Asche's Trade Thread! Gen 7, HP Fire Popplio and Alolan Vulpix!

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Iwould like a
Impish - Torrent
Egg Moves:
Mirror Coat

sounds good to me, however your gonna have to deal with the fact that it will be female, cause that is all I have at the moment, and I don't feel like breeding more :p

You free to trade right now?
sounds good to me, however your gonna have to deal with the fact that it will be female, cause that is all I have at the moment, and I don't feel like breeding more :p

You free to trade right now?
even better! and yep, adding you and going online!!
oh one more thing, do you want blaze or solar power? right now I have both :3
CMT for:

Ability: Guts
Nature: Adamant
Egg Moves: Stealth Rock, Pursuit, Dragon Dance, Outrage
CMT for:

Ability: Guts
Nature: Adamant
Egg Moves: Stealth Rock, Pursuit, Dragon Dance, Outrage
hey! I would like your Croagunk, Adamant, Dry Skin, 31/31/31/xx/31/31 (Drain Punch, Fake Out)
right now I have a female larvitar in stock
How about a shiny Venomoth for a
Ability: Solar Power/Blaze
Nature: Modest/Timid
Egg Moves: Air Cutter, Ancient Power, Dragon Pulse
Preferably in a Premier ball.
I would love a Clone of your Shiny

Timid Protean
Lev: 100
EVs: SpA 252 Spe 252 HP 4

I can give you both for it, if you can give me a copy of the Zygarde, right now I cant clone :(
Ok but I can clone from wednesday coz tomorrow I'm really busy with work and meeting. If you can wait we can trade that day
Perfect. I can trade now if you'd like?
Sure! adding you now!

How about a shiny Venomoth for a
Ability: Solar Power/Blaze
Nature: Modest/Timid
Egg Moves: Air Cutter, Ancient Power, Dragon Pulse
Preferably in a Premier ball.

All right, I have 2 blazes instock, both on premier balls

Ok but I can clone from wednesday coz tomorrow I'm really busy with work and meeting. If you can wait we can trade that day
Sounds Good! :3
I can offer
Ralts 5 IVs except Atk Synchronize/Trace, Timid with Confuse Ray and Destiny Bond
Or a Shinx 5IVs except Spatk intimidate jolly with Fire and ice fang
For your Noibat
Plz let me know thnx!
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