Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 35 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Ive got a box filled with Cyndaquil spitbacks most have 4-5 IVs ill give them away but ya know if you want to pass along a 4-5 IV spit of your own that would be fine too :)
I just need to clone one Pokémon. What do you want in return? D:
Well, I noticed you have a natu with a magic bounce. If you can make it calm/bold/timid (preference in that order) female if it still can breed down the dream ball, male if it cannot breed it down, with at least 4 Ivs, than that would be good :D
Well, I noticed you have a natu with a magic bounce. If you can make it calm/bold/timid (preference in that order) female if it still can breed down the dream ball, male if it cannot breed it down, with at least 4 Ivs, than that would be good :D

Alright, but you'll have to give me some time to breed it. I might be able to get it Calm. Oh, and it WILL come on a Dream Ball.
FT: (2)Male 5IV Jolly Blaze Charmanders with Outrage, Dragon Dance, and Flare Blitz
Female 5IV Adamant Adaptability Corphish with Knock Off, Dragon Dance, Superpower, and Aqua Jet
Male 5IV Adamant Tyrunt with Ice Fang and Dragon Dance
NEW 6 (3)male (3)female 5IV Jolly Pure Power Meditite with Bullet Punch, Thunder Punch, Drain Punch, and Psycho Cut egg moves
NEW 2 (1)Female (1)male 5IV Jolly Thick Fat Swinub with Stealth Rock and Icicle Crash egg moves
Marowak (legit) non-competitive

LF: (all need 5IVs in their respective traits)
Relaxed Levitate Bronzor
Bold Storm Drain Lileep with recover and stealth rock egg moves
Calm Prankster Sableye with Recover egg move
Impish Hippopotas with Slack Off egg move
NEW Bold Koffing with Toxic Spikes and Pain Split (Destiny bond optional) egg moves
NEW Jolly Archen (defog egg move optional)
NEW Adamant Battle Armor Anorith with Aqua Jet and Rapid Spin egg moves
NEW Jolly Reckless Starly with Double Edge egg move

Competitive trade offers are also welcome :)
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