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  • Hey I won't be around for a couple hours just lmk if you're around tonight...and yeah bred it myself from a random 30 speed i got in breeding and an hp grass sucked lol
    sure man, I'll let you know if I can get online tonight
    how do you even get that much bp I have less then 100 and it took ages
    well with my current team I can get into the 35 - 45 battle in super singles quite easily :P I lead with my naive ash-greninja, mega salamence and toxapex, give it a try man, it works great
    lol battle tree I never get far always things happening like 10 flinches in a row 5 crits in a row etc NEVER in my favour though:(
    Hey there. I have Adamant Love Ball Bounsweets and special flawless Popplio. I also have a couple softresetted ultra beasts (namely Rash Hidden Power Electric and Ground Pheromosa), but I would need to get them cloned first. I'm sorry I don't have more--I would be willing to trade spit backs for any spit backs you may have.

    The Hidden Power Fire Popplio and HA Beast Ball Gible are what I deff need.
    I will shoot you a message once I get it. My friend does, I just need to get 1500 FC to buy it off.
    I am in the process of breeding them now. I should have them ready in the next 20 minutes.

    0447-6386-2971 IGN TyVip, Mii name is Thuany

    They are ready. Thanks to you, I got a shiny sandygast too \o/
    Nothing at all, deposit something on the GTS and ask for a nidoran female from lv 11 to 20.
    done! I placed a lv10 male Kabuto, the message is Asche.
    thanks a lot man, and sorry for the late responses :S
    Oh hey, the Excadrill is on my X cart if you want to trade. Also I caught the Latios, I just need to teach it Defog and transfer it over and we'll be set.
    Do you still have this charmander?

    Ability: Solar Power/Blaze
    Nature: Modest/Timid
    Egg Moves: Air Cutter, Ancient Power, Dragon Pulse

    I can offer any of this :)
    * Shiny charmander 4 IVs, Jolly with Outrage and Fire Blitz
    * Legendary Pokemon
    * Other 5IVs pokemon
    Hey, I could get you that 0/0/0/0/0/0 ditto if you still need it, I found a spread that I could RNG abuse.
    once thank you very much! oh man, if you ever need a gen 6 poke from my thread feel free to ask mef or it, you dont need to give me anything for it all right?
    Thanks man! I appreciate it! I'll let you know if/when I get a Timid Kyurem if you're still looking for it. Lucky for me I never caught it on my black or black 2 cart.
    all right man! thanks :3
    Hey, I'll be on for a little bit but I'm not feeling great so it may only be for a little while. Let me know if you want to trade.
    HEY Man, I can trade now if you like
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