits)
Jolly/Adamant Pinsir with Moxie and Quick attack/Close Combat egg moves
Jolly Shellder with Skill Link and Rock Blast egg move
Nidoran with Hustle (male)
Relaxed Bronzor with Levitate
Bold Lileep with Storm Drain and recover and stealth rock egg moves

Competitive trade offers are also welcome :)
What is the spatk IV of that shiny goomy?

Edit: I can breed the Lileep, Shellder and Pinsir, though I have no easy breeding bold Lileep yet.
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FT: Male 5IV Jolly Blaze Charmanders with Outrage, Dragon Dance, and Flare Blitz
Male 5IV Jolly Infiltrator Zubat with Brave Bird and Defog
(2)Female 5IV Adamant Adaptability Corphish with Knock Off, Dragon Dance, Superpower, and Aqua Jet
NEW SHINY 5IV Timid Drizzle Kyogre
NEW SHINY 4IV(Missing S.ATK and ATK) Modest Goomy

LF: (all need 5IVs in their respective traits)
Jolly/Adamant Pinsir with Moxie and Quick attack/Close Combat egg moves
Jolly Shellder with Skill Link and Rock Blast egg move
Nidoran with Hustle (male)
Relaxed Bronzor with Levitate
Bold Lileep with Storm Drain and recover and stealth rock egg moves

Competitive trade offers are also welcome :)
I might consider trading heatran for the Kyogre if i can get a clone of it (its shiny)
FT: Male 5IV Jolly Blaze Charmanders with Outrage, Dragon Dance, and Flare Blitz
Male 5IV Jolly Infiltrator Zubat with Brave Bird and Defog
(2)Female 5IV Adamant Adaptability Corphish with Knock Off, Dragon Dance, Superpower, and Aqua Jet
NEW SHINY 5IV Timid Drizzle Kyogre
NEW SHINY 4IV(Missing S.ATK and ATK) Modest Goomy

LF: (all need 5IVs in their respective traits)
Jolly/Adamant Pinsir with Moxie and Quick attack/Close Combat egg moves
Jolly Shellder with Skill Link and Rock Blast egg move
Nidoran with Hustle (male)
Relaxed Bronzor with Levitate
Bold Lileep with Storm Drain and recover and stealth rock egg moves

Competitive trade offers are also welcome :)
offering 6iv ghastly with disable and 6iv mudkip with 4 egg moves for kyogre!if not i can give 1 of these and another spitback from my thread for goomy!oh if u want these 2 take anything else u want from my thread for kyogre!
Trying this again since, I can't seemingly even give these away:

Looking to give away some 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly Storm Throw Pancham, as I am [unsuccessfully] trying to MM a Shiny one for my girlfriend (she really likes Pandas) and I am sick and tired of looking at the things.

I have kept a few of them (and have been releasing the rest without even checking). There are seven female of varying abilities (1 Iron Fist, the rest Scrappy) and two male (iron fist and mold breaker); all regular pokeball. So shoot me a PM if you are interested and I'll take a break to send it over. If demand is higher than what I have, I assure you I can just keep saving more of them. Most I ask is that you give me something random that I don't have on my national dex.

In addition to that there is one 31/31/31/31/31/31 male pancham, up for grabs as well. Good for breeding I guess.

That being said, if anyone has a nickname-able shiny pancham and wants to relieve me from this nonsense please let me know and we can try to set up a deal, although to be fair I don't have a competitive shiny to offer in return as I would never take this much time for my own pokemon and have a new found appreciation for how much a pain this is.
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I can breed you one real quick but it may not have any ivs/ be the right nature (as I dont even know what nature torterra run)

edit:fun fact torterra auto corrects to torturer

FINALLY! Someone answered my pleas! I don't care about IVs or nature; I just want it to have its Hidden Ability! D:
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