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  • Fluke
    Oh haha, I thought you were Dutch. In Dutch 'wow gek' means something like 'wow, dude', so that's why I liked it.

    And thanks, I'm fine. Been playing a bit of Pokémon Moon lately and I have to say that I quite like it. How about you?
    I am dutch lol wow stands for world of warcraft gek you clearly already know:P

    yeah sun and moon where pretty good but I hate the fact they removed the national pokedex and that the region is so small.

    worst of all I hate hypertraining but the rest im pretty happy about for the most part even thoug team skull sucks they are funny but not dangerous at all and they have verry little plot relevance.

    knowing myself I get bored of the games at some point though and then i go back to gaming on my vita I love that system so much:)
    I understand what you mean, I also hate Hyper Training.

    It's been a long time since I've used my PSP. I remember I loved Locoroco and Naruto, hehe. Even though you may get bored, I hope to keep seeing you around :)
    I'm sorry about your're bad luck. How about this: You give me your FC, and I can trade it personally to you.
    my fc is already in my sig I ad dyou as well I should be around for almost an hour then afk for a little while and then online for another hur at least
    Thanks for the offer to help. I was already in a conversation with someone and didn't see your message until now. Thanks though.
    Nice and thanks for catching one. Do you have a Bold Porygon (spitback) already? If not I can give a 31/31/31/31/pretty good/31 spitback.
    sending you a trade now. Something wierd happen the first time. I accepted the trade but it didnt send me to the trade screen
    np good luck with it
    thanks for the trade, the tynamo has good ivs and 0 speed iirc
    thanks il doubt il use it though I dont like trick room so:P
    About what you said. It has nothing to do with "who you are", but if you don't understand what anyone is trying to tell you then you can sit there and wallow about it for the rest of your life :/

    You should probably read up on what a "defeatist mentality" actually is, so you can understand how hindering it is.
    I know what it is but if youre 25 years old and never have luck there will be a point where you know it wil never change and you have to accept it.

    I did that years ago for some people everything goes great for others everything goes bad no matter how hard you try.

    there is no wya around it and at a certain point in life you have to accept it
    My FC is 2638.1437.4651. I'll add you when I can. I'll be going online in 6 hours or so. I'll try to contact you using the shitty 3DS browser. Once again, thank you!
    i dont know its not my connection
    THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :D In return, I've given you a shitty 4IV spitback Pawniard with pokerus if it means anything...
    lol thanks:P enjoy darkrai
    i need a nest ball female cottonee, i have white2 but can only obtain petilil.
    cool but you dont have to:)
    Lol its okay :)
    Its been gaining dust in my box, & when I was breeding for a 6IV Ambipom I got 2 in 1 batch. So i needed to get rid of it. Been looking for a cottonee for a long time, Anyways Thanks!!!
    Sorry if this seems a bit random, but I see that you've been asking about cybergen. From my understanding, it is basically pokegen for 6th gen. It is superior to powersaves because I believe powersaves cannot modify IVs, where as Cybergen (also known as cyber gadget I think) can. Don't know if that's all the info, but pretty much 6th gen pokegen at least imo.
    lol still unless you get 31 31 31 31 31 31 there wil always be a better one somewhere
    Well, I guess if I was to catch the best one, then someone else got 6 IV, then it would be the best. Right now the Best KB naive mewtwo is 31/28/31/28/31/31. Hoping for better than that, and 6iv would be icing on the cake :].
    lol still I think that some pokemon will never be around and thats fine as well still the focus on ivs etc has downsides as well because if we couldnt found them out at all for example battles would involve more tacttics because the opponet might have more speed but then you wouldnt know:P
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