Beware of the Woodland Critters (HP Ice Defog Moltres, shiny DEFOG Scizor w/ tutor moves)

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I have Icy Snow and High Plains. I have a male Icy Snow in stock now, will have to breed for the High Plains one. What is your native pattern? I'm thinking HP Ice Mienfoo and flawless whatever your native pattern is, if it's not a pattern I like then Houndour.

No thanks.

No thanks.

So two butterflies for a hp ice mienfoo ? I have high plains pattern ( california) .
CMT for the Male HA Espurr :) Although I only have 2 things to offer... 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly Sand Veil Gible in Premier Ball and 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Speed Boost Torchic with Baton Pass as an egg move.
So two butterflies for a hp ice mienfoo ? I have high plains pattern ( california) .

No, I do 1 for 1 trades especially since Icy Snow is a rare pattern and it's on my Y cart that hasn't gotten to Kiloude City (or even a bike) so I have to send each Scatterbug to my X to check IVs.

CMT for the Male HA Espurr :) Although I only have 2 things to offer... 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly Sand Veil Gible in Premier Ball and 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Speed Boost Torchic with Baton Pass as an egg move.

No thank you.
No, I do 1 for 1 trades especially since Icy Snow is a rare pattern and it's on my Y cart that hasn't gotten to Kiloude City (or even a bike) so I have to send each Scatterbug to my X to check IVs.

No thank you.
nvm that I don't want to breed an hp ice one for a normal ( well special patterns) pokemon . I rather do a normal 5 ivs
Updated with a couple of 4th gen mons, will continue to make huge updates as I upload my 4th gen Pokemon! I have temporarily removed Pokecheck screenshots as I determine that making my Pokemon public won't spur a downloading spree :P

nvm that I don't want to breed an hp ice one for a normal ( well special patterns) pokemon . I rather do a normal 5 ivs

Sorry but with Pokebank out I don't consider HP mons more valuable than standard mons.
I have a terrakion I rnged myself in bw2 jolly
31/31/31/×/31/31 hp eletric
OT Manuel id no. 65515
Doesn't have SR tho
Interested in virizion or shiny scizor
I have a terrakion I rnged myself in bw2 jolly
31/31/31/×/31/31 hp eletric
OT Manuel id no. 65515
Doesn't have SR tho
Interested in virizion or shiny scizor

Not interested, I have a flawless Terrakion of my own but I choose not to offer it due to market glut.
Sorry for the rather large necro-bump but I was searching for some competitive legends and found this store.

I'm interested in the two Victinis and the Entei. I can trade a pair of flawless Plasma Deoxys (Jolly and Calm, self-RNG'ed) and a 31-speed shiny Timid Manaphy (also self-RNG'ed but slightly touched, sorry). I ask for these to be cloned prior to trade (I can't clone it. They are uncloned prior to this.) and can offer something else to pay for the cloning service.
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